package; import net.dermetfan.gdx.physics.box2d.Box2DUtils; import com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity; import com.badlogic.ashley.core.EntitySystem; import com.badlogic.ashley.core.Family; import com.badlogic.ashley.utils.ImmutableArray; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Fixture; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.World; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Logger; import com.deftwun.zombiecopter.AI.BrainState; import com.deftwun.zombiecopter.ComponentMappers; import com.deftwun.zombiecopter.App; import com.deftwun.zombiecopter.RayCast; import com.deftwun.zombiecopter.components.BrainComponent; import com.deftwun.zombiecopter.components.ControllerComponent; import com.deftwun.zombiecopter.components.GunComponent; import com.deftwun.zombiecopter.components.MeleeComponent; import com.deftwun.zombiecopter.components.PhysicsComponent; import com.deftwun.zombiecopter.components.TeamComponent; import com.deftwun.zombiecopter.components.TeamComponent.Team; //This AI system tries to dynamically determine how an entity should behave based on the components it contains public class AgentSystem extends EntitySystem{ private Logger logger = new Logger("AgentSystem",Logger.INFO); private RayCast rayCast = new RayCast(); private Family agents = Family.all(BrainComponent.class,ControllerComponent.class, PhysicsComponent.class).get(); public AgentSystem(){ logger.debug("Initializing"); } public void update(float deltaTime){ ImmutableArray<Entity> entities = App.engine.getEntitiesFor(agents); ComponentMappers mappers = App.engine.mappers; for (Entity e : entities){ BrainComponent brain = mappers.brain.get(e); brain.time += deltaTime; if (brain.time >= brain.thinkTime){ brain.time = 0; processEntity(e,deltaTime); } } } private void processEntity(Entity e,float deltaTime){ updateSpacialAwareness(e); determineState(e); handleMovement(e,deltaTime); handleWeapons(e,deltaTime); copterCollisionAvoidance(e,deltaTime); walkerCliffAvoidance(e,deltaTime); } private void walkerCliffAvoidance(Entity e, float deltaTime){ ComponentMappers mappers = App.engine.mappers; //Only pertains to walkers if (!mappers.walk.has(e)) return; ControllerComponent controller = mappers.controller.get(e); PhysicsComponent physics = mappers.physics.get(e); BrainComponent brain = mappers.brain.get(e); World w =; controller.moveVector.nor(); float x1 = brain.myPosition.x, y1 = brain.myPosition.y, speed = physics.getLinearVelocity().len(), distance = physics.getLinearVelocity().scl(deltaTime).len(), size = Box2DUtils.size(physics.getPrimaryBody()).len(), height = speed * 5; //Dont walk off edge if nothing above this height boolean noGroundToTheLeft = rayCast.cast(w,x1-distance,y1,x1,y1-height), noGroundToTheRight = rayCast.cast(w,x1+distance,y1,x1,y1-height); if (noGroundToTheLeft) controller.moveVector.add(1,0); if (noGroundToTheRight)controller.moveVector.add(-1,0); } private void copterCollisionAvoidance(Entity e, float deltaTime) { ComponentMappers mappers = App.engine.mappers; //Only pertains to helicopters if (!mappers.helicopter.has(e)) return; ControllerComponent controller = mappers.controller.get(e); PhysicsComponent physics = mappers.physics.get(e); BrainComponent brain = mappers.brain.get(e); World w =; controller.moveVector.nor(); float x1 = brain.myPosition.x, y1 = brain.myPosition.y, s = Box2DUtils.size(physics.getPrimaryBody()).len(), d = s + physics.getPrimaryBody().getLinearVelocity().scl(deltaTime).len() + brain.desiredRange * deltaTime; boolean clearBelow = rayCast.cast(w,x1,y1,x1,y1-d), clearAbove = rayCast.cast(w,x1,y1,x1,y1+d), clearLeft = rayCast.cast(w,x1,y1,x1-d,y1), clearRight = rayCast.cast(w,x1,y1,x1+d,y1), clearLowLeft = rayCast.cast(w,x1,y1,x1-d*.5f,y1-d), clearLowRight = rayCast.cast(w,x1,y1,x1+d*.5f,y1-d), clearUpLeft = rayCast.cast(w,x1,y1,x1-d*.5f,y1+d), clearUpRight = rayCast.cast(w,x1,y1,x1+d*.5f,y1+d); if (clearAbove) controller.moveVector.y = 0; if (!clearLowLeft)controller.moveVector.add(1,1); if (!clearLowRight)controller.moveVector.add(-1,1); if (!clearUpLeft)controller.moveVector.add(1,-1); if (!clearUpRight)controller.moveVector.add(-1,-1); if (!clearAbove) controller.moveVector.add(0,-1); if (!clearBelow) controller.moveVector.add(0,1); if (!clearLeft) controller.moveVector.add(1,0); if (!clearRight) controller.moveVector.add(-1,0); } private boolean isEnemy(Team t1, Team t2){ return,false); } private boolean isFriend(Team t1, Team t2){ return t1 == t2; } //Recognize position & velocity in space & determine where things are private void updateSpacialAwareness(Entity e){ ComponentMappers mappers = App.engine.mappers; PhysicsComponent physics = mappers.physics.get(e); BrainComponent brain = mappers.brain.get(e); TeamComponent team =; brain.myPosition.set(physics.getPosition()); brain.myVelocity.set(physics.getLinearVelocity()); brain.closestEnemy = null; brain.closestFriend = null; brain.closestLeader = null; if (team == null) return; //Poll Physics entities in sight and Evaluate friend or foe etc... Fixture visionSensor = physics.getFixture("visionSensor"); if (visionSensor != null){ logger.debug("Looking around"); Array<PhysicsComponent> visibleObjects =; float closestEnemyRange = -1, closestFriendRange = -1, closestLeaderRange = -1; for (PhysicsComponent physicsInSight : visibleObjects){ logger.debug("Physics entity in sight"); Entity entityInSight = physicsInSight.ownerEntity; TeamComponent teamInSight =; //Enemy if (teamInSight != null && isEnemy(,{ logger.debug("Entity is my ENEMY"); float distance = physicsInSight.getPosition().dst(physics.getPosition()); if (closestEnemyRange < 0) { closestEnemyRange = distance; brain.closestEnemy = entityInSight; } else if (distance < closestEnemyRange) { brain.closestEnemy = entityInSight; } } //tell brain which FRIEND is closest within sight else if (teamInSight != null && isFriend(,{ logger.debug("Entity is my FRIEND"); float distance = physicsInSight.getPosition().dst(physics.getPosition()); if (closestFriendRange < 0) { closestFriendRange = distance; brain.closestFriend = entityInSight; } else if (distance < closestFriendRange) { brain.closestFriend = entityInSight; } if (mappers.leader.has(entityInSight)){ //Closest FRIEND && LEADER logger.debug("Entity is my LEADER"); if (closestLeaderRange < 0) { closestLeaderRange = distance; brain.closestLeader = entityInSight; } else if (distance < closestFriendRange) { brain.closestLeader = entityInSight; } } } } } } private void determineState(Entity e){ BrainComponent brain = App.engine.mappers.brain.get(e); GunComponent gun = App.engine.mappers.gun.get(e); MeleeComponent melee = App.engine.mappers.melee.get(e); boolean enemyInSight = brain.closestEnemy != null, friendInSight = brain.closestFriend != null, leaderInSight = brain.closestLeader != null; //Follow the leader if (!enemyInSight && leaderInSight){ brain.desiredRange = 1; brain.state = BrainState.FOLLOW; } //Attack or Flee else if (enemyInSight){ //Attack if we have a weapon if (gun != null){ // lets try and stay within 80% of weapons range brain.desiredRange = gun.range * .5f; brain.state = BrainState.ATTACK; } else if (melee != null){ = brain.closestEnemy; brain.desiredRange = melee.range * .5f; brain.rangeTolerance = .1f; brain.state = BrainState.ATTACK; } //Flee if were defenseless else { brain.state = BrainState.FLEE; } } //Patrol (Look for leader / enemies) else if (!leaderInSight){ brain.state = BrainState.PATROL; } logger.debug("Brain State = " + brain.state); } private void handleMovement(Entity e, float deltaTime){ BrainComponent brain = App.engine.mappers.brain.get(e); ControllerComponent controller = App.engine.mappers.controller.get(e); switch (brain.state){ //PATROL only controls movement along the x axis. Helicopters might not do so well unless I figure out a way to // maintain desired altitude case PATROL: { controller.moveVector.y=0; //TODO: This should work off patrol distance or something //50% chance of changing direction if (MathUtils.randomBoolean(.5f)){ logger.debug("Patrol: Changing direction"); //33% percent chance to walk left,right or stop if (MathUtils.randomBoolean(.44f)){ controller.moveVector.x = -1; logger.debug("Patrol: Move Left"); } else if (MathUtils.randomBoolean(.88f)){ controller.moveVector.x = 1; logger.debug("Patrol: Move Right"); } else { controller.moveVector.x = 0; logger.debug("Patrol: Stay Put"); } } //Look where your going controller.lookVector.set(controller.moveVector); break; } case ATTACK:{ PhysicsComponent enemyPhysics = App.engine.mappers.physics.get(brain.closestEnemy); if (enemyPhysics == null) break; //Look at enemy controller.lookVector.set(enemyPhysics.getPosition()).sub(brain.myPosition).nor(); //Don't move if were within desiredRange +- rangeTolerance float distance = brain.myPosition.dst(enemyPhysics.getPosition()); if (distance < (brain.desiredRange + brain.rangeTolerance) && distance > (brain.desiredRange - brain.rangeTolerance)) controller.moveVector.set(0,0); //Move towards enemy else if (distance > brain.desiredRange){ controller.moveVector.set(enemyPhysics.getPosition()).sub(brain.myPosition).nor(); } //Move away from enemy else if (distance < brain.desiredRange){ controller.moveVector.set(brain.myPosition).sub(enemyPhysics.getPosition()).nor(); } break; } case FLEE:{ PhysicsComponent enemyPhysics = App.engine.mappers.physics.get(brain.closestEnemy); if (enemyPhysics == null) break; //Run away controller.moveVector.set(brain.myPosition).sub(enemyPhysics.getPosition()).nor(); //Look where your going controller.lookVector.set(controller.moveVector); break; } case FOLLOW:{ PhysicsComponent leaderPhysics = App.engine.mappers.physics.get(brain.closestLeader); if (leaderPhysics == null) break; //Don't move if we're within desiredRange +- rangeTolerance float distance = brain.myPosition.dst(leaderPhysics.getPosition()); if (distance < (brain.desiredRange + brain.rangeTolerance) && distance > (brain.desiredRange - brain.rangeTolerance)) controller.moveVector.set(0,0); //Move towards leader else if (distance > brain.desiredRange / 2){ controller.moveVector.set(leaderPhysics.getPosition()).sub(brain.myPosition).nor(); controller.lookVector.set(controller.moveVector); controller.moveVector.y = 0; } break; } default: brain.state = BrainState.PATROL; } } private void handleWeapons(Entity e, float deltaTime){ ComponentMappers mappers = App.engine.mappers; if (!mappers.gun.has(e) && !mappers.melee.has(e)) return; logger.debug("Handle weapons"); BrainComponent brain = mappers.brain.get(e); ControllerComponent controller = mappers.controller.get(e); PhysicsComponent physics = mappers.physics.get(e); switch (brain.state){ case ATTACK:{ World w =; PhysicsComponent enemyPhysics = mappers.physics.get(brain.closestEnemy); boolean clearShot = rayCast.cast(w,physics,enemyPhysics), inRange = brain.myPosition.dst(enemyPhysics.getPosition()) <= brain.desiredRange; logger.debug("Attacking? "+(inRange && clearShot) + " because ; inRange=" + inRange + " ; clearShot=" + clearShot); controller.attack = inRange && clearShot; break; } default: controller.attack = false; break; } } }