package org.akvo.gae.remoteapi; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; public class CheckParentPath implements Process { private static final String SURVEY_GROUP = "SurveyGroup"; @Override public void execute(DatastoreService ds, String[] args) throws Exception { final List<Entity> surveyGroups = ds.prepare(new Query(SURVEY_GROUP)) .asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withDefaults()); Map<Long, Long> idToParentId = new HashMap<>(); for (Entity entity : surveyGroups) { Long parentId = (Long) entity.getProperty("parentId"); parentId = parentId == null ? 0L : parentId; idToParentId.put(entity.getKey().getId(), parentId); } for (Long id : idToParentId.keySet()) { List<Long> parentPath = new ArrayList<>(); checkParentPath(idToParentId, parentPath, id); } } private static final String MISSING_PARENT = "Missing parent for #%s (chain: %s)\n"; private static final String PATH_LOOP = "Path loop for #%s with parentId #%s and chain %s\n"; private static void checkParentPath(final Map<Long, Long> idToParentId, List<Long> parentPath, final Long id) { Long parentId = idToParentId.get(id); if (parentId == null) { System.out.printf(MISSING_PARENT, id, parentPath); } else if (parentPath.contains(parentId)) { System.out.printf(PATH_LOOP, id, parentId, parentPath); } else if (parentId != 0L) { parentPath.add(parentId); checkParentPath(idToParentId, parentPath, parentId); } } }