package de.is24.util.monitoring.status; import de.is24.util.monitoring.Counter; import de.is24.util.monitoring.Reportable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * this class implements a service state from observing two counters * and calculating a failure rate for different time windows. * * Current windows are 1min, 5min, 15min. * Therefor it samples the counters every 10 seconds. */ public class ServiceState { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServiceState.class); private final String name; private final String successCounterKey; private final String errorCounterKey; private long previousSuccessCounterValue = Long.MAX_VALUE; private long previousErrorCounterValue = Long.MAX_VALUE; private Counter successCounter; private Counter errorCounter; private SampledData sampledData; public ServiceState(String name, String successCounterKey, String errorCounterKey) { = name; this.successCounterKey = successCounterKey; this.errorCounterKey = errorCounterKey; this.sampledData = new SampledData(name); } public void check() { long successCounterCount = (successCounter == null) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : successCounter.getCount(); long successDelta; long errorCounterCount = (errorCounter == null) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : errorCounter.getCount(); long errorDelta = 0; if (previousErrorCounterValue <= errorCounterCount) { errorDelta = errorCounterCount - previousErrorCounterValue; } if (previousSuccessCounterValue <= successCounterCount) { successDelta = successCounterCount - previousSuccessCounterValue; LOGGER.debug("successDelta : {} errorDelta : {}", successDelta, errorDelta); sampledData.addSample(successDelta, errorDelta); } previousErrorCounterValue = errorCounterCount; previousSuccessCounterValue = successCounterCount; } public void checkForReportable(Reportable reportable) { LOGGER.debug("checking reportable with name {}", reportable.getName()); if ((successCounter == null) && (reportable instanceof Counter) && reportable.getName().equals(successCounterKey)) {"found {}", successCounterKey); successCounter = (Counter) reportable; } if ((errorCounter == null) && (reportable instanceof Counter) && reportable.getName().equals(errorCounterKey)) {"found {}", errorCounterKey); errorCounter = (Counter) reportable; } } public String getName() { return name; } }