/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.db; import java.util.*; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import org.apache.cassandra.db.columniterator.OnDiskAtomIterator; import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy; import org.apache.cassandra.db.composites.CellName; import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.NamesQueryFilter; import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.QueryFilter; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CounterColumnType; import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTableReader; import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.FileUtils; import org.apache.cassandra.tracing.Tracing; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.HeapAllocator; public class CollationController { private final ColumnFamilyStore cfs; private final QueryFilter filter; private final int gcBefore; private int sstablesIterated = 0; public CollationController(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, QueryFilter filter, int gcBefore) { this.cfs = cfs; this.filter = filter; this.gcBefore = gcBefore; } public ColumnFamily getTopLevelColumns() { return filter.filter instanceof NamesQueryFilter && cfs.metadata.getDefaultValidator() != CounterColumnType.instance ? collectTimeOrderedData() : collectAllData(); } /** * Collects data in order of recency, using the sstable maxtimestamp data. * Once we have data for all requests columns that is newer than the newest remaining maxtimestamp, * we stop. */ private ColumnFamily collectTimeOrderedData() { final ColumnFamily container = ArrayBackedSortedColumns.factory.create(cfs.metadata, filter.filter.isReversed()); List<OnDiskAtomIterator> iterators = new ArrayList<OnDiskAtomIterator>(); Tracing.trace("Acquiring sstable references"); ColumnFamilyStore.ViewFragment view = cfs.markReferenced(filter.key); // We use a temporary CF object per memtable or sstable source so we can accomodate this.factory being ABSC, // which requires addAtom to happen in sorted order. Then we use addAll to merge into the final collection, // which allows a (sorted) set of columns to be merged even if they are not uniformly sorted after the existing // ones. ColumnFamily temp = ArrayBackedSortedColumns.factory.create(cfs.metadata, filter.filter.isReversed()); try { Tracing.trace("Merging memtable contents"); for (Memtable memtable : view.memtables) { OnDiskAtomIterator iter = filter.getMemtableColumnIterator(memtable); if (iter != null) { iterators.add(iter); temp.delete(iter.getColumnFamily()); while (iter.hasNext()) temp.addAtom(iter.next()); } container.addAll(temp, HeapAllocator.instance); temp.clear(); } // avoid changing the filter columns of the original filter // (reduceNameFilter removes columns that are known to be irrelevant) NamesQueryFilter namesFilter = (NamesQueryFilter) filter.filter; TreeSet<CellName> filterColumns = new TreeSet<>(namesFilter.columns); QueryFilter reducedFilter = new QueryFilter(filter.key, filter.cfName, namesFilter.withUpdatedColumns(filterColumns), filter.timestamp); /* add the SSTables on disk */ Collections.sort(view.sstables, SSTableReader.maxTimestampComparator); // read sorted sstables long mostRecentRowTombstone = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (SSTableReader sstable : view.sstables) { // if we've already seen a row tombstone with a timestamp greater // than the most recent update to this sstable, we're done, since the rest of the sstables // will also be older if (sstable.getMaxTimestamp() < mostRecentRowTombstone) break; long currentMaxTs = sstable.getMaxTimestamp(); reduceNameFilter(reducedFilter, container, currentMaxTs); if (((NamesQueryFilter) reducedFilter.filter).columns.isEmpty()) break; Tracing.trace("Merging data from sstable {}", sstable.descriptor.generation); OnDiskAtomIterator iter = reducedFilter.getSSTableColumnIterator(sstable); iterators.add(iter); if (iter.getColumnFamily() != null) { ColumnFamily cf = iter.getColumnFamily(); if (cf.isMarkedForDelete()) mostRecentRowTombstone = cf.deletionInfo().getTopLevelDeletion().markedForDeleteAt; temp.delete(cf); sstablesIterated++; while (iter.hasNext()) temp.addAtom(iter.next()); } container.addAll(temp, HeapAllocator.instance); temp.clear(); } // we need to distinguish between "there is no data at all for this row" (BF will let us rebuild that efficiently) // and "there used to be data, but it's gone now" (we should cache the empty CF so we don't need to rebuild that slower) if (iterators.isEmpty()) return null; // do a final collate. toCollate is boilerplate required to provide a CloseableIterator ColumnFamily returnCF = container.cloneMeShallow(); Tracing.trace("Collating all results"); filter.collateOnDiskAtom(returnCF, container.iterator(), gcBefore); // "hoist up" the requested data into a more recent sstable if (sstablesIterated > cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold() && !cfs.isAutoCompactionDisabled() && cfs.getCompactionStrategy() instanceof SizeTieredCompactionStrategy) { Tracing.trace("Defragmenting requested data"); Mutation mutation = new Mutation(cfs.keyspace.getName(), filter.key.key, returnCF.cloneMe()); // skipping commitlog and index updates is fine since we're just de-fragmenting existing data Keyspace.open(mutation.getKeyspaceName()).apply(mutation, false, false); } // Caller is responsible for final removeDeletedCF. This is important for cacheRow to work correctly: return returnCF; } finally { for (OnDiskAtomIterator iter : iterators) FileUtils.closeQuietly(iter); SSTableReader.releaseReferences(view.sstables); } } /** * remove columns from @param filter where we already have data in @param container newer than @param sstableTimestamp */ private void reduceNameFilter(QueryFilter filter, ColumnFamily container, long sstableTimestamp) { if (container == null) return; for (Iterator<CellName> iterator = ((NamesQueryFilter) filter.filter).columns.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { CellName filterColumn = iterator.next(); Cell cell = container.getColumn(filterColumn); if (cell != null && cell.timestamp() > sstableTimestamp) iterator.remove(); } } /** * Collects data the brute-force way: gets an iterator for the filter in question * from every memtable and sstable, then merges them together. */ private ColumnFamily collectAllData() { Tracing.trace("Acquiring sstable references"); ColumnFamilyStore.ViewFragment view = cfs.markReferenced(filter.key); List<OnDiskAtomIterator> iterators = new ArrayList<OnDiskAtomIterator>(Iterables.size(view.memtables) + view.sstables.size()); ColumnFamily returnCF = ArrayBackedSortedColumns.factory.create(cfs.metadata, filter.filter.isReversed()); try { Tracing.trace("Merging memtable tombstones"); for (Memtable memtable : view.memtables) { OnDiskAtomIterator iter = filter.getMemtableColumnIterator(memtable); if (iter != null) { returnCF.delete(iter.getColumnFamily()); iterators.add(iter); } } /* * We can't eliminate full sstables based on the timestamp of what we've already read like * in collectTimeOrderedData, but we still want to eliminate sstable whose maxTimestamp < mostRecentTombstone * we've read. We still rely on the sstable ordering by maxTimestamp since if * maxTimestamp_s1 > maxTimestamp_s0, * we're guaranteed that s1 cannot have a row tombstone such that * timestamp(tombstone) > maxTimestamp_s0 * since we necessarily have * timestamp(tombstone) <= maxTimestamp_s1 * In othere words, iterating in maxTimestamp order allow to do our mostRecentTombstone elimination * in one pass, and minimize the number of sstables for which we read a rowTombstone. */ Collections.sort(view.sstables, SSTableReader.maxTimestampComparator); List<SSTableReader> skippedSSTables = null; long mostRecentRowTombstone = Long.MIN_VALUE; long minTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE; int nonIntersectingSSTables = 0; for (SSTableReader sstable : view.sstables) { minTimestamp = Math.min(minTimestamp, sstable.getMinTimestamp()); // if we've already seen a row tombstone with a timestamp greater // than the most recent update to this sstable, we can skip it if (sstable.getMaxTimestamp() < mostRecentRowTombstone) break; if (!filter.shouldInclude(sstable)) { nonIntersectingSSTables++; // sstable contains no tombstone if maxLocalDeletionTime == Integer.MAX_VALUE, so we can safely skip those entirely if (sstable.getSSTableMetadata().maxLocalDeletionTime != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { if (skippedSSTables == null) skippedSSTables = new ArrayList<SSTableReader>(); skippedSSTables.add(sstable); } continue; } sstable.incrementReadCount(); OnDiskAtomIterator iter = filter.getSSTableColumnIterator(sstable); iterators.add(iter); if (iter.getColumnFamily() != null) { ColumnFamily cf = iter.getColumnFamily(); if (cf.isMarkedForDelete()) mostRecentRowTombstone = cf.deletionInfo().getTopLevelDeletion().markedForDeleteAt; returnCF.delete(cf); sstablesIterated++; } } int includedDueToTombstones = 0; // Check for row tombstone in the skipped sstables if (skippedSSTables != null) { for (SSTableReader sstable : skippedSSTables) { if (sstable.getMaxTimestamp() <= minTimestamp) continue; sstable.incrementReadCount(); OnDiskAtomIterator iter = filter.getSSTableColumnIterator(sstable); ColumnFamily cf = iter.getColumnFamily(); // we are only interested in row-level tombstones here, and only if markedForDeleteAt is larger than minTimestamp if (cf != null && cf.deletionInfo().getTopLevelDeletion().markedForDeleteAt > minTimestamp) { includedDueToTombstones++; iterators.add(iter); returnCF.delete(cf.deletionInfo().getTopLevelDeletion()); sstablesIterated++; } else { FileUtils.closeQuietly(iter); } } } if (Tracing.isTracing()) Tracing.trace("Skipped {}/{} non-slice-intersecting sstables, included {} due to tombstones", new Object[] {nonIntersectingSSTables, view.sstables.size(), includedDueToTombstones}); // we need to distinguish between "there is no data at all for this row" (BF will let us rebuild that efficiently) // and "there used to be data, but it's gone now" (we should cache the empty CF so we don't need to rebuild that slower) if (iterators.isEmpty()) return null; Tracing.trace("Merging data from memtables and {} sstables", sstablesIterated); filter.collateOnDiskAtom(returnCF, iterators, gcBefore); // Caller is responsible for final removeDeletedCF. This is important for cacheRow to work correctly: return returnCF; } finally { for (OnDiskAtomIterator iter : iterators) FileUtils.closeQuietly(iter); SSTableReader.releaseReferences(view.sstables); } } public int getSstablesIterated() { return sstablesIterated; } }