/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2017 Mountainminds GmbH & Co. KG and Contributors * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Marc R. Hoffmann - initial API and implementation * *******************************************************************************/ package org.jacoco.report.internal.html.page; import static java.lang.String.format; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import org.jacoco.core.analysis.ISourceNode; import org.jacoco.report.internal.ReportOutputFolder; import org.jacoco.report.internal.html.HTMLElement; import org.jacoco.report.internal.html.IHTMLReportContext; import org.jacoco.report.internal.html.resources.Resources; /** * Page showing the content of a source file with numbered and highlighted * source lines. */ public class SourceFilePage extends NodePage<ISourceNode> { private final Reader sourceReader; private final int tabWidth; /** * Creates a new page with given information. * * @param sourceFileNode * coverage data for this source file * @param sourceReader * reader for the source code * @param tabWidth * number of character per tab * @param parent * optional hierarchical parent * @param folder * base folder for this page * @param context * settings context */ public SourceFilePage(final ISourceNode sourceFileNode, final Reader sourceReader, final int tabWidth, final ReportPage parent, final ReportOutputFolder folder, final IHTMLReportContext context) { super(sourceFileNode, parent, folder, context); this.sourceReader = sourceReader; this.tabWidth = tabWidth; } @Override protected void content(final HTMLElement body) throws IOException { final SourceHighlighter hl = new SourceHighlighter(context.getLocale()); hl.render(body, getNode(), sourceReader); sourceReader.close(); } @Override protected void head(final HTMLElement head) throws IOException { super.head(head); head.link( "stylesheet", context.getResources().getLink(folder, Resources.PRETTIFY_STYLESHEET), "text/css"); head.script( "text/javascript", context.getResources().getLink(folder, Resources.PRETTIFY_SCRIPT)); } @Override protected String getOnload() { return format("window['PR_TAB_WIDTH']=%d;prettyPrint()", Integer.valueOf(tabWidth)); } @Override protected String getFileName() { return getNode().getName() + ".html"; } }