package org.javalite.db_migrator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Date; import static java.lang.String.format; import static org.javalite.db_migrator.DatabaseType.HSQL; import static org.javalite.db_migrator.DatabaseType.SQL_SERVER; import static org.javalite.db_migrator.DbUtils.*; class DefaultMap extends HashMap<DatabaseType, String> { private final String DEFAULT_VALUE = "create table %s (%s varchar(32) not null unique, %s timestamp not null, %s int not null)"; @Override public String get(Object key) { return containsKey(key) ? super.get(key) : DEFAULT_VALUE; } } /** * A trivial VersionStrategy which tracks only the minimal information required to note the current state of the database: the current version. */ public class VersionStrategy { public static final String VERSION_TABLE = "schema_version"; public static final String VERSION_COLUMN = "version"; public static final String APPLIED_DATE_COLUMN = "applied_on"; public static final String DURATION_COLUMN = "duration"; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VersionStrategy.class); private static final Map<DatabaseType, String> CREATE_VERSION_TABLE_MAP; static { CREATE_VERSION_TABLE_MAP = new DefaultMap(); CREATE_VERSION_TABLE_MAP.put(HSQL, "create table %s (%s varchar not null, %s datetime not null, %s int not null, constraint %2$s_unique unique (%2$s))"); CREATE_VERSION_TABLE_MAP.put(SQL_SERVER, "create table %s (%s varchar(32) not null unique, %s datetime not null, %s int not null)"); } public void createSchemaVersionTable(DatabaseType dbType) { String ddl = format(CREATE_VERSION_TABLE_MAP.get(dbType), VERSION_TABLE, VERSION_COLUMN, APPLIED_DATE_COLUMN, DURATION_COLUMN); exec(ddl); } public boolean versionTableExists() { try { countRows(VERSION_TABLE); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; } public List<String> getAppliedMigrations() { Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try{ st = connection().createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery("select " + VERSION_COLUMN + " from " + VERSION_TABLE); List<String> migrations = new ArrayList<String>(); while ({ migrations.add(rs.getString(1)); } return migrations; }catch(SQLException e){ throw new MigrationException(e); }finally { closeQuietly(rs); closeQuietly(st); } } public void recordMigration(String version, Date startTime, long duration) { PreparedStatement st = null; try{ st = connection().prepareStatement("insert into " + VERSION_TABLE + " values (?, ?, ?)"); st.setString(1, version); st.setTimestamp(2, new Timestamp(startTime.getTime())); st.setLong(3, duration); st.execute(); }catch(Exception e){ throw new MigrationException(e); }finally { closeQuietly(st); } } }