package org.apache.cassandra.stress.settings; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ConsistencyLevel; // Generic command settings - common to read/write/etc public class SettingsCommand implements Serializable { public final Command type; public final long count; public final int tries; public final boolean ignoreErrors; public final ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel; public final double targetUncertainty; public final int minimumUncertaintyMeasurements; public final int maximumUncertaintyMeasurements; public SettingsCommand(Command type, GroupedOptions options) { this(type, (Options) options, options instanceof Count ? (Count) options : null, options instanceof Uncertainty ? (Uncertainty) options : null ); } public SettingsCommand(Command type, Options options, Count count, Uncertainty uncertainty) { this.type = type; this.tries = Math.max(1, Integer.parseInt(options.retries.value()) + 1); this.ignoreErrors = options.ignoreErrors.setByUser(); this.consistencyLevel = ConsistencyLevel.valueOf(options.consistencyLevel.value().toUpperCase()); if (count != null) { this.count = Long.parseLong(count.count.value()); this.targetUncertainty = -1; this.minimumUncertaintyMeasurements = -1; this.maximumUncertaintyMeasurements = -1; } else { this.count = -1; this.targetUncertainty = Double.parseDouble(uncertainty.uncertainty.value()); this.minimumUncertaintyMeasurements = Integer.parseInt(uncertainty.minMeasurements.value()); this.maximumUncertaintyMeasurements = Integer.parseInt(uncertainty.maxMeasurements.value()); } } // Option Declarations static abstract class Options extends GroupedOptions { final OptionSimple retries = new OptionSimple("tries=", "[0-9]+", "9", "Number of tries to perform for each operation before failing", false); final OptionSimple ignoreErrors = new OptionSimple("ignore_errors", "", null, "Do not print/log errors", false); final OptionSimple consistencyLevel = new OptionSimple("cl=", "ONE|QUORUM|LOCAL_QUORUM|EACH_QUORUM|ALL|ANY", "ONE", "Consistency level to use", false); } static class Count extends Options { final OptionSimple count = new OptionSimple("n=", "[0-9]+", null, "Number of operations to perform", true); @Override public List<? extends Option> options() { return Arrays.asList(count, retries, ignoreErrors, consistencyLevel); } } static class Uncertainty extends Options { final OptionSimple uncertainty = new OptionSimple("err<", "0\\.[0-9]+", "0.02", "Run until the standard error of the mean is below this fraction", false); final OptionSimple minMeasurements = new OptionSimple("n>", "[0-9]+", "30", "Run at least this many iterations before accepting uncertainty convergence", false); final OptionSimple maxMeasurements = new OptionSimple("n<", "[0-9]+", "200", "Run at most this many iterations before accepting uncertainty convergence", false); @Override public List<? extends Option> options() { return Arrays.asList(uncertainty, minMeasurements, maxMeasurements, retries, ignoreErrors, consistencyLevel); } } // CLI Utility Methods static SettingsCommand get(Map<String, String[]> clArgs) { for (Command cmd : Command.values()) { if (cmd.category == null) continue; final String[] params = clArgs.remove(cmd.toString().toLowerCase()); if (params != null) { switch (cmd.category) { case BASIC: return build(cmd, params); case MULTI: return, params); case MIXED: return; } } } return null; } static SettingsCommand build(Command type, String[] params) { GroupedOptions options =, new Count(), new Uncertainty()); if (options == null) { printHelp(type); System.out.println("Invalid " + type + " options provided, see output for valid options"); System.exit(1); } return new SettingsCommand(type, options); } static void printHelp(Command type) { printHelp(type.toString().toLowerCase()); } static void printHelp(String type) { GroupedOptions.printOptions(System.out, type.toString().toLowerCase(), new Uncertainty(), new Count()); } static Runnable helpPrinter(final String type) { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { printHelp(type); } }; } static Runnable helpPrinter(final Command type) { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { printHelp(type); } }; } }