/* * $Id: LuaObject.java,v 1.6 2006/12/22 14:06:40 thiago Exp $ * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Kepler Project. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.keplerproject.luajava; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * This class represents a Lua object of any type. A LuaObject is constructed by a {@link LuaState} object using one of * the four methods: * <ul> * <li>{@link LuaState#getLuaObject(String globalName)}</li> * <li>{@link LuaState#getLuaObject(LuaObject parent, String name)}</li> * <li>{@link LuaState#getLuaObject(LuaObject parent, Number name)}</li> * <li>{@link LuaState#getLuaObject(LuaObject parent, LuaObject name)}</li> * <li>{@link LuaState#getLuaObject(int index)}</li> * </ul> * The LuaObject will represent only the object itself, not a variable or a stack index, so when you change a string, * remember that strings are immutable objects in Lua, and the LuaObject you have will represent the old one. * * <h2>Proxies</h2> * * LuaJava allows you to implement a class in Lua, like said before. If you want to create this proxy from Java, you * should have a LuaObject representing the table that has the functions that implement the interface. From this * LuaObject you can call the <code>createProxy(String implements)</code>. This method receives the string with the * name of the interfaces implemented by the object separated by comma. * * @author Rizzato * @author Thiago Ponte */ public class LuaObject { protected Integer ref; protected LuaState L; /** * Creates a reference to an object in the variable globalName * * @param L * @param globalName */ protected LuaObject(LuaState L, String globalName) { synchronized (L) { this.L = L; L.getGlobal(globalName); registerValue(-1); L.pop(1); } } /** * Creates a reference to an object inside another object * * @param parent * The Lua Table or Userdata that contains the Field. * @param name * The name that index the field */ protected LuaObject(LuaObject parent, String name) throws LuaException { synchronized (parent.getLuaState()) { this.L = parent.getLuaState(); if (!parent.isTable() && !parent.isUserdata()) { throw new LuaException("Object parent should be a table or userdata ."); } parent.push(); L.pushString(name); L.getTable(-2); L.remove(-2); registerValue(-1); L.pop(1); } } /** * This constructor creates a LuaObject from a table that is indexed by a number. * * @param parent * The Lua Table or Userdata that contains the Field. * @param name * The name (number) that index the field * @throws LuaException * When the parent object isn't a Table or Userdata */ protected LuaObject(LuaObject parent, Number name) throws LuaException { synchronized (parent.getLuaState()) { this.L = parent.getLuaState(); if (!parent.isTable() && !parent.isUserdata()) throw new LuaException("Object parent should be a table or userdata ."); parent.push(); L.pushNumber(name.doubleValue()); L.getTable(-2); L.remove(-2); registerValue(-1); L.pop(1); } } /** * This constructor creates a LuaObject from a table that is indexed by a LuaObject. * * @param parent * The Lua Table or Userdata that contains the Field. * @param name * The name (LuaObject) that index the field * @throws LuaException * When the parent object isn't a Table or Userdata */ protected LuaObject(LuaObject parent, LuaObject name) throws LuaException { if (parent.getLuaState() != name.getLuaState()) throw new LuaException("LuaStates must be the same!"); synchronized (parent.getLuaState()) { if (!parent.isTable() && !parent.isUserdata()) throw new LuaException("Object parent should be a table or userdata ."); this.L = parent.getLuaState(); parent.push(); name.push(); L.getTable(-2); L.remove(-2); registerValue(-1); L.pop(1); } } /** * Creates a reference to an object in the given index of the stack * * @param L * @param index * of the object on the lua stack */ protected LuaObject(LuaState L, int index) { synchronized (L) { this.L = L; registerValue(index); } } /** * Gets the Object's State */ public LuaState getLuaState() { return L; } /** * Creates the reference to the object in the registry table * * @param index * of the object on the lua stack */ private void registerValue(int index) { synchronized (L) { L.pushValue(index); int key = L.Lref(LuaState.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX.intValue()); ref = new Integer(key); } } protected void finalize() { try { synchronized (L) { if (L.getCPtrPeer() != 0) L.LunRef(LuaState.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX.intValue(), ref.intValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Unable to release object " + ref); } } /** * Pushes the object represented by <code>this<code> into L's stack */ public void push() { L.rawGetI(LuaState.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX.intValue(), ref.intValue()); } public boolean isNil() { synchronized (L) { push(); boolean bool = L.isNil(-1); L.pop(1); return bool; } } public boolean isBoolean() { synchronized (L) { push(); boolean bool = L.isBoolean(-1); L.pop(1); return bool; } } public boolean isNumber() { synchronized (L) { push(); boolean bool = L.isNumber(-1); L.pop(1); return bool; } } public boolean isString() { synchronized (L) { push(); boolean bool = L.isString(-1); L.pop(1); return bool; } } public boolean isFunction() { synchronized (L) { push(); boolean bool = L.isFunction(-1); L.pop(1); return bool; } } public boolean isJavaObject() { synchronized (L) { push(); boolean bool = L.isObject(-1); L.pop(1); return bool; } } public boolean isJavaFunction() { synchronized (L) { push(); boolean bool = L.isJavaFunction(-1); L.pop(1); return bool; } } public boolean isTable() { synchronized (L) { push(); boolean bool = L.isTable(-1); L.pop(1); return bool; } } public boolean isUserdata() { synchronized (L) { push(); boolean bool = L.isUserdata(-1); L.pop(1); return bool; } } public int type() { synchronized (L) { push(); int type = L.type(-1); L.pop(1); return type; } } public boolean getBoolean() { synchronized (L) { push(); boolean bool = L.toBoolean(-1); L.pop(1); return bool; } } public double getNumber() { synchronized (L) { push(); double db = L.toNumber(-1); L.pop(1); return db; } } public String getString() { synchronized (L) { push(); String str = L.toString(-1); L.pop(1); return str; } } public Object getObject() throws LuaException { synchronized (L) { push(); Object obj = L.getObjectFromUserdata(-1); L.pop(1); return obj; } } /** * If <code>this<code> is a table or userdata tries to set * a field value. */ public LuaObject getField(String field) throws LuaException { return L.getLuaObject(this, field); } /** * Calls the object represented by <code>this</code> using Lua function pcall. * * @param args - * Call arguments * @param nres - * Number of objects returned * @return Object[] - Returned Objects * @throws LuaException */ public Object[] call(Object[] args, int nres) throws LuaException { synchronized (L) { if (!isFunction() && !isTable() && !isUserdata()) throw new LuaException("Invalid object. Not a function, table or userdata ."); int top = L.getTop(); push(); int nargs; if (args != null) { nargs = args.length; for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { Object obj = args[i]; L.pushObjectValue(obj); } } else nargs = 0; int err = L.pcall(nargs, nres, 0); if (err != 0) { String str; if (L.isString(-1)) { str = L.toString(-1); L.pop(1); } else str = ""; if (err == LuaState.LUA_ERRRUN.intValue()) { str = "Runtime error. " + str; } else if (err == LuaState.LUA_ERRMEM.intValue()) { str = "Memory allocation error. " + str; } else if (err == LuaState.LUA_ERRERR.intValue()) { str = "Error while running the error handler function. " + str; } else { str = "Lua Error code " + err + ". " + str; } throw new LuaException(str); } if (nres == LuaState.LUA_MULTRET.intValue()) nres = L.getTop() - top; if (L.getTop() - top < nres) { throw new LuaException("Invalid Number of Results ."); } Object[] res = new Object[nres]; for (int i = nres; i > 0; i--) { res[i - 1] = L.toJavaObject(-1); L.pop(1); } return res; } } /** * Calls the object represented by <code>this</code> using Lua function pcall. Returns 1 object * * @param args - * Call arguments * @return Object - Returned Object * @throws LuaException */ public Object call(Object[] args) throws LuaException { return call(args, 1)[0]; } public String toString() { synchronized (L) { try { if (isNil()) return "nil"; else if (isBoolean()) return String.valueOf(getBoolean()); else if (isNumber()) return String.valueOf(getNumber()); else if (isString()) return getString(); else if (isFunction()) return "Lua Function"; else if (isJavaObject()) return getObject().toString(); else if (isUserdata()) return "Userdata"; else if (isTable()) return "Lua Table"; else if (isJavaFunction()) return "Java Function"; else return null; } catch (LuaException e) { return null; } } } /** * Function that creates a java proxy to the object represented by <code>this</code> * * @param implem * Interfaces that are implemented, separated by <code>,</code> */ public Object createProxy(String implem) throws ClassNotFoundException, LuaException { synchronized (L) { if (!isTable()) throw new LuaException("Invalid Object. Must be Table."); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(implem, ","); Class[] interfaces = new Class[st.countTokens()]; for (int i = 0; st.hasMoreTokens(); i++) interfaces[i] = Class.forName(st.nextToken()); InvocationHandler handler = new LuaInvocationHandler(this); return Proxy.newProxyInstance(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), interfaces, handler); } } }