package org.rakam.kume.service; import org.rakam.kume.transport.OperationContext; import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor; import org.rakam.kume.transport.Request; import org.rakam.kume.util.ThrowableNioEventLoopGroup; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public abstract class Service { final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Service.class); public void handle(OperationContext ctx, Object object) { LOGGER.warn("Discarded message {} because the service doesn't implement handle(OperationContext, Object)", object); } public void handle(ThrowableNioEventLoopGroup executor, OperationContext ctx, Object object) { int id = ctx.serviceId() % executor.executorCount(); EventExecutor child = executor.getChild(id); if(child.inEventLoop()) { try { handle(ctx, object); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error while running throwable code block", e); // TODO: should we reply or wait for timeout? } } else { child.execute(() -> handle(ctx, object)); } } public void handle(ThrowableNioEventLoopGroup executor, OperationContext ctx, Request request) { int id = ctx.serviceId() % executor.executorCount(); EventExecutor child = executor.getChild(id); if(child.inEventLoop()) { // no need to create new runnable, just execute the request since we're already in event thread. try {, ctx); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error while running throwable code block", e); // TODO: should we reply or wait for timeout? } } else { child.execute(() ->, ctx)); } } public abstract void onClose(); }