package; import android.content.Context; import; import org.androidannotations.annotations.AfterInject; import org.androidannotations.annotations.App; import org.androidannotations.annotations.Bean; import org.androidannotations.annotations.EBean; import org.androidannotations.annotations.RootContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import static; import static; import static; import static; @EBean(scope = EBean.Scope.Singleton) public class OVirtClient { private static final String TAG = OVirtClient.class.getSimpleName(); @RestService OVirtRestClient restClient; @Bean RequestHandler requestHandler; @Bean OvirtSimpleClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory; @RootContext Context context; @Bean AccountPropertiesManager propertiesManager; @App MoVirtApp app; @Bean SharedPreferencesHelper sharedPreferencesHelper; @Bean MessageHelper messageHelper; private Version version; @AfterInject public void init() { setAcceptEncodingHeaderAndFactory(restClient, requestFactory); propertiesManager.notifyAndRegisterListener(new AccountProperty.VersionListener() { @Override public void onPropertyChange(Version newVersion) { setVersionHeader(restClient, newVersion); setupAuth(restClient, newVersion); version = newVersion; } }); propertiesManager.notifyAndRegisterListener(new AccountProperty.ApiUrlListener() { @Override public void onPropertyChange(String apiUrl) { restClient.setRootUrl(apiUrl); } }); propertiesManager.notifyAndRegisterListener(new AccountProperty.HasAdminPermissionsListener() { @Override public void onPropertyChange(Boolean hasAdminPermissions) { setFilterHeader(restClient, hasAdminPermissions); } }); } public void startVm(final String vmId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { restClient.startVm(new Action(), vmId); return null; } }, response); } public void stopVm(final String vmId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { restClient.stopVm(new Action(), vmId); return null; } }, response); } public void rebootVm(final String vmId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { restClient.rebootVm(new Action(), vmId); return null; } }, response); } public void migrateVmToHost(final String vmId, final String hostId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { Action action = version.isV3Api() ? new : new; restClient.migrateVmToHost(action, vmId); return null; } }, response); } public void migrateVmToDefaultHost(final String vmId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { restClient.migrateVmToHost(new Action(), vmId); return null; } }, response); } public void cancelMigration(final String vmId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { restClient.cancelMigration(new Action(), vmId); return null; } }, response); } @NonNull public Request<Vm> getVmRequest(final String vmId) { return new RestClientRequest<Vm>() { @Override public Vm fire() { vm = version.isV3Api() ? restClient.getVmV3(vmId) : restClient.getVmV4(vmId); return vm.toEntity(); } }; } public void getVm(final String vmId, Response<Vm> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(getVmRequest(vmId), response); } public void activateHost(final String hostId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { restClient.activateHost(new Action(), hostId); return null; } }, response); } public void dectivateHost(final String hostId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { restClient.deactivateHost(new Action(), hostId); return null; } }, response); } public void deleteSnapshot(final String vmId, final String snapshotId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { restClient.deleteSnapshot(vmId, snapshotId); return null; } }, response); } public void restoreSnapshot(final SnapshotAction snapshotAction, final String vmId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { String snapshotId =; SnapshotAction restAction = new SnapshotAction(snapshotAction.restore_memory); restClient.restoreSnapshot(restAction, vmId, snapshotId); return null; } }, response); } public void previewSnapshot(final SnapshotAction snapshotAction, final String vmId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { if (version.isV3Api()) { restClient.previewSnapshotV3(snapshotAction, vmId); } else { restClient.previewSnapshotV4(snapshotAction, vmId); } return null; } }, response); } public void createSnapshot(final snapshot, final String vmId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { restClient.createSnapshot(snapshot, vmId); return null; } }, response); } public void commitSnapshot(final String vmId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { if (version.isV3Api()) { restClient.commitSnapshotV3(new Action(), vmId); } else { restClient.commitSnapshotV4(new Action(), vmId); } return null; } }, response); } public void undoSnapshot(final String vmId, Response<Void> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<Void>() { @Override public Void fire() { if (version.isV3Api()) { restClient.undoSnapshotV3(new Action(), vmId); } else { restClient.undoSnapshotV4(new Action(), vmId); } return null; } }, response); } @NonNull public Request<Host> getHostRequest(final String hostId) { return new RestClientRequest<Host>() { @Override public Host fire() { wrapper = version.isV3Api() ? restClient.getHostV3(hostId) : restClient.getHostV4(hostId); return wrapper.toEntity(); } }; } public void getHost(final String hostId, Response<Host> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(getHostRequest(hostId), response); } @NonNull public Request<StorageDomain> getStorageDomainRequest(final String storageDomainId) { return new RestClientRequest<StorageDomain>() { @Override public StorageDomain fire() { wrapper = version.isV3Api() ? restClient.getStorageDomainV3(storageDomainId) : restClient.getStorageDomainV4(storageDomainId); return wrapper.toEntity(); } }; } public void getStorageDomain(final String storageDomainId, Response<StorageDomain> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(getStorageDomainRequest(storageDomainId), response); } // currently not used public Request<Disk> getDiskRequest(final String vmId, final String id) { return getDiskRequest(vmId, null, id); } @NonNull public Request<Disk> getDiskRequest(final String vmId, final String snapshotId, final String id) { final boolean isSnapshotEmbedded = snapshotId != null; return new RestClientRequest<Disk>() { @Override public Disk fire() { wrapper; Disk entity; if (isSnapshotEmbedded) { if (version.isV3Api()) { wrapper = restClient.getDiskV3(vmId, snapshotId, id); } else { wrapper = restClient.getDiskV4(vmId, snapshotId, id); } entity = wrapper.toEntity(); setVmId(entity, vmId); } else { if (version.isV3Api()) { wrapper = restClient.getDiskV3(vmId, id); } else { wrapper = restClient.getDiskV4(id); } entity = wrapper.toEntity(); } return entity; } }; } public Request<List<DiskAttachment>> getDisksAttachmentsRequest(final String vmId) { return new RestClientRequest<List<DiskAttachment>>() { @Override public List<DiskAttachment> fire() { VersionSupport.DISK_ATTACHMENTS.throwIfNotSupported(version); return mapToEntities(restClient.getDisksAttachmentsV4(vmId)); } }; } public Request<List<Disk>> getDisksRequest(final String vmId, final String snapshotId) { final boolean downloadAll = vmId == null; final boolean isSnapshotEmbedded = snapshotId != null; return new RestClientRequest<List<Disk>>() { @Override public List<Disk> fire() { RestEntityWrapperList<? extends> wrappers; List<Disk> entities; if (downloadAll) { if (version.isV3Api()) { wrappers = restClient.getDisksV3(); } else { wrappers = restClient.getDisksV4(); } entities = mapToEntities(wrappers); } else if (isSnapshotEmbedded) { if (version.isV3Api()) { wrappers = restClient.getDisksV3(vmId, snapshotId); } else { wrappers = restClient.getDisksV4(vmId, snapshotId); } entities = mapToEntities(wrappers); setVmId(entities, vmId); } else { VersionSupport.VM_DISKS.throwIfNotSupported(version); if (version.isV3Api()) { wrappers = restClient.getDisksV3(vmId); } else { wrappers = restClient.getDisksV4(vmId); } entities = mapToEntities(wrappers); } return entities; } }; } public void getClusters(Response<List<Cluster>> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<List<Cluster>>() { @Override public List<Cluster> fire() { if (version.isV3Api()) { return mapToEntities(restClient.getClustersV3()); } return mapToEntities(restClient.getClustersV4()); } }, response); } public void getDataCenters(Response<List<DataCenter>> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<List<DataCenter>>() { @Override public List<DataCenter> fire() { if (version.isV3Api()) { return mapToEntities(restClient.getDataCentersV3()); } return mapToEntities(restClient.getDataCentersV4()); } }, response); } public Request<Nic> getNicRequest(final String vmId, final String id) { return getNicRequest(vmId, null, id); } @NonNull public Request<Nic> getNicRequest(final String vmId, final String snapshotId, final String id) { return new RestClientRequest<Nic>() { @Override public Nic fire() { wrapper; Nic entity; if (snapshotId == null) { if (version.isV3Api()) { wrapper = restClient.getNicV3(vmId, id); } else { wrapper = restClient.getNicV4(vmId, id); } entity = wrapper.toEntity(); setVmId(entity, vmId); } else { if (version.isV3Api()) { wrapper = restClient.getNicV3(vmId, snapshotId, id); } else { wrapper = restClient.getNicV4(vmId, snapshotId, id); } entity = wrapper.toEntity(); } return entity; } }; } public Request<List<Nic>> getNicsRequest(final String vmId) { return getNicsRequest(vmId, null); } public Request<List<Nic>> getNicsRequest(final String vmId, final String snapshotId) { return new RestClientRequest<List<Nic>>() { @Override public List<Nic> fire() { RestEntityWrapperList<? extends> wrappers; List<Nic> entities; if (snapshotId == null) { if (version.isV3Api()) { wrappers = restClient.getNicsV3(vmId); } else { wrappers = restClient.getNicsV4(vmId); } entities = mapToEntities(wrappers); setVmId(entities, vmId); } else { if (version.isV3Api()) { wrappers = restClient.getNicsV3(vmId, snapshotId); } else { wrappers = restClient.getNicsV4(vmId, snapshotId); } entities = mapToEntities(wrappers); } return entities; } }; } public Request<List<Host>> getHostsRequest() { return new RestClientRequest<List<Host>>() { @Override public List<Host> fire() { if (version.isV3Api()) { return mapToEntities(restClient.getHostsV3()); } return mapToEntities(restClient.getHostsV4()); } }; } public Request<List<Vm>> getVmsRequest() { return new RestClientRequest<List<Vm>>() { @Override public List<Vm> fire() { RestEntityWrapperList<? extends> wrappers; if (propertiesManager.hasAdminPermissions()) { int maxVms = sharedPreferencesHelper.getMaxVms(); String query = sharedPreferencesHelper.getStringPref(SettingsKey.VMS_SEARCH_QUERY); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(query)) { wrappers = version.isV3Api() ? restClient.getVmsV3(maxVms) : restClient.getVmsV4(maxVms); } else { wrappers = version.isV3Api() ? restClient.getVmsV3(query, maxVms) : restClient.getVmsV4(query, maxVms); } } else { wrappers = version.isV3Api() ? restClient.getVmsV3(-1) : restClient.getVmsV4(-1); } return mapToEntities(wrappers); } }; } public Request<List<StorageDomain>> getStorageDomainsRequest() { return new RestClientRequest<List<StorageDomain>>() { @Override public List<StorageDomain> fire() { if (version.isV3Api()) { return mapToEntities(restClient.getStorageDomainsV3()); } return mapToEntities(restClient.getStorageDomainsV4()); } }; } public Request<List<Snapshot>> getSnapshotsRequest(final String vmId) { return new RestClientRequest<List<Snapshot>>() { @Override public List<Snapshot> fire() { RestEntityWrapperList<? extends> wrappers; List<Snapshot> entities; if (version.isV3Api()) { wrappers = restClient.getSnapshotsV3(vmId); } else { wrappers = restClient.getSnapshotsV4(vmId); } entities = mapToEntities(wrappers); setVmId(entities, vmId); // Active VM Snapshot doesn't include this return entities; } }; } public Request<Snapshot> getSnapshotRequest(final String vmId, final String snapshotId) { return new RestClientRequest<Snapshot>() { @Override public Snapshot fire() { wrapper; Snapshot entity; if (version.isV3Api()) { wrapper = restClient.getSnapshotV3(vmId, snapshotId); } else { wrapper = restClient.getSnapshotV4(vmId, snapshotId); } entity = wrapper.toEntity(); setVmId(entity, vmId); return entity; } }; } public Request<List<Console>> getConsolesRequest(final String vmId) { return new RestClientRequest<List<Console>>() { @Override public List<Console> fire() { return mapToEntities(restClient.getConsoles(vmId)); } }; } public void getEventsSince(final int lastEventId, Response<List<Event>> response) { requestHandler.fireRestRequest(new RestClientRequest<List<Event>>() { @Override public List<Event> fire() { Events loadedEvents = null; if (propertiesManager.hasAdminPermissions()) { int maxEventsStored = sharedPreferencesHelper.getMaxEvents(); String query = sharedPreferencesHelper.getStringPref(SettingsKey.EVENTS_SEARCH_QUERY); if (!"".equals(query)) { loadedEvents = restClient.getEventsSince(Integer.toString(lastEventId), query, maxEventsStored); } else { loadedEvents = restClient.getEventsSince(Integer.toString(lastEventId), maxEventsStored); } } else { loadedEvents = restClient.getEventsSince(Integer.toString(lastEventId), -1); } if (loadedEvents == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return mapToEntities(loadedEvents, new WrapPredicate<>() { @Override public boolean toWrap( entity) { return > lastEventId; } }); } }, response); } private <E, U extends RestEntityWrapper<E>> List<E> mapToEntities(RestEntityWrapperList<U> wrappersList) { return mapToEntities(wrappersList, null); } private <E, U extends RestEntityWrapper<E>> List<E> mapToEntities(RestEntityWrapperList<U> wrappersList, WrapPredicate<U> predicate) { if (wrappersList == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<U> wrappers = wrappersList.getList(); if (wrappers == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<E> entities = new ArrayList<>(); for (U rest : wrappers) { try { if (predicate == null || predicate.toWrap(rest)) { entities.add(rest.toEntity()); } } catch (Exception e) { // showing only as a toast since this problem may persist and we don't want to flood the user with messages like this as dialogs... messageHelper.showToast("Error parsing rest response, ignoring: " + rest.toString() + " error: " + e.getMessage()); } } return entities; } private <E extends OVirtContract.HasVm> void setVmId(E entity, String vmId) { if (entity != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(vmId)) { entity.setVmId(vmId); } } private <E extends OVirtContract.HasVm> void setVmId(List<E> entities, String vmId) { if (entities != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(vmId)) { for (E entity : entities) { entity.setVmId(vmId); } } } private interface WrapPredicate<E> { boolean toWrap(E entity); } private abstract class RestClientRequest<T> implements Request<T> { @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <U extends RestClientRootUrl & RestClientHeaders & RestClientSupport> U getRestClient() { return (U) restClient; } } }