package gr.iti.mklab.visual.datastructures; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import com.aliasi.util.BoundedPriorityQueue; import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.IntegerBinding; import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleBinding; import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleInput; import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleOutput; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.list.array.TByteArrayList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TShortArrayList; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.aggregation.AbstractFeatureAggregator; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.datastructures.PQ.TransformationType; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.utilities.RandomPermutation; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.utilities.RandomRotation; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.utilities.Result; /** * This class implements indexing and non-exhaustive approximate nearest neighbor search using the combination * of Product Quantization with an inverted file structure (IVFADC) as described in:<br> * * <em>Jégou, H., Douze, M., & Schmid, C. (2011). Product quantization for nearest neighbor search. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.</em> * * @author Eleftherios Spyromitros-Xioufis * */ public class IVFPQ extends AbstractSearchStructure { /** * BDB store for persistent storage of the ADC index. */ private Database iidToIvfpqDB; /** * The number of sub-vectors. */ private int numSubVectors; /** * The length of each subvector (= vectorLength/numSubVectors). */ private int subVectorLength; /** * The number of centroids used to quantize each sub-vector. (Depending on this number we use a different * type for storing the quantization code of each sub-vector. For k<=256=2^8 centroids we use a byte (8 * bits per subvector), for k>256 we use a short (16 bits per subvector). * */ private int numProductCentroids; /** * The product-quantization codes for all vectors are stored in this list if the code can fit in the byte * range. */ private TByteArrayList[] pqByteCodes; /** * The product-quantization codes for all vector are stored in this list if the code cannot fit in the * byte range. */ private TShortArrayList[] pqShortCodes; /** * The inverted lists containing the internal ids of the vectors qunatized in each list. */ private TIntArrayList[] invertedLists; /** * Number of centroids in the coarse quantizer. */ private int numCoarseCentroids; /** * Number of lists to be visited during nn search. */ private int w; public void setW(int w) { this.w = w; } /** * The coarse quantizer.<br> * * A two dimensional array storing the coarse quantizer. The 1st dimension goes from * 1...numCoarseCentroids and indexes the centroids of the coarse quantizer. The 2nd dimension goes from * 1...vectorLength and indexes the dimensions of each centroid. */ private double[][] coarseQuantizer; /** * The sub-quantizers of the product quantizer. They are needed for indexing and search using PQ.<br> * * A three dimensional array storing the sub-quantizers of the product quantizer. The first dimension goes * from 1..numSubquantizers and indexes the sub-quantizers. The second dimension goes from * 1..numProductCentroids and indexes the centroids of each sub-quantizer of the product quantizer. The * third dimension goes from 1...subVectorLength and indexes the components of each centroid. */ private double[][][] productQuantizer; /** * The type of transformation to perform on the vectors prior to product quantization. */ private PQ.TransformationType transformation; /** * This object is used for applying random permutation prior to product quantization. */ private RandomPermutation rp; /** * This object is used for applying random rotation prior to product quantization. */ private RandomRotation rr; /** * The seed used in random transformations. Should be the same as the one used at learning time. */ public final int seed = 1; /** * Whether to use a disk ordered cursor or not. This setting changes how fast the index will be loaded in * main memory. */ public final boolean useDiskOrderedCursor = false; /** * Advanced constructor. * * @param vectorLength * The dimensionality of the VLAD vectors being indexed * @param maxNumVectors * The maximum allowable size (number of vectors) of the index * @param readOnly * If true the persistent store will opened only for read access (allows multiple opens) * @param BDBEnvHome * The BDB environment home directory * @param numSubVectors * The number of subvectors * @param numProductCentroids * The number of centroids used to quantize each sub-vector * @param transformation * The type of transformation to perform on each vector * @param numCoarseCentroids * The number of centroids of the coarse quantizer * @param countSizeOnLoad * Whether the load counter will be initialized by the size of the persistent store * @param loadCounter * The initial value of the load counter * @param loadIndexInMemory * Whether to load the index in memory, we can avoid loading the index in memory when we only * want to perform indexing * @param cacheSize * the size of the cache in Megabytes * @throws Exception */ public IVFPQ(int vectorLength, int maxNumVectors, boolean readOnly, String BDBEnvHome, int numSubVectors, int numProductCentroids, TransformationType transformation, int numCoarseCentroids, boolean countSizeOnLoad, int loadCounter, boolean loadIndexInMemory, long cacheSize) throws Exception { super(vectorLength, maxNumVectors, readOnly, countSizeOnLoad, loadCounter, loadIndexInMemory, cacheSize); this.numSubVectors = numSubVectors; if (vectorLength % numSubVectors > 0) { throw new Exception("The given number of subvectors is not valid!"); } this.subVectorLength = vectorLength / numSubVectors; this.numProductCentroids = numProductCentroids; this.transformation = transformation; this.numCoarseCentroids = numCoarseCentroids; w = (int) (numCoarseCentroids * 0.1); // by default set w to 10% of the lists if (transformation == TransformationType.RandomRotation) { this.rr = new RandomRotation(seed, vectorLength); } else if (transformation == TransformationType.RandomPermutation) { this.rp = new RandomPermutation(seed, vectorLength); } createOrOpenBDBEnvAndDbs(BDBEnvHome); // configuration of the persistent index DatabaseConfig dbConf = new DatabaseConfig(); dbConf.setReadOnly(readOnly); dbConf.setTransactional(transactional); dbConf.setAllowCreate(true); // db will be created if it does not exist iidToIvfpqDB = dbEnv.openDatabase(null, "ivfadc", dbConf); // create/open the db using config if (loadIndexInMemory) {// load the existing persistent index in memory // create the memory objects with the appropriate initial size invertedLists = new TIntArrayList[numCoarseCentroids]; if (numProductCentroids <= 256) { pqByteCodes = new TByteArrayList[numCoarseCentroids]; } else { pqShortCodes = new TShortArrayList[numCoarseCentroids]; } int initialListCapacity = (int) ((double) maxNumVectors / numCoarseCentroids); System.out.println("Calculated list size " + initialListCapacity); for (int i = 0; i < numCoarseCentroids; i++) { if (numProductCentroids <= 256) { // fixed initial size allows space efficiency measurements // pqByteCodes[i] = new TByteArrayList(initialListCapacity * numSubVectors); pqByteCodes[i] = new TByteArrayList(); } else { // fixed initial size allows space efficiency measurements // pqShortCodes[i] = new TShortArrayList(initialListCapacity * numSubVectors); pqShortCodes[i] = new TShortArrayList(); } // fixed initial size for each list, allows space efficiency measurements // invertedLists[i] = new TIntArrayList(initialListCapacity); invertedLists[i] = new TIntArrayList(); } // load any existing persistent index in memory loadIndexInMemory(); } } /** * * @param vectorLength * The dimensionality of the VLAD vectors being indexed * @param maxNumVectors * The maximum allowable size (number of vectors) of the index * @param readOnly * If true the persistent store will opened only for read access (allows multiple opens) * @param BDBEnvHome * The BDB environment home directory * @param numSubVectors * The number of subvectors * @param numProductCentroids * The number of centroids used to quantize each sub-vector * @param transformation * The type of transformation to perform on each vector * @param numCoarseCentroids * The number of centroids of the coarse quantizer * @param cacheSize * the size of the cache in Megabytes * @throws Exception */ public IVFPQ(int vectorLength, int maxNumVectors, boolean readOnly, String BDBEnvHome, int numSubVectors, int numProductCentroids, TransformationType transformation, int numCoarseCentroids, long cacheSize) throws Exception { this(vectorLength, maxNumVectors, readOnly, BDBEnvHome, numSubVectors, numProductCentroids, transformation, numCoarseCentroids, true, 0, true, cacheSize); } /** * Load the product quantizer from the given file. * * @param filename * Full path to the file containing the product quantizer * @throws Exception */ public void loadProductQuantizer(String filename) throws Exception { productQuantizer = new double[numSubVectors][numProductCentroids][subVectorLength]; BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(filename))); for (int i = 0; i < numSubVectors; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numProductCentroids; j++) { String line = in.readLine(); String[] centroidString = line.split(","); for (int k = 0; k < subVectorLength; k++) { productQuantizer[i][j][k] = Double.parseDouble(centroidString[k]); } } } in.close(); } /** * Load the coarse quantizer from the given file. * * @param filname * Full path to the file containing the coarse quantizer * @throws Exception */ public void loadCoarseQuantizer(String filename) throws IOException { coarseQuantizer = new double[numCoarseCentroids][vectorLength]; coarseQuantizer = AbstractFeatureAggregator.readQuantizer(filename, numCoarseCentroids, vectorLength); } /** * Append the IVFPQ index with the given vector. * * @param vector * The vector to be indexed * @throws Exception */ public void indexVectorInternal(double[] vector) throws Exception { if (vector.length != vectorLength) { throw new Exception("The dimensionality of the vector is wrong!"); } // quantize to the closest centroid of the coarse quantizer and compute residual vector int nearestCoarseCentroidIndex = computeNearestCoarseIndex(vector); double[] residualVector = computeResidualVector(vector, nearestCoarseCentroidIndex); // apply a random transformation if needed if (transformation == TransformationType.RandomRotation) { residualVector = rr.rotate(residualVector); } else if (transformation == TransformationType.RandomPermutation) { residualVector = rp.permute(residualVector); } // transform the residual vector into a PQ code int[] pqCode = new int[numSubVectors]; for (int i = 0; i < numSubVectors; i++) { // take the appropriate sub-vector int fromIdex = i * subVectorLength; int toIndex = fromIdex + subVectorLength; double[] subvector = Arrays.copyOfRange(residualVector, fromIdex, toIndex); // assign the sub-vector to the nearest centroid of the respective sub-quantizer pqCode[i] = computeNearestProductIndex(subvector, i); } if (loadIndexInMemory) { // append the ram-based index // add a new entry to the corresponding inverted list invertedLists[nearestCoarseCentroidIndex].add(loadCounter); } if (numProductCentroids <= 256) { byte[] pqByteCode = PQ.transformToByte(pqCode); if (loadIndexInMemory) { // append the ram-based index pqByteCodes[nearestCoarseCentroidIndex].add(pqByteCode); } appendPersistentIndex(nearestCoarseCentroidIndex, pqByteCode); // append the disk-based index } else { short[] pqShortCode = PQ.transformToShort(pqCode); if (loadIndexInMemory) { // append the ram-based index pqShortCodes[nearestCoarseCentroidIndex].add(pqShortCode); // append the ram-based index } appendPersistentIndex(nearestCoarseCentroidIndex, pqShortCode); // append the disk-based index } } public synchronized boolean indexPQCode(String id, int listId, byte[] code) throws Exception { if (numProductCentroids > 256) { throw new Exception( "Byte is not sufficient to enumerate the centroids of the product quantizer!"); } // check if we can index more vectors if (loadCounter >= maxNumVectors) { System.out.println("Maximum index capacity reached, no more vectors can be indexed!"); return false; } // check if name is already indexed if (isIndexed(id)) { System.out.println("Vector '" + id + "' already indexed!"); return false; } // do the indexing // persist id to name and the reverse mapping createMapping(id); if (loadIndexInMemory) { // append the ram-based index invertedLists[listId].add(loadCounter); pqByteCodes[listId].add(code); } appendPersistentIndex(listId, code); // append the disk-based index loadCounter++; // increase the loadCounter if (loadCounter % 100 == 0) { // debug message System.out.println(new Date() + " # indexed vectors: " + loadCounter); } return true; } protected BoundedPriorityQueue<Result> computeNearestNeighborsInternal(int k, double[] query) throws Exception { return computeKnnIVFADC(k, query); } protected BoundedPriorityQueue<Result> computeNearestNeighborsInternal(int k, int internalId) throws Exception { return computeKnnIVFSDC(k, internalId); } /** * Computes and returns the k nearest neighbors of the query vector using the IVFADC approach. * * @param k * The number of nearest neighbors to be returned * @param qVector * The query vector * @return * @throws Exception */ private BoundedPriorityQueue<Result> computeKnnIVFADC(int k, double[] qVector) throws Exception { BoundedPriorityQueue<Result> nn = new BoundedPriorityQueue<Result>(new Result(), k); // find the w nearest coarse centroids int[] nearestCoarseCentroidIndices = computeNearestCoarseIndices(qVector, w); for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { // for each assignment // quantize to the i-th closest centroid of the coarse quantizer and compute residual vector int nearestCoarseIndex = nearestCoarseCentroidIndices[i]; double[] residualVectorQuery = computeResidualVector(qVector, nearestCoarseIndex); // apply a random transformation if needed if (transformation == TransformationType.RandomRotation) { residualVectorQuery = rr.rotate(residualVectorQuery); } else if (transformation == TransformationType.RandomPermutation) { residualVectorQuery = rp.permute(residualVectorQuery); } // compute lookup table double[][] lookUpTable = computeLookupADC(residualVectorQuery); for (int j = 0; j < invertedLists[nearestCoarseIndex].size(); j++) { int iid = invertedLists[nearestCoarseIndex].getQuick(j); double l2distance = 0; int codeStart = j * numSubVectors; if (numProductCentroids <= 256) { byte[] pqCode = pqByteCodes[nearestCoarseIndex].toArray(codeStart, numSubVectors); for (int m = 0; m < pqCode.length; m++) { // plus 128 because byte range is -128..127 l2distance += lookUpTable[m][pqCode[m] + 128]; } } else { short[] pqCode = pqShortCodes[nearestCoarseIndex].toArray(codeStart, numSubVectors); for (int m = 0; m < pqCode.length; m++) { l2distance += lookUpTable[m][pqCode[m]]; } } nn.offer(new Result(iid, l2distance)); } } return nn; } /** * Utility methods that computes the distance between a query vector and the pq code associated with the * given id using the IVFADC approach. <br> * TODO: The computation of the lookUpTable is not needed in this case. * * @param qVector * The query vector * @param existingVecId * The id of an already indexed vector * @return * @throws Exception */ public double computeDistanceIVFADC(double[] qVector, String existingVecId) throws Exception { double distance = 0; // find the coarse centroid where the specified id is quantized as well as its pq code int existingCoarseCentroidIndex = getInvertedListId(existingVecId); // quantize the given vector to the centroid of the coarse quantizer where the existing vector is // quantized and compute the residual vector double[] residualVectorQuery = computeResidualVector(qVector, existingCoarseCentroidIndex); // apply a random transformation if needed if (transformation == TransformationType.RandomRotation) { residualVectorQuery = rr.rotate(residualVectorQuery); } else if (transformation == TransformationType.RandomPermutation) { residualVectorQuery = rp.permute(residualVectorQuery); } // compute lookup table double[][] lookUpTable = computeLookupADC(residualVectorQuery); if (numProductCentroids <= 256) { byte[] pqCode = getPQCodeByte(existingVecId); for (int m = 0; m < pqCode.length; m++) { // plus 128 because byte range is -128..127 distance += lookUpTable[m][pqCode[m] + 128]; } } else { short[] pqCode = getPQCodeShort(existingVecId); for (int m = 0; m < pqCode.length; m++) { distance += lookUpTable[m][pqCode[m]]; } } return distance; } /** * TODO: implement this method * * @param k * The number of nearest neighbors to be returned * @param iid * The internal id of the query vector (code actually) * @return A bounded priority queue of Result objects, which contains the k nearest neighbors along with * their iids and distances from the query vector, ordered by lowest distance. */ private BoundedPriorityQueue<Result> computeKnnIVFSDC(int k, int iid) { return null; } /** * Takes a (residual) query vector as input and returns a lookup table containing the distance between * each sub-vector from each centroid of the corresponding sub-quantizer. The calculation of this look-up * table requires numSubVectors*numProductCentroids*subVectorLength multiplications. After this * calculation, the distance between the query and any vector in the database can be computed in constant * time. * * @param qVector * The (residual) query vector * @return A lookup table of size numSubVectors * numProductCentroids with the distance of each sub-vector * from the centroids of each sub-quantizer */ private double[][] computeLookupADC(double[] queryVector) { double[][] distances = new double[numSubVectors][numProductCentroids]; for (int i = 0; i < numSubVectors; i++) { int subvectorStart = i * subVectorLength; for (int j = 0; j < numProductCentroids; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < subVectorLength; k++) { distances[i][j] += (queryVector[subvectorStart + k] - productQuantizer[i][j][k]) * (queryVector[subvectorStart + k] - productQuantizer[i][j][k]); } } } return distances; } /** * Returns the index of the coarse centroid which is closer to the given vector. * * @param vector * The vector * @return The index of the nearest coarse centroid */ private int computeNearestCoarseIndex(double[] vector) { int centroidIndex = -1; double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < numCoarseCentroids; i++) { double distance = 0; for (int j = 0; j < vectorLength; j++) { distance += (coarseQuantizer[i][j] - vector[j]) * (coarseQuantizer[i][j] - vector[j]); if (distance >= minDistance) { break; } } if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; centroidIndex = i; } } return centroidIndex; } /** * Returns the indices of the k coarse centroids which are closer to the given vector. * * @param vector * The vector * @param k * The number of nearest centroids to return * @return The indices of the k nearest coarse centroids */ protected int[] computeNearestCoarseIndices(double[] vector, int k) { BoundedPriorityQueue<Result> bpq = new BoundedPriorityQueue<Result>(new Result(), k); double lowest = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < numCoarseCentroids; i++) { boolean skip = false; double l2distance = 0; for (int j = 0; j < vectorLength; j++) { l2distance += (coarseQuantizer[i][j] - vector[j]) * (coarseQuantizer[i][j] - vector[j]); if (l2distance > lowest) { skip = true; break; } } if (!skip) { bpq.offer(new Result(i, l2distance)); if (i >= k) { lowest = bpq.last().getDistance(); } } } int[] nn = new int[k]; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { nn[i] = bpq.poll().getId(); } return nn; } /** * Finds and returns the index of the centroid of the subquantizer with the given index which is closer to * the given subvector. * * @param subvector * The subvector * @param subQuantizerIndex * The index of the the subquantizer * @return The index of the nearest centroid */ private int computeNearestProductIndex(double[] subvector, int subQuantizerIndex) { int centroidIndex = -1; double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < numProductCentroids; i++) { double distance = 0; for (int j = 0; j < subVectorLength; j++) { distance += (productQuantizer[subQuantizerIndex][i][j] - subvector[j]) * (productQuantizer[subQuantizerIndex][i][j] - subvector[j]); if (distance >= minDistance) { break; } } if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; centroidIndex = i; } } return centroidIndex; } /** * Computes the residual vector. * * @param vector * The original vector * @param centroidIndex * The centroid of the coarse quantizer from which the original vector is subtracted * @return The residual vector */ private double[] computeResidualVector(double[] vector, int centroidIndex) { double[] residualVector = new double[vectorLength]; for (int i = 0; i < vectorLength; i++) { residualVector[i] = coarseQuantizer[centroidIndex][i] - vector[i]; } return residualVector; } /** * Utility method that calculates and prints the min, max and avg number of items per inverted list of the * index. */ public void outputItemsPerList() { int max = 0; int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numCoarseCentroids; i++) { // System.out.println("List " + (i + 1) + ": " + perListLoadCounter[i]); if (invertedLists[i].size() > max) { max = invertedLists[i].size(); } if (invertedLists[i].size() < min) { min = invertedLists[i].size(); } sum += invertedLists[i].size(); } System.out.println("Maximum number of vectors: " + max); System.out.println("Minimum number of vectors: " + min); System.out.println("Average number of vectors: " + (sum / numCoarseCentroids)); } /** * Loads the persistent index in memory. * * @throws Exception */ private void loadIndexInMemory() throws Exception { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Loading persistent index in memory."); DatabaseEntry foundKey = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry foundData = new DatabaseEntry(); ForwardCursor cursor = null; if (useDiskOrderedCursor) { // disk ordered cursor DiskOrderedCursorConfig docc = new DiskOrderedCursorConfig(); cursor = iidToIvfpqDB.openCursor(docc); } else { cursor = iidToIvfpqDB.openCursor(null, null); } int counter = 0; while (cursor.getNext(foundKey, foundData, LockMode.DEFAULT) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS && counter < maxNumVectors) { TupleInput input = TupleBinding.entryToInput(foundData); int listId = input.readInt(); // The following code assumes that internal ids are consequtive (as they should be). // It is possible, however, tha an indexed with non-consequtive ids was constructed. // invertedLists[listId].add(counter); // update ram based index // The following code works for non-consequitve internal ids as well. int iid = IntegerBinding.entryToInt(foundKey); invertedLists[listId].add(iid); // update ram based index if (numProductCentroids <= 256) { byte[] code = new byte[numSubVectors]; for (int i = 0; i < numSubVectors; i++) { code[i] = input.readByte(); } pqByteCodes[listId].add(code); // update ram based index } else { short[] code = new short[numSubVectors]; for (int i = 0; i < numSubVectors; i++) { code[i] = input.readShort(); } pqShortCodes[listId].add(code); // update ram based index } counter++; if (counter % 1000 == 0) { System.out.println(counter + " vectors loaded in memory!"); } } cursor.close(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(counter + " images loaded in " + (end - start) + " ms!"); } /** * This is a utility method that can be used to dump the contents of the iidToIvfpqDB to a txt file.<br> * Currently, only the list id of each item is dumped. * * @param dumpFilename * Full path to the file where the dump will be written. * @throws Exception */ public void dumpIidToIvfpqDB(String dumpFilename) throws Exception { DatabaseEntry foundKey = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry foundData = new DatabaseEntry(); ForwardCursor cursor = iidToIvfpqDB.openCursor(null, null); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(dumpFilename))); while (cursor.getNext(foundKey, foundData, LockMode.DEFAULT) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { int iid = IntegerBinding.entryToInt(foundKey); TupleInput input = TupleBinding.entryToInput(foundData); int listId = input.readInt(); out.write(iid + " " + listId + "\n"); } cursor.close(); out.close(); } /** * Appends the persistent index with the given (byte) code. * * @param code * The code */ private void appendPersistentIndex(int listId, byte[] code) { // write id, listId and code TupleOutput output = new TupleOutput(); output.writeInt(listId); for (int i = 0; i < numSubVectors; i++) { output.writeByte(code[i]); } DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); TupleBinding.outputToEntry(output, data); DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); IntegerBinding.intToEntry(loadCounter, key); iidToIvfpqDB.put(null, key, data); } /** * Appends the persistent index with the given (short) code. * * @param code * The code */ private void appendPersistentIndex(int listId, short[] code) { // write id, listId and code TupleOutput output = new TupleOutput(); output.writeInt(listId); for (int i = 0; i < numSubVectors; i++) { output.writeShort(code[i]); } DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); TupleBinding.outputToEntry(output, data); DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); IntegerBinding.intToEntry(loadCounter, key); iidToIvfpqDB.put(null, key, data); } /** * Returns the pq code of the image with the given id. * * @param id * @return * @throws Exception */ public byte[] getPQCodeByte(String id) throws Exception { int iid = getInternalId(id); if (iid == -1) { throw new Exception("Id does not exist!"); } if (numProductCentroids > 256) { throw new Exception("Call the short variant of the method!"); } DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); IntegerBinding.intToEntry(iid, key); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); if ((iidToIvfpqDB.get(null, key, data, null) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)) { TupleInput input = TupleBinding.entryToInput(data); input.readInt(); // skip the list id byte[] code = new byte[numSubVectors]; for (int i = 0; i < numSubVectors; i++) { code[i] = input.readByte(); } return code; } else { throw new Exception("Id does not exist!"); } } /** * Returns the pq code of the image with the given id. * * @param id * @return * @throws Exception */ public short[] getPQCodeShort(String id) throws Exception { int iid = getInternalId(id); if (iid == -1) { throw new Exception("Id does not exist!"); } if (numProductCentroids <= 256) { throw new Exception("Call the short variant of the method!"); } DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); IntegerBinding.intToEntry(iid, key); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); if ((iidToIvfpqDB.get(null, key, data, null) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)) { TupleInput input = TupleBinding.entryToInput(data); input.readInt(); // skip the list id short[] code = new short[numSubVectors]; for (int i = 0; i < numSubVectors; i++) { code[i] = input.readShort(); } return code; } else { throw new Exception("Id does not exist!"); } } /** * Returns the inverted list of the image with the given id. * * @param id * @return * @throws Exception */ public int getInvertedListId(String id) throws Exception { int iid = getInternalId(id); if (iid == -1) { throw new Exception("Id does not exist!"); } DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); IntegerBinding.intToEntry(iid, key); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); if ((iidToIvfpqDB.get(null, key, data, null) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)) { TupleInput input = TupleBinding.entryToInput(data); int listId = input.readInt(); return listId; } else { throw new Exception("Id does not exist!"); } } @Override public void outputIndexingTimesInternal() { } @Override public void closeInternal() { iidToIvfpqDB.close(); } }