/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.transport.messages; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.handler.codec.CodecException; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.FunctionName; import org.apache.cassandra.db.ConsistencyLevel; import org.apache.cassandra.db.WriteType; import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.*; import org.apache.cassandra.transport.*; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.MD5Digest; /** * Message to indicate an error to the client. */ public class ErrorMessage extends Message.Response { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ErrorMessage.class); public static final Message.Codec<ErrorMessage> codec = new Message.Codec<ErrorMessage>() { public ErrorMessage decode(ByteBuf body, ProtocolVersion version) { ExceptionCode code = ExceptionCode.fromValue(body.readInt()); String msg = CBUtil.readString(body); TransportException te = null; switch (code) { case SERVER_ERROR: te = new ServerError(msg); break; case PROTOCOL_ERROR: te = new ProtocolException(msg); break; case BAD_CREDENTIALS: te = new AuthenticationException(msg); break; case UNAVAILABLE: { ConsistencyLevel cl = CBUtil.readConsistencyLevel(body); int required = body.readInt(); int alive = body.readInt(); te = new UnavailableException(cl, required, alive); } break; case OVERLOADED: te = new OverloadedException(msg); break; case IS_BOOTSTRAPPING: te = new IsBootstrappingException(); break; case TRUNCATE_ERROR: te = new TruncateException(msg); break; case WRITE_FAILURE: case READ_FAILURE: { ConsistencyLevel cl = CBUtil.readConsistencyLevel(body); int received = body.readInt(); int blockFor = body.readInt(); // The number of failures is also present in protocol v5, but used instead to specify the size of the failure map int failure = body.readInt(); Map<InetAddress, RequestFailureReason> failureReasonByEndpoint = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); if (version.isGreaterOrEqualTo(ProtocolVersion.V5)) { for (int i = 0; i < failure; i++) { InetAddress endpoint = CBUtil.readInetAddr(body); RequestFailureReason failureReason = RequestFailureReason.fromCode(body.readUnsignedShort()); failureReasonByEndpoint.put(endpoint, failureReason); } } if (code == ExceptionCode.WRITE_FAILURE) { WriteType writeType = Enum.valueOf(WriteType.class, CBUtil.readString(body)); te = new WriteFailureException(cl, received, blockFor, writeType, failureReasonByEndpoint); } else { byte dataPresent = body.readByte(); te = new ReadFailureException(cl, received, blockFor, dataPresent != 0, failureReasonByEndpoint); } } break; case WRITE_TIMEOUT: case READ_TIMEOUT: ConsistencyLevel cl = CBUtil.readConsistencyLevel(body); int received = body.readInt(); int blockFor = body.readInt(); if (code == ExceptionCode.WRITE_TIMEOUT) { WriteType writeType = Enum.valueOf(WriteType.class, CBUtil.readString(body)); te = new WriteTimeoutException(writeType, cl, received, blockFor); } else { byte dataPresent = body.readByte(); te = new ReadTimeoutException(cl, received, blockFor, dataPresent != 0); } break; case FUNCTION_FAILURE: String fKeyspace = CBUtil.readString(body); String fName = CBUtil.readString(body); List<String> argTypes = CBUtil.readStringList(body); te = new FunctionExecutionException(new FunctionName(fKeyspace, fName), argTypes, msg); break; case UNPREPARED: { MD5Digest id = MD5Digest.wrap(CBUtil.readBytes(body)); te = new PreparedQueryNotFoundException(id); } break; case SYNTAX_ERROR: te = new SyntaxException(msg); break; case UNAUTHORIZED: te = new UnauthorizedException(msg); break; case INVALID: te = new InvalidRequestException(msg); break; case CONFIG_ERROR: te = new ConfigurationException(msg); break; case ALREADY_EXISTS: String ksName = CBUtil.readString(body); String cfName = CBUtil.readString(body); if (cfName.isEmpty()) te = new AlreadyExistsException(ksName); else te = new AlreadyExistsException(ksName, cfName); break; } return new ErrorMessage(te); } public void encode(ErrorMessage msg, ByteBuf dest, ProtocolVersion version) { final TransportException err = getBackwardsCompatibleException(msg, version); dest.writeInt(err.code().value); String errorString = err.getMessage() == null ? "" : err.getMessage(); CBUtil.writeString(errorString, dest); switch (err.code()) { case UNAVAILABLE: UnavailableException ue = (UnavailableException)err; CBUtil.writeConsistencyLevel(ue.consistency, dest); dest.writeInt(ue.required); dest.writeInt(ue.alive); break; case WRITE_FAILURE: case READ_FAILURE: { RequestFailureException rfe = (RequestFailureException)err; boolean isWrite = err.code() == ExceptionCode.WRITE_FAILURE; CBUtil.writeConsistencyLevel(rfe.consistency, dest); dest.writeInt(rfe.received); dest.writeInt(rfe.blockFor); // The number of failures is also present in protocol v5, but used instead to specify the size of the failure map dest.writeInt(rfe.failureReasonByEndpoint.size()); if (version.isGreaterOrEqualTo(ProtocolVersion.V5)) { for (Map.Entry<InetAddress, RequestFailureReason> entry : rfe.failureReasonByEndpoint.entrySet()) { CBUtil.writeInetAddr(entry.getKey(), dest); dest.writeShort(entry.getValue().code); } } if (isWrite) CBUtil.writeString(((WriteFailureException)rfe).writeType.toString(), dest); else dest.writeByte((byte)(((ReadFailureException)rfe).dataPresent ? 1 : 0)); } break; case WRITE_TIMEOUT: case READ_TIMEOUT: RequestTimeoutException rte = (RequestTimeoutException)err; boolean isWrite = err.code() == ExceptionCode.WRITE_TIMEOUT; CBUtil.writeConsistencyLevel(rte.consistency, dest); dest.writeInt(rte.received); dest.writeInt(rte.blockFor); if (isWrite) CBUtil.writeString(((WriteTimeoutException)rte).writeType.toString(), dest); else dest.writeByte((byte)(((ReadTimeoutException)rte).dataPresent ? 1 : 0)); break; case FUNCTION_FAILURE: FunctionExecutionException fee = (FunctionExecutionException)msg.error; CBUtil.writeString(fee.functionName.keyspace, dest); CBUtil.writeString(fee.functionName.name, dest); CBUtil.writeStringList(fee.argTypes, dest); break; case UNPREPARED: PreparedQueryNotFoundException pqnfe = (PreparedQueryNotFoundException)err; CBUtil.writeBytes(pqnfe.id.bytes, dest); break; case ALREADY_EXISTS: AlreadyExistsException aee = (AlreadyExistsException)err; CBUtil.writeString(aee.ksName, dest); CBUtil.writeString(aee.cfName, dest); break; } } public int encodedSize(ErrorMessage msg, ProtocolVersion version) { final TransportException err = getBackwardsCompatibleException(msg, version); String errorString = err.getMessage() == null ? "" : err.getMessage(); int size = 4 + CBUtil.sizeOfString(errorString); switch (err.code()) { case UNAVAILABLE: UnavailableException ue = (UnavailableException)err; size += CBUtil.sizeOfConsistencyLevel(ue.consistency) + 8; break; case WRITE_FAILURE: case READ_FAILURE: { RequestFailureException rfe = (RequestFailureException)err; boolean isWrite = err.code() == ExceptionCode.WRITE_FAILURE; size += CBUtil.sizeOfConsistencyLevel(rfe.consistency) + 4 + 4 + 4; size += isWrite ? CBUtil.sizeOfString(((WriteFailureException)rfe).writeType.toString()) : 1; if (version.isGreaterOrEqualTo(ProtocolVersion.V5)) { for (Map.Entry<InetAddress, RequestFailureReason> entry : rfe.failureReasonByEndpoint.entrySet()) { size += CBUtil.sizeOfInetAddr(entry.getKey()); size += 2; // RequestFailureReason code } } } break; case WRITE_TIMEOUT: case READ_TIMEOUT: RequestTimeoutException rte = (RequestTimeoutException)err; boolean isWrite = err.code() == ExceptionCode.WRITE_TIMEOUT; size += CBUtil.sizeOfConsistencyLevel(rte.consistency) + 8; size += isWrite ? CBUtil.sizeOfString(((WriteTimeoutException)rte).writeType.toString()) : 1; break; case FUNCTION_FAILURE: FunctionExecutionException fee = (FunctionExecutionException)msg.error; size += CBUtil.sizeOfString(fee.functionName.keyspace); size += CBUtil.sizeOfString(fee.functionName.name); size += CBUtil.sizeOfStringList(fee.argTypes); break; case UNPREPARED: PreparedQueryNotFoundException pqnfe = (PreparedQueryNotFoundException)err; size += CBUtil.sizeOfBytes(pqnfe.id.bytes); break; case ALREADY_EXISTS: AlreadyExistsException aee = (AlreadyExistsException)err; size += CBUtil.sizeOfString(aee.ksName); size += CBUtil.sizeOfString(aee.cfName); break; } return size; } }; private static TransportException getBackwardsCompatibleException(ErrorMessage msg, ProtocolVersion version) { if (version.isSmallerThan(ProtocolVersion.V4)) { switch (msg.error.code()) { case READ_FAILURE: ReadFailureException rfe = (ReadFailureException) msg.error; return new ReadTimeoutException(rfe.consistency, rfe.received, rfe.blockFor, rfe.dataPresent); case WRITE_FAILURE: WriteFailureException wfe = (WriteFailureException) msg.error; return new WriteTimeoutException(wfe.writeType, wfe.consistency, wfe.received, wfe.blockFor); case FUNCTION_FAILURE: return new InvalidRequestException(msg.toString()); } } return msg.error; } // We need to figure error codes out (#3979) public final TransportException error; private ErrorMessage(TransportException error) { super(Message.Type.ERROR); this.error = error; } private ErrorMessage(TransportException error, int streamId) { this(error); setStreamId(streamId); } public static ErrorMessage fromException(Throwable e) { return fromException(e, null); } /** * @param e the exception * @param unexpectedExceptionHandler a callback for handling unexpected exceptions. If null, or if this * returns false, the error is logged at ERROR level via sl4fj */ public static ErrorMessage fromException(Throwable e, Predicate<Throwable> unexpectedExceptionHandler) { int streamId = 0; // Netty will wrap exceptions during decoding in a CodecException. If the cause was one of our ProtocolExceptions // or some other internal exception, extract that and use it. if (e instanceof CodecException) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause != null) { if (cause instanceof WrappedException) { streamId = ((WrappedException) cause).streamId; e = cause.getCause(); } else if (cause instanceof TransportException) { e = cause; } } } else if (e instanceof WrappedException) { streamId = ((WrappedException)e).streamId; e = e.getCause(); } if (e instanceof TransportException) { ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage((TransportException) e, streamId); if (e instanceof ProtocolException) { // if the driver attempted to connect with a protocol version not supported then // reply with the appropiate version, see ProtocolVersion.decode() ProtocolVersion forcedProtocolVersion = ((ProtocolException) e).getForcedProtocolVersion(); if (forcedProtocolVersion != null) message.forcedProtocolVersion = forcedProtocolVersion; } return message; } // Unexpected exception if (unexpectedExceptionHandler == null || !unexpectedExceptionHandler.apply(e)) logger.error("Unexpected exception during request", e); return new ErrorMessage(new ServerError(e), streamId); } @Override public String toString() { return "ERROR " + error.code() + ": " + error.getMessage(); } public static RuntimeException wrap(Throwable t, int streamId) { return new WrappedException(t, streamId); } public static class WrappedException extends RuntimeException { private final int streamId; public WrappedException(Throwable cause, int streamId) { super(cause); this.streamId = streamId; } @VisibleForTesting public int getStreamId() { return this.streamId; } } }