package de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.logic; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.Alphabet; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.DefaultRegexAlphabet; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.logic.interfaces.LogicClass; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.netbeans.NewDialogAlphabetForm; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.preferences.PreferenceManager; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.preferences.item.PDAModeItem; import; /** * The panel used to enter the {@link Alphabet} for the new file. * * @author Benjamin Mies * @author Christian Fehler * @version $Id$ */ public final class NewDialogAlphabet implements LogicClass < NewDialogAlphabetForm > { /** * The {@link NewDialogAlphabetForm} */ private NewDialogAlphabetForm gui; /** * The parent Dialog containing this panel */ private NewDialog parent; /** * Allocate a new {@link NewDialogAlphabet}. * * @param parent The dialog containing this panel. */ public NewDialogAlphabet ( NewDialog parent ) { this.parent = parent; this.gui = new NewDialogAlphabetForm ( this ); /* * Alphabet changed listener */ this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelInput .addParseableChangedListener ( new ParseableChangedListener < Alphabet > () { public void parseableChanged ( @SuppressWarnings ( "unused" ) Alphabet newAlphabet ) { setButtonStatus (); } } ); this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelPushDown .addParseableChangedListener ( new ParseableChangedListener < Alphabet > () { public void parseableChanged ( @SuppressWarnings ( "unused" ) Alphabet newAlphabet ) { setButtonStatus (); } } ); this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledRegexAlphabetParserPanelInput .addParseableChangedListener ( new ParseableChangedListener < Alphabet > () { public void parseableChanged ( @SuppressWarnings ( "unused" ) Alphabet newAlphabet ) { setButtonStatus (); } } ); } /** * Changes GUI elements */ public void changeGui () { if ( this.parent.getNewDialogChoice ().getUserChoice ().equals ( NewDialogChoice.Choice.REGEX ) ) { getGUI ().alphabetPanelForm.jGTICheckBoxPushDownAlphabet .setVisible ( false ); getGUI ().alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelPushDown .setVisible ( false ); getGUI ().alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelInput .setVisible ( false ); getGUI ().alphabetPanelForm.styledRegexAlphabetParserPanelInput .setVisible ( true ); getGUI ().alphabetPanelForm.jGTILabelRegexAlphabet.setVisible ( false ); this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledRegexAlphabetParserPanelInput .setText ( ( ( DefaultRegexAlphabet ) PreferenceManager .getInstance ().getRegexAlphabetItem ().getAlphabet () ) .toClassPrettyString () ); } else { getGUI ().alphabetPanelForm.jGTICheckBoxPushDownAlphabet .setVisible ( true ); getGUI ().alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelPushDown .setVisible ( true ); getGUI ().alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelInput .setVisible ( true ); getGUI ().alphabetPanelForm.styledRegexAlphabetParserPanelInput .setVisible ( false ); getGUI ().alphabetPanelForm.jGTILabelRegexAlphabet.setVisible ( false ); this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelInput .setText ( PreferenceManager.getInstance ().getAlphabetItem () .getAlphabet () ); this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelPushDown .setText ( PreferenceManager.getInstance () .getPushDownAlphabetItem ().getAlphabet () ); this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.jGTICheckBoxPushDownAlphabet .setSelected ( PreferenceManager.getInstance () .getUsePushDownAlphabet () ); } } /** * Returns the {@link Alphabet} of the new file. * * @return The {@link Alphabet} of the new file. */ public final Alphabet getAlphabet () { return this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelInput .getParsedObject (); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see LogicClass#getGUI() */ public final NewDialogAlphabetForm getGUI () { return this.gui; } /** * Returns the push down {@link Alphabet} of the new file. * * @return The push down {@link Alphabet} of the new file. */ public final Alphabet getPushDownAlphabet () { return this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelPushDown .getParsedObject (); } /** * Returns the {@link DefaultRegexAlphabet} of the new file. * * @return The {@link DefaultRegexAlphabet} of the new file. */ public final DefaultRegexAlphabet getRegexAlphabet () { return ( DefaultRegexAlphabet ) this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledRegexAlphabetParserPanelInput .getParsedObject (); } /** * Returns the use push down {@link Alphabet} of the new file. * * @return The use push down {@link Alphabet} of the new file. */ public final boolean getUsePushDownAlphabet () { return this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.jGTICheckBoxPushDownAlphabet .isSelected (); } /** * Handle the cancel button pressed event. */ public final void handleCancel () { this.parent.getGUI ().dispose (); } /** * Handle the finish button pressed event. */ public final void handleFinish () { this.parent.handleFinish (); } /** * Handle the previous button pressed event. */ public final void handlePrevious () { this.parent.handleAlphabetPrevious (); } /** * Sets the status of the buttons. */ public final void setButtonStatus () { boolean pushDownOk = this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelPushDown .getParsedObject () != null; boolean normalOk = this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelInput .getParsedObject () != null; boolean regexOk = this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledRegexAlphabetParserPanelInput .getParsedObject () != null; if ( this.parent.getNewDialogChoice ().getUserChoice ().equals ( NewDialogChoice.Choice.REGEX ) ) { if ( !regexOk ) { this.gui.jGTIButtonFinished.setEnabled ( false ); } else { this.gui.jGTIButtonFinished.setEnabled ( true ); } } else { if ( !pushDownOk || !normalOk ) { this.gui.jGTIButtonFinished.setEnabled ( false ); } else { this.gui.jGTIButtonFinished.setEnabled ( true ); } } if ( !this.parent.getMachineChoice ().equals ( NewDialogMachineChoice.Choice.PDA ) ) { if ( PreferenceManager.getInstance ().getPDAModeItem ().equals ( PDAModeItem.SHOW ) ) { // do nothing } else if ( PreferenceManager.getInstance ().getPDAModeItem ().equals ( PDAModeItem.HIDE ) ) { this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.jGTICheckBoxPushDownAlphabet .setEnabled ( false ); this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelPushDown .setEnabled ( false ); } else { throw new RuntimeException ( "unsupported pda mode" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.jGTICheckBoxPushDownAlphabet .setEnabled ( true ); if ( this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.jGTICheckBoxPushDownAlphabet .isSelected () ) { this.gui.alphabetPanelForm.styledAlphabetParserPanelPushDown .setEnabled ( true ); } } } }