package de.is24.util.monitoring.statsd; import de.is24.util.monitoring.AbstractMonitorPlugin; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; /** * InApplicationMonitor plugin. Forwards monitoring to a Statsd server. * * Enable via InApplicationMonitor.getInstance().registerPlugin(new StatsdPlugin("myStatsdHost", 1234)); */ public class StatsdPlugin extends AbstractMonitorPlugin { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatsdPlugin.class); private final StatsdClient delegate; private final String uniqueName; private double sampleRate; private double highVolumeSampleRate; /** * Create a Statsd plugin with a specified host and port. * caller needs to call register on the plugin to register it into the InApplicationMonitor * * @param host the host of the Statsd server. * @param port the port of the Statsd server. * @param appName a short application identifier to fulfill IS24 / Graphite naming scheme requirements through statsd * @throws UnknownHostException if there is no such host as specified. * @throws SocketException if the socket to the host could not be opened. */ public StatsdPlugin(String host, int port, String appName) throws UnknownHostException, SocketException { this(host, port, appName, 1.0); } /** * Create a Statsd plugin with a specified host and port. * caller needs to call register on the plugin to register it into the InApplicationMonitor * * @param host statsd host name * @param port udp port statsd is listening on * @param appName a short application identifier to fulfill IS24 / Graphite naming scheme requirements through statsd * @param sampleRate a default sample rate to use for all metrics handled * @throws UnknownHostException * @throws SocketException */ public StatsdPlugin(String host, int port, String appName, double sampleRate) throws UnknownHostException, SocketException { this(new StatsdClient(host, port, appName), getUniqeName(host, port, sampleRate), sampleRate); } public StatsdPlugin(String host, int port, StatsdMessageFormatter statsdMessageFormatter) throws SocketException, UnknownHostException { this(new StatsdClient(host, port, statsdMessageFormatter), getUniqeName(host, port, 1.0), 1.0); } public StatsdPlugin(String host, int port, double sampleRate, StatsdMessageFormatter statsdMessageFormatter) throws SocketException, UnknownHostException { this(new StatsdClient(host, port, statsdMessageFormatter), getUniqeName(host, port, sampleRate), sampleRate); } StatsdPlugin(StatsdClient client, String uniqeName, double sampleRate) { this.delegate = client; this.uniqueName = uniqeName; if (sampleRate < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative sample rate not permitted"); } this.sampleRate = sampleRate; initHighVolumeSampleRate();"StatsdPlugin {} initialized", uniqueName); } private static String getUniqeName(final String host, final int port, final double sampleRate) { return "StatsdPlugin_" + host + "_" + port + "_" + sampleRate; } @Override public void afterRemovalNotification() {"StatsdPlugin {} notified of removal", uniqueName); delegate.close(); } private void initHighVolumeSampleRate() { this.highVolumeSampleRate = sampleRate * 0.1; } @Override public String getUniqueName() { return uniqueName; } /* Colons are used to separate values in calls to statsd, thus they should not be part of the key */ private String sanitizeKey(String key) { return key.replaceAll(":", "_"); } @Override public void incrementCounter(String key, int increment) { delegate.increment(sanitizeKey(key), increment, sampleRate); } @Override public void incrementHighRateCounter(String key, int increment) { delegate.increment(sanitizeKey(key), increment, highVolumeSampleRate); } @Override public void initializeCounter(String name) { // we do not initialize counters as this makes no sense for statsd / graphite } @Override public void addTimerMeasurement(String key, long timing) { delegate.timing(sanitizeKey(key), (int) timing, sampleRate); } @Override public void addSingleEventTimerMeasurement(String name, long timing) { // we do not write rare events to statsd, as this fills the harddrive of underlying // graphite service. with almost empty files. } @Override public void initializeTimerMeasurement(String name) { // we do not initialize Timers as this makes no sense for statsd / graphite } @Override public void addHighRateTimerMeasurement(String key, long timing) { delegate.timing(sanitizeKey(key), (int) timing, highVolumeSampleRate); } }