package io.github.infolis.algorithm; import io.github.infolis.datastore.DataStoreClient; import io.github.infolis.datastore.FileResolver; import io.github.infolis.infolink.lucene.ContextHighlighter; import io.github.infolis.model.Execution; import io.github.infolis.model.ExecutionStatus; import io.github.infolis.model.TextualReference; import io.github.infolis.model.entity.InfolisFile; import io.github.infolis.model.entity.InfolisPattern; import; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.complexPhrase.ComplexPhraseQueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Class for searching terms and complex phrase queries using a Lucene index. * * Difference between search term and search query: a search term represents the * entity to retrieve, e.g. the name of a dataset, while the complete query may * include additional information, e.g. required words surrounding the term * to retrieve. Search term must be included in search query. * * Example: when searching for datasets of the study "Eurobarometer", entities * like "Eurobarometer-Datensatz" shall be found as well but only * "Eurobarometer" shall be listed as search term in the output file. * * Parameters: null {@link Execution#getMaxClauseCount()} * {@link Execution#getPhraseSlop()} * {@link Execution#getSearchQuery()} * {@link Execution#getSearchTerm())} * * @author kata * @author kba * */ public class LuceneSearcher extends BaseAlgorithm { public LuceneSearcher(DataStoreClient inputDataStoreClient, DataStoreClient outputDataStoreClient, FileResolver inputFileResolver, FileResolver outputFileResolver) { super(inputDataStoreClient, outputDataStoreClient, inputFileResolver, outputFileResolver); } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LuceneSearcher.class); private static final String DEFAULT_FIELD_NAME = "contents"; Execution createIndex() throws IOException { Execution execution = getExecution().createSubExecution(Indexer.class); execution.setInputFiles(getExecution().getInputFiles()); getOutputDataStoreClient().post(Execution.class, execution); execution.instantiateAlgorithm(this).run(); return execution; } public static TextualReference getContext(String term, String text, String fileUri, String patternUri, String entityUri, Set<String> tags) throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException { // do not treat term as regex when splitting String[] contexts = text.split(Pattern.quote(term)); // if highlighter is configured to return the whole text // when it isn't able to find any passages, the context // size should be restricted here String leftContext = contexts[0]; String rightContext = contexts[1]; if (leftContext.isEmpty()) leftContext = " "; if (rightContext.isEmpty()) rightContext = " "; TextualReference textRef = new TextualReference(leftContext, term, rightContext, fileUri, patternUri, entityUri); textRef.setTags(tags); return textRef; } /** * Searches for this query in this index using a ComplexPhraseQueryParser. * Stores matching * * @param outputFile path of the output file * @param append if set, contexts will be appended to file, else file will * be overwritten * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidTokenOffsetsException */ @Override public void execute() throws IOException { Execution tagExec = getExecution().createSubExecution(TagSearcher.class); tagExec.getInfolisFileTags().addAll(getExecution().getInfolisFileTags()); tagExec.instantiateAlgorithm(this).run(); getExecution().getInputFiles().addAll(tagExec.getInputFiles()); if (null == getExecution().getIndexDirectory() || getExecution().getIndexDirectory().isEmpty()) { debug(log, "No index directory specified, indexing on demand"); Execution indexerExecution = createIndex(); getExecution().setIndexDirectory(indexerExecution.getOutputDirectory()); } IndexReader indexReader =; log.debug("Reading index at " + getExecution().getIndexDirectory() ); IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader); Analyzer analyzer = Indexer.createAnalyzer(); ComplexPhraseQueryParser qp = new ComplexPhraseQueryParser(DEFAULT_FIELD_NAME, analyzer); // set phrase slop because dataset titles may consist of more than one word qp.setPhraseSlop(getExecution().getPhraseSlop()); // 0 requires exact match, 5 means that up to 5 edit operations may be carried out... qp.setAllowLeadingWildcard(getExecution().isAllowLeadingWildcards()); BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(getExecution().getMaxClauseCount()); qp.setAutoGeneratePhraseQueries(false); qp.setLowercaseExpandedTerms(false); Query q; for (InfolisPattern pattern : getOutputDataStoreClient().get( InfolisPattern.class, getExecution().getPatterns())) { String query = pattern.getLuceneQuery(); // throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown query type // "" // if quotes are present in absence of any whitespace inside of query // however, queries should be passed in correct form instead of being changed here try { q = qp.parse(query.trim()); } catch (ParseException e) { error(log, "Could not parse searchquery '{}'", query); getExecution().setStatus(ExecutionStatus.FAILED); analyzer.close(); indexReader.close(); throw new RuntimeException(); } debug(log, "Query: " + q.toString()); TopDocs td =, 10000); debug(log, "Number of hits (documents): " + td.totalHits); ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = td.scoreDocs; TopDocs[] shardHits = { td }; for (int i = 0; i < scoreDocs.length; i++) { Document doc = searcher.doc(scoreDocs[i].doc); InfolisFile file; try { file = getInputDataStoreClient().get(InfolisFile.class, doc.get("path")); } catch (BadRequestException | ProcessingException e) { error(log, "Could not retrieve file " + doc.get("path") + ": " + e.getMessage()); Indexer.createAnalyzer().close(); indexReader.close(); getExecution().setStatus(ExecutionStatus.FAILED); return; } String term = getExecution().getSearchTerm(); // extract contexts ContextHighlighter highlighter = new ContextHighlighter(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1); //PostingsHighlighter highlighter = new PostingsHighlighter(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1); TopDocs currentDoc = TopDocs.merge(i, 1, shardHits); // TODO use not only the one sentence containing the term, use also the preceding and following sentences? // e.g. modify BreakIterator or use WholeBreakIterator and split text to sentences //String highlights[] = highlighter.highlight(DEFAULT_FIELD_NAME, q, searcher, currentDoc, 100000); String highlights[] = highlighter.highlight(DEFAULT_FIELD_NAME, q, searcher, currentDoc); for (String fragment: highlights) { log.trace("Fragment: " + fragment); // remove tags inserted by the highlighter fragment = fragment.replaceAll("</?b>", "").trim(); Set<String> tagsToSet = getExecution().getTags(); tagsToSet.addAll(file.getTags()); if (term != null) { try { TextualReference textRef = getContext(term, fragment, file.getUri(), pattern.getUri(), file.getManifestsEntity(), tagsToSet); // those textual references should be temporary - call with temp client getOutputDataStoreClient().post(TextualReference.class, textRef); getExecution().getTextualReferences().add(textRef.getUri()); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe) { log.warn("Error: failed to split reference \"" + term + "\" in \"" + fragment + "\""); } } else { TextualReference textRef = new TextualReference(); textRef.setLeftText(fragment); textRef.setTextFile(file.getUri()); textRef.setMentionsReference(file.getManifestsEntity()); textRef.setPattern(pattern.getUri()); textRef.setTags(tagsToSet); // those textual references should be temporary if validation using regex is to be performed getOutputDataStoreClient().post(TextualReference.class, textRef); getExecution().getTextualReferences().add(textRef.getUri()); } } getExecution().getOutputFiles().add(file.getUri()); updateProgress(i, scoreDocs.length); } } analyzer.close(); indexReader.close(); if (this.getExecution().getSearchTerm() != null) { log.debug("number of extracted contexts: " + getExecution().getTextualReferences().size()); } log.debug("Finished LuceneSearcher#execute"); getExecution().setStatus(ExecutionStatus.FINISHED); } @Override public void validate() throws IllegalAlgorithmArgumentException { // if (null == this.getExecution().getInputFiles() // || this.getExecution().getInputFiles().isEmpty()) // throw new IllegalAlgorithmArgumentException(getClass(), "inputFiles", // "must be set and non-empty"); } }