package org.javalite.common; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static; import static org.javalite.common.JsonHelper.toJsonString; import static org.javalite.test.jspec.JSpec.$; import static org.javalite.test.jspec.JSpec.a; import static org.javalite.test.jspec.JSpec.the; /** * @author Igor Polevoy on 5/26/16. */ public class JsonHelperSpec { @Test public void shouldConvertObject2JSON(){ class Person { String firstName, lastName; public Person(String firstName, String lastName) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } } a(toJsonString(new Person("John", "Smith"))).shouldBeEqual("{\"firstName\":\"John\",\"lastName\":\"Smith\"}"); } @Test public void shouldConvertArray2List(){ List l = JsonHelper.toList("[1, 2]"); $(l.size()).shouldBeEqual(2); $(l.get(0)).shouldBeEqual(1); $(l.get(1)).shouldBeEqual(2); } @Test public void shouldConvertMap2Map(){ Map m = JsonHelper.toMap("{ \"name\" : \"John\", \"age\": 22 }"); $(m.size()).shouldBeEqual(2); $(m.get("name")).shouldBeEqual("John"); $(m.get("age")).shouldBeEqual(22); } @Test public void shouldConvertMaps2Maps(){ Map[] maps = JsonHelper.toMaps("[{ \"name\" : \"John\", \"age\": 22 },{ \"name\" : \"Samantha\", \"age\": 21 }]"); $(maps.length).shouldBeEqual(2); $(maps[0].get("name")).shouldBeEqual("John"); $(maps[0].get("age")).shouldBeEqual(22); $(maps[1].get("name")).shouldBeEqual("Samantha"); $(maps[1].get("age")).shouldBeEqual(21); } @Test public void shouldSanitizeString(){ String result = JsonHelper.sanitize("\thello"); the(result).shouldBeEqual("\\thello"); } @Test public void shouldCleanString(){ String result = JsonHelper.sanitize("{\"reply_to\":\" \",\"subject\":\"\tThomas Jefferson University - Employer Match Processing - Action Required\",\"merge_fields\":{\"name\":\"NAME\"},\"template_id\":300,\"from\":\"Test User\",\"to\":\"e@e.e \"}", true); Map resultMap = JsonHelper.toMap(result); the(resultMap.get("subject")).shouldBeEqual("Thomas Jefferson University - Employer Match Processing - Action Required"); } @Test public void shouldCleanString2(){ String json = toJsonString(map( "template_id", 123, "reply_to", "", "from", "Test User", "to", "e@e.e ", "subject", "\tThomas Jefferson University - Employer Match Processing - Action Required", "merge_fields", map("name", "NAME") )); String result = JsonHelper.sanitize(json, true); Map resultMap = JsonHelper.toMap(result); //somehow toJsonString() adds a new backslash, so we are only removing two backslashes, and leaving the 't' in place - weird! a(resultMap.get("subject")).shouldBeEqual("tThomas Jefferson University - Employer Match Processing - Action Required"); } }