package de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.machines.enfa; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.Alphabet; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.DefaultAlphabet; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.DefaultState; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.DefaultSymbol; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.DefaultTransition; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.DefaultWord; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.State; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.Symbol; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.Transition; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.Word; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.exceptions.alphabet.AlphabetException; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.exceptions.state.StateException; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.exceptions.transition.TransitionException; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.machines.MachineTest; /** * The test class of the {@link DefaultENFA}. * * @author Christian Fehler * @version $Id$ */ @SuppressWarnings ( { "all" } ) public class ENFATest extends MachineTest { private static Symbol a = null; private static Symbol b = null; private static Symbol c = null; private static Symbol d = null; private static Symbol e = null; private static Symbol f = null; private static Alphabet alphabet = null; private static Alphabet pushDownAlphabet = null; private static State z0 = null; private static State z1 = null; private static State z2 = null; private static Transition t0 = null; private static Transition t1 = null; private static Transition t2 = null; private static Transition t3 = null; private static void initEntities () { // symbols a = new DefaultSymbol ( "a" ); b = new DefaultSymbol ( "b" ); c = new DefaultSymbol ( "c" ); d = new DefaultSymbol ( "d" ); e = new DefaultSymbol ( "e" ); f = new DefaultSymbol ( "f" ); // alphabet try { alphabet = new DefaultAlphabet ( a, b, c ); } catch ( AlphabetException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); System.exit ( 1 ); } // PushDownAlphabet try { pushDownAlphabet = new DefaultAlphabet ( a, b, c ); } catch ( AlphabetException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); System.exit ( 1 ); } // States try { z0 = new DefaultState ( alphabet, pushDownAlphabet, "z0", true, false ); z1 = new DefaultState ( alphabet, pushDownAlphabet, "z1", false, false ); z2 = new DefaultState ( alphabet, pushDownAlphabet, "z2", false, true ); } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); System.exit ( 1 ); } // Transitions try { t0 = new DefaultTransition ( alphabet, pushDownAlphabet, new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), z0, z1 ); t1 = new DefaultTransition ( alphabet, pushDownAlphabet, new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), z0, z1, a ); t2 = new DefaultTransition ( alphabet, pushDownAlphabet, new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), z1, z2, b ); t3 = new DefaultTransition ( alphabet, pushDownAlphabet, new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), z2, z2, a, b, c ); } catch ( TransitionException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); System.exit ( 1 ); } } public static void main ( String [] arguments ) { initEntities (); ENFA enfa = new DefaultENFA ( alphabet, pushDownAlphabet, true ); enfa.addState ( z0, z1, z2 ); enfa.addTransition ( t0, t1, t2, t3 ); Word word = new DefaultWord ( b, c ); start ( enfa, word ); } }