/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Stichting Akvo (Akvo Foundation) * * This file is part of Akvo FLOW. * * Akvo FLOW is free software: you can redistribute it and modify it under the terms of * the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License or any later version. * * Akvo FLOW is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License included below for more details. * * The full license text can also be seen at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html>. */ package org.waterforpeople.mapping.app.web.dto; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import com.gallatinsystems.framework.rest.RestRequest; import com.gallatinsystems.gis.map.domain.OGRFeature.FeatureType; public class ExternalGISRequest extends RestRequest { private static final String GEOMETRY_STRING_PARAM = "geometryString"; private static final String RECIPROCAL_OF_FLATTENING_PARAM = "reciprocalOfFlattening"; private static final String Y2_PARAM = "y2"; private static final String Y1_PARAM = "y1"; private static final String X2_PARAM = "x2"; private static final String X1_PARAM = "x1"; private static final String COUNTRY_CODE_PARAM = "countryCode"; private static final String SPHEROID_PARAM = "spheroid"; private static final String DATUM_IDENTIFIER_PARAM = "datumIdentifier"; private static final String GEO_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_PARAM = "geoCoordinateSystemIdentifier"; private static final String PROJECT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_PARAM = "projectCoordinateSystemIdentifier"; private static final String NAME_PARAM = "name"; private static final String OGR_FEATURE_TYPE_PARAM = "ogrFeatureType"; private static final String UN_CODE_PARAM = "unCode"; private static final String CENTROID_LAT_PARAM = "centroidLat"; private static final String CENTROID_LON_PARAM = "centroldLon"; private static final String POP_2005_PARAM = "pop2005"; private static final String SUBDIVISION_1_PARAM = "sub1"; private static final String SUBDIVISION_2_PARAM = "sub2"; private static final String SUBDIVISION_3_PARAM = "sub3"; private static final String SUBDIVISION_4_PARAM = "sub4"; private static final String SUBDIVISION_5_PARAM = "sub5"; private static final String SUBDIVISION_6_PARAM = "sub6"; private static final String DENSITY_PARAM = "density"; private static final String TOTAL_POPULATION_PARAM = "totalPopulation"; private static final String FEMALE_POPULATION_PARAM = "femalePopulation"; private static final String MALE_POPULATION_PARAM = "malePopulation"; private static final String NUMBER_HOUSEHOLDS_PARAM = "numberOfHouseholds"; public static final String LIST_MATCHING_OGRFEATURE_ACTION = "listOGRFeature"; /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 7589676876969685689L; public static final String IMPORT_ACTION = "importOgrFeature"; private String name = null; private String projectCoordinateSystemIdentifier = null; private String geoCoordinateSystemIdentifier = null; private String datumIdentifier = null; private Double spheroid = null; private String countryCode = null; private Double x1 = null; private Double x2 = null; private Double y1 = null; private Double y2 = null; private Double reciprocalOfFlattening = null; private String geometryString = null; private FeatureType ogrFeatureType = null; private String unCode = null; private Double centroidLat = null; private Double centroidLon = null; private Integer pop2005 = null; private String sub1 = null; private String sub2 = null; private String sub3 = null; private String sub4 = null; private String sub5 = null; private String sub6 = null; private Integer density = null; private Integer totalPopulation = null; private Integer femalePopulation = null; private Integer malePopulation = null; private Integer numberHouseholds = null; public Integer getDensity() { return density; } public void setDensity(Integer density) { this.density = density; } public Integer getTotalPopulation() { return totalPopulation; } public void setTotalPopulation(Integer totalPopulation) { this.totalPopulation = totalPopulation; } public Integer getFemalePopulation() { return femalePopulation; } public void setFemalePopulation(Integer femalePopulation) { this.femalePopulation = femalePopulation; } public Integer getMalePopulation() { return malePopulation; } public void setMalePopulation(Integer malePopulation) { this.malePopulation = malePopulation; } public Integer getNumberHouseholds() { return numberHouseholds; } public void setNumberHouseholds(Integer numberHouseholds) { this.numberHouseholds = numberHouseholds; } public String getSub1() { return sub1; } public void setSub1(String sub1) { this.sub1 = sub1; } public String getSub2() { return sub2; } public void setSub2(String sub2) { this.sub2 = sub2; } public String getSub3() { return sub3; } public void setSub3(String sub3) { this.sub3 = sub3; } public String getSub4() { return sub4; } public void setSub4(String sub4) { this.sub4 = sub4; } public String getSub5() { return sub5; } public void setSub5(String sub5) { this.sub5 = sub5; } public String getSub6() { return sub6; } public void setSub6(String sub6) { this.sub6 = sub6; } public String getUnCode() { return unCode; } public void setUnCode(String unCode) { this.unCode = unCode; } public Double getCentroidLat() { return centroidLat; } public void setCentroidLat(Double centroidLat) { this.centroidLat = centroidLat; } public Double getCentroidLon() { return centroidLon; } public void setCentroidLon(Double centroidLon) { this.centroidLon = centroidLon; } public Integer getPop2005() { return pop2005; } public void setPop2005(Integer pop2005) { this.pop2005 = pop2005; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getProjectCoordinateSystemIdentifier() { return projectCoordinateSystemIdentifier; } public void setProjectCoordinateSystemIdentifier( String projectCoordinateSystemIdentifier) { this.projectCoordinateSystemIdentifier = projectCoordinateSystemIdentifier; } public String getGeoCoordinateSystemIdentifier() { return geoCoordinateSystemIdentifier; } public void setGeoCoordinateSystemIdentifier( String geoCoordinateSystemIdentifier) { this.geoCoordinateSystemIdentifier = geoCoordinateSystemIdentifier; } public String getDatumIdentifier() { return datumIdentifier; } public void setDatumIdentifier(String datumIdentifier) { this.datumIdentifier = datumIdentifier; } public Double getSpheroid() { return spheroid; } public void setSpheroid(Double spheroid) { this.spheroid = spheroid; } public String getCountryCode() { return countryCode; } public void setCountryCode(String countryCode) { this.countryCode = countryCode; } public Double getX1() { return x1; } public void setX1(Double x1) { this.x1 = x1; } public Double getX2() { return x2; } public void setX2(Double x2) { this.x2 = x2; } public Double getY1() { return y1; } public void setY1(Double y1) { this.y1 = y1; } public Double getY2() { return y2; } public void setY2(Double y2) { this.y2 = y2; } public Double getReciprocalOfFlattening() { return reciprocalOfFlattening; } public void setReciprocalOfFlattening(Double reciprocalOfFlattening) { this.reciprocalOfFlattening = reciprocalOfFlattening; } @Override protected void populateFields(HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception { if (req.getParameter(NAME_PARAM) != null) { setName(req.getParameter(NAME_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(PROJECT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_PARAM) != null) { this.setProjectCoordinateSystemIdentifier(req .getParameter(PROJECT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(GEO_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_PARAM) != null) { this.setGeoCoordinateSystemIdentifier(req .getParameter(GEO_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(DATUM_IDENTIFIER_PARAM) != null) { this.setDatumIdentifier(req.getParameter(DATUM_IDENTIFIER_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(SPHEROID_PARAM) != null) { this.setSpheroid(Double.parseDouble(req .getParameter(SPHEROID_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(COUNTRY_CODE_PARAM) != null) { this.setCountryCode(req.getParameter(COUNTRY_CODE_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(X1_PARAM) != null) { this.setX1(Double.parseDouble(req.getParameter(X1_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(X2_PARAM) != null) { this.setX2(Double.parseDouble(req.getParameter(X2_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(Y1_PARAM) != null) { this.setY1(Double.parseDouble(req.getParameter(Y1_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(Y2_PARAM) != null) { this.setY2(Double.parseDouble(req.getParameter(Y2_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(RECIPROCAL_OF_FLATTENING_PARAM) != null) { this.setReciprocalOfFlattening(Double.parseDouble(req .getParameter(RECIPROCAL_OF_FLATTENING_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(GEOMETRY_STRING_PARAM) != null) { this.setGeometryString(req.getParameter(GEOMETRY_STRING_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(OGR_FEATURE_TYPE_PARAM) != null) { this.setOgrFeatureType(FeatureType.valueOf(req .getParameter(OGR_FEATURE_TYPE_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(CENTROID_LAT_PARAM) != null) { this.setCentroidLat(Double.parseDouble(req .getParameter(CENTROID_LAT_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(CENTROID_LON_PARAM) != null) { this.setCentroidLon(Double.parseDouble(req .getParameter(CENTROID_LON_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(UN_CODE_PARAM) != null) { this.setUnCode(req.getParameter(UN_CODE_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(POP_2005_PARAM) != null) { this.setPop2005(Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter(POP_2005_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_1_PARAM) != null && !req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_1_PARAM).equals("-")) { this.setSub1(req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_1_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_2_PARAM) != null && !req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_2_PARAM).equals("-")) { this.setSub2(req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_2_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_3_PARAM) != null && !req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_3_PARAM).equals("-")) { this.setSub3(req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_3_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_4_PARAM) != null && !req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_4_PARAM).equals("-")) { this.setSub4(req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_4_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_5_PARAM) != null && !req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_5_PARAM).equals("-")) { this.setSub5(req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_5_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_6_PARAM) != null && !req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_6_PARAM).equals("-")) { this.setSub6(req.getParameter(SUBDIVISION_6_PARAM)); } if (req.getParameter(TOTAL_POPULATION_PARAM) != null) { this.setTotalPopulation(Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter(TOTAL_POPULATION_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(FEMALE_POPULATION_PARAM) != null) { this.setFemalePopulation(Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter(FEMALE_POPULATION_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(MALE_POPULATION_PARAM) != null) { this.setMalePopulation(Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter(MALE_POPULATION_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(DENSITY_PARAM) != null) { this.setDensity(Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter(DENSITY_PARAM))); } if (req.getParameter(NUMBER_HOUSEHOLDS_PARAM) != null) { this.setNumberHouseholds(Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter(NUMBER_HOUSEHOLDS_PARAM))); } } @Override protected void populateErrors() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void setGeometryString(String geometryString) { this.geometryString = geometryString; } public String getGeometryString() { return geometryString; } public void setOgrFeatureType(FeatureType ogrFeatureType) { this.ogrFeatureType = ogrFeatureType; } public FeatureType getOgrFeatureType() { return ogrFeatureType; } }