/* * $Id: LuaState.java,v 1.9 2006/12/22 14:06:40 thiago Exp $ * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Kepler Project. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.keplerproject.luajava; /** * LuaState if the main class of LuaJava for the Java developer. * LuaState is a mapping of most of Lua's C API functions. * LuaState also provides many other functions that will be used to manipulate * objects between Lua and Java. * @author Thiago Ponte */ public class LuaState { private final static String LUAJAVA_LIB = "luajava"; final public static Integer LUA_GLOBALSINDEX = new Integer(-10002); final public static Integer LUA_REGISTRYINDEX = new Integer(-10000); final public static Integer LUA_TNONE = new Integer(-1); final public static Integer LUA_TNIL = new Integer(0); final public static Integer LUA_TBOOLEAN = new Integer(1); final public static Integer LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA = new Integer(2); final public static Integer LUA_TNUMBER = new Integer(3); final public static Integer LUA_TSTRING = new Integer(4); final public static Integer LUA_TTABLE = new Integer(5); final public static Integer LUA_TFUNCTION = new Integer(6); final public static Integer LUA_TUSERDATA = new Integer(7); final public static Integer LUA_TTHREAD = new Integer(8); /** * Specifies that an unspecified (multiple) number of return arguments * will be returned by a call. */ final public static Integer LUA_MULTRET = new Integer(-1); /* * error codes for `lua_load' and `lua_pcall' */ /** * a runtime error. */ final public static Integer LUA_ERRRUN = new Integer(1); /** * */ final public static Integer LUA_YIELD = new Integer(2); /** * syntax error during pre-compilation. */ final public static Integer LUA_ERRSYNTAX = new Integer(3); /** * memory allocation error. For such errors, Lua does not call * the error handler function. */ final public static Integer LUA_ERRMEM = new Integer(4); /** * error while running the error handler function. */ final public static Integer LUA_ERRERR = new Integer(5); /** * Opens the library containing the luajava API */ static { System.loadLibrary(LUAJAVA_LIB); } private CPtr luaState; private int stateId; /** * Constructor to instance a new LuaState and initialize it with LuaJava's functions * @param stateId */ protected LuaState(int stateId) { luaState = _open(); luajava_open(luaState, stateId); this.stateId = stateId; } /** * Receives a existing state and initializes it * @param luaState */ protected LuaState(CPtr luaState) { this.luaState = luaState; this.stateId = LuaStateFactory.insertLuaState(this); luajava_open(luaState, stateId); } /** * Closes state and removes the object from the LuaStateFactory */ public synchronized void close() { LuaStateFactory.removeLuaState(stateId); _close(luaState); this.luaState = null; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if state is closed. */ public synchronized boolean isClosed() { return luaState == null; } /** * Return the long representing the LuaState pointer * @return long */ public long getCPtrPeer() { return (luaState != null)? luaState.getPeer() : 0; } /********************* Lua Native Interface *************************/ private synchronized native CPtr _open(); private synchronized native void _close(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native CPtr _newthread(CPtr ptr); // Stack manipulation private synchronized native int _getTop(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native void _setTop(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _pushValue(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _remove(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _insert(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _replace(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _checkStack(CPtr ptr, int sz); private synchronized native void _xmove(CPtr from, CPtr to, int n); // Access functions private synchronized native int _isNumber(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _isString(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _isCFunction(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _isUserdata(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _type(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native String _typeName(CPtr ptr, int tp); private synchronized native int _equal(CPtr ptr, int idx1, int idx2); private synchronized native int _rawequal(CPtr ptr, int idx1, int idx2); private synchronized native int _lessthan(CPtr ptr, int idx1, int idx2); private synchronized native double _toNumber(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _toInteger(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _toBoolean(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native String _toString(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _objlen(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native CPtr _toThread(CPtr ptr, int idx); // Push functions private synchronized native void _pushNil(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native void _pushNumber(CPtr ptr, double number); private synchronized native void _pushInteger(CPtr ptr, int integer); private synchronized native void _pushString(CPtr ptr, String str); private synchronized native void _pushString(CPtr ptr, byte[] bytes, int n); private synchronized native void _pushBoolean(CPtr ptr, int bool); // Get functions private synchronized native void _getTable(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _getField(CPtr ptr, int idx, String k); private synchronized native void _rawGet(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _rawGetI(CPtr ptr, int idx, int n); private synchronized native void _createTable(CPtr ptr, int narr, int nrec); private synchronized native int _getMetaTable(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _getFEnv(CPtr ptr, int idx); // Set functions private synchronized native void _setTable(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _setField(CPtr ptr, int idx, String k); private synchronized native void _rawSet(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _rawSetI(CPtr ptr, int idx, int n); private synchronized native int _setMetaTable(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _setFEnv(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _call(CPtr ptr, int nArgs, int nResults); private synchronized native int _pcall(CPtr ptr, int nArgs, int Results, int errFunc); // Coroutine Functions private synchronized native int _yield(CPtr ptr, int nResults); private synchronized native int _resume(CPtr ptr, int nargs); private synchronized native int _status(CPtr ptr); // Gargabe Collection Functions final public static Integer LUA_GCSTOP = new Integer(0); final public static Integer LUA_GCRESTART = new Integer(1); final public static Integer LUA_GCCOLLECT = new Integer(2); final public static Integer LUA_GCCOUNT = new Integer(3); final public static Integer LUA_GCCOUNTB = new Integer(4); final public static Integer LUA_GCSTEP = new Integer(5); final public static Integer LUA_GCSETPAUSE = new Integer(6); final public static Integer LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL = new Integer(7); private synchronized native int _gc(CPtr ptr, int what, int data); // Miscellaneous Functions private synchronized native int _error(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native int _next(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _concat(CPtr ptr, int n); // Some macros private synchronized native void _pop(CPtr ptr, int n); private synchronized native void _newTable(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native int _strlen(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _isFunction(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _isTable(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _isNil(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _isBoolean(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _isThread(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _isNone(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native int _isNoneOrNil(CPtr ptr, int idx); private synchronized native void _setGlobal(CPtr ptr, String name); private synchronized native void _getGlobal(CPtr ptr, String name); private synchronized native int _getGcCount(CPtr ptr); // LuaLibAux private synchronized native int _LdoFile(CPtr ptr, String fileName); private synchronized native int _LdoString(CPtr ptr, String string); //private synchronized native int _doBuffer(CPtr ptr, byte[] buff, long sz, String n); private synchronized native int _LgetMetaField(CPtr ptr, int obj, String e); private synchronized native int _LcallMeta(CPtr ptr, int obj, String e); private synchronized native int _Ltyperror(CPtr ptr, int nArg, String tName); private synchronized native int _LargError(CPtr ptr, int numArg, String extraMsg); private synchronized native String _LcheckString(CPtr ptr, int numArg); private synchronized native String _LoptString(CPtr ptr, int numArg, String def); private synchronized native double _LcheckNumber(CPtr ptr, int numArg); private synchronized native double _LoptNumber(CPtr ptr, int numArg, double def); private synchronized native int _LcheckInteger(CPtr ptr, int numArg); private synchronized native int _LoptInteger(CPtr ptr, int numArg, int def); private synchronized native void _LcheckStack(CPtr ptr, int sz, String msg); private synchronized native void _LcheckType(CPtr ptr, int nArg, int t); private synchronized native void _LcheckAny(CPtr ptr, int nArg); private synchronized native int _LnewMetatable(CPtr ptr, String tName); private synchronized native void _LgetMetatable(CPtr ptr, String tName); private synchronized native void _Lwhere(CPtr ptr, int lvl); private synchronized native int _Lref(CPtr ptr, int t); private synchronized native void _LunRef(CPtr ptr, int t, int ref); private synchronized native int _LgetN(CPtr ptr, int t); private synchronized native void _LsetN(CPtr ptr, int t, int n); private synchronized native int _LloadFile(CPtr ptr, String fileName); private synchronized native int _LloadBuffer(CPtr ptr, byte[] buff, long sz, String name); private synchronized native int _LloadString(CPtr ptr, String s); private synchronized native String _Lgsub(CPtr ptr, String s, String p, String r); private synchronized native String _LfindTable(CPtr ptr, int idx, String fname, int szhint); private synchronized native void _openBase(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native void _openTable(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native void _openIo(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native void _openOs(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native void _openString(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native void _openMath(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native void _openDebug(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native void _openPackage(CPtr ptr); private synchronized native void _openLibs(CPtr ptr); // Java Interface ----------------------------------------------------- public LuaState newThread() { LuaState l = new LuaState(_newthread(luaState)); LuaStateFactory.insertLuaState(l); return l; } // STACK MANIPULATION public int getTop() { return _getTop(luaState); } public void setTop(int idx) { _setTop(luaState, idx); } public void pushValue(int idx) { _pushValue(luaState, idx); } public void remove(int idx) { _remove(luaState, idx); } public void insert(int idx) { _insert(luaState, idx); } public void replace(int idx) { _replace(luaState, idx); } public int checkStack(int sz) { return _checkStack(luaState, sz); } public void xmove(LuaState to, int n) { _xmove(luaState, to.luaState, n); } // ACCESS FUNCTION public boolean isNumber(int idx) { return (_isNumber(luaState, idx)!=0); } public boolean isString(int idx) { return (_isString(luaState, idx)!=0); } public boolean isFunction(int idx) { return (_isFunction(luaState, idx)!=0); } public boolean isCFunction(int idx) { return (_isCFunction(luaState, idx)!=0); } public boolean isUserdata(int idx) { return (_isUserdata(luaState, idx)!=0); } public boolean isTable(int idx) { return (_isTable(luaState, idx)!=0); } public boolean isBoolean(int idx) { return (_isBoolean(luaState, idx)!=0); } public boolean isNil(int idx) { return (_isNil(luaState, idx)!=0); } public boolean isThread(int idx) { return (_isThread(luaState, idx)!=0); } public boolean isNone(int idx) { return (_isNone(luaState, idx)!=0); } public boolean isNoneOrNil(int idx) { return (_isNoneOrNil(luaState, idx)!=0); } public int type(int idx) { return _type(luaState, idx); } public String typeName(int tp) { return _typeName(luaState, tp); } public int equal(int idx1, int idx2) { return _equal(luaState, idx1, idx2); } public int rawequal(int idx1, int idx2) { return _rawequal(luaState, idx1, idx2); } public int lessthan(int idx1, int idx2) { return _lessthan(luaState, idx1, idx2); } public double toNumber(int idx) { return _toNumber(luaState, idx); } public int toInteger(int idx) { return _toInteger(luaState, idx); } public boolean toBoolean(int idx) { return (_toBoolean(luaState, idx)!=0); } public String toString(int idx) { return _toString(luaState, idx); } public int strLen(int idx) { return _strlen(luaState, idx); } public int objLen(int idx) { return _objlen(luaState, idx); } public LuaState toThread(int idx) { return new LuaState(_toThread(luaState, idx)); } //PUSH FUNCTIONS public void pushNil() { _pushNil(luaState); } public void pushNumber(double db) { _pushNumber(luaState, db); } public void pushInteger(int integer) { _pushInteger(luaState, integer); } public void pushString(String str) { if (str == null) _pushNil(luaState); else _pushString(luaState, str); } public void pushString(byte[] bytes) { if (bytes == null) _pushNil(luaState); else _pushString(luaState, bytes, bytes.length); } public void pushBoolean(boolean bool) { _pushBoolean(luaState, bool ? 1 : 0); } // GET FUNCTIONS public void getTable(int idx) { _getTable(luaState, idx); } public void getField(int idx, String k) { _getField(luaState, idx, k); } public void rawGet(int idx) { _rawGet(luaState, idx); } public void rawGetI(int idx, int n) { _rawGetI(luaState, idx, n); } public void createTable(int narr, int nrec) { _createTable(luaState, narr, nrec); } public void newTable() { _newTable(luaState); } // if returns 0, there is no metatable public int getMetaTable(int idx) { return _getMetaTable(luaState, idx); } public void getFEnv(int idx) { _getFEnv(luaState, idx); } // SET FUNCTIONS public void setTable(int idx) { _setTable(luaState, idx); } public void setField(int idx, String k) { _setField(luaState, idx, k); } public void rawSet(int idx) { _rawSet(luaState, idx); } public void rawSetI(int idx, int n) { _rawSetI(luaState, idx, n); } // if returns 0, cannot set the metatable to the given object public int setMetaTable(int idx) { return _setMetaTable(luaState, idx); } // if object is not a function returns 0 public int setFEnv(int idx) { return _setFEnv(luaState, idx); } public void call(int nArgs, int nResults) { _call(luaState, nArgs, nResults); } // returns 0 if ok of one of the error codes defined public int pcall(int nArgs, int nResults, int errFunc) { return _pcall(luaState, nArgs, nResults, errFunc); } public int yield(int nResults) { return _yield(luaState, nResults); } public int resume(int nArgs) { return _resume(luaState, nArgs); } public int status() { return _status(luaState); } public int gc(int what, int data) { return _gc(luaState, what, data); } public int getGcCount() { return _getGcCount(luaState); } public int next(int idx) { return _next(luaState, idx); } public int error() { return _error(luaState); } public void concat(int n) { _concat(luaState, n); } // FUNCTION FROM lauxlib // returns 0 if ok public int LdoFile(String fileName) { return _LdoFile(luaState, fileName); } // returns 0 if ok public int LdoString(String str) { return _LdoString(luaState, str); } public int LgetMetaField(int obj, String e) { return _LgetMetaField(luaState, obj, e); } public int LcallMeta(int obj, String e) { return _LcallMeta(luaState, obj, e); } public int Ltyperror(int nArg, String tName) { return _Ltyperror(luaState, nArg, tName); } public int LargError(int numArg, String extraMsg) { return _LargError(luaState, numArg, extraMsg); } public String LcheckString(int numArg) { return _LcheckString(luaState, numArg); } public String LoptString(int numArg, String def) { return _LoptString(luaState, numArg, def); } public double LcheckNumber(int numArg) { return _LcheckNumber(luaState, numArg); } public double LoptNumber(int numArg, double def) { return _LoptNumber(luaState, numArg, def); } public int LcheckInteger(int numArg) { return _LcheckInteger(luaState, numArg); } public int LoptInteger(int numArg, int def) { return _LoptInteger(luaState, numArg, def); } public void LcheckStack(int sz, String msg) { _LcheckStack(luaState, sz, msg); } public void LcheckType(int nArg, int t) { _LcheckType(luaState, nArg, t); } public void LcheckAny(int nArg) { _LcheckAny(luaState, nArg); } public int LnewMetatable(String tName) { return _LnewMetatable(luaState, tName); } public void LgetMetatable(String tName) { _LgetMetatable(luaState, tName); } public void Lwhere(int lvl) { _Lwhere(luaState, lvl); } public int Lref(int t) { return _Lref(luaState, t); } public void LunRef(int t, int ref) { _LunRef(luaState, t, ref); } public int LgetN(int t) { return _LgetN(luaState, t); } public void LsetN(int t, int n) { _LsetN(luaState, t, n); } public int LloadFile(String fileName) { return _LloadFile(luaState, fileName); } public int LloadString(String s) { return _LloadString(luaState, s); } public int LloadBuffer(byte[] buff, String name) { return _LloadBuffer(luaState, buff, buff.length, name); } public String Lgsub(String s, String p, String r) { return _Lgsub(luaState, s, p, r); } public String LfindTable(int idx, String fname, int szhint) { return _LfindTable(luaState, idx, fname, szhint); } //IMPLEMENTED C MACROS public void pop(int n) { //setTop(- (n) - 1); _pop(luaState, n); } public synchronized void getGlobal(String global) { // pushString(global); // getTable(LUA_GLOBALSINDEX.intValue()); _getGlobal(luaState, global); } public synchronized void setGlobal(String name) { //pushString(name); //insert(-2); //setTable(LUA_GLOBALSINDEX.intValue()); _setGlobal(luaState, name); } // Functions to open lua libraries public void openBase() { _openBase(luaState); } public void openTable() { _openTable(luaState); } public void openIo() { _openIo(luaState); } public void openOs() { _openOs(luaState); } public void openString() { _openString(luaState); } public void openMath() { _openMath(luaState); } public void openDebug() { _openDebug(luaState); } public void openPackage() { _openPackage(luaState); } public void openLibs() { _openLibs(luaState); } /********************** Luajava API Library **********************/ /** * Initializes lua State to be used by luajava * @param cptr * @param stateId */ private synchronized native void luajava_open(CPtr cptr, int stateId); /** * Gets a Object from a userdata * @param L * @param idx index of the lua stack * @return Object */ private synchronized native Object _getObjectFromUserdata(CPtr L, int idx) throws LuaException; /** * Returns whether a userdata contains a Java Object * @param L * @param idx index of the lua stack * @return boolean */ private synchronized native boolean _isObject(CPtr L, int idx); /** * Pushes a Java Object into the state stack * @param L * @param obj */ private synchronized native void _pushJavaObject(CPtr L, Object obj); /** * Pushes a JavaFunction into the state stack * @param L * @param func */ private synchronized native void _pushJavaFunction(CPtr L, JavaFunction func) throws LuaException; /** * Returns whether a userdata contains a Java Function * @param L * @param idx index of the lua stack * @return boolean */ private synchronized native boolean _isJavaFunction(CPtr L, int idx); /** * Gets a Object from Lua * @param idx index of the lua stack * @return Object * @throws LuaException if the lua object does not represent a java object. */ public Object getObjectFromUserdata(int idx) throws LuaException { return _getObjectFromUserdata(luaState, idx); } /** * Tells whether a lua index contains a java Object * @param idx index of the lua stack * @return boolean */ public boolean isObject(int idx) { return _isObject(luaState, idx); } /** * Pushes a Java Object into the lua stack.<br> * This function does not check if the object is from a class that could * be represented by a lua type. Eg: java.lang.String could be a lua string. * @param obj Object to be pushed into lua */ public void pushJavaObject(Object obj) { _pushJavaObject(luaState, obj); } /** * Pushes a JavaFunction into the state stack * @param func */ public void pushJavaFunction(JavaFunction func) throws LuaException { _pushJavaFunction(luaState, func); } /** * Returns whether a userdata contains a Java Function * @param idx index of the lua stack * @return boolean */ public boolean isJavaFunction(int idx) { return _isJavaFunction(luaState, idx); } /** * Pushes into the stack any object value.<br> * This function checks if the object could be pushed as a lua type, if not * pushes the java object. * @param obj */ public void pushObjectValue(Object obj) throws LuaException { if (obj == null) { pushNil(); } else if (obj instanceof Boolean) { Boolean bool = (Boolean) obj; pushBoolean(bool.booleanValue()); } else if (obj instanceof Number) { pushNumber(((Number) obj).doubleValue()); } else if (obj instanceof String) { pushString((String) obj); } else if (obj instanceof JavaFunction) { JavaFunction func = (JavaFunction) obj; pushJavaFunction(func); } else if (obj instanceof LuaObject) { LuaObject ref = (LuaObject) obj; ref.push(); } else if (obj instanceof byte[]) { pushString((byte[]) obj); } else { pushJavaObject(obj); } } /** * Function that returns a Java Object equivalent to the one in the given * position of the Lua Stack. * @param idx Index in the Lua Stack * @return Java object equivalent to the Lua one */ public synchronized Object toJavaObject( int idx ) throws LuaException { Object obj = null; if (isBoolean(idx)) { obj = new Boolean(toBoolean(idx)); } else if (type(idx) == LuaState.LUA_TSTRING.intValue()) { obj = toString(idx); } else if (isFunction(idx)) { obj = getLuaObject(idx); } else if (isTable(idx)) { obj = getLuaObject(idx); } else if (type(idx) == LuaState.LUA_TNUMBER.intValue()) { obj = new Double(toNumber(idx)); } else if (isUserdata(idx)) { if (isObject(idx)) { obj = getObjectFromUserdata(idx); } else { obj = getLuaObject(idx); } } else if (isNil(idx)) { obj = null; } return obj; } /** * Creates a reference to an object in the variable globalName * @param globalName * @return LuaObject */ public LuaObject getLuaObject(String globalName) { return new LuaObject(this, globalName); } /** * Creates a reference to an object inside another object * @param parent The Lua Table or Userdata that contains the Field. * @param name The name that index the field * @return LuaObject * @throws LuaException if parent is not a table or userdata */ public LuaObject getLuaObject(LuaObject parent, String name) throws LuaException { if (parent.L.getCPtrPeer() != luaState.getPeer()) throw new LuaException("Object must have the same LuaState as the parent!"); return new LuaObject(parent, name); } /** * This constructor creates a LuaObject from a table that is indexed by a number. * @param parent The Lua Table or Userdata that contains the Field. * @param name The name (number) that index the field * @return LuaObject * @throws LuaException When the parent object isn't a Table or Userdata */ public LuaObject getLuaObject(LuaObject parent, Number name) throws LuaException { if (parent.L.getCPtrPeer() != luaState.getPeer()) throw new LuaException("Object must have the same LuaState as the parent!"); return new LuaObject(parent, name); } /** * This constructor creates a LuaObject from a table that is indexed by any LuaObject. * @param parent The Lua Table or Userdata that contains the Field. * @param name The name (LuaObject) that index the field * @return LuaObject * @throws LuaException When the parent object isn't a Table or Userdata */ public LuaObject getLuaObject(LuaObject parent, LuaObject name) throws LuaException { if (parent.getLuaState().getCPtrPeer() != luaState.getPeer() || parent.getLuaState().getCPtrPeer() != name.getLuaState().getCPtrPeer()) throw new LuaException("Object must have the same LuaState as the parent!"); return new LuaObject(parent, name); } /** * Creates a reference to an object in the <code>index</code> position * of the stack * @param index position on the stack * @return LuaObject */ public LuaObject getLuaObject(int index) { return new LuaObject(this, index); } /** * When you call a function in lua, it may return a number, and the * number will be interpreted as a <code>Double</code>.<br> * This function converts the number into a type specified by * <code>retType</code> * @param db lua number to be converted * @param retType type to convert to * @return The converted number */ public static Number convertLuaNumber(Double db, Class retType) { // checks if retType is a primitive type if (retType.isPrimitive()) { if (retType == Integer.TYPE) { return new Integer(db.intValue()); } else if (retType == Long.TYPE) { return new Long(db.longValue()); } else if (retType == Float.TYPE) { return new Float(db.floatValue()); } else if (retType == Double.TYPE) { return db; } else if (retType == Byte.TYPE) { return new Byte(db.byteValue()); } else if (retType == Short.TYPE) { return new Short(db.shortValue()); } } else if (retType.isAssignableFrom(Number.class)) { // Checks all possibilities of number types if (retType.isAssignableFrom(Integer.class)) { return new Integer(db.intValue()); } else if (retType.isAssignableFrom(Long.class)) { return new Long(db.longValue()); } else if (retType.isAssignableFrom(Float.class)) { return new Float(db.floatValue()); } else if (retType.isAssignableFrom(Double.class)) { return db; } else if (retType.isAssignableFrom(Byte.class)) { return new Byte(db.byteValue()); } else if (retType.isAssignableFrom(Short.class)) { return new Short(db.shortValue()); } } // if all checks fail, return null return null; } public String dumpStack() { int n = getTop(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { int t = type(i); sb.append(i).append(": ").append(typeName(t)); if (t == LUA_TNUMBER) sb.append(" = ").append(toNumber(i)); else if (t == LUA_TSTRING) sb.append(" = '").append(toString(i)).append("'"); sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } }