* Copyright 2015 StreamSets Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.streamsets.datacollector.http;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.streamsets.datacollector.util.Configuration;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.jetty.jaas.callback.ObjectCallback;
import org.eclipse.jetty.jaas.spi.AbstractLoginModule;
import org.eclipse.jetty.jaas.spi.UserInfo;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.security.Credential;
import org.ldaptive.*;
import org.ldaptive.auth.AuthenticationRequest;
import org.ldaptive.auth.AuthenticationResponse;
import org.ldaptive.auth.Authenticator;
import org.ldaptive.auth.BindAuthenticationHandler;
import org.ldaptive.auth.SearchDnResolver;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import javax.security.auth.callback.Callback;
import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;
import javax.security.auth.callback.NameCallback;
import javax.security.auth.callback.UnsupportedCallbackException;
import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
* This is copy of class org.eclipse.jetty.server.server.plus.jaas.spi.LdapLoginModule
* Only change is bindingLogin method to use bindDn/bindPassword for fetching roles and
* removing 'debug' argument (we'll use LOG.debug() instead).
* A LdapLoginModule for use with JAAS setups
* <p/>
* The jvm should be started with the following parameter:
* <br><br>
* <code>
* -Djava.security.auth.login.config=etc/ldap-loginModule.conf
* </code>
* <br><br>
* and an example of the ldap-loginModule.conf would be:
* <br><br>
* <pre>
* ldaploginmodule {
* com.streamsets.datacollector.http.LdapLoginModule required
* useLdaps="false"
* useStartTLS="false"
* contextFactory="com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
* hostname="ldap.example.com"
* port="389"
* bindDn="cn=Directory Manager"
* bindPassword="directory"
* authenticationMethod="simple"
* forceBindingLogin="false"
* userBaseDn="ou=people,dc=alcatel"
* userRdnAttribute="uid"
* userIdAttribute="uid"
* userPasswordAttribute="userPassword"
* userObjectClass="inetOrgPerson"
* useFilter="uid={user}"
* roleBaseDn="ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"
* roleNameAttribute="cn"
* roleMemberAttribute="uniqueMember"
* roleObjectClass="groupOfUniqueNames";
* };
* </pre>
public class LdapLoginModule extends AbstractLoginModule
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LdapLoginModule.class);
* hostname of the ldap server
private String _hostname;
* port of the ldap server
private int _port;
* root DN used to connect to
private String _bindDn;
* password used to connect to the root ldap context
private String _bindPassword;
* object class of a user
private String _userObjectClass = "inetOrgPerson";
* attribute that the principal is located
private String _userRdnAttribute = "uid";
* attribute that the principal is located
private String _userIdAttribute = "cn";
* name of the attribute that a users password is stored under
* <p/>
* NOTE: not always accessible, see force binding login
private String _userPasswordAttribute = "userPassword";
* base DN where users are to be searched from
private String _userBaseDn;
* base DN where role membership is to be searched from
private String _roleBaseDn;
* object class of roles
private String _roleObjectClass = "groupOfUniqueNames";
* name of the attribute that a username would be under a role class
private String _roleMemberAttribute = "uniqueMember";
* the name of the attribute that a role would be stored under
private String _roleNameAttribute = "roleName";
* if the getUserInfo can pull a password off of the user then
* password comparison is an option for authn, to force binding
* login checks, set this to true
private boolean _forceBindingLogin = false;
* When true changes the protocol to ldaps
private boolean _useLdaps = false;
* When true changes the protocol to ldaps
private boolean _useStarttls = false;
* Default filter to do the user search.
private String _userFilter = "%s={user}";
* Default filter to do the role search.
private String _roleFilter = "%s={dn})";
private static final String filterFormat = "(&(objectClass=%s)%s)";
private static final String DN = "{dn}";
private static final String USER= "{user}";
* LDAP configuration.
private ConnectionConfig connConfig;
* Connection to Ldap server.
private Connection conn;
* get the available information about the user
* <p/>
* for this LoginModule, the credential can be null which will result in a
* binding ldap authentication scenario
* <p/>
* roles are also an optional concept if required
* @param username
* @return the userinfo for the username
* @throws Exception
public UserInfo getUserInfo(String username) throws Exception
LdapEntry entry = getEntryWithCredential(username);
if (entry == null)
return null;
String pwdCredential = getUserCredential(entry);
pwdCredential = convertCredentialLdapToJetty(pwdCredential);
Credential credential = Credential.getCredential(pwdCredential);
List<String> roles = getUserRoles(username, entry.getDn());
return new UserInfo(username, credential, roles);
* attempts to get the users credentials from the users context
* <p/>
* NOTE: this is not an user authenticated operation
* @param username
* @return
* @throws LoginException
private LdapEntry getEntryWithCredential(String username) throws LdapException
if (StringUtils.isBlank(_userObjectClass)|| StringUtils.isBlank(_userIdAttribute)
|| StringUtils.isBlank(_userBaseDn) || StringUtils.isBlank(_userPasswordAttribute)){
LOG.error("Failed to get user because at least one of the following is null : " +
"[_userObjectClass, _userIdAttribute, _userBaseDn, _userPasswordAttribute ]");
return null;
// Create the format of &(objectClass=_userObjectClass)(_userIdAttribute={user}))
String userFilter = buildFilter(_userFilter, _userObjectClass, _userIdAttribute);
if (userFilter.contains("{user}")){
userFilter = userFilter.replace("{user}", username);
LOG.debug("Searching user using the filter {} on user baseDn {}", userFilter, _userBaseDn);
// Get the group names from each group, which is obtained from roleNameAttribute attribute.
SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest(_userBaseDn, userFilter, _userPasswordAttribute);
try {
SearchOperation search = new SearchOperation(conn);
org.ldaptive.SearchResult result = search.execute(request).getResult();
LdapEntry entry = result.getEntry();
LOG.info("Found user?: {}", entry != null);
return entry;
} catch (LdapException ex) {
LOG.error("{}", ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
public String getUserCredential(LdapEntry entry) {
String credential = null;
if (entry != null) {
LdapAttribute attr = entry.getAttribute(_userPasswordAttribute);
if (attr == null){
LOG.error("Failed to receive user password from LDAP server. Possibly userPasswordAttribute is wrong");
return null;
byte[] value = attr.getBinaryValue();
credential = new String(value, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
return credential;
* attempts to get the users roles from the root context
* <p/>
* NOTE: this is not an user authenticated operation
* @param dirContext
* @param username
* @return
* @throws LoginException
* attempts to get the users roles
* <p/>
* NOTE: this is not an user authenticated operation
* @param username
* @return
* @throws LoginException
private List<String> getUserRoles(String username, String userDn)
List<String> roleList = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(_roleBaseDn)|| StringUtils.isBlank(_roleObjectClass)
|| StringUtils.isBlank(_roleNameAttribute) || StringUtils.isBlank(_roleMemberAttribute)){
LOG.debug("Failed to get roles because at least one of the following is null : " +
"[_roleBaseDn, _roleObjectClass, _roleNameAttribute, _roleMemberAttribute ]");
return roleList;
String roleFilter = buildFilter(_roleFilter, _roleObjectClass, _roleMemberAttribute);
if (_roleFilter.contains(DN)) {
userDn = userDn.replace("\\", "\\\\\\");
roleFilter = roleFilter.replace(DN, userDn);
} else if (_roleFilter.contains(USER)){
roleFilter = roleFilter.replace(USER, username);
} else {
LOG.error("roleFilter contains invalid filter {}. Check the roleFilter option");
return roleList;
LOG.debug("Searching roles using the filter {} on role baseDn {}", roleFilter, _roleBaseDn);
// Get the group names from each group, which is obtained from roleNameAttribute attribute.
SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest(_roleBaseDn, roleFilter, _roleNameAttribute);
try {
SearchOperation search = new SearchOperation(conn);
org.ldaptive.SearchResult result = search.execute(request).getResult();
Collection<LdapEntry> entries = result.getEntries();
LOG.info("Found roles?: {}", !(entries == null || entries.isEmpty()));
if (entries != null) {
for (LdapEntry entry : entries) {
} catch (LdapException ex) {
LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
LOG.info("Found roles: {}", roleList);
return roleList;
* Given a filter(user/role filter), replace attributes using given information from config.
* This will create complete filter, which will look like &(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={user}))
* @param attrFilter We obtain this part from config
* @param objClass objectClass
* @param attrName attribute name
* @return Complete filter
static String buildFilter(String attrFilter, String objClass, String attrName){
// check if the filter has surrounding "()"
attrFilter = "(" + attrFilter;
if (!attrFilter.endsWith(")")) {
attrFilter = attrFilter + ")";
return String.format(filterFormat, objClass, String.format(attrFilter, attrName));
* since ldap uses a context bind for valid authentication checking, we override login()
* <p/>
* if credentials are not available from the users context or if we are forcing the binding check
* then we try a binding authentication check, otherwise if we have the users encoded password then
* we can try authentication via that mechanic
* @return true if authenticated, false otherwise
* @throws LoginException
public boolean login() throws LoginException
if (getCallbackHandler() == null)
throw new LoginException("No callback handler");
if (conn == null){
return false;
Callback[] callbacks = configureCallbacks();
String webUserName = ((NameCallback) callbacks[0]).getName();
Object webCredential = ((ObjectCallback) callbacks[1]).getObject();
if (webUserName == null || webCredential == null)
return isAuthenticated();
// Please see the following stackoverflow article
// http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/6713/ldap-security-problems
// Some LDAP implementation "MAY" accept empty password as a sign of anonymous connection and thus
// return "true" for the authentication request.
if((webCredential instanceof String) && ((String)webCredential).isEmpty()) {
LOG.info("Ignoring login request for user {} as the password is empty.", webUserName);
return isAuthenticated();
if (_forceBindingLogin)
return bindingLogin(webUserName, webCredential);
// This sets read and the credential
UserInfo userInfo = getUserInfo(webUserName);
if (userInfo == null)
return false;
JAASUserInfo jaasUserInfo = new JAASUserInfo(userInfo);
if (webCredential instanceof String)
return credentialLogin(Credential.getCredential((String) webCredential));
return credentialLogin(webCredential);
catch (UnsupportedCallbackException e)
throw new LoginException("Error obtaining callback information.");
catch (IOException e)
LOG.error("IO Error performing login", e);
catch (Exception e)
LOG.error("IO Error performing login", e);
return false;
* password supplied authentication check
* @param webCredential
* @return true if authenticated
* @throws LoginException
protected boolean credentialLogin(Object webCredential) throws LoginException
boolean credResult = getCurrentUser().checkCredential(webCredential);
if (!credResult){
LOG.warn("Authentication failed - Possibly the user password is wrong");
return isAuthenticated();
* binding authentication check
* This method of authentication works only if the user branch of the DIT (ldap tree)
* has an ACI (access control instruction) that allow the access to any user or at least
* for the user that logs in.
* @param username
* @param password
* @return true always
* @throws LoginException
public boolean bindingLogin(String username, Object password) throws Exception {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(_userObjectClass)|| StringUtils.isBlank(_userIdAttribute)
|| StringUtils.isBlank(_userBaseDn)){
LOG.error("Failed to get user because at least one of the following is null : " +
"[_userObjectClass, _userIdAttribute, _userBaseDn ]");
return false;
LdapEntry userEntry = authenticate(username, password);
if (userEntry == null) {
return false;
// If authenticated by LDAP server, the returned LdapEntry contains full DN of the user
String userDn = userEntry.getDn();
if(userDn == null){
// This shouldn't happen if LDAP server is configured properly.
LOG.error("userDn is found null for the user {}", username);
return false;
List<String> roles = getUserRoles(username, userDn);
UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo(username, null, roles);
JAASUserInfo jaasUserInfo = new JAASUserInfo(userInfo);
return true;
* Perform authentication with given username and password.
* Receive the result from Ldap server
* @param username Username that user entered to login
* @param password Password that user entered to login
* @return LdapEntry which contains all user attributes
private LdapEntry authenticate(String username,Object password)
try {
SearchDnResolver dnResolver = new SearchDnResolver(new DefaultConnectionFactory(connConfig));
String userFilter = buildFilter(_userFilter, _userObjectClass, _userIdAttribute);
LOG.debug("Searching a user with filter {} where user is {}", userFilter, username);
// Set Authenticator with username and password. It will return the user if username/password matches.
BindAuthenticationHandler authHandler = new BindAuthenticationHandler(new DefaultConnectionFactory(connConfig));
Authenticator auth = new Authenticator(dnResolver, authHandler);
AuthenticationRequest authRequest = new AuthenticationRequest();
if (password instanceof char[]) {
authRequest.setCredential(new org.ldaptive.Credential(new String((char[]) password)));
} else if (password instanceof String){
authRequest.setCredential(new org.ldaptive.Credential((String)password));
} else {
LOG.error("Unexpected type for password '{}'", (password != null) ? password.getClass() : "NULL");
return null;
String[] userRoleAttribute = ReturnAttributes.ALL.value();
LOG.debug("Retrieved authenticator from factory: {}", auth);
LOG.debug("Retrieved authentication request from factory: {}", authRequest);
AuthenticationResponse response = auth.authenticate(authRequest);
LOG.info("Found user?: {}", response.getResult());
if (response.getResult()) {
LdapEntry entry = response.getLdapEntry();
return entry;
} else {
// User not found. Most likely username/password didn't match. Log the reason.
LOG.error("Result code: {} - {}", response.getResultCode(), response.getMessage());
} catch (LdapException e) {
return null;
* Init LoginModule.
* Called once by JAAS after new instance is created.
* @param subject
* @param callbackHandler
* @param sharedState
* @param options
public void initialize(Subject subject,
CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
Map<String,?> sharedState,
Map<String,?> options)
super.initialize(subject, callbackHandler, sharedState, options);
LOG.debug("Initializing Ldap configuration");
_hostname = (String) options.get("hostname");
_port = Integer.parseInt((String) options.get("port"));
_bindDn = (String) options.get("bindDn");
_bindPassword = (String) options.get("bindPassword");
_userBaseDn = (String) options.get("userBaseDn");
_roleBaseDn = (String) options.get("roleBaseDn");
if (options.containsKey("forceBindingLogin")) {
_forceBindingLogin = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) options.get("forceBindingLogin"));
if (options.containsKey("useLdaps")) {
_useLdaps = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) options.get("useLdaps"));
if (options.containsKey("useStartTLS")) {
_useStarttls = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) options.get("useStartTLS"));
_userObjectClass = getOption(options, "userObjectClass", _userObjectClass);
_userRdnAttribute = getOption(options, "userRdnAttribute", _userRdnAttribute); //depricated
_userIdAttribute = getOption(options, "userIdAttribute", _userIdAttribute);
_userPasswordAttribute = getOption(options, "userPasswordAttribute", _userPasswordAttribute);
_roleObjectClass = getOption(options, "roleObjectClass", _roleObjectClass);
_roleMemberAttribute = getOption(options, "roleMemberAttribute", _roleMemberAttribute);
_roleNameAttribute = getOption(options, "roleNameAttribute", _roleNameAttribute);
_userFilter = getOption(options, "userFilter", _userFilter);
_roleFilter = getOption(options, "roleFilter", _roleFilter);
if (Configuration.FileRef.isValueMyRef(_bindPassword)) {
Configuration.FileRef fileRef = new Configuration.FileRef(_bindPassword);
_bindPassword = fileRef.getValue();
if (_bindPassword != null) {
_bindPassword = _bindPassword.trim();
// Setup environment. If both useLdaps and useStartTLS are set to true, apply useStartTLS
String ldapUrl;
if (_useStarttls){
ldapUrl = String.format("ldap://%s:%s", _hostname, _port);
} else {
ldapUrl = String.format("%s://%s:%s", _useLdaps ? "ldaps" : "ldap", _hostname, _port);
LOG.info("Accessing LDAP Server: {} startTLS: {}", ldapUrl, _useStarttls);
connConfig = new ConnectionConfig(ldapUrl);
new BindConnectionInitializer(_bindDn, new org.ldaptive.Credential(_bindPassword))
conn = DefaultConnectionFactory.getConnection(connConfig);
try {
} catch (LdapException ex){
LOG.error("Failed to establish connection to the LDAP server {}. {}", ldapUrl, ex);
// We don't throw exception here because there might be multiple LDAP servers configured
public boolean commit() throws LoginException
if (conn != null && conn.isOpen()) {
return super.commit();
public boolean abort() throws LoginException
if (conn != null && conn.isOpen()) {
return super.abort();
private String getOption(Map<String,?> options, String key, String defaultValue)
Object value = options.get(key);
if (value == null)
return defaultValue;
return (String) value;
public static String convertCredentialLdapToJetty(String encryptedPassword)
if (encryptedPassword == null)
return encryptedPassword;
if ("{MD5}".startsWith(encryptedPassword.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)))
return "MD5:" + encryptedPassword.substring("{MD5}".length(), encryptedPassword.length());
if ("{CRYPT}".startsWith(encryptedPassword.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)))
return "CRYPT:" + encryptedPassword.substring("{CRYPT}".length(), encryptedPassword.length());
return encryptedPassword;