package org.rakam.kume.service.ringmap; import org.rakam.kume.transport.OperationContext; import org.rakam.kume.util.ConsistentHashRing; import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor; import org.rakam.kume.Member; import org.rakam.kume.ServiceContext; import org.rakam.kume.transport.Request; import org.rakam.kume.util.FutureUtil; import org.rakam.kume.util.ThrowableNioEventLoopGroup; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Supplier; import static org.rakam.kume.util.ConsistentHashRing.hash; public class RingMap<K, V> extends AbstractRingMap<RingMap, Map, K, V> { private final static int DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT = 8; public RingMap(ServiceContext<RingMap> serviceContext, Supplier<Map> mapSupplier, MapMergePolicy<V> mergePolicy, int bucketCount, int replicationFactor) { super(serviceContext, mapSupplier, mergePolicy, bucketCount, replicationFactor); } public RingMap(ServiceContext<RingMap> serviceContext, MapMergePolicy<V> mergePolicy, int replicationFactor) { super(serviceContext, ConcurrentHashMap::new, mergePolicy, DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT, replicationFactor); } public CompletableFuture<V> merge(K key, V value, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction) { int bucketId = getRing().findBucketIdFromToken(ConsistentHashRing.hash(key)); ConsistentHashRing.Bucket bucket = getRing().getBucket(bucketId); FutureUtil.MultipleFutureListener listener = new FutureUtil.MultipleFutureListener((bucket.members.size() / 2) + 1); for (Member next : bucket.members) { listener.listen(getContext().ask(next, new MergeMapOperation(key, value, remappingFunction))); } return listener.get(); } protected V mergeLocal(K key, V value, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction) { Map<K, V> partition = getBucket(getRing().findBucketId(key)); V oldValue = partition.get(key); V newValue = (oldValue == null) ? value : remappingFunction.apply(oldValue, value); if (newValue == null) { partition.remove(key); return null; } else { partition.put(key, newValue); return newValue; } } /** * Since we use ConcurrentHashMap, most of the operation may run concurrently. * However * * @param executor * @param ctx * @param request */ @Override public void handle(ThrowableNioEventLoopGroup executor, OperationContext ctx, Request request) { if (request instanceof PartitionRestrictedMapRequest) { int id = ((PartitionRestrictedMapRequest) request).getPartition(this) % executor.executorCount(); EventExecutor child = executor.getChild(id); if (child.inEventLoop()) { try {, ctx); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error while running throwable code block", e); } } else { child.execute(() ->, ctx)); } } else { executor.execute(() ->, ctx)); } } public static class MergeMapOperation<V> implements PartitionRestrictedMapRequest<RingMap, V> { private final BiFunction remappingFunction; Object key; Object value; public MergeMapOperation(Object key, Object value, BiFunction remappingFunction) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.remappingFunction = remappingFunction; } @Override public void run(RingMap service, OperationContext ctx) { ctx.reply(service.mergeLocal(key, value, remappingFunction)); } @Override public int getPartition(AbstractRingMap service) { return service.getPartitionId(service.getRing().findBucketId(key)); } } }