package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.egonet.exceptions.DuplicateQuestionException; import org.egonet.exceptions.EgonetException; import org.egonet.exceptions.MalformedQuestionException; import org.egonet.model.Study; import org.egonet.model.Shared.AlterNameModel; import org.egonet.model.Shared.AlterSamplingModel; import org.egonet.model.answer.*; import org.egonet.model.question.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import electric.xml.Document; import electric.xml.Element; import electric.xml.Elements; import electric.xml.ParseException; public class StudyReader { final private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StudyReader.class); private File studyFile; public StudyReader(File studyFile) { this.studyFile = studyFile; } public Study getStudy() throws EgonetException { try { Study readStudy = readPackageStudy(new Document(studyFile)); readStudy.verifyStudy(); return readStudy; } catch (ParseException ex) { throw new EgonetException("Could not read study file", ex); } } private Study readPackageStudy(Document document) throws MalformedQuestionException, DuplicateQuestionException, EgonetException { Study study = new Study(); Element root = document.getRoot(); try { study.setStudyId(root.getAttributeValue("Id")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new EgonetException("Unable to parse the unique ID for this study", nfe); } root = root.getElement("Study"); if(root == null) { throw new EgonetException("Couldn't find a study element in this file, may not be a study file."); } if (root.getElement("name") != null) { study.setStudyName(root.getTextString("name")); } //Retrocompatibility for old versions of Egonet. Some studies had //alternumberfixed meaning limited mode, and numalters as the min/max alters. //If alternumberfixed were false meant that there weren't max number of alters. if(root.getElement("alternumberfixed") != null) { boolean limitedMode = root.getBoolean("alternumberfixed"); study.setUnlimitedMode(!limitedMode); if(root.getElement("numalters") != null) { if(limitedMode) { study.setMaximumNumberOfAlters(root.getInt("numalters")); } study.setMinimumNumberOfAlters(root.getInt("numalters")); } } // if either new XML alters element is missing, default back to numalters if(root.getElement("minalters") == null || root.getElement("maxalters") == null) { if (root.getElement("numalters") != null) { int i = root.getInt("numalters"); study.setMinimumNumberOfAlters(i); study.setMaximumNumberOfAlters(i); } } if (root.getElement("altermodeunlimited") != null) { boolean b = root.getBoolean("altermodeunlimited"); study.setUnlimitedMode(b); } if (root.getElement("minalters") != null) { int i = root.getInt("minalters"); study.setMinimumNumberOfAlters(i); } if (root.getElement("maxalters") != null) { int i = root.getInt("maxalters"); study.setMaximumNumberOfAlters(i); } if(root.getElement("altersamplingmodel") != null) { study.setAlterSamplingModel(AlterSamplingModel.values()[root.getInt("altersamplingmodel")]); } if(root.getElement("alternamemodel") != null) { int mod = root.getInt("alternamemodel"); study.setAlterNameModel(AlterNameModel.values()[mod]); // + " : " + study.getAlterNameModel()); } if(root.getElement("altersamplingparameter") != null) { study.setAlterSamplingParameter(root.getInt("altersamplingparameter")); } if(root.getElement("allowskipquestions") != null) { //System.out.println("FOUND ALLOW SKIPS"); study.setAllowSkipQuestions(root.getBoolean("allowskipquestions")); } Elements elements = root.getElements("questionorder"); while (elements.hasMoreElements()) { Element element =; String questionType = element.getAttribute("questiontype"); Class<? extends Question> qType = Question.asSubclass(questionType); List<Long> questionOrder = study.getQuestionOrder(qType); Elements ids = element.getElements("id"); while (ids.hasMoreElements()) { questionOrder.add(new Long(; } } List<Question> questions = getQuestions(); for(Question q : questions) study.addQuestion(q); return study; } private static List<Question> getQuestions(Element root) throws MalformedQuestionException, DuplicateQuestionException, EgonetException { root = root.getElement("QuestionList"); Elements questions = root.getElements("Question"); List<Question> questionList = new ArrayList<Question>(); while (questions.hasMoreElements()) { Question q = readQuestion(; questionList.add(q); } return questionList; } public static List<Question> getQuestions(File questionFile) throws MalformedQuestionException, DuplicateQuestionException, EgonetException { try { Document document = new Document(questionFile); Element root = document.getRoot(); return getQuestions(root); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new EgonetException(e); } } public List<Question> getQuestions() throws MalformedQuestionException, DuplicateQuestionException, EgonetException { Document document; try { document = new Document(studyFile); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new EgonetException(e); } Element root = document.getRoot(); return getQuestions(root); } public boolean isStudyInUse() throws EgonetException { Document document; try { document = new Document(studyFile); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new EgonetException(e); } Element root = document.getRoot(); String inUse = root.getAttribute("InUse"); return ((inUse != null) && inUse.equals("Y")); } @Deprecated private enum QuestionType { STUDY_CONFIG(StudyQuestion.class.getCanonicalName()), EGO(EgoQuestion.class.getCanonicalName()), ALTER_PROMPT(AlterPromptQuestion.class.getCanonicalName()), ALTER(AlterQuestion.class.getCanonicalName()), ALTER_PAIR(AlterPairQuestion.class.getCanonicalName()) ; public final String className; QuestionType(String className) { this.className = className; } } @Deprecated private enum AnswerType { CATEGORICAL(CategoricalAnswer.class.getCanonicalName()), NUMERICAL(NumericalAnswer.class.getCanonicalName()), TEXT(TextAnswer.class.getCanonicalName()), INFORMATIONAL(InformationalAnswer.class.getCanonicalName()), ; public final String className; AnswerType(String className) { this.className = className; } } @SuppressWarnings({"deprecation"}) public static Question readQuestion(Element question) throws MalformedQuestionException { Question q; String questionType = question.getString("QuestionType"); if(!questionType.toLowerCase().contains(".class".toLowerCase())) { int intQuestiontype = -1; try { intQuestiontype = Integer.parseInt(questionType); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MalformedQuestionException("QuestionType did not contain canonical name, but I couldn't parse an integer"); } String clazz = null; QuestionType [] types = { QuestionType.STUDY_CONFIG, QuestionType.EGO, QuestionType.ALTER_PROMPT, QuestionType.ALTER, QuestionType.ALTER_PAIR }; for(QuestionType t : types) { if(t.ordinal() == intQuestiontype) { clazz = t.className; } } if(clazz == null) { throw new MalformedQuestionException("QuestionType did not contain canonical name or integer"); } questionType = clazz; } q = Question.newInstance(questionType); String answerType = question.getString("AnswerType"); if(!answerType.toLowerCase().contains(".class".toLowerCase())) { int intAnswerType = -1; try { intAnswerType = Integer.parseInt(answerType); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MalformedQuestionException("Question's AnswerType did not contain canonical name, but I couldn't parse an integer"); } String clazz = null; AnswerType [] types = { AnswerType.CATEGORICAL, AnswerType.NUMERICAL, AnswerType.TEXT, AnswerType.INFORMATIONAL }; for(AnswerType t : types) { if(t.ordinal() == intAnswerType) { clazz = t.className; } } if(clazz == null) { throw new MalformedQuestionException("Question's AnswerType did not contain canonical name or integer"); } answerType = clazz; } q.answerType = Answer.asSubclass(answerType); // force alter prompt to be a text answer? if (q instanceof AlterPromptQuestion) { q.answerType = TextAnswer.class; } if(question.getElement("QuestionTitle") == null) { q.title = ""; } else if(question.getElement("QuestionText") == null) { q.text = ""; } q.title = question.getTextString("QuestionTitle"); q.title = (q.title == null) ? "" : q.title; q.text = question.getTextString("QuestionText"); q.text = (q.text == null) ? "" : q.text; q.citation = question.getTextString("Citation"); q.citation = (q.citation == null) ? "" : q.citation; if(question.hasElement("FollowUpOnly")) { boolean foo = question.getBoolean("FollowUpOnly"); q.followupOnly = foo; } q.UniqueId = new Long(question.getLong("Id")); if (question.getAttribute("CentralityMarker") != null) { boolean centrality = question.getAttribute("CentralityMarker").equals("true"); if (centrality && (!(q instanceof AlterPairQuestion))) { //"ID:" + q.UniqueId + " title:"+ q.title); throw (new MalformedQuestionException("Centrality marker on non-alter pair question")); } } Element link = question.getElement("Link"); if (link != null) { Answer answer = Answer.newInstance(q.answerType); answer.setQuestionId(link.getLong("Id"));;"value")); /* Only support questions with single answers for link */ = link.getTextString("string"); } if (q.answerType.equals(CategoricalAnswer.class)) { Element answerList = question.getElement("Answers"); if (answerList != null) { Elements selections = answerList.getElements("AnswerText"); if (selections.size() == 0) { throw (new MalformedQuestionException("zero selections, impossible for a categorical question!")); } /* * temp vars for determining statable, a question must have at * least one of each selection type to be statable */ boolean adjacent = false; boolean nonadjacent = false; q.setSelections(new ArrayList<Selection>(selections.size())); while (selections.hasMoreElements()) { Element selection =; int index = Integer.parseInt(selection.getAttributeValue("index")); Selection ptr = new Selection(); q.getSelections().set(index, ptr); try { ptr.setString(selection.getTextString()); ptr.setValue(Integer.parseInt(selection.getAttributeValue("value"))); ptr.setAdjacent(Boolean.valueOf(selection.getAttributeValue("adjacent")).booleanValue()); ptr.setIndex(index); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { //"Throwing exception"); ptr.setValue(selections.size() - (index + 1)); ptr.setAdjacent(false); } if (ptr.isAdjacent()) adjacent = true; else nonadjacent = true; } /* * a question must have at least one of each selection type to * be statable */ q.setStatable(adjacent && nonadjacent); if(!q.isStatable()) { // THIS MAY BE OK IF IT ISN'T AN ALTER PAIR QUESTION String str = "Study readQuestion found that there wasn't a valid adjacency map, marking alter pair question NON statable; q: " + q.getString(); logger.error(str); //throw new RuntimeException(str); } else {"Successfully determined that this study is statable"); } /* Check to make sure all answers are contiguous */ for (int i = 0; i < selections.size(); i++) { if (q.getSelections().get(i) == null) { throw (new MalformedQuestionException("saved a null as a selection")); } } } } return q; } }