/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.SyntaxException; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnIdentifier; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Relation; import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputBuffer; import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil; /* * The encoding of a CompositeType column name should be: * <component><component><component> ... * where <component> is: * <length of value><value><'end-of-component' byte> * where <length of value> is a 2 bytes unsigned short the and the * 'end-of-component' byte should always be 0 for actual column name. * However, it can set to 1 for query bounds. This allows to query for the * equivalent of 'give me the full super-column'. That is, if during a slice * query uses: * start = <3><"foo".getBytes()><0> * end = <3><"foo".getBytes()><1> * then he will be sure to get *all* the columns whose first component is "foo". * If for a component, the 'end-of-component' is != 0, there should not be any * following component. The end-of-component can also be -1 to allow * non-inclusive query. For instance: * start = <3><"foo".getBytes()><-1> * allows to query everything that is greater than <3><"foo".getBytes()>, but * not <3><"foo".getBytes()> itself. */ public class CompositeType extends AbstractCompositeType { public final List<AbstractType<?>> types; // interning instances private static final Map<List<AbstractType<?>>, CompositeType> instances = new HashMap<List<AbstractType<?>>, CompositeType>(); public static CompositeType getInstance(TypeParser parser) throws ConfigurationException, SyntaxException { return getInstance(parser.getTypeParameters()); } public static CompositeType getInstance(AbstractType... types) { return getInstance(Arrays.<AbstractType<?>>asList(types)); } public static synchronized CompositeType getInstance(List<AbstractType<?>> types) { assert types != null && !types.isEmpty(); CompositeType ct = instances.get(types); if (ct == null) { ct = new CompositeType(types); instances.put(types, ct); } return ct; } protected CompositeType(List<AbstractType<?>> types) { this.types = ImmutableList.copyOf(types); } protected AbstractType<?> getComparator(int i, ByteBuffer bb) { try { return types.get(i); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // We shouldn't get there in general because 1) we shouldn't construct broken composites // from CQL and 2) broken composites coming from thrift should be rejected by validate. // There is a few cases however where, if the schema has changed since we created/validated // the composite, this will be thrown (see #6262). Those cases are a user error but // throwing a more meaningful error message to make understanding such error easier. . throw new RuntimeException("Cannot get comparator " + i + " in " + this + ". " + "This might due to a mismatch between the schema and the data read", e); } } protected AbstractType<?> getComparator(int i, ByteBuffer bb1, ByteBuffer bb2) { return getComparator(i, bb1); } protected AbstractType<?> getAndAppendComparator(int i, ByteBuffer bb, StringBuilder sb) { return types.get(i); } protected ParsedComparator parseComparator(int i, String part) { return new StaticParsedComparator(types.get(i), part); } protected AbstractType<?> validateComparator(int i, ByteBuffer bb) throws MarshalException { if (i >= types.size()) throw new MarshalException("Too many bytes for comparator"); return types.get(i); } public ByteBuffer decompose(Object... objects) { assert objects.length == types.size(); ByteBuffer[] serialized = new ByteBuffer[objects.length]; for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { ByteBuffer buffer = ((AbstractType) types.get(i)).decompose(objects[i]); serialized[i] = buffer; } return build(serialized); } // Overriding the one of AbstractCompositeType because we can do a tad better @Override public ByteBuffer[] split(ByteBuffer name) { // Assume all components, we'll trunk the array afterwards if need be, but // most names will be complete. ByteBuffer[] l = new ByteBuffer[types.size()]; ByteBuffer bb = name.duplicate(); int i = 0; while (bb.remaining() > 0) { l[i++] = getWithShortLength(bb); bb.get(); // skip end-of-component } return i == l.length ? l : Arrays.copyOfRange(l, 0, i); } // Extract component idx from bb. Return null if there is not enough component. public static ByteBuffer extractComponent(ByteBuffer bb, int idx) { bb = bb.duplicate(); int i = 0; while (bb.remaining() > 0) { ByteBuffer c = getWithShortLength(bb); if (i == idx) return c; bb.get(); // skip end-of-component ++i; } return null; } // Extract CQL3 column name from the full column name. public ByteBuffer extractLastComponent(ByteBuffer bb) { int idx = types.get(types.size() - 1) instanceof ColumnToCollectionType ? types.size() - 2 : types.size() - 1; return extractComponent(bb, idx); } @Override public int componentsCount() { return types.size(); } @Override public List<AbstractType<?>> getComponents() { return types; } @Override public boolean isCompatibleWith(AbstractType<?> previous) { if (this == previous) return true; if (!(previous instanceof CompositeType)) return false; // Extending with new components is fine CompositeType cp = (CompositeType)previous; if (types.size() < cp.types.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < cp.types.size(); i++) { AbstractType tprev = cp.types.get(i); AbstractType tnew = types.get(i); if (!tnew.isCompatibleWith(tprev)) return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean isValueCompatibleWith(AbstractType<?> previous) { if (this == previous) return true; if (!(previous instanceof CompositeType)) return false; // Extending with new components is fine CompositeType cp = (CompositeType)previous; if (types.size() < cp.types.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < cp.types.size(); i++) { AbstractType tprev = cp.types.get(i); AbstractType tnew = types.get(i); if (!tnew.isValueCompatibleWith(tprev)) return false; } return true; } private static class StaticParsedComparator implements ParsedComparator { final AbstractType<?> type; final String part; StaticParsedComparator(AbstractType<?> type, String part) { this.type = type; this.part = part; } public AbstractType<?> getAbstractType() { return type; } public String getRemainingPart() { return part; } public int getComparatorSerializedSize() { return 0; } public void serializeComparator(ByteBuffer bb) {} } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + TypeParser.stringifyTypeParameters(types); } public Builder builder() { return new Builder(this); } public static ByteBuffer build(ByteBuffer... buffers) { int totalLength = 0; for (ByteBuffer bb : buffers) totalLength += 2 + bb.remaining() + 1; ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(totalLength); for (ByteBuffer bb : buffers) { putShortLength(out, bb.remaining()); out.put(bb.duplicate()); out.put((byte) 0); } out.flip(); return out; } public static class Builder { private final CompositeType composite; private final List<ByteBuffer> components; private final byte[] endOfComponents; private int serializedSize; public Builder(CompositeType composite) { this(composite, new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(composite.types.size()), new byte[composite.types.size()]); } public Builder(CompositeType composite, List<ByteBuffer> components, byte[] endOfComponents) { assert endOfComponents.length == composite.types.size(); this.composite = composite; this.components = components; this.endOfComponents = endOfComponents; } private Builder(Builder b) { this(b.composite, new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(b.components), Arrays.copyOf(b.endOfComponents, b.endOfComponents.length)); this.serializedSize = b.serializedSize; } public Builder add(ByteBuffer buffer, Relation.Type op) { if (components.size() >= composite.types.size()) throw new IllegalStateException("Composite column is already fully constructed"); int current = components.size(); components.add(buffer); /* * Given the rules for eoc (end-of-component, see AbstractCompositeType.compare()), * We can select: * - = 'a' by using <'a'><0> * - < 'a' by using <'a'><-1> * - <= 'a' by using <'a'><1> * - > 'a' by using <'a'><1> * - >= 'a' by using <'a'><0> */ switch (op) { case LT: endOfComponents[current] = (byte) -1; break; case GT: case LTE: endOfComponents[current] = (byte) 1; break; default: endOfComponents[current] = (byte) 0; break; } return this; } public Builder add(ByteBuffer bb) { return add(bb, Relation.Type.EQ); } public Builder add(ColumnIdentifier name) { return add(name.bytes); } public int componentCount() { return components.size(); } public int remainingCount() { return composite.types.size() - components.size(); } public ByteBuffer get(int i) { return components.get(i); } public ByteBuffer build() { DataOutputBuffer out = new DataOutputBuffer(serializedSize); for (int i = 0; i < components.size(); i++) { try { ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(components.get(i), out); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } out.write(endOfComponents[i]); } return ByteBuffer.wrap(out.getData(), 0, out.getLength()); } public ByteBuffer buildAsEndOfRange() { if (components.isEmpty()) return ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER; ByteBuffer bb = build(); bb.put(bb.remaining() - 1, (byte)1); return bb; } public Builder copy() { return new Builder(this); } public ByteBuffer getComponent(int i) { if (i >= components.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return components.get(i); } } }