package org.javalite.db_migrator; import org.javalite.common.Util; import java.util.Properties; /** * This class serves as a source of JDBC connection properties for * developers who cannot or do not want to use hard-coded user <code>root</code> and password <code>p@ssw0rd</code>. * * Simply add a system property when you run the build <code></code> * with the following properties inside the file: <code>driver</code>, <code>url</code>, <code>user</code>, <code>password</code>. * Values from this file will override hard-coded values during tests. * * THIS CLASS USED IN TESTS ONLY * * @author igor on 4/19/17. */ public class JdbcPropertiesOverride { //defaults: private static String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; private static String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost"; private static String user = "root"; private static String password = "p@ssw0rd"; static { try { String overrideFile = System.getProperty(""); if(overrideFile != null){ Properties overrideProperties = Util.readProperties(overrideFile); driver = overrideProperties.getProperty("driver", driver); driver = overrideProperties.getProperty("url", url); driver = overrideProperties.getProperty("user", user); driver = overrideProperties.getProperty("password", password); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private JdbcPropertiesOverride(){ } public static String driver() { return driver; } public static String url() { return url; } public static String user() { return user; } public static String password() { return password; } }