/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.CassandraMetricsRegistry; import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.DefaultNameFactory; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.WaitQueue; /** * Represents an amount of memory used for a given purpose, that can be allocated to specific tasks through * child MemtableAllocator objects. */ public abstract class MemtablePool { final MemtableCleanerThread<?> cleaner; // the total memory used by this pool public final SubPool onHeap; public final SubPool offHeap; public final Timer blockedOnAllocating; final WaitQueue hasRoom = new WaitQueue(); MemtablePool(long maxOnHeapMemory, long maxOffHeapMemory, float cleanThreshold, Runnable cleaner) { this.onHeap = getSubPool(maxOnHeapMemory, cleanThreshold); this.offHeap = getSubPool(maxOffHeapMemory, cleanThreshold); this.cleaner = getCleaner(cleaner); blockedOnAllocating = CassandraMetricsRegistry.Metrics.timer(new DefaultNameFactory("MemtablePool") .createMetricName("BlockedOnAllocation")); if (this.cleaner != null) this.cleaner.start(); } SubPool getSubPool(long limit, float cleanThreshold) { return new SubPool(limit, cleanThreshold); } MemtableCleanerThread<?> getCleaner(Runnable cleaner) { return cleaner == null ? null : new MemtableCleanerThread<>(this, cleaner); } public abstract MemtableAllocator newAllocator(); /** * Note the difference between acquire() and allocate(); allocate() makes more resources available to all owners, * and acquire() makes shared resources unavailable but still recorded. An Owner must always acquire resources, * but only needs to allocate if there are none already available. This distinction is not always meaningful. */ public class SubPool { // total memory/resource permitted to allocate public final long limit; // ratio of used to spare (both excluding 'reclaiming') at which to trigger a clean public final float cleanThreshold; // total bytes allocated and reclaiming volatile long allocated; volatile long reclaiming; // a cache of the calculation determining at what allocation threshold we should next clean volatile long nextClean; public SubPool(long limit, float cleanThreshold) { this.limit = limit; this.cleanThreshold = cleanThreshold; } /** Methods for tracking and triggering a clean **/ boolean needsCleaning() { // use strictly-greater-than so we don't clean when limit is 0 return used() > nextClean && updateNextClean(); } void maybeClean() { if (needsCleaning() && cleaner != null) cleaner.trigger(); } private boolean updateNextClean() { while (true) { long current = nextClean; long reclaiming = this.reclaiming; long next = reclaiming + (long) (this.limit * cleanThreshold); if (current == next || nextCleanUpdater.compareAndSet(this, current, next)) return used() > next; } } /** Methods to allocate space **/ boolean tryAllocate(long size) { while (true) { long cur; if ((cur = allocated) + size > limit) return false; if (allocatedUpdater.compareAndSet(this, cur, cur + size)) return true; } } /** * apply the size adjustment to allocated, bypassing any limits or constraints. If this reduces the * allocated total, we will signal waiters */ private void adjustAllocated(long size) { while (true) { long cur = allocated; if (allocatedUpdater.compareAndSet(this, cur, cur + size)) return; } } void allocated(long size) { assert size >= 0; if (size == 0) return; adjustAllocated(size); maybeClean(); } void acquired(long size) { maybeClean(); } void released(long size) { assert size >= 0; adjustAllocated(-size); hasRoom.signalAll(); } void reclaiming(long size) { if (size == 0) return; reclaimingUpdater.addAndGet(this, size); } void reclaimed(long size) { if (size == 0) return; reclaimingUpdater.addAndGet(this, -size); if (updateNextClean() && cleaner != null) cleaner.trigger(); } public long used() { return allocated; } public float reclaimingRatio() { float r = reclaiming / (float) limit; if (Float.isNaN(r)) return 0; return r; } public float usedRatio() { float r = allocated / (float) limit; if (Float.isNaN(r)) return 0; return r; } public MemtableAllocator.SubAllocator newAllocator() { return new MemtableAllocator.SubAllocator(this); } public WaitQueue hasRoom() { return hasRoom; } public Timer.Context blockedTimerContext() { return blockedOnAllocating.time(); } } private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<SubPool> reclaimingUpdater = AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(SubPool.class, "reclaiming"); private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<SubPool> allocatedUpdater = AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(SubPool.class, "allocated"); private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<SubPool> nextCleanUpdater = AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(SubPool.class, "nextClean"); }