/* * $Id: LuaJavaAPI.java,v 1.4 2006/12/22 14:06:40 thiago Exp $ * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Kepler Project. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.keplerproject.luajava; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; /** * Class that contains functions accessed by lua. * * @author Thiago Ponte */ public final class LuaJavaAPI { private LuaJavaAPI() { } /** * Java implementation of the metamethod __index * * @param luaState int that indicates the state used * @param obj Object to be indexed * @param methodName the name of the method * @return number of returned objects */ public static int objectIndex(int luaState, Object obj, String methodName) throws LuaException { LuaState L = LuaStateFactory.getExistingState(luaState); synchronized (L) { int top = L.getTop(); Object[] objs = new Object[top - 1]; Class clazz; if (obj instanceof Class) { clazz = (Class) obj; } else { clazz = obj.getClass(); } Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods(); Method method = null; // gets method and arguments for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { if (!methods[i].getName().equals(methodName)) continue; Class[] parameters = methods[i].getParameterTypes(); if (parameters.length != top - 1) continue; boolean okMethod = true; for (int j = 0; j < parameters.length; j++) { try { objs[j] = compareTypes(L, parameters[j], j + 2); } catch (Exception e) { okMethod = false; break; } } if (okMethod) { method = methods[i]; break; } } // If method is null means there isn't one receiving the given arguments if (method == null) { throw new LuaException("Invalid method call. No such method."); } Object ret; try { if(Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) { method.setAccessible(true); } if (obj instanceof Class) { ret = method.invoke(null, objs); } else { ret = method.invoke(obj, objs); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new LuaException(e); } // Void function returns null if (ret == null) { return 0; } // push result L.pushObjectValue(ret); return 1; } } /** * Java function to be called when a java Class metamethod __index is called. * This function returns 1 if there is a field with searchName and 2 if there * is a method if the searchName * * @param luaState int that represents the state to be used * @param clazz class to be indexed * @param searchName name of the field or method to be accessed * @return number of returned objects * @throws LuaException */ public static int classIndex(int luaState, Class clazz, String searchName) throws LuaException { synchronized (LuaStateFactory.getExistingState(luaState)) { int res; res = checkField(luaState, clazz, searchName); if (res != 0) { return 1; } res = checkMethod(luaState, clazz, searchName); if (res != 0) { return 2; } return 0; } } /** * Pushes a new instance of a java Object of the type className * * @param luaState int that represents the state to be used * @param className name of the class * @return number of returned objects * @throws LuaException */ public static int javaNewInstance(int luaState, String className) throws LuaException { LuaState L = LuaStateFactory.getExistingState(luaState); synchronized (L) { Class clazz; try { clazz = Class.forName(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new LuaException(e); } Object ret = getObjInstance(L, clazz); L.pushJavaObject(ret); return 1; } } /** * javaNew returns a new instance of a given clazz * * @param luaState int that represents the state to be used * @param clazz class to be instanciated * @return number of returned objects * @throws LuaException */ public static int javaNew(int luaState, Class clazz) throws LuaException { LuaState L = LuaStateFactory.getExistingState(luaState); synchronized (L) { Object ret = getObjInstance(L, clazz); L.pushJavaObject(ret); return 1; } } /** * Calls the static method <code>methodName</code> in class <code>className</code> * that receives a LuaState as first parameter. * @param luaState int that represents the state to be used * @param className name of the class that has the open library method * @param methodName method to open library * @return number of returned objects * @throws LuaException */ public static int javaLoadLib(int luaState, String className, String methodName) throws LuaException { LuaState L = LuaStateFactory.getExistingState(luaState); synchronized (L) { Class clazz; try { clazz = Class.forName(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new LuaException(e); } try { Method mt = clazz.getMethod(methodName, new Class[] {LuaState.class}); Object obj = mt.invoke(null, new Object[] {L}); if (obj != null && obj instanceof Integer) { return ((Integer) obj).intValue(); } else return 0; } catch (Exception e) { throw new LuaException("Error on calling method. Library could not be loaded. " + e.getMessage()); } } } private static Object getObjInstance(LuaState L, Class clazz) throws LuaException { synchronized (L) { int top = L.getTop(); Object[] objs = new Object[top - 1]; Constructor[] constructors = clazz.getConstructors(); Constructor constructor = null; // gets method and arguments for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) { Class[] parameters = constructors[i].getParameterTypes(); if (parameters.length != top - 1) continue; boolean okConstruc = true; for (int j = 0; j < parameters.length; j++) { try { objs[j] = compareTypes(L, parameters[j], j + 2); } catch (Exception e) { okConstruc = false; break; } } if (okConstruc) { constructor = constructors[i]; break; } } // If method is null means there isn't one receiving the given arguments if (constructor == null) { throw new LuaException("Invalid method call. No such method."); } Object ret; try { ret = constructor.newInstance(objs); } catch (Exception e) { throw new LuaException(e); } if (ret == null) { throw new LuaException("Couldn't instantiate java Object"); } return ret; } } /** * Checks if there is a field on the obj with the given name * * @param luaState int that represents the state to be used * @param obj object to be inspected * @param fieldName name of the field to be inpected * @return number of returned objects */ public static int checkField(int luaState, Object obj, String fieldName) throws LuaException { LuaState L = LuaStateFactory.getExistingState(luaState); synchronized (L) { Field field = null; Class objClass; if (obj instanceof Class) { objClass = (Class) obj; } else { objClass = obj.getClass(); } try { field = objClass.getField(fieldName); } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } if (field == null) { return 0; } Object ret = null; try { ret = field.get(obj); } catch (Exception e1) { return 0; } if (obj == null) { return 0; } L.pushObjectValue(ret); return 1; } } /** * Checks to see if there is a method with the given name. * * @param luaState int that represents the state to be used * @param obj object to be inspected * @param methodName name of the field to be inpected * @return number of returned objects */ public static int checkMethod(int luaState, Object obj, String methodName) { LuaState L = LuaStateFactory.getExistingState(luaState); synchronized (L) { Class clazz; if (obj instanceof Class) { clazz = (Class) obj; } else { clazz = obj.getClass(); } Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { if (methods[i].getName().equals(methodName)) return 1; } return 0; } } /** * Function that creates an object proxy and pushes it into the stack * * @param luaState int that represents the state to be used * @param implem interfaces implemented separated by comma (<code>,</code>) * @return number of returned objects * @throws LuaException */ public static int createProxyObject(int luaState, String implem) throws LuaException { LuaState L = LuaStateFactory.getExistingState(luaState); synchronized (L) { try { if (!(L.isTable(2))) throw new LuaException( "Parameter is not a table. Can't create proxy."); LuaObject luaObj = L.getLuaObject(2); Object proxy = luaObj.createProxy(implem); L.pushJavaObject(proxy); } catch (Exception e) { throw new LuaException(e); } return 1; } } private static Object compareTypes(LuaState L, Class parameter, int idx) throws LuaException { boolean okType = true; Object obj = null; if (L.isBoolean(idx)) { if (parameter.isPrimitive()) { if (parameter != Boolean.TYPE) { okType = false; } } else if (!parameter.isAssignableFrom(Boolean.class)) { okType = false; } obj = new Boolean(L.toBoolean(idx)); } else if (L.type(idx) == LuaState.LUA_TSTRING.intValue()) { if (!parameter.isAssignableFrom(String.class)) { okType = false; } else { obj = L.toString(idx); } } else if (L.isFunction(idx)) { if (!parameter.isAssignableFrom(LuaObject.class)) { okType = false; } else { obj = L.getLuaObject(idx); } } else if (L.isTable(idx)) { if (!parameter.isAssignableFrom(LuaObject.class)) { okType = false; } else { obj = L.getLuaObject(idx); } } else if (L.type(idx) == LuaState.LUA_TNUMBER.intValue()) { Double db = new Double(L.toNumber(idx)); obj = LuaState.convertLuaNumber(db, parameter); if (obj == null) { okType = false; } } else if (L.isUserdata(idx)) { if (L.isObject(idx)) { Object userObj = L.getObjectFromUserdata(idx); if (!parameter.isAssignableFrom(userObj.getClass())) { okType = false; } else { obj = userObj; } } else { if (!parameter.isAssignableFrom(LuaObject.class)) { okType = false; } else { obj = L.getLuaObject(idx); } } } else if (L.isNil(idx)) { obj = null; } else { throw new LuaException("Invalid Parameters."); } if (!okType) { throw new LuaException("Invalid Parameter."); } return obj; } }