/** * Copyright 2015 StreamSets Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.streamsets.datacollector.rules; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.streamsets.datacollector.execution.alerts.DataRuleEvaluator; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.ElFunction; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.ElParam; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.Field; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.Record; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.el.ELEval; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.impl.Utils; import com.streamsets.pipeline.lib.el.RecordEL; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class DriftRuleEL { public static final String DRIFT_EL_PREFIX = "drift"; private DriftRuleEL() {} abstract static class DriftDetector<T> { @VisibleForTesting Record getRecord() { return RecordEL.getRecordInContext(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @VisibleForTesting Map<String, Object> getContext() { return ((Map)ELEval.getVariablesInScope().getContextVariable(DataRuleEvaluator.PIPELINE_CONTEXT)); } /** * Return set of supported types for this drift detector. * Null denotes "I'm supporting all types, please don't do any checks". */ public abstract Set<Field.Type> supportedTypes(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean detect(String fieldPath, boolean ignoreWhenMissing) { boolean drifted = false; T valueInRecord = null; boolean missing = false; Field field = getRecord().get(fieldPath); if (field != null) { // Check that the field have supported type if(supportedTypes() != null && !supportedTypes().contains(field.getType())) { AlertInfoEL.setInfo(composeTypeAlert(fieldPath, field.getType(), supportedTypes())); return drifted; } if (field.getValue() != null) { valueInRecord = getValue(field); } else { missing = true; } } else { missing = true; } String key = getContextPrefix() + ":" + fieldPath; Map<String, Object> pipelineContext = getContext(); boolean stored = pipelineContext.containsKey(key); T storedValue = (T) pipelineContext.get(key); if (missing) { if (!ignoreWhenMissing) { drifted = stored && storedValue != null; } } else { if (stored) { drifted = (storedValue == null && valueInRecord != null) || !storedValue.equals(valueInRecord); } } if (drifted) { pipelineContext.put(key, valueInRecord); AlertInfoEL.setInfo(composeAlert(fieldPath, storedValue, valueInRecord)); } if (!stored) { if (ignoreWhenMissing) { if (!missing) { pipelineContext.put(key, valueInRecord); } } else { pipelineContext.put(key, valueInRecord); } } return drifted; } protected String getContextPrefix() { return (String) getContext().get(DataRuleEvaluator.RULE_ID_CONTEXT); } protected abstract T getValue(Field field); protected abstract String composeAlert(String fieldPath, T stored, T inRecord); String composeTypeAlert(String fieldPath, Field.Type givenType, Set<Field.Type> supportedTypes) { return Utils.format("Field {} have unsupported type of {}. Supported types are {}", fieldPath, givenType.toString(), StringUtils.join(supportedTypes, ",") ); } } private static final DriftDetector<Integer> SIZE_DRIFT_DETECTOR = new DriftDetector<Integer>() { @Override public Set<Field.Type> supportedTypes() { return Sets.newHashSet(Field.Type.LIST, Field.Type.MAP, Field.Type.LIST_MAP); } @Override protected String getContextPrefix() { return super.getContextPrefix() + ":size"; } @Override protected Integer getValue(Field field) { Integer size; switch (field.getType()) { case LIST: size = field.getValueAsList().size(); break; case MAP: size = field.getValueAsMap().size(); break; case LIST_MAP: size = field.getValueAsListMap().size(); break; default: size = null; break; } return size; } @Override protected String composeAlert(String fieldPath, Integer stored, Integer inRecord) { return Utils.format( "The number of fields in field path '{}' changed from '{}' to '{}'.", fieldPath, stored, inRecord ); } }; @ElFunction( prefix = DRIFT_EL_PREFIX, name = "size", description = "Triggers an alert if the number of entries in the specified LIST, MAP or LIST_MAP field changes" ) public static boolean size( @ElParam("fieldPath") String fieldPath, @ElParam("ignoreWhenMissing") boolean ignoreWhenMissing ) { return SIZE_DRIFT_DETECTOR.detect(fieldPath, ignoreWhenMissing); } private static final DriftDetector<Set<String>> NAME_DRIFT_DETECTOR = new DriftDetector<Set<String>>() { @Override public Set<Field.Type> supportedTypes() { return Sets.newHashSet(Field.Type.MAP, Field.Type.LIST_MAP); } @Override protected String getContextPrefix() { return super.getContextPrefix() + ":names"; } @Override protected Set<String> getValue(Field field) { Set<String> names; switch (field.getType()) { case MAP: case LIST_MAP: names = new HashSet<>(field.getValueAsMap().keySet()); break; default: names = null; break; } return names; } @Override protected String composeAlert(String fieldPath, Set<String> stored, Set<String> inRecord) { return Utils.format( "The field names for field path '{}' changed from '{}' to '{}'.", fieldPath, stored, inRecord ); } }; @ElFunction( prefix = DRIFT_EL_PREFIX, name = "names", description = "Triggers an alert if the keys of the entries in the specified MAP or LIST_MAP field changes" ) @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean names( @ElParam("fieldPath") String fieldPath, @ElParam("ignoreWhenMissing") boolean ignoreWhenMissing ) { return NAME_DRIFT_DETECTOR.detect(fieldPath, ignoreWhenMissing); } private static final DriftDetector<List<String>> ORDER_DRIFT_DETECTOR = new DriftDetector<List<String>>() { @Override public Set<Field.Type> supportedTypes() { return Sets.newHashSet(Field.Type.LIST_MAP); } @Override protected String getContextPrefix() { return super.getContextPrefix() + ":order"; } @Override protected List<String> getValue(Field field) { List<String> names; switch (field.getType()) { case LIST_MAP: names = new ArrayList<>(field.getValueAsMap().keySet()); break; default: names = null; break; } return names; } @Override protected String composeAlert(String fieldPath, List<String> stored, List<String> inRecord) { return Utils.format( "The order of fields in field path '{}' changed from '{}' to '{}'.", fieldPath, stored, inRecord ); } }; @ElFunction( prefix = DRIFT_EL_PREFIX, name = "order", description = "Triggers an alert if the order of the entries in the specified LIST_MAP field changes" ) @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean order( @ElParam("fieldPath") String fieldPath, @ElParam("ignoreWhenMissing") boolean ignoreWhenMissing ) { return ORDER_DRIFT_DETECTOR.detect(fieldPath, ignoreWhenMissing); } private static final DriftDetector<Field.Type> TYPE_DRIFT_DETECTOR = new DriftDetector<Field.Type>() { @Override public Set<Field.Type> supportedTypes() { return null; } @Override protected String getContextPrefix() { return super.getContextPrefix() + ":type"; } @Override protected Field.Type getValue(Field field) { return field.getType(); } @Override protected String composeAlert(String fieldPath, Field.Type stored, Field.Type inRecord) { return Utils.format("The data type for the '{}' field changed from '{}' to '{}'.", fieldPath, stored, inRecord); } }; @ElFunction( prefix = DRIFT_EL_PREFIX, name = "type", description = "Triggers an alert if the type of the specified field changes" ) public static boolean type( @ElParam("fieldPath") String fieldPath, @ElParam("ignoreWhenMissing") boolean ignoreWhenMissing ) { return TYPE_DRIFT_DETECTOR.detect(fieldPath, ignoreWhenMissing); } }