package; import com.lowagie.text.*; import com.lowagie.text.List; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*; import java.awt.Color; import*; import java.util.*; import org.egonet.exceptions.CorruptedInterviewException; import org.egonet.model.Interview; import org.egonet.model.Shared; import org.egonet.model.Study; import org.egonet.model.answer.*; import org.egonet.model.question.Question; import org.egonet.model.question.Selection; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.egonet.model.question.*; public class PDFWriter { private Study study; private Interview interview; final private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PDFWriter.class); private int indexPromptQuestion = 0; public PDFWriter(Study study, Interview interview) throws CorruptedInterviewException { super(); = study; this.interview = interview; } public PDFWriter(Study study, String name) throws CorruptedInterviewException { this(study, new Interview(study, name)); } public Study getStudy() { return study; } public void setStudy(Study study) { = study; } public Interview getInterview() { return interview; } public void setInterview(Interview interview) { this.interview = interview; } /** * Eventually, this separate method could be used for output settings that the user could choose */ public void configureDocument(Document document, File outputfile) throws FileNotFoundException, DocumentException { document.setPageSize(PageSize.LETTER); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(outputfile)); } public void write(File outputFile) throws IOException { try { Document document = new Document(); configureDocument(document, outputFile);; writeStudy(document); document.close(); } catch (DocumentException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } } private void writeStudy(Document document) throws DocumentException { // document metadata document.addTitle(study.getStudyName()); document.addCreator("Egonet ("); document.add(new Paragraph(study.getStudyName())); writeLine(document); for(Class<? extends Question> qT : Shared.questionClasses) { document.add(new Paragraph("Questions of type: " + Question.getNiceName(qT))); writeLine(document); Iterator<Long> it = study.getQuestionIterator(qT); while(it.hasNext()) { Long id =; Question question = study.getQuestion(id); writeQuestion(document, question); } } } private void writeLine(Document document) throws DocumentException { Chunk c = new Chunk(); for(float i = 0; i < 120; i++) c.append(" "); c.setUnderline(new Color(0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f, 0.2f, PdfContentByte.LINE_CAP_PROJECTING_SQUARE); document.add(c); document.add(new Paragraph()); } private void writeQuestion(Document document, Question question) throws DocumentException { if(question instanceof AlterQuestion) { } else if(question instanceof AlterPairQuestion) { } else if(question instanceof AlterPromptQuestion) { String[] alterList = interview.getAlterQuestionPromptAnswers()[indexPromptQuestion]; Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("Title: " + question.title); Font f1 = p1.getFont(); f1.setStyle(Font.UNDERLINE); p1.setFont(f1); document.add(p1); indexPromptQuestion++; // we have a list of alters if(alterList.length > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < alterList.length ;i++) { String entry = "("+(i+1)+") " + alterList[i] + " "; while(entry.length() < 25) entry += " "; // pad Paragraph p = new Paragraph(entry); Font f = p.getFont(); f.setStyle(Font.UNDERLINE); p.setFont(f); document.add(p); } } else { // we don't know the list yet, but the study is // in limited mode, so we know how many alters // we will have as maximum. if(!study.isUnlimitedAlterMode()) { for(int i = 0; i < study.getMaximumNumberOfAlters(); i++) { String entry = "("+(i+1)+") "; while(entry.length() < 25) entry += " "; Paragraph p = new Paragraph(entry); Font f = p.getFont(); f.setStyle(Font.UNDERLINE); p.setFont(f); document.add(p); } } } return; } else if(question instanceof EgoQuestion) { } java.util.List<Answer> answers = interview.getAnswersByUniqueId(question.UniqueId); List answeredQuestions = new List(); for(Answer answer : answers) { writeLine(document); document.add(new Paragraph("Title: " + question.title + " (Unique ID: " + question.UniqueId + ", Response type: " + question.answerType + ")")); document.add(new Paragraph()); document.add(new Paragraph()); if(!answer.isAnswered()) document.add(new Paragraph("Answered: " + answer.isAnswered())); String qText = question.text; qText = qText.replaceAll("\\$\\$[^0-9]+", "\\$\\$1"); qText = qText.replaceAll("\\$\\$$", "\\$\\$1"); if(answer.getAlters() != null && answer.getAlters().size() > 0) { String names = ""; java.util.List<Integer> alters = answer.getAlters(); for(int i = 0; i < alters.size() ;i++) { int num = alters.get(i); String thisName = ""; if(interview.getAlterList().length > num) thisName = interview.getAlterList()[num] + " ("+(num+1)+")"; else thisName = "("+(num+1)+") ______________"; qText = qText.replaceAll("\\$\\$"+(i+1), thisName); names += thisName; if(i < alters.size()-1) names += ", "; }"Answer alters: " + Arrays.asList(names)); // document.add(new Paragraph("Answer Alters: " + names)); } document.add(new Paragraph("Text: " + qText)); if(question.answerType.equals(NumericalAnswer.class)) { if(answer.isAnswered() && answer.getValue() != -1) document.add(new Paragraph("Answer Value: " + answer.getValue() + ", Answer Index: " + answer.getIndex())); else document.add(new Paragraph("Answer Value: _________________ ")); } else if(question.answerType.equals(TextAnswer.class)) { if(answer.isAnswered() && answer.string != null && !answer.string.equals("")) document.add(new Paragraph("String answer: " + answer.string)); else { document.add(new Paragraph("Answer Value: ")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); document.add(new Paragraph("")); } } else if(question.answerType.equals(CategoricalAnswer.class)) { if(answer.isAnswered() && answer.getIndex() > -1) { Selection sel = question.getSelections().get(answer.getIndex()); document.add(new Paragraph(sel.getString() + " (Answer Value: " + answer.getValue() + ", Answer Index: " + answer.getIndex() + ")")); } else { List selections = new List(); for(Selection sel : question.getSelections()) { selections.add(sel.getString() + " (index="+sel.getIndex()+",value="+sel.getValue()+")"); } document.add(new Paragraph("Possible selections: ")); document.add(selections); document.add(new Paragraph()); } } document.add(answeredQuestions); } document.add(new Paragraph()); writeLine(document); } }