* Copyright 2015 StreamSets Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.streamsets.datacollector.definition;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.ConfigDef;
import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.MultiValueChooserModel;
import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.ValueChooserModel;
import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.base.BaseEnumChooserValues;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class TestConfigValueExtractor {
public enum FooEnum { A, B, C }
public static class FooEnumValueChooser extends BaseEnumChooserValues<FooEnum> {
public FooEnumValueChooser() {
public static class Configs {
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.STRING,
defaultValue = "X",
required = true
public String withDefault;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.NUMBER,
required = true
public int withoutDefault;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.BOOLEAN,
required = true,
defaultValue = "true"
public boolean boolB;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.CHARACTER,
required = true,
defaultValue = "c"
public char charC;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.NUMBER,
required = true,
defaultValue = "1"
public int byteN;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.NUMBER,
required = true,
defaultValue = "1"
public short shortN;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.NUMBER,
required = true,
defaultValue = "1"
public int intN;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.NUMBER,
required = true,
defaultValue = "1"
public long longN;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.NUMBER,
required = true,
defaultValue = "0.5"
public float floatN;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.NUMBER,
required = true,
defaultValue = "0.5"
public double doubleN;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.LIST,
required = true,
defaultValue = "[ 1 ]"
public List<Integer> listL;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.MAP,
required = true,
defaultValue = "{ \"K\": \"V\"}"
public Map mapM;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.TEXT,
required = true,
defaultValue = "Hello"
public String textT;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.MODEL,
required = true
public String modelM;
label = "L",
type = ConfigDef.Type.NUMBER,
required = true,
defaultValue = "${x}"
public int elEL;
label = "L",
defaultValue = "A",
type = ConfigDef.Type.MODEL,
required = true
public FooEnum enumS;
label = "L",
defaultValue = "[ \"A\" ]",
type = ConfigDef.Type.MODEL,
required = true
public List<FooEnum> enumM;
public void testExtractValue() throws Exception {
Field field = Configs.class.getField("withDefault");
ConfigDef configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals("X", ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("boolB");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals(true, ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("charC");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals('c', ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("byteN");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals(1, ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("shortN");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals((short)1, ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("intN");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals(1, ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("longN");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals((long)1, ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("floatN");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals((float)0.5, ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("doubleN");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals(0.5, ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("listL");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(1), ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("mapM");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(ImmutableMap.of("key", "K", "value", "V")),
ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("textT");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals("Hello", ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("modelM");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
// we get null here but the bean creator will inject the type default
Assert.assertEquals(null, ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("elEL");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals("${x}", ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("enumS");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals(FooEnum.A, ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));
field = Configs.class.getField("enumM");
configDef = field.getAnnotation(ConfigDef.class);
Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(FooEnum.A), ConfigValueExtractor.get().extract(field, configDef, "x"));