package org.rakam.kume.service.crdt.counter; import org.rakam.kume.ServiceContext; import org.rakam.kume.service.DistributedObjectServiceAdapter; import static; public class GCounterService extends DistributedObjectServiceAdapter<GCounterService, Long> { // TODO: Add DistributedLongService for long primitive type? // TODO: Move call methods to separate classes and register them with Kryo. public GCounterService(ServiceContext clusterContext, Long l, int replicationFactor) { super(clusterContext, l, replicationFactor); } public GCounterService(ServiceContext clusterContext, int replicationFactor) { super(clusterContext, 0L, replicationFactor); } public void add(long l) { checkArgument(l > 0, "value (%s) must be a positive integer", l); sendToReplicas((service, ctx) -> service.value += l); } public void increment() { sendToReplicas((service, ctx) -> service.value++); } public void set(long l) { checkArgument(l > 0, "value (%s) must be a positive integer", l); sendToReplicas((service, ctx) -> service.value = l); } @Override protected boolean mergeIn(Long val) { if(val > value) { value = val; return true; } return false; } public static long merge(long val0, long val1) { return Long.max(val0, val1); } }