/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.streaming; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.AbstractFuture; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.cassandra.net.IncomingStreamingConnection; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities; /** * A future on the result ({@link StreamState}) of a streaming plan. * * In practice, this object also groups all the {@link StreamSession} for the streaming job * involved. One StreamSession will be created for every peer involved and said session will * handle every streaming (outgoing and incoming) to that peer for this job. * <p> * The future will return a result once every session is completed (successfully or not). If * any session ended up with an error, the future will throw a StreamException. * <p> * You can attach {@link StreamEventHandler} to this object to listen on {@link StreamEvent}s to * track progress of the streaming. */ public final class StreamResultFuture extends AbstractFuture<StreamState> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StreamResultFuture.class); public final UUID planId; public final StreamOperation streamOperation; private final StreamCoordinator coordinator; private final Collection<StreamEventHandler> eventListeners = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); /** * Create new StreamResult of given {@code planId} and streamOperation. * * Constructor is package private. You need to use {@link StreamPlan#execute()} to get the instance. * * @param planId Stream plan ID * @param streamOperation Stream streamOperation */ private StreamResultFuture(UUID planId, StreamOperation streamOperation, StreamCoordinator coordinator) { this.planId = planId; this.streamOperation = streamOperation; this.coordinator = coordinator; // if there is no session to listen to, we immediately set result for returning if (!coordinator.isReceiving() && !coordinator.hasActiveSessions()) set(getCurrentState()); } private StreamResultFuture(UUID planId, StreamOperation streamOperation, boolean keepSSTableLevels, UUID pendingRepair, PreviewKind previewKind) { this(planId, streamOperation, new StreamCoordinator(0, keepSSTableLevels, new DefaultConnectionFactory(), false, pendingRepair, previewKind)); } static StreamResultFuture init(UUID planId, StreamOperation streamOperation, Collection<StreamEventHandler> listeners, StreamCoordinator coordinator) { StreamResultFuture future = createAndRegister(planId, streamOperation, coordinator); if (listeners != null) { for (StreamEventHandler listener : listeners) future.addEventListener(listener); } logger.info("[Stream #{}] Executing streaming plan for {}", planId, streamOperation.getDescription()); // Initialize and start all sessions for (final StreamSession session : coordinator.getAllStreamSessions()) { session.init(future); } coordinator.connect(future); return future; } public static synchronized StreamResultFuture initReceivingSide(int sessionIndex, UUID planId, StreamOperation streamOperation, InetAddress from, IncomingStreamingConnection connection, boolean isForOutgoing, int version, boolean keepSSTableLevel, UUID pendingRepair, PreviewKind previewKind) throws IOException { StreamResultFuture future = StreamManager.instance.getReceivingStream(planId); if (future == null) { logger.info("[Stream #{} ID#{}] Creating new streaming plan for {}", planId, sessionIndex, streamOperation.getDescription()); // The main reason we create a StreamResultFuture on the receiving side is for JMX exposure. future = new StreamResultFuture(planId, streamOperation, keepSSTableLevel, pendingRepair, previewKind); StreamManager.instance.registerReceiving(future); } future.attachConnection(from, sessionIndex, connection, isForOutgoing, version); logger.info("[Stream #{}, ID#{}] Received streaming plan for {}", planId, sessionIndex, streamOperation.getDescription()); return future; } private static StreamResultFuture createAndRegister(UUID planId, StreamOperation streamOperation, StreamCoordinator coordinator) { StreamResultFuture future = new StreamResultFuture(planId, streamOperation, coordinator); StreamManager.instance.register(future); return future; } private void attachConnection(InetAddress from, int sessionIndex, IncomingStreamingConnection connection, boolean isForOutgoing, int version) throws IOException { StreamSession session = coordinator.getOrCreateSessionById(from, sessionIndex, connection.socket.getInetAddress()); session.init(this); session.handler.initiateOnReceivingSide(connection, isForOutgoing, version); } public void addEventListener(StreamEventHandler listener) { Futures.addCallback(this, listener); eventListeners.add(listener); } /** * @return Current snapshot of streaming progress. */ public StreamState getCurrentState() { return new StreamState(planId, streamOperation, coordinator.getAllSessionInfo()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; StreamResultFuture that = (StreamResultFuture) o; return planId.equals(that.planId); } @Override public int hashCode() { return planId.hashCode(); } void handleSessionPrepared(StreamSession session) { SessionInfo sessionInfo = session.getSessionInfo(); logger.info("[Stream #{} ID#{}] Prepare completed. Receiving {} files({}), sending {} files({})", session.planId(), session.sessionIndex(), sessionInfo.getTotalFilesToReceive(), FBUtilities.prettyPrintMemory(sessionInfo.getTotalSizeToReceive()), sessionInfo.getTotalFilesToSend(), FBUtilities.prettyPrintMemory(sessionInfo.getTotalSizeToSend())); StreamEvent.SessionPreparedEvent event = new StreamEvent.SessionPreparedEvent(planId, sessionInfo); coordinator.addSessionInfo(sessionInfo); fireStreamEvent(event); } void handleSessionComplete(StreamSession session) { logger.info("[Stream #{}] Session with {} is complete", session.planId(), session.peer); fireStreamEvent(new StreamEvent.SessionCompleteEvent(session)); SessionInfo sessionInfo = session.getSessionInfo(); coordinator.addSessionInfo(sessionInfo); maybeComplete(); } public void handleProgress(ProgressInfo progress) { coordinator.updateProgress(progress); fireStreamEvent(new StreamEvent.ProgressEvent(planId, progress)); } synchronized void fireStreamEvent(StreamEvent event) { // delegate to listener for (StreamEventHandler listener : eventListeners) listener.handleStreamEvent(event); } private synchronized void maybeComplete() { if (!coordinator.hasActiveSessions()) { StreamState finalState = getCurrentState(); if (finalState.hasFailedSession()) { logger.warn("[Stream #{}] Stream failed", planId); setException(new StreamException(finalState, "Stream failed")); } else { logger.info("[Stream #{}] All sessions completed", planId); set(finalState); } } } }