/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2017 Mountainminds GmbH & Co. KG and Contributors * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Marc R. Hoffmann - initial API and implementation * *******************************************************************************/ package org.jacoco.core.analysis; /** * Interface for hierarchical coverage data nodes with different coverage * counters. */ public interface ICoverageNode { /** * Type of a Java element represented by a {@link ICoverageNode} instance. */ public enum ElementType { /** Method */ METHOD, /** Class */ CLASS, /** Source File */ SOURCEFILE, /** Java Package */ PACKAGE, /** Bundle of Packages */ BUNDLE, /** Logical Group of Bundles */ GROUP, } /** * Different counter types supported by JaCoCo. */ public enum CounterEntity { /** Counter for instructions */ INSTRUCTION, /** Counter for branches */ BRANCH, /** Counter for source lines */ LINE, /** Counter for cyclomatic complexity */ COMPLEXITY, /** Counter for methods */ METHOD, /** Counter for classes */ CLASS } /** * Returns the type of element represented by this node. * * @return type of this node */ public abstract ElementType getElementType(); /** * Returns the name of this node. * * @return name of this node */ public String getName(); /** * Returns the counter for byte code instructions. * * @return counter for instructions */ public abstract ICounter getInstructionCounter(); /** * Returns the counter for branches. * * @return counter for branches */ public ICounter getBranchCounter(); /** * Returns the counter for lines. * * @return counter for lines */ public ICounter getLineCounter(); /** * Returns the counter for cyclomatic complexity. * * @return counter for complexity */ public ICounter getComplexityCounter(); /** * Returns the counter for methods. * * @return counter for methods */ public ICounter getMethodCounter(); /** * Returns the counter for classes. * * @return counter for classes */ public ICounter getClassCounter(); /** * Generic access to the the counters. * * @param entity * entity we're we want to have the counter for * @return counter for the given entity */ public ICounter getCounter(CounterEntity entity); /** * Creates a plain copy of this node. While {@link ICoverageNode} * implementations may contain heavy data structures, the copy returned by * this method is reduced to the counters only. This helps to save memory * while processing huge structures. * * @return copy with counters only */ public ICoverageNode getPlainCopy(); }