/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2017 Mountainminds GmbH & Co. KG and Contributors * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Marc R. Hoffmann - initial API and implementation * *******************************************************************************/ package org.jacoco.report.internal.html.page; import java.io.IOException; import org.jacoco.core.JaCoCo; import org.jacoco.report.internal.ReportOutputFolder; import org.jacoco.report.internal.html.HTMLDocument; import org.jacoco.report.internal.html.HTMLElement; import org.jacoco.report.internal.html.IHTMLReportContext; import org.jacoco.report.internal.html.ILinkable; import org.jacoco.report.internal.html.resources.Resources; import org.jacoco.report.internal.html.resources.Styles; /** * Base class for HTML page generators. It renders the page skeleton with the * breadcrumb, the title and the footer. Every report page is part of a * hierarchy and has a parent page (except the root page). */ public abstract class ReportPage implements ILinkable { private final ReportPage parent; /** output folder for this node */ protected final ReportOutputFolder folder; /** context for this report */ protected final IHTMLReportContext context; /** * Creates a new report page. * * @param parent * optional hierarchical parent * @param folder * base folder to create this report in * @param context * settings context */ protected ReportPage(final ReportPage parent, final ReportOutputFolder folder, final IHTMLReportContext context) { this.parent = parent; this.context = context; this.folder = folder; } /** * Checks whether this is the root page of the report. * * @return <code>true</code> if this is the root page */ protected final boolean isRootPage() { return parent == null; } /** * Renders this page's content and optionally additional pages. This method * must be called at most once. * * @throws IOException * if the page can't be written */ public void render() throws IOException { final HTMLDocument doc = new HTMLDocument( folder.createFile(getFileName()), context.getOutputEncoding()); doc.attr("lang", context.getLocale().getLanguage()); head(doc.head()); body(doc.body()); doc.close(); } /** * Creates the elements within the head element. * * @param head * head tag of the page * @throws IOException * in case of IO problems with the report writer */ protected void head(final HTMLElement head) throws IOException { head.meta("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8"); head.link("stylesheet", context.getResources().getLink(folder, Resources.STYLESHEET), "text/css"); head.link("shortcut icon", context.getResources().getLink(folder, "report.gif"), "image/gif"); head.title().text(getLinkLabel()); } private void body(final HTMLElement body) throws IOException { body.attr("onload", getOnload()); final HTMLElement navigation = body.div(Styles.BREADCRUMB); navigation.attr("id", "breadcrumb"); infoLinks(navigation.span(Styles.INFO)); breadcrumb(navigation, folder); body.h1().text(getLinkLabel()); content(body); footer(body); } /** * Returns the onload handler for this page. * * @return handler or <code>null</code> */ protected String getOnload() { return null; } /** * Inserts additional links on the top right corner. * * @param span * parent element * @throws IOException * in case of IO problems with the report writer */ protected void infoLinks(final HTMLElement span) throws IOException { span.a(context.getSessionsPage(), folder); } private void breadcrumb(final HTMLElement div, final ReportOutputFolder base) throws IOException { breadcrumbParent(parent, div, base); div.span(getLinkStyle()).text(getLinkLabel()); } private static void breadcrumbParent(final ReportPage page, final HTMLElement div, final ReportOutputFolder base) throws IOException { if (page != null) { breadcrumbParent(page.parent, div, base); div.a(page, base); div.text(" > "); } } private void footer(final HTMLElement body) throws IOException { final HTMLElement footer = body.div(Styles.FOOTER); final HTMLElement versioninfo = footer.span(Styles.RIGHT); versioninfo.text("Created with "); versioninfo.a(JaCoCo.HOMEURL).text("JaCoCo"); versioninfo.text(" ").text(JaCoCo.VERSION); footer.text(context.getFooterText()); } /** * Specifies the local file name of this page. * * @return local file name */ protected abstract String getFileName(); /** * Creates the actual content of the page. * * @param body * body tag of the page * @throws IOException * in case of IO problems with the report writer */ protected abstract void content(final HTMLElement body) throws IOException; // === ILinkable === public final String getLink(final ReportOutputFolder base) { return folder.getLink(base, getFileName()); } }