package; import android.content.ContentValues; import com.j256.ormlite.field.DatabaseField; import; import; import; import static org.springframework.util.StringUtils.isEmpty; public abstract class SnapshotEmbeddableEntity extends OVirtNamedEntity implements OVirtContract.SnapshotEmbeddableEntity { protected SnapshotEmbeddableEntity() { snapshotId = ""; } @DatabaseField(columnName = SNAPSHOT_ID, uniqueCombo = true) private String snapshotId; /** * @return not empty snapshotId * @throws IllegalStateException if ids of this object aren't initialized */ public String getSnapshotId() { if (isEmpty(snapshotId) || isEmpty(super.getId())) { throw new IllegalStateException("snapshotId or id isn't set!"); } return snapshotId; } /** * @return true if this objects belongs to some snapshot */ public boolean isSnapshotEmbedded() { return !isEmpty(snapshotId); } /** * Sets snapshotId if it isn't initialized yet, id of this object is altered when all ids are initialized * * @throws IllegalStateException if snapshotId is already initialized */ public synchronized void setSnapshotId(String snapshotId) { if (!isEmpty(this.snapshotId)) { throw new IllegalStateException("snapshotId is already set!"); } String id = super.getId(); updateId(null, snapshotId, id, id); this.snapshotId = snapshotId; } /** * @return not empty id * @throws IllegalStateException if id of this object isn't initialized */ // we have to allow getting id if snapshotId isn't set because not all instances of // SnapshotEmbeddableEntity have snapshotId (i.e. they are not embedded in snapshot) @Override public String getId() { String id = super.getId(); if (isEmpty(id)) { throw new IllegalStateException("id isn't set!"); } return id; } /** * Sets id if it isn't initialized yet and is also altered when all ids are initialized * * @throws IllegalStateException if id is already initialized */ @Override public synchronized void setId(String id) { if (!isEmpty(super.getId())) { throw new IllegalStateException("id is already set!"); } updateId(snapshotId, snapshotId, null, id); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof SnapshotEmbeddableEntity)) return false; if (!super.equals(o)) return false; SnapshotEmbeddableEntity that = (SnapshotEmbeddableEntity) o; if (!ObjectUtils.equals(snapshotId, that.snapshotId)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode() * 31 + snapshotId.hashCode(); } @Override public ContentValues toValues() { ContentValues values = super.toValues(); values.put(SNAPSHOT_ID, snapshotId); return values; } @Override public void initFromCursorHelper(CursorHelper cursorHelper) { super.initFromCursorHelper(cursorHelper); snapshotId = cursorHelper.getString(SNAPSHOT_ID); } /** * Appends snapshotId to id if both are set * This method should be called only in init phase (i.e. oldSnapshotId or oldId are empty) * * @throws IllegalStateException if oldSnapshotId and oldId aren't empty */ private void updateId(String oldSnapshotId, String snapshotId, String oldId, String id) { if (isEmpty(oldSnapshotId) || isEmpty(oldId)) { String setValue = ""; if (!isEmpty(id)) { setValue = !isEmpty(snapshotId) ? id + snapshotId : id; } super.setId(setValue); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("oldSnapshotId and oldId aren't empty!"); } } }