package org.egonet.graph; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; public class KPlexesTwoMode<N> { // graph is Map<N,Set<N>> plus Set<N> to indicate which are in first mode // kplex is <Set<N>> public Map<N,Integer> connectionsByNode(Map<N,Set<N>> graph) { Map<N,Integer> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for(N n : graph.keySet()) { result.put(n, graph.get(n).size()); } return result; } // This is similar to hIndex. // Connectedness of N for having N connections to nodes with N connections. public Map<N,Integer> connectednessByNode(Map<N,Set<N>> graph) { Map<N,Integer> connectionsByNode = connectionsByNode(graph); Map<N,Integer> results = Maps.newHashMap(); for(N n1 : graph.keySet()) { List<Integer> connectednessOfConnections = Lists.newArrayList(); for(N n2 : graph.get(n1)) { connectednessOfConnections.add(connectionsByNode.get(n2)); } Collections.sort(connectednessOfConnections); Collections.reverse(connectednessOfConnections); Integer result = 0; for(Integer i = 0; i < connectednessOfConnections.size(); i++) { if(i < connectednessOfConnections.get(i)) { result = i+1; } } results.put(n1, result); } return results; } public Map<N,Integer> connectionsWithinSubgroup(Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Set<N> subgroup) { Map<N,Integer> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for(N n : graph.keySet()) { result.put(n, Sets.intersection(graph.get(n),subgroup).size()); } return result; } public Integer highestConnectedness(Map<N,Set<N>> graph) { Integer highest = 0; for(Integer connectedness : connectednessByNode(graph).values()) { if(connectedness > highest) { highest = connectedness; } } return highest; } public Set<N> meetConnectednessThreshold(Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Integer k, Integer targetSize) { Integer threshold = targetSize - k; Set<N> result = Sets.newHashSet(); Map<N,Integer> connectedness = connectednessByNode(graph); for(N n : graph.keySet()) { if(connectedness.get(n) > threshold-1) { result.add(n); } } return result; } public Integer largestPossibleKPlex(Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Integer k) { return highestConnectedness(graph)+k; } public Set<N> criticalNodesInKPlex(Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Set<N> mode1, Set<N> kplex, Integer k) { if(! graph.keySet().containsAll(kplex)) { throw new RuntimeException("The kplex "+kplex+" is not a subset of the graph "+graph); } Integer mode1KPlexSize = Sets.intersection(mode1, kplex).size(); Integer mode2KPlexSize = kplex.size() - mode1KPlexSize; Map<N,Integer> connectionsWithinKPlex = connectionsWithinSubgroup(graph,kplex); Set<N> criticalNodes = Sets.newHashSet(); for(N n : kplex) { Integer connections = connectionsWithinKPlex.get(n); if(connections == null) { throw new RuntimeException("null connections for "+n+" in "+kplex+" of graph "+graph); } Integer otherModeSize = (mode1.contains(n) ? mode2KPlexSize : mode1KPlexSize); Integer threshold = otherModeSize-k; if(connections < threshold+1) { criticalNodes.add(n); } } return criticalNodes; } public Set<N> nodesThatCanBeAddedToKPlex(Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Set<N> mode1, Set<N> kplex, Integer k) { if(kplex.isEmpty()) { if(k > 0) { return graph.keySet(); } else { return new HashSet<N>(); } } Set<N> criticalNodes = criticalNodesInKPlex(graph, mode1, kplex, k); Set<N> outsideKPlex = Sets.difference(graph.keySet(),kplex); Set<N> mode1Eligible = Sets.intersection(mode1, outsideKPlex); Set<N> mode2Eligible = Sets.difference(outsideKPlex, mode1Eligible); for(N n : criticalNodes) { // Must be neighbor of all critical nodes in other mode. if(mode1.contains(n)) { mode2Eligible = Sets.intersection(mode2Eligible, graph.get(n)); } else { mode1Eligible = Sets.intersection(mode1Eligible, graph.get(n)); } } Set<N> result = Sets.newHashSet(); Map<N,Integer> connections = connectionsWithinSubgroup(graph,kplex); Integer kplexMode1Size = Sets.intersection(kplex, mode1).size(); Integer kplexMode2Size = kplex.size()-kplexMode1Size; for(N n : Sets.union(mode1Eligible, mode2Eligible)) { if(connections.get(n) > (mode1.contains(n) ? kplexMode2Size : kplexMode1Size)-k-1) { result.add(n); } } return result; } public Map<N,Set<N>> createSubgraph(Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Set<N> nodes) { Map<N,Set<N>> subgraph = Maps.newHashMap(); for(N n : nodes) { subgraph.put(n, Sets.intersection(graph.get(n),nodes)); } return subgraph; } public Set<N> neighborsOfSubgroup(Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Set<N> subgroup) { Map<N,Integer> connections = connectionsWithinSubgroup(graph, subgroup); Set<N> results = Sets.newHashSet(); for(N n : graph.keySet()) { if(connections.get(n) > 0 && !subgroup.contains(n)) { results.add(n); } } return results; } public Map<N,Set<N>> subgraphBoundingFinalKPlex( Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Set<N> mode1, Set<N> kplex, Integer k, Integer targetSize) { Set<N> includeInSubgraph = Sets.union(kplex, Sets.intersection( meetConnectednessThreshold(graph,k,targetSize), nodesThatCanBeAddedToKPlex(graph,mode1,kplex,k))); return createSubgraph(graph,includeInSubgraph); } public N chooseNodeForInclusionInKPlex(Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Set<N> mode1, Set<N> kplex, Integer k) { Integer highScore = 0; N choice = null; Map<N,Integer> connectedness = connectednessByNode(graph); Map<N,Integer> connectionsWithinKPlex = connectionsWithinSubgroup(graph,kplex); Set<N> addable = nodesThatCanBeAddedToKPlex(graph, mode1, kplex, k); if(!kplex.isEmpty()) { addable = Sets.intersection(addable, neighborsOfSubgroup(graph,kplex)); } Integer alreadyInMode1 = Sets.intersection(mode1, kplex).size(); Integer alreadyInMode2 = kplex.size()-alreadyInMode1; for(N n : addable) { Integer score = connectedness.get(n) + 5*connectionsWithinKPlex.get(n) + 5*(mode1.contains(n) ? alreadyInMode2 : alreadyInMode1); if(score > highScore) { highScore = score; choice = n; } } return choice; } public Set<N> growKPlex(Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Set<N> mode1, Set<N> kplex, Integer k, Integer targetSize) { Map<N,Set<N>> boundingGraph = subgraphBoundingFinalKPlex(graph, mode1,kplex,k,targetSize); N newNode = chooseNodeForInclusionInKPlex(boundingGraph, mode1,kplex,k); if(newNode == null) { return kplex; } Set<N> newKPlex = Sets.newHashSet(); newKPlex.add(newNode); newKPlex.addAll(kplex); Integer actualk = maxMissingEdgesPerNodeInSubgroup(graph,mode1,newKPlex); if(actualk > k) { String msg = "After adding "+newNode+", found k-plex with k that is too high. "+ actualk+" instead of "+k+": "+newKPlex; System.out.println(msg); for(N n : newKPlex) { System.out.println(n+" : "+Sets.intersection(graph.get(n), newKPlex)); } throw new RuntimeException(msg); } return growKPlex(boundingGraph, mode1,newKPlex,k,targetSize); } public Set<N> findLargeKPlex(Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Set<N> mode1, Integer k) { Set<N> largestFound = Sets.newHashSet(); Integer mostInSmallMode = 0; Integer mostInLargeMode = 0; for(Integer targetSize = largestPossibleKPlex(graph, k); targetSize > mostInSmallMode; targetSize--) { Set<N> seeds = meetConnectednessThreshold(graph, k, targetSize); Map<N,Set<N>> boundedGraph = createSubgraph(graph,seeds); for(N seed : seeds) { Set<N> kplex = Sets.newHashSet(); kplex.add(seed); kplex = growKPlex(boundedGraph,mode1,kplex,k,targetSize); Set<N> inMode1 = Sets.intersection(kplex,mode1); Set<N> inMode2 = Sets.difference(kplex, inMode1); Integer inSmallMode = Math.min(inMode1.size(), inMode2.size()); Integer inLargeMode = Math.max(inMode1.size(), inMode2.size()); if(inSmallMode > mostInSmallMode || (inSmallMode.equals(mostInSmallMode) && inLargeMode > mostInLargeMode)) { largestFound = kplex; mostInSmallMode = inSmallMode; mostInLargeMode = inLargeMode; } } } Integer actualk = maxMissingEdgesPerNodeInSubgroup(graph,mode1,largestFound); if(actualk > k) { throw new RuntimeException("Found k-plex with k that is too high. "+ actualk+" instead of "+k+": "+largestFound); } return largestFound; } public Integer maxMissingEdgesPerNodeInSubgroup( Map<N,Set<N>> graph, Set<N> mode1, Set<N> subgroup) { Integer maxMissing = 0; Set<N> submode1 = Sets.intersection(mode1, subgroup); Set<N> submode2 = Sets.difference(subgroup, submode1); for(N n1 : subgroup) { Set<N> otherSubmode = mode1.contains(n1) ? submode2 : submode1; Integer edges = Sets.intersection(otherSubmode, graph.get(n1)).size(); Integer missing = otherSubmode.size()-edges; if(missing > maxMissing) { maxMissing = missing; } if(missing < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't be missing negative number of edges."); } } return maxMissing; } }