package io.github.infolis.algorithm; import io.github.infolis.datastore.DataStoreClient; import io.github.infolis.datastore.FileResolver; import io.github.infolis.infolink.patternLearner.Reliability; import io.github.infolis.infolink.patternLearner.StandardPatternInducer; import io.github.infolis.model.entity.InfolisPattern; import io.github.infolis.model.EntityType; import io.github.infolis.model.TextualReference; import io.github.infolis.model.entity.Entity; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * * @author kata */ public class ReliabilityBasedBootstrapping extends Bootstrapping { public ReliabilityBasedBootstrapping(DataStoreClient inputDataStoreClient, DataStoreClient outputDataStoreClient, FileResolver inputFileResolver, FileResolver outputFileResolver) throws IOException { super(inputDataStoreClient, outputDataStoreClient, inputFileResolver, outputFileResolver); } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReliabilityBasedBootstrapping.class); private Reliability r = new Reliability(); public PatternInducer getPatternInducer() { return new StandardPatternInducer(getExecution().getWindowsize()); } public PatternRanker getPatternRanker() { //return new ReliabilityPatternRanker(); return new RelativeReliabilityPatternRanker(); } public List<TextualReference> bootstrap() throws IOException, ParseException { Set<Entity> reliableInstances = new HashSet<>(); Set<InfolisPattern> reliablePatterns = new HashSet<>(); //ReliabilityPatternRanker patternRanker = new ReliabilityPatternRanker(); RelativeReliabilityPatternRanker patternRanker = new RelativeReliabilityPatternRanker(); //TODO define and use generic PatternRanker //PatternRanker patternRanker = getPatternRanker(); int numIter = 1; Set<Entity> seeds = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> seedTerms = new HashSet<>(); seedTerms.addAll(getExecution().getSeeds()); this.r.setSeedTerms(seedTerms); Map<String, Double> lastTopK = new HashMap<>(); // initialize bootstrapping: // 1. search for all initial seeds and save contexts for (String seed : seedTerms) {"Bootstrapping with seed \"" + seed + "\""); Entity newSeed = new Entity(seed); newSeed.setTags(getExecution().getTags()); newSeed.setEntityType(EntityType.citedData); newSeed.setTextualReferences(this.getContextsForSeed(seed)); newSeed.setIsSeed(); seeds.add(newSeed); }"Extracted contexts of all seeds.");"--- Entering Pattern Induction phase ---"); // start bootstrapping while (numIter < getExecution().getMaxIterations()) {"Bootstrapping... Iteration: " + numIter); log.debug("Current reliable instances: "); for (Entity instance : reliableInstances) log.debug(instance.getName()); log.debug("Current top patterns: " + lastTopK); // add seeds selected in last iteration to list of reliable instances reliableInstances.addAll(seeds); // delete cache of reliability scores as they may change with new evidence of new iterations r.deleteScoreCache(); // Pattern Induction double threshold = getExecution().getReliabilityThreshold(); Double[] thresholds = new Double[9]; // use equal threshold for all candidates Arrays.fill(thresholds, threshold); List<List<InfolisPattern>> candidatePatterns = constructCandidates(seeds, thresholds);"Pattern Induction completed.");"--- Entering Pattern Selection phase ---"); // Pattern Ranking/Selection // 2. get reliable patterns along with their textual references // reset list of reliable patterns found in this iteration Collection<InfolisPattern> reliablePatterns_iteration = new HashSet<>(); Map<String, Double> reliableRegex_iteration = patternRanker.getReliablePatterns(candidatePatterns, reliableInstances); for (String relRegex : reliableRegex_iteration.keySet()) { reliablePatterns.add(patternRanker.knownPatterns.get(relRegex)); reliablePatterns_iteration.add(patternRanker.knownPatterns.get(relRegex)); }"Pattern Selection completed.");"--- Entering Instance Extraction phase ---"); // Instance Extraction: filter seeds, select only reliable ones seeds = new HashSet<>(); log.debug("selected " + reliablePatterns_iteration.size() + " patterns"); // get list of new instances from textual references of reliablePatterns_iteration // compute reliability of all instances Collection<TextualReference> reliableContexts_iteration = new ArrayList<>(); for (InfolisPattern reliablePattern : reliablePatterns_iteration) reliableContexts_iteration.addAll(reliablePattern.getTextualReferences()); log.debug("extracted " + reliableContexts_iteration.size() + " textual references in this iteration"); Set<String> newInstanceNames = new HashSet<>(); for (TextualReference sC : reliableContexts_iteration) { String newInstanceName = sC.getReference(); Collection<String> reliableInstanceTerms = new HashSet<>(); for (Entity i : reliableInstances) { i.setTags(sC.getTags()); reliableInstanceTerms.add(i.getName()); } if (!reliableInstanceTerms.contains(newInstanceName)) { newInstanceNames.add(newInstanceName); log.debug("Found new instance: " + newInstanceName); } } for (String newInstanceName : newInstanceNames) { Entity newInstance = new Entity(newInstanceName); newInstance.setEntityType(EntityType.citedData); // counts of instances are required for computation of pmi newInstance.setTextualReferences(this.getContextsForSeed(newInstanceName)); log.debug("new Instance stored contexts: " + newInstance.getTextualReferences()); // for computation of reliability, save time nad consider only patterns of this iteration: // if instance had been found by patterns of earlier iterations, it would not be // considered as new instance here /* if (newInstance.isReliable(reliablePatterns_iteration, getExecution().getInputFiles().size(), r, getExecution().getReliabilityThreshold())) { seeds.add(newInstance); }*/ //TODO include reliability computation for instances again! seeds.add(newInstance); log.debug("Reliability of instance \"" + newInstanceName + "\": " + newInstance.getEntityReliability()); } for (Entity i : r.getInstances()) { log.debug("stored instance: \"" + i.getName() + "\"=" + i.getEntityReliability()); log.debug("stored associations: " + i.getAssociations().size()); } for (InfolisPattern p : r.getPatterns()) { log.debug("stored pattern: " + p.getPatternRegex()); log.debug("stored associations: " + p.getAssociations().size()); } // return if pattern set is stable or seed set is empty if (patternRanker.topK.equals(lastTopK)) { log.debug("pattern set is stable, nothing more to do. Returning."); break; } else if (seeds.isEmpty()) { log.debug("no new seeds, nothing more to do. Returning."); break; } else { lastTopK = patternRanker.topK; numIter++; } } Collection<TextualReference> topContexts = new ArrayList<>(); for (String regex : patternRanker.topK.keySet()) { InfolisPattern topPattern = patternRanker.knownPatterns.get(regex); this.getOutputDataStoreClient().post(InfolisPattern.class, topPattern); // textual reference holds temporary uris for patterns //TODO also for entities? for (TextualReference textRef : topPattern.getTextualReferences()) { textRef.setPattern(topPattern.getUri()); /*InfolisFile infolisFile = this.getOutputDataStoreClient().get(InfolisFile.class, textRef.getFile()); textRef.setMentionsReference(infolisFile.getEntity());*/ } topContexts.addAll(topPattern.getTextualReferences()); }"Final iteration: " + numIter); log.debug("Final reliable instances: "); for (Entity i : reliableInstances) { log.debug(i.getName() + "=" + i.getEntityReliability()); } log.debug("Final top patterns: "); for (Map.Entry<String, Double> k : patternRanker.topK.entrySet()) { log.debug(String.format("%s=%s", k.getKey(), k.getValue())); } List<TextualReference> reliableReferences = removeUnreliableInstances(topContexts, reliableInstances); this.getOutputDataStoreClient().post(TextualReference.class, reliableReferences); return reliableReferences; } private List<TextualReference> removeUnreliableInstances(Collection<TextualReference> contexts, Set<Entity> reliableInstances) { Set<String> reliableInstanceTerms = new HashSet<String>(); for (Entity i : reliableInstances) { reliableInstanceTerms.add(i.getName()); } List<TextualReference> res = new ArrayList<>(); for (TextualReference context : contexts) { if (reliableInstanceTerms.contains(context.getReference())) { res.add(context); } } return res; } /** * Resolves list of study context URIs and returns list of corresponding * studyContexts. * * @param URIs list of study context URIs * @return list of corresponding study contexts */ private List<TextualReference> getStudyContexts(Collection<String> URIs, DataStoreClient client) { List<TextualReference> contexts = new ArrayList<>(); for (String uri : URIs) { contexts.add(client.get(TextualReference.class, uri)); } return contexts; } /** * Constructs all pattern candidates from context using the specified * thresholds for the different kinds of patterns (different generality * levels). * * @param context context retrieved through term search for seed, basis for * pattern induction * @param thresholds thresholds for different generality levels of patterns * @return */ private List<List<InfolisPattern>> constructCandidates(Collection<Entity> instances, Double[] thresholds) { List<List<InfolisPattern>> candidateList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entity i : instances) { for (TextualReference context : i.getTextualReferences()) { candidateList.add(getPatternInducer().induce(context, thresholds)); } } return candidateList; } /** * Class for pattern ranking and selection. * * @author kata * */ private class ReliabilityPatternRanker extends Bootstrapping.PatternRanker { //TODO custom comparator for entities.. private Map<String,InfolisPattern> knownPatterns = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Double, Collection<String>> reliableRegex = new HashMap<>(); private Map<String, Double> topK = new HashMap<>(); private DataStoreClient tempClient = getTempDataStoreClient(); /** * * @param candidatesPerContext * @param relInstances * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ private Map<String, Double> getReliablePatterns(List<List<InfolisPattern>> candidatesPerContext, Set<Entity> relInstances) throws IOException, ParseException { int size = getExecution().getInputFiles().size(); List<String> processedRegex_iteration = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<InfolisPattern> candidatesForContext : candidatesPerContext) { for (InfolisPattern candidate : candidatesForContext) { // may be null if context had less words than windowsize for pattern induction if (null == candidate.getLuceneQuery()) continue; log.debug("Checking if pattern is reliable: " + candidate.getPatternRegex()); // Do not process patterns more than once in one iteration, scores do not change. // Scores may change from iteration to iteration though, thus do not exclude // patterns already checked in another iteration if (processedRegex_iteration.contains(candidate.getPatternRegex())) { log.debug("Pattern already known, continuing."); break; // this prohibits induction of less general patterns //continue; // this prohibits induction of duplicate patterns but allows less general ones } // compute reliability again for patterns known from previous iterations - scores may change if (this.knownPatterns.containsKey(candidate.getPatternRegex())) { candidate = this.knownPatterns.get(candidate.getPatternRegex()); //contexts_pattern = candidatePattern.getTextualReferences(); } // even potentially unreliable candidates need a URI for extraction of contexts else {, candidate); // TODO: use on set of candidates instead of on single candidate candidate.setTextualReferences(getStudyContexts(getContextsForPatterns(Arrays.asList(candidate), tempClient), tempClient)); this.knownPatterns.put(candidate.getPatternRegex(), candidate); } // Pattern Ranking / Selection if (candidate.isReliable(size, relInstances, r)) { double candidateReliability = candidate.getPatternReliability(); log.debug("Pattern reliable, score: " + candidateReliability); Collection<String> regexWithSameScore = new ArrayList<>(); if (this.reliableRegex.containsKey(candidateReliability)) { regexWithSameScore = this.reliableRegex.get(candidateReliability); } regexWithSameScore.add(candidate.getPatternRegex()); this.reliableRegex.put(candidateReliability, regexWithSameScore); // this returns the top k patterns regardless if their score is above the threshold //topK = getTopK(this.reliableRegex, 5); // this returns all top k patterns above the threshold //TODO: start with small k and increase with each iteration //TODO: at the same time, decrease thresholds slightly this.topK = getTopK(removeBelowThreshold(this.reliableRegex, getExecution().getReliabilityThreshold()), 100); processedRegex_iteration.add(candidate.getPatternRegex()); break; // this prohibits induction of less general patterns // and equally general pattern of the other type (e.g. candidate2 vs. candidateB) //continue; // this prohibits induction of duplicate patterns but allows less general ones } else { processedRegex_iteration.add(candidate.getPatternRegex()); log.debug("Pattern unreliable, score: " + candidate.getPatternReliability()); } } } tempClient.clear(); // this returns only the most reliable patterns, not all reliable ones // thus, new seeds are generated based on the most reliable patterns only return this.topK; } } /** * Class for pattern ranking and selection using a relative threshold. * * @author kata * */ private class RelativeReliabilityPatternRanker extends Bootstrapping.PatternRanker { //TODO custom comparator for entities.. private Map<String,InfolisPattern> knownPatterns = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Double, Collection<String>> reliableRegex = new HashMap<>(); private Map<String, Double> topK = new HashMap<>(); private DataStoreClient tempClient = getTempDataStoreClient(); /** * * @param candidatesPerContext * @param relInstances * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ private Map<String, Double> getReliablePatterns(List<List<InfolisPattern>> candidatesPerContext, Set<Entity> relInstances) throws IOException, ParseException { int size = getExecution().getInputFiles().size(); List<String> processedRegex_iteration = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Double> lastTopK = new HashMap<>(topK); boolean firstIteration = false; if (lastTopK.size() == 0) firstIteration = true; double summedConfidenceTopK = 0; for (double confidence : lastTopK.values()) { summedConfidenceTopK += confidence; } double averageConfidenceTopK = 0; if (!firstIteration) averageConfidenceTopK = summedConfidenceTopK / lastTopK.size(); int newK = lastTopK.size() + 1; if (firstIteration) newK += 19; for (List<InfolisPattern> candidatesForContext : candidatesPerContext) { for (InfolisPattern candidate : candidatesForContext) { // may be null if context had less words than windowsize for pattern induction if (null == candidate.getLuceneQuery()) continue; log.debug("Checking if pattern is reliable: " + candidate.getPatternRegex()); // Do not process patterns more than once in one iteration, scores do not change. // Scores may change from iteration to iteration though, thus do not exclude // patterns already checked in another iteration if (processedRegex_iteration.contains(candidate.getPatternRegex())) { log.debug("Pattern already known, continuing."); break; // this prohibits induction of less general patterns //continue; // this prohibits induction of duplicate patterns but allows less general ones } // compute reliability again for patterns known from previous iterations - scores may change if (this.knownPatterns.containsKey(candidate.getPatternRegex())) { candidate = this.knownPatterns.get(candidate.getPatternRegex()); //contexts_pattern = candidatePattern.getTextualReferences(); } // even potentially unreliable candidates need a URI for extraction of contexts else {, candidate); // TODO: use on set of candidates instead of on single candidate candidate.setTextualReferences(getStudyContexts(getContextsForPatterns(Arrays.asList(candidate), tempClient), tempClient)); this.knownPatterns.put(candidate.getPatternRegex(), candidate); } // Pattern Ranking / Selection candidate.isReliable(size, relInstances, r); double candidateReliability = candidate.getPatternReliability(); // TODO is the approximate highlighter implementation the cause for this happening? if (Double.isNaN(candidateReliability)) { log.warn("Pattern has score of NaN. Ignoring: " + candidate.getLuceneQuery()); continue; } log.debug("Pattern score: " + candidateReliability); Collection<String> regexWithSameScore = new ArrayList<>(); if (this.reliableRegex.containsKey(candidateReliability)) { regexWithSameScore = this.reliableRegex.get(candidateReliability); } regexWithSameScore.add(candidate.getPatternRegex()); this.reliableRegex.put(candidateReliability, regexWithSameScore); processedRegex_iteration.add(candidate.getPatternRegex()); } } Map<String, Double> newTopK = getTopK(this.reliableRegex, newK); double summedConfidenceNewTopK = 0; if (firstIteration) { this.topK = newTopK; tempClient.clear(); return this.topK; } else { for (double confidence : newTopK.values()) { summedConfidenceTopK += confidence; } double averageConfidenceNewTopK = summedConfidenceNewTopK / newTopK.size(); // if the new patterns would decrease the average confidence more than allowed, reset pattern set log.debug("average score of current top k patterns: " + averageConfidenceTopK); log.debug("average score of new top k patterns: " + averageConfidenceNewTopK); log.debug("divergence: " + Math.abs(averageConfidenceTopK - averageConfidenceNewTopK)); if (Math.abs(averageConfidenceTopK - averageConfidenceNewTopK) > getExecution().getReliabilityThreshold()) { this.topK = lastTopK; } else this.topK = newTopK; tempClient.clear(); return this.topK; } } } /** * Checks whether score of map entry is below the given threshold. * * @param item map entry having score as key * @param threshold threshold for score * @return */ static boolean isBelowThreshold(Map.Entry<Double, Collection<String>> item, double threshold) { return (item.getKey() < threshold); } /** * Removes all entries from map whose score is below the given threshold. * * @param patternScoreMap map with scores as keys * @param threshold threshold for acceptance of entries * @return map containing only entries with scores higher than or equal to * threshold */ static Map<Double, Collection<String>> removeBelowThreshold(Map<Double, Collection<String>> patternScoreMap, double threshold) { Iterator<Map.Entry<Double, Collection<String>>> iter = patternScoreMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Double, Collection<String>> entry =; if (isBelowThreshold(entry, threshold)) { iter.remove(); } } return patternScoreMap; } /** * Filters given map and returns only the top k entries. * * @param patternScoreMap map with scores as keys and a collection of * patterns with this score as values * @param k maximal number of entries to return * @return map of k-best entries having pattern strings as keys and scores * as values */ static Map<String, Double> getTopK(Map<Double, Collection<String>> patternScoreMap, int k) { Map<String, Double> topK = new HashMap<>(); List<Double> scores = new ArrayList<>(patternScoreMap.keySet()); Collections.sort(scores, Collections.reverseOrder()); int n = 0; for (double score : scores.subList(0, Math.min(k, scores.size()))) { for (String value : patternScoreMap.get(score)) { if (n >= k) { break; } topK.put(value, score); n++; } } return topK; } }