package org.akvo.gae.remoteapi; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.gallatinsystems.surveyal.domain.SurveyedLocale; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Loop through all the SurveyedLocales and 1) Generate an identifier if it does * not exist 2) Find and set the surveyGroupId if it does not exist * * @author jonasenlund * */ public class SurveyedLocaleFix implements Process { final static Map<Long, Long> formIdToSurveyIdCache = new HashMap<>(); @Override public void execute(DatastoreService ds, String[] args) throws Exception { Query surveyedLocaleQuery = new Query("SurveyedLocale"); Set<Entity> updatedEntities = new HashSet<>(); for (Entity surveyedLocale : ds.prepare(surveyedLocaleQuery) .asIterable(FetchOptions.Builder.withChunkSize(500))) { Long surveyedLocaleId = surveyedLocale.getKey().getId(); boolean updated = false; Object identifier = surveyedLocale.getProperty("identifier"); if (identifier == null) { String newIdentifier = SurveyedLocale.generateBase32Uuid(); surveyedLocale.setProperty("identifier", newIdentifier); System.out.println("Successfully derived identifier for " + surveyedLocaleId); updated = true; } Long surveyId = (Long) surveyedLocale.getProperty("surveyGroupId"); if (surveyId == null) { surveyId = findSurveyIdByCreationFormId(ds, (Long) surveyedLocale.getProperty("creationSurveyId")); if (surveyId == null) { surveyId = findSurveyIdByLastSurveyalInstanceId(ds, (Long) surveyedLocale .getProperty("lastSurveyalInstanceId")); if (surveyId != null) { System.out .println("Successfully derived surveyId via lastSurveyalInstanceId for " + surveyedLocaleId); } } else { System.out .println("Successfully derived surveyId via creationSurveyId for " + surveyedLocaleId); } if (surveyId == null) { System.out.println("Could not derive surveyId for " + surveyedLocaleId); } else { surveyedLocale.setProperty("surveyGroupId", surveyId); updated = true; } } if (updated) { updatedEntities.add(surveyedLocale); } } if (!updatedEntities.isEmpty()) { ds.put(updatedEntities); System.out.println(String.format("Updated %s entities", updatedEntities.size())); } } public static Long findSurveyIdByCreationFormId(DatastoreService ds, Long creationFormId) { if (creationFormId == null) { return null; } return findSurveyIdByFormId(ds, creationFormId); } public static Long findSurveyIdByLastSurveyalInstanceId( DatastoreService ds, Long lastSurveyalInstanceId) { if (lastSurveyalInstanceId == null) { return null; } Filter surveyInstanceByIdFilter = new FilterPredicate( Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY, FilterOperator.EQUAL, KeyFactory.createKey("SurveyInstance", (Long) lastSurveyalInstanceId)); Query surveyInstanceQuery = new Query("SurveyInstance") .setFilter(surveyInstanceByIdFilter); Entity surveyInstance = ds.prepare(surveyInstanceQuery) .asSingleEntity(); if (surveyInstance == null) { return null; } return findSurveyIdByFormId(ds, (Long) surveyInstance.getProperty("surveyId")); } public static Long findSurveyIdByFormId(DatastoreService ds, Long formId) { if (formId == null) { return null; } if (formIdToSurveyIdCache.containsKey(formId)) { return formIdToSurveyIdCache.get(formId); } Filter formByIdFilter = new FilterPredicate( Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY, FilterOperator.EQUAL, KeyFactory.createKey("Survey", (Long) formId)); Query formQuery = new Query("Survey").setFilter(formByIdFilter); Entity form = ds.prepare(formQuery).asSingleEntity(); if (form == null) { return null; } Long surveyId = (Long) form.getProperty("surveyGroupId"); if (surveyId != null) { formIdToSurveyIdCache.put(formId, surveyId); } return surveyId; } }