package; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.util.Log; public class ViewHelper { private static final String TAG = ViewHelper.class.getSimpleName(); static void replaceTablesWithViews(SQLiteDatabase database) { database.beginTransaction(); try { dropMappedTables(database); createAll(database); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } } static void dropViews(SQLiteDatabase database) { database.beginTransaction(); try { dropAll(database); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } } /** * drop tables to be substituted by views */ private static void dropMappedTables(SQLiteDatabase database) { for (View view : Views.getViews()) { Log.i(TAG, "dropping table " + view.table); database.execSQL(String.format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s", view.table)); } } private static void dropAll(SQLiteDatabase database) { for (View view : Views.getViews()) { Log.i(TAG, "dropping view " + view.table); database.execSQL(String.format("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS %s", view.table)); } } private static void createAll(SQLiteDatabase database) { for (View view : Views.getViews()) { Log.i(TAG, "creating view " + view.table); database.execSQL(view.sql); } } public static class View { private String table; private String sql; public View(String table, String sql) { this.table = table; this.sql = sql; } } }