package de.is24.util.monitoring.jmx; import de.is24.util.monitoring.MultiValueProvider; import de.is24.util.monitoring.ReportVisitor; import de.is24.util.monitoring.State; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * JMXExporter exports all numeric attributes of a given JMX Domain. * You can use it to send metrics from other JMX beans to graphite. * You do not need it, and should not use it, to send appmon4j metrics, this should be done by * Statsd or Graphite plugins instead. */ public class JMXExporter implements MultiValueProvider { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JMXExporter.class); private static final String JMXEXPORTER = "JMXExporter"; private final MBeanServer platformMBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); private final Set<ObjectName> objectPatterns; /** * Initialize Exporter * */ public JMXExporter() { objectPatterns = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<ObjectName>()); } /** * Initialize Exporter for a given ObjectName pattern. The pattern must be a valid object name. * * @param pattern The JMX domain. * @throws MalformedObjectNameException in case of an invalid pattern */ public JMXExporter(String pattern) throws MalformedObjectNameException { this(); addPattern(pattern); } public void addPattern(String pattern) throws MalformedObjectNameException { objectPatterns.add(new ObjectName(pattern)); } public List<ObjectName> listPatterns() { return new ArrayList<ObjectName>(objectPatterns); } public boolean removePattern(String pattern) throws MalformedObjectNameException { return objectPatterns.remove(new ObjectName(pattern)); } @Override public Collection<State> getValues() { List<State> result = new ArrayList<State>(); searchAndLogNumericAttributes(result); return result; } @Override public String getName() { return JMXEXPORTER; } @Override public void accept(ReportVisitor visitor) { visitor.reportMultiValue(this); } protected void searchAndLogNumericAttributes(List<State> result) { Map<ObjectName, MBeanInfo> mBeanInfoMap = getMBeanInfos(); for (Map.Entry<ObjectName, MBeanInfo> entry : mBeanInfoMap.entrySet()) { ObjectName name = entry.getKey(); MBeanInfo mBeanInfo = entry.getValue(); MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes = mBeanInfo.getAttributes(); for (MBeanAttributeInfo info : attributes) { try { Object valueObject = platformMBeanServer.getAttribute(name, info.getName()); String attributeName = getBaseName(name); handleObject(attributeName, info.getName(), valueObject, result); } catch (Exception e) { // Some special treatment if running in jsvc for // or for some attributes not supported by all JVM implementations, but still in the mbean if (isUnsupportedOperation(e) || isJsvcSpecificProcSelfFdProblem(e)) { LOGGER.debug("ignoring unsupported numeric MBean Attribute {} {} {}", name, info); } else {"Error accessing numeric MBean Attribute {} {} {}", name, info, e.getMessage()); } } } } } private boolean isJsvcSpecificProcSelfFdProblem(Exception e) { String message = e.getMessage(); return (message != null) && message.contains("Unable to open directory /proc/self/fd"); } private boolean isUnsupportedOperation(Exception e) { return (e.getCause() != null) && e.getCause().getClass().equals(UnsupportedOperationException.class); } private void handleObject(String baseName, String path, Object valueObject, List<State> result) { LOGGER.debug("handling {}", baseName); Long value = null; if (valueObject instanceof Long) { value = ((Long) valueObject).longValue(); } else if (valueObject instanceof Boolean) { value = ((Boolean) valueObject) ? 1L : 0L; } else if (valueObject instanceof Integer) { value = ((Integer) valueObject).longValue(); } else if (valueObject instanceof Short) { value = ((Short) valueObject).longValue(); } else if (valueObject instanceof Double) { value = ((Double) valueObject).longValue(); } else if (valueObject instanceof Float) { value = ((Float) valueObject).longValue(); } else if (valueObject instanceof CompositeData) { logComposite(baseName, path, (CompositeData) valueObject, result); } if (value != null) { result.add(createState(baseName, path, value)); } } private void logComposite(String attributeName, String path, CompositeData obj, List<State> result) { for (String key : obj.getCompositeType().keySet()) { String additionalPath = (path == null) ? key : (path + "." + key); Object valueObject = obj.get(key); if (valueObject instanceof CompositeData) { logComposite(attributeName, additionalPath, (CompositeData) valueObject, result); } else if (valueObject != null) { handleObject(attributeName, additionalPath, valueObject, result); } } } private State createState(String baseName, String path, Long value) { return new State(baseName, path, value); } private String getBaseName(ObjectName name) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(name.getDomain()).append(".").append(name.getCanonicalKeyPropertyListString()); return builder.toString(); } protected Map<ObjectName, MBeanInfo> getMBeanInfos() { try { Map<ObjectName, MBeanInfo> result = new HashMap<ObjectName, MBeanInfo>(); for (ObjectName objectPattern : objectPatterns) { Set<ObjectName> objectNames = platformMBeanServer.queryNames(objectPattern, null); for (ObjectName name : objectNames) { result.put(name, platformMBeanServer.getMBeanInfo(name)); } } LOGGER.debug("searching for MBeans using {} patterns found {} matching Bean Infos", objectPatterns.size(), result.size()); return result; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("oops", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void readFromDirectory(String path) {"reading JMXExporter Patterns from directory {}", path); File dir = new File(path); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(dir, null, false); if (files.size() == 0) { LOGGER.warn("no files found in readFromDirectory {}", path); } for (File file : files) { readFromFile(file); } } else { LOGGER.warn("JMXExporter config dir {} does not exist.", dir.getAbsolutePath()); } } public void readFromFile(String filename) { readFromFile(new File(filename)); } public void readFromFile(File file) {"reading JMXExporter Patterns from file {}", file.getAbsolutePath()); LineIterator it; try { it = FileUtils.lineIterator(file, "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Error while reading patterns from file " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } try { while (it.hasNext()) { String pattern = it.nextLine(); // an empty pattern would be translated to *:*, we do not want this default behaviour of ObjectName here. if (pattern.length() > 0) { try { addPattern(pattern); } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) { LOGGER.warn("Ignoring malformed ObjectName pattern while applying pattern {} from file {} {} ", pattern, file.getAbsolutePath(), e.getMessage()); } } } } finally { LineIterator.closeQuietly(it); } } }