package org.bimserver.utils; /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. *****************************************************************************/ import java.util.Stack; public class Tokenizer { private static class Pair { public int oldRight; public String rightChar; public Pair(String rightChar, int oldRight) { this.rightChar = rightChar; this.oldRight = oldRight; } } private final String input; private int leftPositionInclude; private int rightPositionInclude; private Stack<Pair> zoomStack = new Stack<Pair>(); public Tokenizer(String input) { this.input = input; leftPositionInclude = 0; rightPositionInclude = input.length() - 1; } @Override public String toString() { return input.substring(leftPositionInclude, rightPositionInclude + 1); } public Tokenizer zoomIn(String startChar, String endChar) throws TokenizeException { String trimmed = toString().trim(); if (!trimmed.startsWith(startChar)) { throw new TokenizeException("No " + startChar + " found in " + input.substring(leftPositionInclude, rightPositionInclude)); } int leftIndex = input.indexOf(startChar, leftPositionInclude); int rightIndex = -1; int depth = 0; for (int i=leftIndex + 1; i<=rightPositionInclude; i++) { String c = input.substring(i, i + endChar.length()); if (c.equals(endChar)) { if (depth == 0) { rightIndex = i; break; } else { depth--; } } else if (c.equals(startChar)) { depth++; } } if (rightIndex == -1 || rightIndex < leftPositionInclude) { throw new TokenizeException("No " + endChar + " found in " + input.substring(leftPositionInclude, rightPositionInclude)); } zoomStack.push(new Pair(endChar, this.rightPositionInclude)); this.leftPositionInclude = leftIndex + startChar.length(); this.rightPositionInclude = rightIndex - endChar.length(); return this; } public Tokenizer readComma() throws TokenizeException { String toString = toString(); String x = toString.trim(); if (!x.startsWith(",")) { throw new TokenizeException("No comma at starting index in " + x); } int offset = toString.indexOf(","); this.leftPositionInclude += offset + 1; return this; } public String readSingleQuoted() throws TokenizeException { String toString = toString(); String trimmed = toString.trim(); if (!trimmed.startsWith("'")) { throw new TokenizeException("No opening \"'\" found in " + trimmed); } int add = toString.indexOf("'"); int endIndex = trimmed.indexOf("'", 1); while (trimmed.length() > endIndex + 1 && trimmed.charAt(endIndex + 1) == '\'') { // Two quotes endIndex = trimmed.indexOf("'", endIndex + 2); } if (endIndex == -1) { throw new TokenizeException("No closing \"'\" found in " + trimmed); } this.leftPositionInclude += endIndex + add + 1; return trimmed.substring(1, endIndex); } public void shouldBeFinished() throws TokenizeException { // if (leftPosition != rightPosition) { // throw new TokenizeException(""); // } } public void zoomOut() throws TokenizeException { Pair pair = zoomStack.pop(); String trimmed = input.substring(this.leftPositionInclude, pair.oldRight + 1).trim(); String x = trimmed.substring(0, pair.rightChar.length()); int offset = input.indexOf(pair.rightChar, this.leftPositionInclude); if (!x.equals(pair.rightChar)) { throw new TokenizeException(pair.rightChar + " expected, got " + x); } this.leftPositionInclude = offset + pair.rightChar.length(); this.rightPositionInclude = pair.oldRight; } public String readAll() { String substring = input.substring(leftPositionInclude, rightPositionInclude + 1); leftPositionInclude = rightPositionInclude + 1; return substring; } public boolean isEmpty() { return toString().trim().isEmpty(); } public boolean nextIsAComma() throws TokenizeException { String toString = toString(); String x = toString.trim(); return x.startsWith(","); } public boolean startsWith(String string) { return toString().trim().startsWith(string); } public boolean nextIsDollar() { String toString = toString(); String x = toString.trim(); return x.startsWith("$"); } public Tokenizer readDollar() throws TokenizeException { String toString = toString(); String x = toString.trim(); if (!x.startsWith("$")) { throw new TokenizeException("No dollar at starting index in " + x); } int offset = toString.indexOf("$"); this.leftPositionInclude += offset + 1; return this; } }