package io.github.infolis.infolink.patternLearner; import; import; import io.github.infolis.algorithm.Bootstrapping; import io.github.infolis.model.entity.InfolisPattern; import io.github.infolis.model.TextualReference; import io.github.infolis.util.RegexUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Class for inducing patterns based on given textual references. * Pattern thresholds are set according values specified in thresholds parameter. * * @author kata */ public class StandardPatternInducer extends Bootstrapping.PatternInducer { private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StandardPatternInducer.class); private int windowsize;; private static int patternsPerContext; Pattern leadingWildcards = Pattern.compile("\"(\\*\\s)+"); Pattern trailingWildcards = Pattern.compile("(\\s\\*)+\""); public StandardPatternInducer(int windowsize) { this.windowsize = windowsize; patternsPerContext = (windowsize * 2) -1; } public final int getPatternsPerContext() { return patternsPerContext; } private InfolisPattern createPattern(Set<String> words, List<String> lucene_left, List<String> lucene_right, List<String> regex_left, List<String> regex_right, String delimiter_left, String delimiter_right, double threshold) { // left words are in reverse order, need to reverse again here // make a deep copy of the list to not alter the original one List<String> lucene_left_copy = new ArrayList<>(); for (String word : lucene_left) lucene_left_copy.add(word); Collections.reverse(lucene_left_copy); List<String> regex_left_copy = new ArrayList<>(); for (String word : regex_left) regex_left_copy.add(word); Collections.reverse(regex_left_copy); String luceneQuery = "\"" + String.join(" ", lucene_left_copy) + delimiter_left + "*" + delimiter_right + String.join(" ", lucene_right) + "\""; Matcher leadingWildcardMatcher = leadingWildcards.matcher(luceneQuery); if (leadingWildcardMatcher.find()) luceneQuery = leadingWildcardMatcher.replaceAll("\""); Matcher trailingWildcardMatcher = trailingWildcards.matcher(luceneQuery); if (trailingWildcardMatcher.find()) luceneQuery = trailingWildcardMatcher.replaceAll("\""); if (delimiter_left.matches("\\s")) delimiter_left = "\\s"; else if (delimiter_left.matches("")) delimiter_left = "\\s?"; if (delimiter_right.matches("\\s")) delimiter_right = "\\s"; else if (delimiter_right.matches("")) delimiter_right = "\\s?"; String regex = String.join("\\s", regex_left_copy) + delimiter_left + RegexUtils.studyRegex_ngram + delimiter_right + String.join("\\s", regex_right); InfolisPattern pattern = new InfolisPattern(regex, luceneQuery, words, threshold); return pattern; } protected List<InfolisPattern> induce(TextualReference context, Double[] thresholds) { log.trace("context: " + context.toString()); List<String> leftWords = new ArrayList<>(); leftWords.addAll(context.getLeftWords()); List<String> rightWords = context.getRightWords(); // reverse order so that leftWords.get(0) is the direct neighbour of the search term Collections.reverse(leftWords); Function<String, String> normalizeAndEscape_lucene = new Function<String, String>() { public String apply(String s) { return RegexUtils.normalizeAndEscapeRegex_lucene(s); } }; Function<String, String> regex_escape = new Function<String, String>() { public String apply(String s) { return RegexUtils.normalizeAndEscapeRegex(s); } }; //apply normalizeAndEscape_lucene method on all words of the context List<String> leftWords_lucene = new ArrayList<>(Lists.transform(leftWords, normalizeAndEscape_lucene)); List<String> rightWords_lucene = new ArrayList<>(Lists.transform(rightWords, normalizeAndEscape_lucene)); List<String> leftWords_regex = new ArrayList<>(Lists.transform(leftWords, regex_escape)); List<String> rightWords_regex = new ArrayList<>(Lists.transform(rightWords, regex_escape)); // delimiter between search term and context terms String delimiter_left = leftWords.get(0); String delimiter_right = rightWords.get(0); // set default values in case the context of a term contains less elements than the given windowsize List<InfolisPattern> inducedPatternsLeft = Stream.generate(InfolisPattern::new) .limit(windowsize) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<InfolisPattern> inducedPatternsRight = Stream.generate(InfolisPattern::new) .limit(windowsize) .collect(Collectors.toList()); InfolisPattern typeGeneral; try { // most general pattern: two words enclosing study name Set<String> words = new HashSet<>(); words.addAll(leftWords.subList(1, 2)); words.addAll(rightWords.subList(1, 2)); typeGeneral = createPattern(words, leftWords_lucene.subList(1, 2), rightWords_lucene.subList(1, 2), leftWords_regex.subList(1, 2), rightWords_regex.subList(1, 2), delimiter_left, delimiter_right, thresholds[0]); log.trace("induced pattern: " + typeGeneral.getLuceneQuery()); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { log.debug("Not enough words in context to induce pattern of type general: " + context); return new ArrayList<>(); } // induce patterns with one word as left context and a phrase of windowsize * 1 right context words // i starts at 2 because index 0 is the delimiter, first word is at subList(1,2) for (int i = 3; i < Math.min(windowsize + 2, rightWords.size()); i++) { Set<String> words = new HashSet<>(); words.addAll(leftWords.subList(1, 2)); words.addAll(rightWords.subList(1, i)); InfolisPattern pattern = createPattern(words, leftWords_lucene.subList(1, 2), rightWords_lucene.subList(1, i), leftWords_regex.subList(1, 2), rightWords_regex.subList(1, i), delimiter_left, delimiter_right, thresholds[i+2]); inducedPatternsRight.add(i-3, pattern); log.trace("induced pattern: " + pattern.getLuceneQuery()); } // induce patterns with one word as right context and a phrase of windowsize * 1 left context words for (int i = 3; i < Math.min(windowsize + 2, leftWords.size()); i++) { Set<String> words = new HashSet<>(); words.addAll(leftWords.subList(1, i)); words.addAll(rightWords.subList(1, 2)); InfolisPattern pattern = createPattern(words, leftWords_lucene.subList(1, i), rightWords_lucene.subList(1, 2), leftWords_regex.subList(1, i), rightWords_regex.subList(1, 2), delimiter_left, delimiter_right, thresholds[i-2]); inducedPatternsLeft.add(i-3, pattern); log.trace("induced pattern: " + pattern.getLuceneQuery()); } // order is important here: patterns are listed in ascending order with regard to their generality // type2left and type2right etc. have equal generality List<InfolisPattern> patterns = new ArrayList<>(); patterns.add(typeGeneral); for (int i = 0; i < windowsize -1; i++) { patterns.add(inducedPatternsLeft.get(i)); patterns.add(inducedPatternsRight.get(i)); } return patterns; } }