package de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.logic; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.jgraph.event.GraphSelectionEvent; import org.jgraph.event.GraphSelectionListener; import org.jgraph.graph.DefaultGraphModel; import org.jgraph.graph.GraphSelectionModel; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.Alphabet; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.DefaultBlackBoxState; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.DefaultPositionState; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.DefaultSymbol; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.DefaultTransition; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.DefaultWord; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.State; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.Symbol; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.Transition; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.InputEntity.EntityType; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.regex.CharacterClassNode; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.regex.ConcatenationNode; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.regex.DisjunctionNode; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.regex.EpsilonNode; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.regex.KleeneNode; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.regex.LeafNode; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.regex.Regex; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.regex.RegexNode; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.entities.regex.TokenNode; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.exceptions.state.StateException; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.exceptions.transition.TransitionSymbolNotInAlphabetException; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.exceptions.transition.TransitionSymbolOnlyOneTimeException; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.machines.Machine.MachineType; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.machines.dfa.DefaultDFA; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.machines.enfa.DefaultENFA; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.machines.nfa.DefaultNFA; import; import; import; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.regex.DefaultRegex; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.core.util.ObjectPair; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.logger.Logger; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.convert.Converter; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.i18n.Messages; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.jgraph.DefaultBlackboxView; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.jgraph.DefaultNodeView; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.jgraph.DefaultStateView; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.jgraph.DefaultTransitionView; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.jgraph.JGTIBlackboxGraph; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.jgraph.JGTIGraph; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.jgraph.StateView; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.logic.interfaces.LogicClass; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.model.ConvertMachineTableColumnModel; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.model.ConvertMachineTableModel; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.model.DefaultMachineModel; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.model.DefaultRegexModel; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.netbeans.ConvertMachineDialogForm; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.netbeans.ConvertRegexToMachineDialogForm; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.preferences.PreferenceManager; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.redoundo.RedoUndoItem; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.utils.LayoutManager; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.utils.TextLoader; import de.unisiegen.gtitool.ui.utils.XGrid; /** * The LogicClass for the RegexToMachine Converter * * @author Simon Meurer */ public class ConvertRegexToMachineDialog implements LogicClass < ConvertRegexToMachineDialogForm >, Converter { /** * Does the next step after a delay. * * @author Simon Meurer */ private final class AutoStepTimerTask extends TimerTask { /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see TimerTask#run() */ @Override public final void run () { SwingUtilities.invokeLater ( new Runnable () { @SuppressWarnings ( "synthetic-access" ) public void run () { if ( ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.this.endReached ) { handleStop (); } else { performNextStep ( true ); } } } ); } } /** * A Representation of a BlackBox with {@link String}s for the states */ private class BlackBox { /** * The content */ private RegexNode content; /** * The end state */ private String end; /** * The start state */ private String start; /** * Creates a new BlackBox * * @param start The start state * @param end The end state * @param content The content */ public BlackBox ( String start, String end, RegexNode content ) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.content = content; } /** * Returns the content. * * @return The content. * @see #content */ public RegexNode getContent () { return this.content; } /** * Returns the end. * * @return The end. * @see #end */ public String getEnd () { return this.end; } /** * Returns the start. * * @return The start. * @see #start */ public String getStart () { return this.start; } } /** * The type of the conversation of the {@link Regex} */ public enum ConvertRegexType { /** * The regex to dfa type */ REGEX_TO_DFA, /** * The regex to enfa type */ REGEX_TO_ENFA, /** * The regex to nfa type */ REGEX_TO_NFA; } /** * The {@link Position}. * * @author Christian Fehler */ private class Position { /** * The x position. */ private double x; /** * The y position. */ private double y; /** * Allocates a new {@link Position}. * * @param x The x position. * @param y The y position. */ public Position ( double x, double y ) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } /** * Returns the x position. * * @return The x position. * @see #x */ public final double getX () { return this.x; } /** * Returns the y position. * * @return The y position. * @see #y */ public final double getY () { return this.y; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Object#toString() */ @Override public final String toString () { return "x: " + this.x + ", y: " + this.y; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ } } /** * The {@link Step} enum. * * @author Simon Meurer */ private enum Step { /** * The convert Token step */ CONVERT_CHARCLASS, /** * The convert concat step */ CONVERT_CONCAT, /** * The convert disjunction step */ CONVERT_DISJUNCTION, /** * The convert Epsilon step */ CONVERT_EPSILON, /** * The convert kleene step */ CONVERT_KLEENE, /** * The convert Token step */ CONVERT_TOKEN, /** * The finish step. */ FINISH, /** * The initial step */ INITIAL; /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Enum#toString() */ @Override public final String toString () { switch ( this ) { case CONVERT_CONCAT : return "convert concatenation"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case CONVERT_DISJUNCTION : return "convert disjunction"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case CONVERT_EPSILON : return "convert epsilon"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case CONVERT_KLEENE : return "convert kleene"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case CONVERT_TOKEN : return "convert token"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case CONVERT_CHARCLASS : return "convert class"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case INITIAL : return "initial"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case FINISH : return "finish"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } throw new RuntimeException ( "unsupported step" );//$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * The {@link StepItem}. * * @author Christian Fehler */ private class StepItem { /** * The act count */ private int actCount = 0; /** * The follow pos */ private ArrayList < Integer > actFollowPos; /** * The active {@link Step} */ private Step activeStep; /** * The active {@link RegexNode} */ private RegexNode actNode; /** * The added BlackBoxes */ private ArrayList < DefaultBlackboxView > addedBlackboxes; /** * The added states */ private ArrayList < String > addedStates; /** * The added Symbols to Transitions */ private ArrayList < ObjectPair < DefaultTransitionView, ArrayList < Symbol > > > addedSymbolsToTransition; /** * The added {@link DefaultTransitionView}s */ private ArrayList < DefaultTransitionView > addedTransitions; /** * The last controlled Symbol */ private ArrayList < Symbol > controlledSymbol; /** * Is in this step the errorState created */ private boolean errorCreated = false; /** * The last marked Position state for unmarking */ private DefaultPositionState markedPositionState; /** * The positions of the states */ private HashMap < String, Position > positions; /** * The {@link RedoUndoItem} for the concatenation */ private RedoUndoItem redoUndoItem; /** * The removed black boxes */ private ArrayList < BlackBox > removedBlackboxes; /** * The final states that where made normal */ private ArrayList < DefaultStateView > setFinalFalse; /** * The start states that where made normal */ private ArrayList < DefaultStateView > setStartFalse; /** * The {@link XGrid} */ private XGrid stepXGrid; /** * Allocates a new {@link StepItem}. * * @param activeStep The active {@link Step} * @param addedStates The added states * @param redoUndoItem The {@link RedoUndoItem} for Concatenation * @param addedTransitions The added Transitions * @param setStartFalse The start states that where made normal * @param setFinalFalse The final states that where made normal * @param count The act count * @param actNode The active {@link RegexNode} * @param errorCreated Is error state created * @param markedPositionState The last marked position state * @param controlledSymbol The last controlled Symbol * @param addedSymbolsToTransition The added Symbols to Transitions * @param removedBlackBoxes The removed black boxes * @param addedBlackBoxes The added black boxes * @param positions The positions * @param xGrid The {@link XGrid} * @param actFollowPos The follow pos */ public StepItem ( Step activeStep, ArrayList < String > addedStates, RedoUndoItem redoUndoItem, ArrayList < DefaultTransitionView > addedTransitions, ArrayList < DefaultStateView > setStartFalse, ArrayList < DefaultStateView > setFinalFalse, int count, RegexNode actNode, boolean errorCreated, DefaultPositionState markedPositionState, ArrayList < Symbol > controlledSymbol, ArrayList < ObjectPair < DefaultTransitionView, ArrayList < Symbol > > > addedSymbolsToTransition, ArrayList < BlackBox > removedBlackBoxes, ArrayList < DefaultBlackboxView > addedBlackBoxes, HashMap < String, Position > positions, XGrid xGrid, ArrayList < Integer > actFollowPos ) { if ( activeStep == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "active step is null" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } this.activeStep = activeStep; this.addedStates = addedStates; this.redoUndoItem = redoUndoItem; this.setFinalFalse = setFinalFalse; this.setStartFalse = setStartFalse; this.addedTransitions = addedTransitions; this.actCount = count; this.actNode = actNode; this.errorCreated = errorCreated; this.markedPositionState = markedPositionState; this.controlledSymbol = controlledSymbol; this.addedSymbolsToTransition = addedSymbolsToTransition; this.addedBlackboxes = addedBlackBoxes; this.removedBlackboxes = removedBlackBoxes; this.positions = positions; this.stepXGrid = xGrid; this.actFollowPos = actFollowPos; } /** * Returns the actCount. * * @return The actCount. * @see #actCount */ public int getActCount () { return this.actCount; } /** * Returns the activeStep. * * @return The activeStep. * @see #activeStep */ public final Step getActiveStep () { return this.activeStep; } /** * Returns the actNode. * * @return The actNode. * @see #actNode */ public RegexNode getActNode () { return this.actNode; } /** * Returns the addedBlackboxes. * * @return The addedBlackboxes. * @see #addedBlackboxes */ public ArrayList < DefaultBlackboxView > getAddedBlackboxes () { return this.addedBlackboxes; } /** * Returns the addedStates. * * @return The addedStates. * @see #addedStates */ public ArrayList < String > getAddedStates () { return this.addedStates; } /** * Returns the addedSymbolsToTransition. * * @return The addedSymbolsToTransition. * @see #addedSymbolsToTransition */ public ArrayList < ObjectPair < DefaultTransitionView, ArrayList < Symbol > >> getAddedSymbolsToTransition () { return this.addedSymbolsToTransition; } /** * Returns the addedTransitions. * * @return The addedTransitions. * @see #addedTransitions */ public ArrayList < DefaultTransitionView > getAddedTransitions () { return this.addedTransitions; } /** * Returns the controlledSymbol. * * @return The controlledSymbol. * @see #controlledSymbol */ public ArrayList < Symbol > getControlledSymbol () { return this.controlledSymbol; } /** * Returns the actFollowPos. * * @return The actFollowPos. * @see #actFollowPos */ public ArrayList < Integer > getFollowPos () { return this.actFollowPos; } /** * Returns the markedPositionState. * * @return The markedPositionState. * @see #markedPositionState */ public DefaultPositionState getMarkedPositionState () { return this.markedPositionState; } /** * Returns the positions. * * @return The positions. * @see #positions */ public HashMap < String, Position > getPositions () { return this.positions; } /** * Returns the redoUndoItem. * * @return The redoUndoItem. * @see #redoUndoItem */ public RedoUndoItem getRedoUndoItem () { return this.redoUndoItem; } /** * Returns the removedBlackboxes. * * @return The removedBlackboxes. * @see #removedBlackboxes */ public ArrayList < BlackBox > getRemovedBlackboxes () { return this.removedBlackboxes; } /** * Returns the setFinalFalse. * * @return The setFinalFalse. * @see #setFinalFalse */ public ArrayList < DefaultStateView > getSetFinalFalse () { return this.setFinalFalse; } /** * Returns the setStartFalse. * * @return The setStartFalse. * @see #setStartFalse */ public ArrayList < DefaultStateView > getSetStartFalse () { return this.setStartFalse; } /** * Returns the stepXGrid. * * @return The stepXGrid. * @see #stepXGrid */ public XGrid getXGrid () { return this.stepXGrid; } /** * Returns the errorCreated. * * @return The errorCreated. * @see #errorCreated */ public boolean isErrorCreated () { return this.errorCreated; } } /** * The {@link Logger} for this class. */ private static final Logger logger = Logger .getLogger ( ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.class ); /** * The start x coordinate */ private static double START_X = 50; /** * The start y coordinate */ private static double START_Y = 100; /** * The x space between two states */ private static double X_SPACE = 180; /** * The y space between two states */ private static double Y_SPACE = 50; /** * / {@link HashMap} for moving states that are above the black box */ private HashMap < RegexNode, HashSet < DefaultStateView > > above = new HashMap < RegexNode, HashSet < DefaultStateView > > (); /** * The last active {@link RegexNode}. For unmarking. */ private RegexNode activeNode = null; /** * The actual {@link Step} */ private Step actualStep = null; /** * The algorithm */ private String algorithm; /** * The algorithm window */ private TextWindow algorithmWindow; /** * The auto step {@link Timer}. */ private Timer autoStepTimer = null; /** * HashMap for the controlled {@link Symbol}s for a * {@link DefaultPositionState} */ private HashMap < DefaultPositionState, ArrayList < Symbol > > controlledSymbols = new HashMap < DefaultPositionState, ArrayList < Symbol > > (); /** * The {@link ConvertMachineTableModel}. */ private ConvertMachineTableModel convertMachineTableModel; /** * The {@link ConvertRegexType} */ private ConvertRegexType convertType; /** * The count of states */ private int count = 0; /** * The {@link DefaultRegex} */ private DefaultRegex defaultRegex; /** * Flag indicates if the empty state is already created */ private boolean emptyStateCreated = false; /** * {@link HashMap} for moving states that are after the black box */ private HashMap < RegexNode, HashSet < DefaultStateView > > endings = new HashMap < RegexNode, HashSet < DefaultStateView > > (); /** * Flag that indicates if the end is reached. */ private boolean endReached = false; /** * The {@link EntityType} that should be converted to. */ private EntityType entityType; /** * The actual follow pos */ private ArrayList < Integer > followPos; /** * The {@link ConvertRegexToMachineDialogForm} */ private ConvertRegexToMachineDialogForm gui; /** * The converted {@link JGTIGraph} containing the diagramm. */ private JGTIBlackboxGraph jGTIGraphConverted; /** * The original {@link JGTIGraph} containing the diagramm. */ private JGTIGraph jGTIGraphOriginal; /** * The converted {@link DefaultMachineModel}. */ private DefaultMachineModel modelConverted; /** * The original {@link DefaultMachineModel}. */ private DefaultRegexModel modelOriginal; /** * The {@link RegexPanel} */ private RegexPanel panel; /** * The parent {@link JFrame} */ private JFrame parent; /** * The Position Map containing the position of a State */ private HashMap < String, Position > positionMap; /** * An {@link ArrayList} of {@link DefaultPositionState}s */ private ArrayList < DefaultPositionState > positionStates; /** * A {@link HashMap} containing the {@link DefaultStateView} for a * {@link DefaultPositionState} */ private HashMap < DefaultPositionState, DefaultStateView > positionStateViewList = new HashMap < DefaultPositionState, DefaultStateView > (); /** * The {@link RegexNode} */ private RegexNode regexNode; /** * / {@link HashMap} for moving states that are at the same y coordinate the * black box */ private HashMap < RegexNode, HashSet < DefaultStateView > > sameY = new HashMap < RegexNode, HashSet < DefaultStateView > > (); /** * The state view list containing the start and final {@link DefaultStateView} * for a {@link RegexNode} */ private HashMap < RegexNode, ArrayList < DefaultStateView > > stateViewList = new HashMap < RegexNode, ArrayList < DefaultStateView > > (); /** * The {@link StepItem} list. */ private ArrayList < StepItem > stepItemList = new ArrayList < StepItem > (); /** * The {@link ConvertMachineTableColumnModel}. */ private ConvertMachineTableColumnModel tableColumnModel = new ConvertMachineTableColumnModel (); /** * / {@link HashMap} for moving states that are under the black box */ private HashMap < RegexNode, HashSet < DefaultStateView > > under = new HashMap < RegexNode, HashSet < DefaultStateView > > (); /** * The {@link XGrid} */ private XGrid xGrid = new XGrid (); /** * The show error state flag */ private boolean showErrorState = false; /** * Creates new from {@link ConvertRegexToMachineDialog} * * @param parent The parent {@link JFrame} * @param panel The {@link RegexPanel} */ public ConvertRegexToMachineDialog ( JFrame parent, RegexPanel panel ) { this.parent = parent; this.panel = panel; this.showErrorState = PreferenceManager.getInstance ().getShowErrorState (); } /** * Adds a outline comment. * * @param prettyString The {@link PrettyString} to add. */ private final void addOutlineComment ( PrettyString prettyString ) { this.convertMachineTableModel.addRow ( prettyString ); this.gui.jGTITableOutline.changeSelection ( this.convertMachineTableModel .getRowCount () - 1, ConvertMachineTableModel.OUTLINE_COLUMN, false, false ); } /** * Cancels the auto step timer. */ private final void cancelAutoStepTimer () { if ( this.autoStepTimer != null ) { this.autoStepTimer.cancel (); this.autoStepTimer = null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Converter#convert(EntityType, EntityType, boolean, boolean) */ public void convert ( @SuppressWarnings ( "unused" ) EntityType fromEntityType, EntityType toEntityType, @SuppressWarnings ( "unused" ) boolean complete, @SuppressWarnings ( "unused" ) boolean cb ) { this.entityType = toEntityType; this.gui = new ConvertRegexToMachineDialogForm ( this, this.parent ); Alphabet a = this.panel.getRegex ().getAlphabet (); this.defaultRegex = this.panel.getRegex ().clone (); if ( this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.ENFA ) ) { this.convertType = ConvertRegexType.REGEX_TO_ENFA; this.defaultRegex.setRegexNode ( this.defaultRegex.getRegexNode () .toCoreSyntax ( false ).clone (), this.defaultRegex.getRegexNode () .toCoreSyntax ( false ).toString () ); this.regexNode = this.defaultRegex.getRegexNode (); this.regexNode.setShowPositions ( false ); this.modelConverted = new DefaultMachineModel ( new DefaultENFA ( a, a, false ) ); this.gui .setTitle ( Messages .getString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.Title", Messages.getString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.ENFA" ) ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else if ( this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.DFA ) || this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.NFA ) ) { if ( this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.DFA ) ) { this.convertType = ConvertRegexType.REGEX_TO_DFA; this.modelConverted = new DefaultMachineModel ( new DefaultDFA ( a, a, false ) ); this.gui .setTitle ( Messages .getString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.Title", Messages.getString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.DFA" ) ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else { this.convertType = ConvertRegexType.REGEX_TO_NFA; this.modelConverted = new DefaultMachineModel ( new DefaultNFA ( a, a, false ) ); this.gui .setTitle ( Messages .getString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.Title", Messages.getString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.NFA" ) ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } this.positionStates = new ArrayList < DefaultPositionState > (); if ( !this.defaultRegex.getRegexNode ().isInCoreSyntax () ) { this.defaultRegex .setRegexNode ( new ConcatenationNode ( this.defaultRegex .getRegexNode ().toCoreSyntax ( true ).clone (), new TokenNode ( "#" ) ), //$NON-NLS-1$ this.defaultRegex.getRegexNode ().toCoreSyntax ( true ) .toString () ); } else { this.defaultRegex.setRegexNode ( new ConcatenationNode ( this.defaultRegex.getRegexNode ().clone (), new TokenNode ( "#" ) ), this.defaultRegex.getRegexString () ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } this.regexNode = this.defaultRegex.getRegexNode (); this.regexNode.setShowPositions ( true ); } else { throw new RuntimeException ( "unsupported convert to Type" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } this.modelOriginal = new DefaultRegexModel ( this.defaultRegex ); this.modelOriginal.initializeGraph (); this.modelOriginal.createTree (); this.convertMachineTableModel = new ConvertMachineTableModel (); this.gui.jGTITableOutline.setModel ( this.convertMachineTableModel ); this.gui.jGTITableOutline.setColumnModel ( this.tableColumnModel ); this.gui.jGTITableOutline.getTableHeader ().setReorderingAllowed ( false ); this.gui.jGTITableOutline.getSelectionModel ().setSelectionMode ( ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION ); this.jGTIGraphOriginal = this.modelOriginal.getJGTIGraph (); if ( this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.DFA ) || this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.NFA ) ) { this.jGTIGraphOriginal.setMoveable ( false ); this.jGTIGraphOriginal.getSelectionModel ().setSelectionMode ( GraphSelectionModel.SINGLE_GRAPH_SELECTION ); this.jGTIGraphOriginal .addGraphSelectionListener ( new GraphSelectionListener () { /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see GraphSelectionListener#valueChanged(org.jgraph.event.GraphSelectionEvent) */ public void valueChanged ( @SuppressWarnings ( "unused" ) GraphSelectionEvent e ) { updateRegexNodeInfo (); } } ); } else { this.jGTIGraphOriginal.setEnabled ( false ); } this.gui.jGTIScrollPaneOriginal.setViewportView ( this.jGTIGraphOriginal ); this.jGTIGraphConverted = ( JGTIBlackboxGraph ) this.modelConverted .getJGTIGraph (); this.jGTIGraphConverted.setEnabled ( false ); this.jGTIGraphConverted.setScale ( JGTIBlackboxGraph.SCALE_FACTOR ); this.gui.jGTIScrollPaneConverted.setViewportView ( this.jGTIGraphConverted ); this.positionMap = new HashMap < String, Position > (); if ( toEntityType.equals ( MachineType.DFA ) || toEntityType.equals ( MachineType.NFA ) ) { while ( !this.endReached ) { performNextStep ( false ); } new LayoutManager ( this.modelConverted, null ).doLayout (); for ( DefaultStateView current : this.modelConverted.getStateViewList () ) { int yOffset = current.getState ().isLoopTransition () ? StateView.LOOP_TRANSITION_OFFSET : 0; this.positionMap.put ( current.getState ().getName (), new Position ( current.getPositionX (), current.getPositionY () + yOffset ) ); } while ( !this.stepItemList.isEmpty () ) { performPreviousStep ( false ); } } this.endReached = this.regexNode.isMarked (); setStatus (); show (); } /** * Returns the convertMachineTableModel. * * @return The convertMachineTableModel. * @see #convertMachineTableModel */ public ConvertMachineTableModel getConvertMachineTableModel () { return this.convertMachineTableModel; } /** * Returns the entityType. * * @return The entityType. * @see #entityType */ public EntityType getEntityType () { return this.entityType; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see LogicClass#getGUI() */ public ConvertRegexToMachineDialogForm getGUI () { return this.gui; } /** * Returns the modelConverted. * * @return The modelConverted. * @see #modelConverted */ public DefaultMachineModel getModelConverted () { return this.modelConverted; } /** * Returns the modelOriginal. * * @return The modelOriginal. * @see #modelOriginal */ public DefaultRegexModel getModelOriginal () { return this.modelOriginal; } /** * Returns the next uncontrolled {@link Symbol} for a given * {@link DefaultPositionState} * * @param state The {@link DefaultPositionState} * @return The next uncontrolled {@link Symbol} for a given * {@link DefaultPositionState} */ private ArrayList < Symbol > getNextUnControlledSymbol ( DefaultPositionState state ) { ArrayList < Symbol > c = this.controlledSymbols.get ( state ); ArrayList < Symbol > rest = new ArrayList < Symbol > (); rest.addAll ( this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet ().get () ); rest.removeAll ( c ); rest.remove ( new DefaultSymbol ( "#" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ ArrayList < Symbol > result = new ArrayList < Symbol > (); for ( Symbol a : rest ) { for ( Integer p : state.getPositions () ) { if ( a.getName ().equals ( this.defaultRegex.symbolAtPosition ( p.intValue () ) ) ) { result.add ( a ); return result; } } } return rest; } /** * Returns the next unmarked PositionState * * @return The next unmarked PositionState */ private DefaultPositionState getNextUnmarkedState () { for ( DefaultPositionState state : this.positionStates ) { if ( !state.isMarked () ) { return state; } } return null; } /** * Returns the position of the {@link State} or null if the position is not * defined. * * @param state The {@link State}. * @return The position of the {@link State} or null if the position is not * defined. */ private final Position getPosition ( State state ) { return this.positionMap.get ( state.getName () ); } /** * Returns the panel. * * @return The panel. * @see #panel */ public RegexPanel getRegexPanel () { return this.panel; } /** * Returns the tableColumnModel. * * @return The tableColumnModel. * @see #tableColumnModel */ public ConvertMachineTableColumnModel getTableColumnModel () { return this.tableColumnModel; } /** * Shows or dispose the Algorithm window * * @param show Show or dispose */ public final void handleAlgorithmWindowChanged ( boolean show ) { // this.algorithm = // Messages.getString("ConvertGrammarDialog.CannotEliminateEntityProductions"); if ( ( this.algorithm == null ) || ( this.algorithm.length () == 0 ) ) { TextLoader loader = new TextLoader (); this.algorithm = loader.loadAlgorithm ( this.convertType ); } if ( this.algorithmWindow == null ) { this.algorithmWindow = new TextWindow ( this.gui, this.algorithm, true, this.gui.jGTIToggleButtonAlgorithm, this.convertType.toString () ); } if ( show ) { (); } else { this.algorithmWindow.dispose (); } } /** * Handles the action on the auto step button. */ public void handleAutoStep () { logger.debug ( "handleAutoStep", "handle auto step" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ setStatus (); startAutoStepTimer (); } /** * Handles the action on the begin step button. */ public void handleBeginStep () { logger.debug ( "handleBeginStep", "handle begin step" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ while ( !this.stepItemList.isEmpty () ) { handlePreviousStep (); } } /** * Handles the action on the cancel button. */ public void handleCancel () { logger.debug ( "handleCancel", "handle cancel" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ PreferenceManager.getInstance ().setConvertRegexDialogPreferences ( this.gui ); this.gui.dispose (); } /** * Handles the action on the end step button. */ public void handleEndStep () { logger.debug ( "handleEndStep", "handle end step" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ while ( !this.endReached ) { handleNextStep (); } } /** * Handles the action on the next step button. */ public void handleNextStep () { logger.debug ( "handleNextStep", "handle next step" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ performNextStep ( true ); setStatus (); } /** * Handles the action on the ok button. */ public void handleOk () { logger.debug ( "handleOk", "handle ok" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ cancelAutoStepTimer (); PreferenceManager.getInstance ().setConvertRegexDialogPreferences ( this.gui ); this.gui.setVisible ( false ); if ( this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.DFA ) ) { while ( !this.stepItemList.isEmpty () ) { performPreviousStep ( false ); } } while ( !this.endReached ) { performNextStep ( false ); } if ( this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.ENFA ) ) { String stateName = "z"; //$NON-NLS-1$ int c = 0; for ( DefaultStateView s : this.modelConverted.getStateViewList () ) { try { s.getState ().setName ( stateName + c++ ); if ( s.getState () instanceof DefaultBlackBoxState ) { ( ( DefaultBlackBoxState ) s.getState () ).setReady ( true ); } } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } } } this.panel.getMainWindow ().handleNew ( this.modelConverted.getElement (), false ); this.gui.dispose (); } /** * Handles the action on the previous step button. */ public void handlePreviousStep () { performPreviousStep ( true ); } /** * Handles the action on the print button. */ public void handlePrint () { PrintDialog dialog = new PrintDialog ( this.parent, this ); (); } /** * Handles the action on the stop button. */ public void handleStop () { logger.debug ( "handleStop", "handle stop" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ cancelAutoStepTimer (); this.gui.jGTIToolBarToggleButtonAutoStep.setSelected ( false ); setStatus (); } /** * Performs the next step. * * @param manual Indicates if step was made manually */ @SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" ) private final void performNextStep ( boolean manual ) { for ( DefaultTransitionView t : this.modelConverted .getTransitionViewList () ) { t.getTransition ().setActive ( false ); } if ( this.activeNode != null ) { this.activeNode.setActive ( false ); } ArrayList < String > addedStates = new ArrayList < String > (); ArrayList < DefaultStateView > setFinalFalse = new ArrayList < DefaultStateView > (); ArrayList < DefaultStateView > setStartFalse = new ArrayList < DefaultStateView > (); ArrayList < DefaultTransitionView > addedTransitions = new ArrayList < DefaultTransitionView > (); int c = this.count; RedoUndoItem redoUndoItem = null; boolean errorCreated = false; DefaultPositionState markedPositionState = null; ArrayList < Symbol > controlledSymbol = null; RegexNode node = null; RegexNode lastActive = this.activeNode; ArrayList < ObjectPair < DefaultTransitionView, ArrayList < Symbol > > > addedSymbolsToTransition = new ArrayList < ObjectPair < DefaultTransitionView, ArrayList < Symbol >> > (); ArrayList < DefaultBlackboxView > addedBlackBoxes = new ArrayList < DefaultBlackboxView > (); ArrayList < BlackBox > removedBlackBoxes = new ArrayList < BlackBox > (); HashMap < String, Position > positions = new HashMap < String, Position > (); XGrid xGridClone = new XGrid (); xGridClone.setX_positions ( ( HashMap < String, Integer > ) this.xGrid .getX_positions ().clone () ); ArrayList < Integer > lastFollowPos; if ( this.followPos != null ) { lastFollowPos = new ArrayList < Integer > (); lastFollowPos.addAll ( this.followPos ); } else { lastFollowPos = null; } PrettyString pretty = new PrettyString (); // ENFA if ( this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.ENFA ) ) { node = this.regexNode.getNextNodeForNFA (); node.setActive ( true ); this.activeNode = node; for ( DefaultStateView v : this.modelConverted.getStateViewList () ) { positions.put ( v.getState ().getName (), new Position ( v .getPositionX (), v.getPositionY () ) ); } // Token if ( node instanceof TokenNode ) { this.actualStep = Step.CONVERT_TOKEN; TokenNode token = ( TokenNode ) node; pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepConvertToken", token.toPrettyString () ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { DefaultStateView startView; DefaultStateView finView; if ( this.stateViewList.containsKey ( token ) ) { ArrayList < DefaultStateView > views = this.stateViewList .get ( token ); startView = views.get ( 0 ); finView = views.get ( 1 ); DefaultBlackboxView bb = this.jGTIGraphConverted .getBlackboxViewForRegexNode ( token ); removedBlackBoxes.add ( new BlackBox ( bb.getStartState () .getState ().getName (), bb.getFinalState ().getState () .getName (), bb.getContent () ) ); this.jGTIGraphConverted.removeBlackBox ( token ); } else { startView = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); startView.getState ().setStartState ( true ); finView = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); addedStates.add ( startView.getState ().getName () ); addedStates.add ( finView.getState ().getName () ); finView.getState ().setFinalState ( true ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( startView.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 0 ) ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( finView.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 1 ) ); } ArrayList < Symbol > symbols = new ArrayList < Symbol > (); symbols.add ( new DefaultSymbol ( token.getName () ) ); Transition t; Alphabet a = this.modelOriginal.getRegex ().getAlphabet (); t = new DefaultTransition ( a, a, new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), startView.getState (), finView.getState (), symbols ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( t, startView, finView, true, false, true ) ); } catch ( TransitionSymbolNotInAlphabetException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } catch ( TransitionSymbolOnlyOneTimeException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } } // CharacterClass if ( node instanceof CharacterClassNode ) { this.actualStep = Step.CONVERT_CHARCLASS; CharacterClassNode charClass = ( CharacterClassNode ) node; pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepConvertClass", charClass.toPrettyString () ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { DefaultStateView startView; DefaultStateView finView; if ( this.stateViewList.containsKey ( charClass ) ) { ArrayList < DefaultStateView > views = this.stateViewList .get ( charClass ); startView = views.get ( 0 ); finView = views.get ( 1 ); DefaultBlackboxView bb = this.jGTIGraphConverted .getBlackboxViewForRegexNode ( charClass ); removedBlackBoxes.add ( new BlackBox ( bb.getStartState () .getState ().getName (), bb.getFinalState ().getState () .getName (), bb.getContent () ) ); this.jGTIGraphConverted.removeBlackBox ( charClass ); } else { startView = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); startView.getState ().setStartState ( true ); finView = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); addedStates.add ( startView.getState ().getName () ); addedStates.add ( finView.getState ().getName () ); finView.getState ().setFinalState ( true ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( startView.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 0 ) ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( finView.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 1 ) ); } ArrayList < Symbol > symbols = new ArrayList < Symbol > (); symbols.addAll ( charClass.getCharacters () ); Transition t; Alphabet a = this.modelOriginal.getRegex ().getAlphabet (); t = new DefaultTransition ( a, a, new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), startView.getState (), finView.getState (), symbols ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( t, startView, finView, true, false, true ) ); } catch ( TransitionSymbolNotInAlphabetException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } catch ( TransitionSymbolOnlyOneTimeException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } } // Epsilon if ( node instanceof EpsilonNode ) { this.actualStep = Step.CONVERT_EPSILON; EpsilonNode epsilon = ( EpsilonNode ) node; pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepConvertEpsilon", epsilon.toPrettyString () ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { DefaultStateView startView; DefaultStateView finView; if ( this.stateViewList.containsKey ( epsilon ) ) { ArrayList < DefaultStateView > views = this.stateViewList .get ( epsilon ); startView = views.get ( 0 ); finView = views.get ( 1 ); DefaultBlackboxView bb = this.jGTIGraphConverted .getBlackboxViewForRegexNode ( epsilon ); removedBlackBoxes.add ( new BlackBox ( bb.getStartState () .getState ().getName (), bb.getFinalState ().getState () .getName (), bb.getContent () ) ); this.jGTIGraphConverted.removeBlackBox ( epsilon ); } else { startView = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); startView.getState ().setStartState ( true ); finView = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); finView.getState ().setFinalState ( true ); addedStates.add ( startView.getState ().getName () ); addedStates.add ( finView.getState ().getName () ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( startView.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 0 ) ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( finView.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 1 ) ); } ArrayList < Symbol > symbols = new ArrayList < Symbol > (); symbols.add ( new DefaultSymbol () ); Transition t; Alphabet a = this.modelOriginal.getRegex ().getAlphabet (); t = new DefaultTransition ( a, a, new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), startView.getState (), finView.getState (), symbols ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( t, startView, finView, true, false, true ) ); } catch ( TransitionSymbolNotInAlphabetException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } catch ( TransitionSymbolOnlyOneTimeException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } } // Disjunction if ( node instanceof DisjunctionNode ) { this.actualStep = Step.CONVERT_DISJUNCTION; DisjunctionNode dis = ( DisjunctionNode ) node; pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepConvertDisjunction", dis.getChildren ().get ( 0 ).toPrettyString (), dis.getChildren ().get ( 1 ).toPrettyString () ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { DefaultStateView start; DefaultStateView end; int startPosition = 0; if ( this.stateViewList.containsKey ( dis ) ) { start = this.stateViewList.get ( dis ).get ( 0 ); end = this.stateViewList.get ( dis ).get ( 1 ); startPosition = this.xGrid.getX_positions ().get ( start.getState ().getName () ).intValue (); DefaultBlackboxView bb = this.jGTIGraphConverted .getBlackboxViewForRegexNode ( dis ); removedBlackBoxes.add ( new BlackBox ( bb.getStartState () .getState ().getName (), bb.getFinalState ().getState () .getName (), bb.getContent () ) ); this.jGTIGraphConverted.removeBlackBox ( dis ); } else { start = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); start.getState ().setStartState ( true ); end = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); end.getState ().setFinalState ( true ); addedStates.add ( start.getState ().getName () ); addedStates.add ( end.getState ().getName () ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( start.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 0 ) ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( end.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 3 ) ); } if ( this.above.containsKey ( dis ) ) { start.moveRelative ( 0, Y_SPACE ); end.moveRelative ( 0, Y_SPACE ); } if ( this.under.containsKey ( dis ) ) { for ( DefaultStateView v : this.under.get ( dis ) ) { v.moveRelative ( 0, 2 * Y_SPACE ); } } if ( this.sameY.containsKey ( dis ) ) { for ( DefaultStateView v : this.sameY.get ( dis ) ) { v.moveRelative ( 0, Y_SPACE ); } } int regex1Width = this.jGTIGraphConverted.getGraphics () .getFontMetrics ().stringWidth ( dis.getChildren ().get ( 0 ).toPrettyString ().toString () ); int regex2Width = this.jGTIGraphConverted.getGraphics () .getFontMetrics ().stringWidth ( dis.getChildren ().get ( 1 ).toPrettyString ().toString () ); double startX = start.getPositionX () + start.getWidth () / 2; double startY = start.getPositionY () + start.getHeight () / 2; DefaultStateView start1 = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( startX, startY, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); DefaultStateView end1 = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( startX, startY, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); ArrayList < DefaultStateView > views = new ArrayList < DefaultStateView > (); views.add ( start1 ); views.add ( end1 ); this.stateViewList.put ( dis.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), views ); DefaultStateView start2 = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( startX, startY, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); DefaultStateView end2 = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( startX, startY, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > childOneAbove = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.above.containsKey ( dis ) ) { for ( DefaultStateView v : this.above.get ( dis ) ) { if ( v.getPositionY () < start.getPositionY () - Y_SPACE ) { childOneAbove.add ( v ); } } } this.above.put ( dis.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), childOneAbove ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > childOneUnder = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.under.containsKey ( dis ) ) { for ( DefaultStateView v : this.under.get ( dis ) ) { if ( v.getPositionY () > start.getPositionY () + Y_SPACE ) { childOneUnder.add ( v ); } } } if ( this.sameY.containsKey ( dis ) ) { for ( DefaultStateView v : this.sameY.get ( dis ) ) { childOneUnder.add ( v ); } } childOneUnder.add ( start ); childOneUnder.add ( end ); childOneUnder.add ( start2 ); childOneUnder.add ( end2 ); this.under.put ( dis.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), childOneUnder ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > childTwoAbove = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.above.containsKey ( dis ) ) { for ( DefaultStateView v : this.above.get ( dis ) ) { if ( v.getPositionY () < start.getPositionY () - Y_SPACE ) { childTwoAbove.add ( v ); } } } if ( this.sameY.containsKey ( dis ) ) { for ( DefaultStateView v : this.sameY.get ( dis ) ) { childTwoAbove.add ( v ); } } childTwoAbove.add ( start ); childTwoAbove.add ( end ); childTwoAbove.add ( start1 ); childTwoAbove.add ( end1 ); this.above.put ( dis.getChildren ().get ( 1 ), childTwoAbove ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > childTwoUnder = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.under.containsKey ( dis ) ) { for ( DefaultStateView v : this.under.get ( dis ) ) { if ( v.getPositionY () > start.getPositionY () + Y_SPACE ) { childTwoUnder.add ( v ); } } } this.under.put ( dis.getChildren ().get ( 1 ), childTwoUnder ); addedStates.add ( start1.getState ().getName () ); addedStates.add ( end1.getState ().getName () ); addedStates.add ( start2.getState ().getName () ); addedStates.add ( end2.getState ().getName () ); views = new ArrayList < DefaultStateView > (); views.add ( start2 ); views.add ( end2 ); this.stateViewList.put ( dis.getChildren ().get ( 1 ), views ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( start1.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( startPosition + 1 ) ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( start2.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( startPosition + 1 ) ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( end1.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( startPosition + 2 ) ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( end2.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( startPosition + 2 ) ); if ( this.stateViewList.containsKey ( dis ) ) { int endPosition = this.xGrid.getX_positions ().get ( end.getState ().getName () ).intValue (); TreeSet < DefaultStateView > keys = new TreeSet < DefaultStateView > (); keys.add ( end ); if ( this.endings.containsKey ( dis ) ) { keys.addAll ( this.endings.get ( dis ) ); } for ( DefaultStateView v : keys ) { if ( this.xGrid.getX_positions ().get ( v.getState ().getName () ) .intValue () >= endPosition ) { this.xGrid.moveState ( v, new Integer ( this.xGrid .getX_positions ().get ( v.getState ().getName () ) .intValue () + 2 ) ); } } } start1.moveRelative ( X_SPACE, -Y_SPACE ); end1.move ( start1.getPositionX (), start1.getPositionY () ); end1.moveRelative ( 2 * JGTIBlackboxGraph.X_SPACE + regex1Width + end1.getWidth (), 0 ); start2.moveRelative ( X_SPACE, Y_SPACE ); end2.move ( start2.getPositionX (), start2.getPositionY () ); end2.moveRelative ( 2 * JGTIBlackboxGraph.X_SPACE + regex2Width + end2.getWidth (), 0 ); end.move ( end2.getPositionX (), end.getPositionY () ); end.moveRelative ( X_SPACE, 0 ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > disEndings = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); disEndings.add ( end ); if ( this.endings.containsKey ( dis ) ) { disEndings.addAll ( this.endings.get ( dis ) ); } this.endings.put ( dis.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), disEndings ); this.endings.put ( dis.getChildren ().get ( 1 ), disEndings ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( new DefaultTransition ( this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet (), this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet (), new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), start.getState (), start1.getState (), new DefaultSymbol () ), start, start1, true, false, true ) ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( new DefaultTransition ( this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet (), this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet (), new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), start.getState (), start2.getState (), new DefaultSymbol () ), start, start2, true, false, true ) ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( new DefaultTransition ( this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet (), this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet (), new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), end1.getState (), end.getState (), new DefaultSymbol () ), end1, end, true, false, true ) ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( new DefaultTransition ( this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet (), this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet (), new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), end2.getState (), end.getState (), new DefaultSymbol () ), end2, end, true, false, true ) ); DefaultBlackboxView b1 = new DefaultBlackboxView ( start1, end1, dis .getChildren ().get ( 0 ) ); DefaultBlackboxView b2 = new DefaultBlackboxView ( start2, end2, dis .getChildren ().get ( 1 ) ); addedBlackBoxes.add ( b1 ); addedBlackBoxes.add ( b2 ); } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } catch ( TransitionSymbolNotInAlphabetException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } catch ( TransitionSymbolOnlyOneTimeException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } } // Concatenation if ( node instanceof ConcatenationNode ) { this.actualStep = Step.CONVERT_CONCAT; ConcatenationNode con = ( ConcatenationNode ) node; pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepConvertConcatenation", con.getChildren ().get ( 0 ).toPrettyString (), con.getChildren ().get ( 1 ).toPrettyString () ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { int regex1Width = this.jGTIGraphConverted.getGraphics () .getFontMetrics ().stringWidth ( con.getChildren ().get ( 0 ).toPrettyString ().toString () ); int regex2Width = this.jGTIGraphConverted.getGraphics () .getFontMetrics ().stringWidth ( con.getChildren ().get ( 1 ).toPrettyString ().toString () ); DefaultStateView start; DefaultStateView end; int startPosition = 0; if ( this.stateViewList.containsKey ( con ) ) { start = this.stateViewList.get ( con ).get ( 0 ); end = this.stateViewList.get ( con ).get ( 1 ); startPosition = this.xGrid.getX_positions ().get ( start.getState ().getName () ).intValue (); DefaultBlackboxView bb = this.jGTIGraphConverted .getBlackboxViewForRegexNode ( con ); removedBlackBoxes.add ( new BlackBox ( bb.getStartState () .getState ().getName (), bb.getFinalState ().getState () .getName (), bb.getContent () ) ); this.jGTIGraphConverted.removeBlackBox ( con ); } else { start = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); start.getState ().setStartState ( true ); end = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); end.getState ().setFinalState ( true ); addedStates.add ( start.getState ().getName () ); addedStates.add ( end.getState ().getName () ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( start.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 0 ) ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( end.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 2 ) ); } double startX = start.getPositionX (); double startY = start.getPositionY () + start.getHeight () / 2; DefaultStateView middle = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( startX, startY, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); addedStates.add ( middle.getState ().getName () ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( middle.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( startPosition + 1 ) ); if ( this.stateViewList.containsKey ( con ) ) { int endPosition = this.xGrid.getX_positions ().get ( end.getState ().getName () ).intValue (); TreeSet < DefaultStateView > keys = new TreeSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.endings.containsKey ( con ) ) { keys.addAll ( this.endings.get ( con ) ); } keys.add ( end ); for ( DefaultStateView v : keys ) { if ( this.xGrid.getX_positions ().get ( v.getState ().getName () ) .intValue () >= endPosition ) { this.xGrid.moveState ( v, new Integer ( this.xGrid .getX_positions ().get ( v.getState ().getName () ) .intValue () + 1 ) ); } } } HashSet < DefaultStateView > childsAbove = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.above.containsKey ( con ) ) { childsAbove.addAll ( this.above.get ( con ) ); } this.above.put ( con.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), childsAbove ); this.above.put ( con.getChildren ().get ( 1 ), ( HashSet < DefaultStateView > ) childsAbove.clone () ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > childsUnder = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.under.containsKey ( con ) ) { childsUnder.addAll ( this.under.get ( con ) ); } this.under.put ( con.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), childsUnder ); this.under.put ( con.getChildren ().get ( 1 ), ( HashSet < DefaultStateView > ) childsUnder.clone () ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > childOneSameY = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.sameY.containsKey ( con ) ) { childOneSameY.addAll ( this.sameY.get ( con ) ); } childOneSameY.add ( end ); this.sameY.put ( con.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), childOneSameY ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > childTwoSameY = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.sameY.containsKey ( con ) ) { childTwoSameY.addAll ( this.sameY.get ( con ) ); } childTwoSameY.add ( start ); this.sameY.put ( con.getChildren ().get ( 1 ), childTwoSameY ); ArrayList < DefaultStateView > views = new ArrayList < DefaultStateView > (); views.add ( start ); views.add ( middle ); this.stateViewList.put ( con.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), views ); views = new ArrayList < DefaultStateView > (); views.add ( middle ); views.add ( end ); this.stateViewList.put ( con.getChildren ().get ( 1 ), views ); middle.moveRelative ( 2 * JGTIBlackboxGraph.X_SPACE + regex1Width + middle.getWidth (), 0 ); end.move ( middle.getPositionX (), end.getPositionY () ); end.moveRelative ( 4 * JGTIBlackboxGraph.X_SPACE + regex1Width + middle.getWidth () + regex2Width, 0 ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > conEndings = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); conEndings.add ( end ); if ( this.endings.containsKey ( con ) ) { conEndings.addAll ( this.endings.get ( con ) ); } this.endings.put ( con.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), conEndings ); this.endings.put ( con.getChildren ().get ( 1 ), ( HashSet < DefaultStateView > ) conEndings.clone () ); DefaultBlackboxView b1 = new DefaultBlackboxView ( start, middle, con .getChildren ().get ( 0 ) ); DefaultBlackboxView b2 = new DefaultBlackboxView ( middle, end, con .getChildren ().get ( 1 ) ); addedBlackBoxes.add ( b1 ); addedBlackBoxes.add ( b2 ); } catch ( StateException e ) { e.printStackTrace (); } } // Kleene Node if ( node instanceof KleeneNode ) { this.actualStep = Step.CONVERT_KLEENE; KleeneNode k = ( KleeneNode ) node; try { int regexWidth = this.jGTIGraphConverted.getGraphics () .getFontMetrics ().stringWidth ( k.getChildren ().get ( 0 ).toPrettyString ().toString () ); DefaultStateView start; DefaultStateView end; int startPosition = 0; if ( this.stateViewList.containsKey ( k ) ) { start = this.stateViewList.get ( k ).get ( 0 ); end = this.stateViewList.get ( k ).get ( 1 ); startPosition = this.xGrid.getX_positions ().get ( start.getState ().getName () ).intValue (); DefaultBlackboxView bb = this.jGTIGraphConverted .getBlackboxViewForRegexNode ( k ); removedBlackBoxes.add ( new BlackBox ( bb.getStartState () .getState ().getName (), bb.getFinalState ().getState () .getName (), bb.getContent () ) ); this.jGTIGraphConverted.removeBlackBox ( k ); } else { start = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); start.getState ().setStartState ( true ); end = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( START_X + X_SPACE, START_Y, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); end.getState ().setFinalState ( true ); addedStates.add ( start.getState ().getName () ); addedStates.add ( end.getState ().getName () ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( start.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 0 ) ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( end.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( 3 ) ); } pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepConvertKleene", k.toPrettyString () ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ double startX = start.getPositionX () + start.getWidth (); double startY = start.getPositionY () + start.getHeight () / 2; DefaultStateView startView = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( startX, startY, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); DefaultStateView finView = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( startX, startY, new DefaultBlackBoxState ( String.valueOf ( c++ ) ), false ); addedBlackBoxes.add ( new DefaultBlackboxView ( startView, finView, k .getChildren ().get ( 0 ) ) ); addedStates.add ( startView.getState ().getName () ); addedStates.add ( finView.getState ().getName () ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( startView.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( startPosition + 1 ) ); this.xGrid.getX_positions ().put ( finView.getState ().getName (), new Integer ( startPosition + 2 ) ); if ( this.stateViewList.containsKey ( k ) ) { int endPosition = this.xGrid.getX_positions ().get ( end.getState ().getName () ).intValue (); TreeSet < DefaultStateView > keys = new TreeSet < DefaultStateView > (); keys.add ( end ); if ( this.endings.containsKey ( k ) ) { keys.addAll ( this.endings.get ( k ) ); } for ( DefaultStateView v : keys ) { if ( this.xGrid.getX_positions ().get ( v.getState ().getName () ) .intValue () >= endPosition ) { this.xGrid.moveState ( v, new Integer ( this.xGrid .getX_positions ().get ( v.getState ().getName () ) .intValue () + 2 ) ); } } } HashSet < DefaultStateView > kEndings = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); kEndings.add ( end ); if ( this.endings.containsKey ( k ) ) { kEndings.addAll ( this.endings.get ( k ) ); } this.endings.put ( k.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), kEndings ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > childsAbove = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.above.containsKey ( k ) ) { childsAbove.addAll ( this.above.get ( k ) ); } this.above.put ( k.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), childsAbove ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > childsUnder = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.under.containsKey ( k ) ) { childsUnder.addAll ( this.under.get ( k ) ); } this.under.put ( k.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), childsUnder ); HashSet < DefaultStateView > childOneSameY = new HashSet < DefaultStateView > (); if ( this.sameY.containsKey ( k ) ) { childOneSameY.addAll ( this.sameY.get ( k ) ); } childOneSameY.add ( start ); childOneSameY.add ( end ); this.sameY.put ( k.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), childOneSameY ); startView.moveRelative ( 50, 15 ); finView.moveRelative ( 50 + 2 * JGTIBlackboxGraph.X_SPACE + startView.getWidth () + regexWidth, 15 ); double width = regexWidth + 2 * JGTIBlackboxGraph.X_SPACE + startView.getWidth () + finView.getWidth (); end.moveRelative ( width + 2 * X_SPACE, 0 ); // From start to begin of N(s) Transition t = new DefaultTransition (); t.setStateBegin ( start.getState () ); t.setStateEnd ( startView.getState () ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( t, start, startView, true, false, true ) ); // From start to final t = new DefaultTransition (); t.setStateBegin ( start.getState () ); t.setStateEnd ( end.getState () ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( t, start, end, true, false, true ) ); // From end to begin of N(s) t = new DefaultTransition (); t.setStateBegin ( finView.getState () ); t.setStateEnd ( startView.getState () ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( t, finView, startView, true, false, true ) ); // From end to final t = new DefaultTransition (); t.setStateBegin ( finView.getState () ); t.setStateEnd ( end.getState () ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( t, end, finView, true, false, true ) ); ArrayList < DefaultStateView > views = new ArrayList < DefaultStateView > (); views.add ( startView ); views.add ( finView ); this.stateViewList.put ( k.getChildren ().get ( 0 ), views ); } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } } // Reset x positions for ( DefaultStateView v : this.modelConverted.getStateViewList () ) { v.move ( START_X, v.getPositionY () ); } // Order x positions in the grid for ( String s : this.xGrid.getX_positions ().keySet () ) { DefaultStateView v = this.modelConverted.getStateViewForName ( s ); if ( v != null ) { if ( this.xGrid.getX_positions ().get ( v.getState ().getName () ) .intValue () == 0 ) { v.moveRelative ( -50, 0 ); } else { v.moveRelative ( ( this.xGrid.getX_positions ().get ( v.getState ().getName () ).intValue () ) * X_SPACE, 0 ); } } } // Add Blackboxes for ( DefaultBlackboxView v : addedBlackBoxes ) { this.jGTIGraphConverted.addBlackBox ( v ); } this.endReached = this.regexNode.isMarkedAll (); if ( manual ) { setStatus (); updateGraph (); } } // DFA else if ( this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.DFA ) ) { this.actualStep = Step.INITIAL; // Initial Step boolean finalStep = false; if ( this.positionStates.isEmpty () ) { HashSet < Integer > pos = new HashSet < Integer > (); String name = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ ArrayList < LeafNode > firstPos = this.defaultRegex.getRegexNode () .firstPos (); boolean first = true; for ( LeafNode tmpNode : firstPos ) { pos.add ( new Integer ( tmpNode.getPosition () ) ); if ( !first ) { name += ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { first = false; } name += tmpNode.getPosition (); } DefaultPositionState state; try { state = new DefaultPositionState ( name, pos, true ); } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); System.exit ( 1 ); return; } this.positionStates.add ( state ); state.setStartState ( true ); DefaultStateView view = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( 0, 0, state, false ); this.positionStateViewList.put ( state, view ); addedStates.add ( state.getName () ); Position p = getPosition ( state ); if ( p != null ) { view.move ( p.getX (), p.getY () ); } pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepCreateStartState", this.regexNode.toPrettyString (), new PrettyString ( new PrettyToken ( name, Style.NONE ) ) ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // Now the algorithm goes else { DefaultPositionState positionState = getNextUnmarkedState (); if ( positionState != null ) { if ( !this.controlledSymbols.containsKey ( positionState ) ) { this.controlledSymbols.put ( positionState, new ArrayList < Symbol > () ); } markedPositionState = positionState; ArrayList < Symbol > a = getNextUnControlledSymbol ( positionState ); if ( a != null ) { controlledSymbol = new ArrayList < Symbol > (); controlledSymbol.addAll ( a ); } if ( ( a != null ) && !a.isEmpty () && ( controlledSymbol != null ) ) { this.controlledSymbols.get ( positionState ).addAll ( a ); DefaultPositionState uState; if ( a.size () == 1 ) { if ( manual && !this.showErrorState ) { ArrayList < Symbol > next = getNextUnControlledSymbol ( positionState ); if ( next.size () > 1 ) { this.controlledSymbols.get ( positionState ).addAll ( next ); controlledSymbol.addAll ( next ); } } Symbol s = a.get ( 0 ); HashSet < Integer > u = new HashSet < Integer > (); for ( Integer p : positionState.getPositions () ) { if ( s.getName ().equals ( this.defaultRegex.symbolAtPosition ( p.intValue () ) ) ) { for ( Integer n : this.defaultRegex .followPos ( p.intValue () ) ) { u.add ( n ); } } } String name = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ boolean first = true; for ( Integer i : u ) { if ( !first ) { name += ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { first = false; } name += i; } try { uState = new DefaultPositionState ( name, u, true ); } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); System.exit ( 1 ); return; } if ( !u.isEmpty () ) { if ( !this.positionStates.contains ( uState ) ) { this.positionStates.add ( uState ); DefaultStateView view = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( 0, 0, uState, false ); this.positionStateViewList.put ( uState, view ); addedStates.add ( uState.getName () ); Position p = getPosition ( uState ); if ( p != null ) { view.move ( p.getX (), p.getY () ); } } } } else { try { uState = new DefaultPositionState ( "\u2205", //$NON-NLS-1$ new HashSet < Integer > (), false ); } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); System.exit ( 1 ); return; } if ( !this.emptyStateCreated ) { errorCreated = true; this.positionStates.add ( uState ); uState.mark (); DefaultStateView view = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( 0, 0, uState, false ); this.positionStateViewList.put ( uState, view ); this.emptyStateCreated = true; addedStates.add ( uState.getName () ); Position p = getPosition ( uState ); if ( p != null ) { view.move ( p.getX (), p.getY () ); } try { addedTransitions .add ( this.modelConverted .createTransitionView ( new DefaultTransition ( this.defaultRegex .getAlphabet (), this.defaultRegex .getAlphabet (), new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), uState, uState, this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet ().get () ), this.modelConverted .getStateViewForState ( uState ), this.modelConverted .getStateViewForState ( uState ), true, false, true ) ); } catch ( TransitionSymbolNotInAlphabetException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } catch ( TransitionSymbolOnlyOneTimeException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } } } if ( ( this.positionStateViewList.get ( uState ) != null ) && ( this.positionStateViewList.get ( positionState ) != null ) ) { ArrayList < Symbol > s = new ArrayList < Symbol > (); s.addAll ( a ); try { DefaultTransitionView old = null; for ( DefaultTransitionView t : this.modelConverted .getTransitionViewList () ) { if ( t.getSourceView ().equals ( this.positionStateViewList.get ( positionState ) ) && t.getTargetView ().equals ( this.positionStateViewList.get ( uState ) ) ) { old = t; } } if ( old == null ) { Transition t = new DefaultTransition ( this.defaultRegex .getAlphabet (), this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet (), new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), this.positionStateViewList.get ( positionState ) .getState (), this.positionStateViewList .get ( uState ).getState (), a ); addedTransitions.add ( this.modelConverted .createTransitionView ( t, this.positionStateViewList .get ( positionState ), this.positionStateViewList .get ( uState ), true, false, true ) ); if ( a.size () == 1 ) { pretty.add ( Messages.getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepTransitionForSymbol", //$NON-NLS-1$ a.get ( 0 ).toPrettyString () ) ); } else { pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepTransitionToError" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { PrettyString symbolString = new PrettyString (); boolean first = true; for ( Symbol sym : a ) { if ( !first ) { symbolString.add ( new PrettyToken ( ", ", Style.NONE ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } first = false; symbolString.add ( sym.toPrettyString () ); } pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepSymbolToTransition", symbolString, old.getTransition ().toPrettyString () ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ old.getTransition ().add ( a ); addedSymbolsToTransition .add ( new ObjectPair < DefaultTransitionView, ArrayList < Symbol > > ( old, a ) ); } } catch ( TransitionSymbolNotInAlphabetException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); System.exit ( 1 ); return; } catch ( TransitionSymbolOnlyOneTimeException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); System.exit ( 1 ); return; } } } else { positionState.mark (); pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepMarkState", positionState.toPrettyString () ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ DefaultPositionState nextState = getNextUnmarkedState (); if ( ( nextState != null ) && manual && !this.showErrorState ) { ArrayList < Symbol > next = getNextUnControlledSymbol ( nextState ); if ( next.size () > 1 ) { this.controlledSymbols.get ( nextState ).addAll ( next ); if ( controlledSymbol == null ) { controlledSymbol = new ArrayList < Symbol > (); controlledSymbol.addAll ( next ); } else { controlledSymbol.addAll ( next ); } } } } } else { finalStep = true; LeafNode end = this.regexNode.lastPos ().get ( 0 ); pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepMarkFinalState", new PrettyString ( new PrettyToken ( String.valueOf ( end.getPosition () ), Style.REGEX_POSITION ) ) ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ for ( DefaultPositionState uState : this.positionStates ) { if ( uState.getPositions ().contains ( new Integer ( end.getPosition () ) ) ) { uState.setFinalState ( true ); setFinalFalse.add ( this.modelConverted .getStateViewForState ( uState ) ); } } } } this.endReached = finalStep; if ( manual ) { setStatus (); updateGraph (); } } // NFA else if ( this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.NFA ) ) { this.actualStep = Step.INITIAL; // Initial Step if ( this.positionStates.isEmpty () ) { ArrayList < LeafNode > firstPos = this.defaultRegex.getRegexNode () .firstPos (); for ( LeafNode tmpNode : firstPos ) { HashSet < Integer > pos = new HashSet < Integer > (); String name = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ pos.add ( new Integer ( tmpNode.getPosition () ) ); name += tmpNode.getPosition (); DefaultPositionState state; try { state = new DefaultPositionState ( name, pos, false ); } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); System.exit ( 1 ); return; } this.positionStates.add ( state ); state.setStartState ( true ); DefaultStateView view = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( 0, 0, state, false ); this.positionStateViewList.put ( state, view ); addedStates.add ( state.getName () ); Position p = getPosition ( state ); if ( p != null ) { view.move ( p.getX (), p.getY () ); } } if ( firstPos.size () == 1 ) { pretty.add ( Messages.getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepCreateStartState", //$NON-NLS-1$ this.regexNode.toPrettyString (), new PrettyString ( new PrettyToken ( String.valueOf ( firstPos.get ( 0 ) .getPosition () ), Style.REGEX_POSITION ) ) ) ); } else { PrettyString s = new PrettyString (); boolean first = true; for ( LeafNode n : firstPos ) { if ( !first ) { s.add ( new PrettyToken ( ", ", Style.NONE ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } s.add ( new PrettyToken ( String.valueOf ( n.getPosition () ), Style.REGEX_POSITION ) ); first = false; } pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepCreateStartStates", this.regexNode.toPrettyString (), s ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { DefaultPositionState positionState = getNextUnmarkedState (); if ( positionState != null ) { Integer actualPosition = positionState.getPosition (); if ( this.followPos == null ) { this.followPos = new ArrayList < Integer > (); this.followPos.addAll ( this.defaultRegex .followPos ( actualPosition.intValue () ) ); } if ( !this.followPos.isEmpty () ) { Integer i = this.followPos.remove ( 0 ); HashSet < Integer > uPos = new HashSet < Integer > (); uPos.add ( i ); DefaultPositionState uState = null; try { uState = new DefaultPositionState ( i.toString (), uPos, false ); if ( !this.positionStates.contains ( uState ) ) { this.positionStates.add ( uState ); DefaultStateView view = this.modelConverted.createStateView ( 0, 0, uState, false ); this.positionStateViewList.put ( uState, view ); addedStates.add ( uState.getName () ); Position p = getPosition ( uState ); if ( p != null ) { view.move ( p.getX (), p.getY () ); } } Symbol s = new DefaultSymbol ( this.defaultRegex .symbolAtPosition ( actualPosition.intValue () ) ); Transition t = new DefaultTransition ( this.defaultRegex .getAlphabet (), this.defaultRegex.getAlphabet (), new DefaultWord (), new DefaultWord (), this.positionStateViewList.get ( positionState ).getState (), this.positionStateViewList.get ( uState ).getState (), s ); addedTransitions .add ( this.modelConverted.createTransitionView ( t, this.positionStateViewList.get ( positionState ), this.positionStateViewList.get ( uState ), true, false, true ) ); pretty .add ( Messages .getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepTransitionFromS0toS1forSymbol", //$NON-NLS-1$ positionState.toPrettyString (), uState .toPrettyString (), s.toPrettyString () ) ); } catch ( StateException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } catch ( TransitionSymbolNotInAlphabetException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } catch ( TransitionSymbolOnlyOneTimeException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace (); } } else { this.followPos = null; markedPositionState = positionState; positionState.mark (); pretty.add ( Messages.getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepMarkState", positionState //$NON-NLS-1$ .toPrettyString () ) ); } } else { LeafNode end = this.regexNode.lastPos ().get ( 0 ); for ( DefaultPositionState uState : this.positionStates ) { if ( uState.getPositions ().contains ( new Integer ( end.getPosition () ) ) ) { uState.setFinalState ( true ); setFinalFalse.add ( this.modelConverted .getStateViewForState ( uState ) ); } } this.followPos = null; this.endReached = true; pretty.add ( Messages.getPrettyString ( "ConvertRegexToMachineDialog.StepMarkFinalState", //$NON-NLS-1$ new PrettyString ( new PrettyToken ( String.valueOf ( end .getPosition () ), Style.REGEX_POSITION ) ) ) ); } } if ( manual ) { setStatus (); updateGraph (); } } for ( DefaultTransitionView v : addedTransitions ) { v.getTransition ().setActive ( true ); } addOutlineComment ( pretty ); this.stepItemList.add ( new StepItem ( this.actualStep, addedStates, redoUndoItem, addedTransitions, setStartFalse, setFinalFalse, this.count, lastActive, errorCreated, markedPositionState, controlledSymbol, addedSymbolsToTransition, removedBlackBoxes, addedBlackBoxes, positions, xGridClone, lastFollowPos ) ); this.count = c; } /** * Performs previous step * * @param manual Indicates if step was made manually */ private void performPreviousStep ( boolean manual ) { this.endReached = false; StepItem stepItem = this.stepItemList .remove ( this.stepItemList.size () - 1 ); if ( this.activeNode != null ) { this.activeNode.setActive ( false ); } for ( String name : stepItem.getAddedStates () ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < this.modelConverted.getStateViewList ().size () ; i++ ) { if ( this.modelConverted.getStateViewList ().get ( i ).getState () .getName ().equals ( name ) ) { if ( this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.DFA ) || this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.NFA ) ) { this.positionStates.remove ( this.modelConverted .getStateViewList ().get ( i ).getState () ); } this.modelConverted.removeState ( this.modelConverted .getStateViewList ().get ( i ), false ); } } } for ( DefaultStateView view : stepItem.getSetFinalFalse () ) { view.getState ().setFinalState ( ( this.entityType.equals ( MachineType.ENFA ) ) ); } for ( DefaultStateView view : stepItem.getSetStartFalse () ) { view.getState ().setStartState ( true ); } for ( DefaultTransitionView view : stepItem.getAddedTransitions () ) { this.modelConverted.removeTransition ( view, false ); } if ( stepItem.isErrorCreated () ) { this.emptyStateCreated = false; } DefaultPositionState posState = stepItem.getMarkedPositionState (); if ( posState != null ) { posState.unMark (); } ArrayList < Symbol > s = stepItem.getControlledSymbol (); if ( s != null ) { this.controlledSymbols.get ( posState ).removeAll ( s ); } for ( ObjectPair < DefaultTransitionView, ArrayList < Symbol > > pair : stepItem .getAddedSymbolsToTransition () ) { pair.getFirst ().getTransition ().remove ( pair.getSecond () ); } this.actualStep = stepItem.getActiveStep (); if ( this.activeNode != null ) { this.activeNode.unmark (); this.activeNode.setActive ( false ); } RegexNode actNode = stepItem.getActNode (); if ( actNode != null ) { actNode.setActive ( true ); } this.activeNode = actNode; for ( DefaultStateView v : this.modelConverted.getStateViewList () ) { if ( stepItem.getPositions ().containsKey ( v.getState ().getName () ) ) { Position p = stepItem.getPositions ().get ( v.getState ().getName () ); v.move ( p.getX (), p.getY () ); } } for ( DefaultBlackboxView v : stepItem.getAddedBlackboxes () ) { this.jGTIGraphConverted.removeBlackBox ( v ); } for ( BlackBox bb : stepItem.getRemovedBlackboxes () ) { DefaultStateView start = null; DefaultStateView end = null; for ( DefaultStateView v : this.modelConverted.getStateViewList () ) { if ( v.getState ().getName ().equals ( bb.getStart () ) ) { start = v; } else if ( v.getState ().getName ().equals ( bb.getEnd () ) ) { end = v; } } this.jGTIGraphConverted.addBlackBox ( new DefaultBlackboxView ( start, end, bb.getContent () ) ); } this.xGrid = stepItem.getXGrid (); // outline this.convertMachineTableModel.removeLastRow (); this.gui.jGTITableOutline.changeSelection ( this.convertMachineTableModel .getRowCount () - 1, ConvertMachineTableModel.OUTLINE_COLUMN, false, false ); if ( !this.stepItemList.isEmpty () ) { StepItem it = this.stepItemList.get ( this.stepItemList.size () - 1 ); for ( DefaultTransitionView v : it.getAddedTransitions () ) { v.getTransition ().setActive ( true ); } this.count = stepItem.getActCount (); } else { this.count = 0; } this.followPos = stepItem.getFollowPos (); if ( manual ) { setStatus (); updateGraph (); } } /** * Sets the button status. */ private final void setStatus () { if ( this.gui.jGTIToolBarToggleButtonAutoStep.isSelected () ) { this.gui.jGTIToolBarButtonBeginStep.setEnabled ( false ); this.gui.jGTIToolBarButtonPreviousStep.setEnabled ( false ); this.gui.jGTIToolBarButtonNextStep.setEnabled ( false ); this.gui.jGTIToolBarToggleButtonAutoStep.setEnabled ( false ); this.gui.jGTIToolBarButtonStop.setEnabled ( true ); this.gui.jGTIToolBarButtonEndStep.setEnabled ( false ); } else { boolean beginReached = this.stepItemList.isEmpty (); this.gui.jGTIToolBarButtonBeginStep.setEnabled ( !beginReached ); this.gui.jGTIToolBarButtonPreviousStep.setEnabled ( !beginReached ); this.gui.jGTIToolBarButtonNextStep.setEnabled ( !this.endReached ); this.gui.jGTIToolBarToggleButtonAutoStep.setEnabled ( !this.endReached ); this.gui.jGTIToolBarButtonStop.setEnabled ( false ); this.gui.jGTIToolBarButtonEndStep.setEnabled ( !this.endReached ); } } /** * Shows the {@link ConvertMachineDialogForm}. */ public final void show () { logger.debug ( "show", "show the convert regex dialog" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ Rectangle rect = PreferenceManager.getInstance () .getConvertRegexDialogBounds (); if ( ( rect.x == PreferenceManager.DEFAULT_CONVERT_REGEX_DIALOG_POSITION_X ) || ( rect.y == PreferenceManager.DEFAULT_CONVERT_REGEX_DIALOG_POSITION_Y ) ) { rect.x = this.parent.getBounds ().x + ( this.parent.getWidth () / 2 ) - ( this.gui.getWidth () / 2 ); rect.y = this.parent.getBounds ().y + ( this.parent.getHeight () / 2 ) - ( this.gui.getHeight () / 2 ); } this.gui.setBounds ( rect ); this.gui.setVisible ( true ); } /** * Starts the auto step timer. */ @SuppressWarnings ( "synthetic-access" ) private final void startAutoStepTimer () { cancelAutoStepTimer (); this.autoStepTimer = new Timer (); int time = PreferenceManager.getInstance ().getAutoStepItem () .getAutoStepInterval (); this.autoStepTimer.schedule ( new AutoStepTimerTask (), time, time ); } /** * Updates the {@link JGTIGraph}s. */ private final void updateGraph () { this.modelOriginal.getGraphModel ().cellsChanged ( DefaultGraphModel.getAll ( this.modelOriginal.getGraphModel () ) ); this.modelConverted.getGraphModel ().cellsChanged ( DefaultGraphModel.getAll ( this.modelConverted.getGraphModel () ) ); } /** * Updates the RegexNode infos */ protected void updateRegexNodeInfo () { if ( this.jGTIGraphOriginal.getSelectionCell () instanceof DefaultNodeView ) { this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaNullable.setEnabled ( true ); this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaFirstpos.setEnabled ( true ); this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaLastpos.setEnabled ( true ); this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaFollowpos.setEnabled ( true ); RegexNode node = ( ( DefaultNodeView ) this.jGTIGraphOriginal .getSelectionCell () ).getNode (); this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaNullable.setText ( String .valueOf ( node.nullable () ) ); String firstpos = "{"; //$NON-NLS-1$ for ( LeafNode n : node.firstPos () ) { firstpos += n.getPosition (); if ( node.firstPos ().indexOf ( n ) != node.firstPos ().size () - 1 ) { firstpos += "; "; //$NON-NLS-1$ } } firstpos += "}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaFirstpos.setText ( firstpos ); String lastpos = "{"; //$NON-NLS-1$ for ( LeafNode n : node.lastPos () ) { lastpos += n.getPosition (); if ( node.lastPos ().indexOf ( n ) != node.lastPos ().size () - 1 ) { lastpos += "; "; //$NON-NLS-1$ } } lastpos += "}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaLastpos.setText ( lastpos ); String followpos = "{"; //$NON-NLS-1$ boolean first = true; LinkedList < ObjectPair < LeafNode, LeafNode > > follow = new LinkedList < ObjectPair < LeafNode, LeafNode > > (); follow.addAll ( node.followPos () ); Collections.sort ( follow, new Comparator < ObjectPair < LeafNode, LeafNode > > () { /** * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, * java.lang.Object) */ public int compare ( ObjectPair < LeafNode, LeafNode > o1, ObjectPair < LeafNode, LeafNode > o2 ) { int p1 = o1.getFirst ().getPosition () - o2.getFirst ().getPosition (); if ( p1 != 0 ) { return p1; } return o1.getSecond ().getPosition () - o2.getSecond ().getPosition (); } } ); for ( ObjectPair < LeafNode, LeafNode > pair : follow ) { if ( !first ) { followpos += "; "; //$NON-NLS-1$ } followpos += "(" + pair.getFirst ().getPosition () + ", " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + pair.getSecond ().getPosition () + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ first = false; } followpos += "}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaFollowpos.setText ( followpos ); } else { this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaNullable.setText ( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaFirstpos.setText ( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaFollowpos.setText ( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaLastpos.setText ( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaNullable.setEnabled ( false ); this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaFirstpos.setEnabled ( false ); this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaLastpos.setEnabled ( false ); this.gui.regexNodeInfoPanel.jGTITextAreaFollowpos.setEnabled ( false ); } } }