package com.flyco.dialog.widget.internal; import android.content.Context; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import com.flyco.dialog.listener.OnBtnClickL; import com.flyco.dialog.widget.base.BaseDialog; public abstract class BaseAlertDialog<T extends BaseAlertDialog<T>> extends BaseDialog<T> { /** container */ protected LinearLayout mLlContainer; //title /** title */ protected TextView mTvTitle; /** title content(标题) */ protected String mTitle; /** title textcolor(标题颜色) */ protected int mTitleTextColor; /** title textsize(标题字体大小,单位sp) */ protected float mTitleTextSize; /** enable title show(是否显示标题) */ protected boolean mIsTitleShow = true; //content /** content */ protected TextView mTvContent; /** content text */ protected String mContent; /** show gravity of content(正文内容显示位置) */ protected int mContentGravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL; /** content textcolor(正文字体颜色) */ protected int mContentTextColor; /** content textsize(正文字体大小) */ protected float mContentTextSize; //btns /** num of btns, [1,3] */ protected int mBtnNum = 2; /** btn container */ protected LinearLayout mLlBtns; /** btns */ protected TextView mTvBtnLeft; protected TextView mTvBtnRight; protected TextView mTvBtnMiddle; /** btn text(按钮内容) */ protected String mBtnLeftText = "取消"; protected String mBtnRightText = "确定"; protected String mBtnMiddleText = "继续"; /** btn textcolor(按钮字体颜色) */ protected int mLeftBtnTextColor; protected int mRightBtnTextColor; protected int mMiddleBtnTextColor; /** btn textsize(按钮字体大小) */ protected float mLeftBtnTextSize = 15f; protected float mRightBtnTextSize = 15f; protected float mMiddleBtnTextSize = 15f; /** btn press color(按钮点击颜色) */ protected int mBtnPressColor = Color.parseColor("#E3E3E3");// #85D3EF,#ffcccccc,#E3E3E3 /** left btn click listener(左按钮接口) */ protected OnBtnClickL mOnBtnLeftClickL; /** right btn click listener(右按钮接口) */ protected OnBtnClickL mOnBtnRightClickL; /** middle btn click listener(右按钮接口) */ protected OnBtnClickL mOnBtnMiddleClickL; /** corner radius,dp(圆角程度,单位dp) */ protected float mCornerRadius = 3; /** background color(背景颜色) */ protected int mBgColor = Color.parseColor("#ffffff"); /** * method execute order: * show:constrouctor---show---oncreate---onStart---onAttachToWindow * dismiss:dismiss---onDetachedFromWindow---onStop * * @param context */ public BaseAlertDialog(Context context) { super(context); widthScale(0.88f); mLlContainer = new LinearLayout(context); mLlContainer.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); /** title */ mTvTitle = new TextView(context); /** content */ mTvContent = new TextView(context); /**btns*/ mLlBtns = new LinearLayout(context); mLlBtns.setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL); mTvBtnLeft = new TextView(context); mTvBtnLeft.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); mTvBtnMiddle = new TextView(context); mTvBtnMiddle.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); mTvBtnRight = new TextView(context); mTvBtnRight.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); } @Override public void setUiBeforShow() { /** title */ mTvTitle.setVisibility(mIsTitleShow ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); mTvTitle.setText(TextUtils.isEmpty(mTitle) ? "温馨提示" : mTitle); mTvTitle.setTextColor(mTitleTextColor); mTvTitle.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, mTitleTextSize); /** content */ mTvContent.setGravity(mContentGravity); mTvContent.setText(mContent); mTvContent.setTextColor(mContentTextColor); mTvContent.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, mContentTextSize); mTvContent.setLineSpacing(0, 1.3f); /**btns*/ mTvBtnLeft.setText(mBtnLeftText); mTvBtnRight.setText(mBtnRightText); mTvBtnMiddle.setText(mBtnMiddleText); mTvBtnLeft.setTextColor(mLeftBtnTextColor); mTvBtnRight.setTextColor(mRightBtnTextColor); mTvBtnMiddle.setTextColor(mMiddleBtnTextColor); mTvBtnLeft.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, mLeftBtnTextSize); mTvBtnRight.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, mRightBtnTextSize); mTvBtnMiddle.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, mMiddleBtnTextSize); if (mBtnNum == 1) { mTvBtnLeft.setVisibility(View.GONE); mTvBtnRight.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else if (mBtnNum == 2) { mTvBtnMiddle.setVisibility(View.GONE); } mTvBtnLeft.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (mOnBtnLeftClickL != null) { mOnBtnLeftClickL.onBtnClick(); } else { dismiss(); } } }); mTvBtnRight.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (mOnBtnRightClickL != null) { mOnBtnRightClickL.onBtnClick(); } else { dismiss(); } } }); mTvBtnMiddle.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (mOnBtnMiddleClickL != null) { mOnBtnMiddleClickL.onBtnClick(); } else { dismiss(); } } }); } /** set title text(设置标题内容) @return MaterialDialog */ public T title(String title) { mTitle = title; return (T) this; } /** set title textcolor(设置标题字体颜色) */ public T titleTextColor(int titleTextColor) { mTitleTextColor = titleTextColor; return (T) this; } /** set title textsize(设置标题字体大小) */ public T titleTextSize(float titleTextSize_SP) { mTitleTextSize = titleTextSize_SP; return (T) this; } /** enable title show(设置标题是否显示) */ public T isTitleShow(boolean isTitleShow) { mIsTitleShow = isTitleShow; return (T) this; } /** set content text(设置正文内容) */ public T content(String content) { mContent = content; return (T) this; } /** set content gravity(设置正文内容,显示位置) */ public T contentGravity(int contentGravity) { mContentGravity = contentGravity; return (T) this; } /** set content textcolor(设置正文字体颜色) */ public T contentTextColor(int contentTextColor) { mContentTextColor = contentTextColor; return (T) this; } /** set content textsize(设置正文字体大小,单位sp) */ public T contentTextSize(float contentTextSize_SP) { mContentTextSize = contentTextSize_SP; return (T) this; } /** * set btn text(设置按钮文字内容) * btnTexts size 1, middle * btnTexts size 2, left right * btnTexts size 3, left right middle */ public T btnNum(int btnNum) { if (btnNum < 1 || btnNum > 3) { throw new IllegalStateException("btnNum is [1,3]!"); } mBtnNum = btnNum; return (T) this; } /** * set btn text(设置按钮文字内容) * btnTexts size 1, middle * btnTexts size 2, left right * btnTexts size 3, left right middle */ public T btnText(String... btnTexts) { if (btnTexts.length < 1 || btnTexts.length > 3) { throw new IllegalStateException(" range of param btnTexts length is [1,3]!"); } if (btnTexts.length == 1) { mBtnMiddleText = btnTexts[0]; } else if (btnTexts.length == 2) { mBtnLeftText = btnTexts[0]; mBtnRightText = btnTexts[1]; } else if (btnTexts.length == 3) { mBtnLeftText = btnTexts[0]; mBtnRightText = btnTexts[1]; mBtnMiddleText = btnTexts[2]; } return (T) this; } /** * set btn textcolor(设置按钮字体颜色) * btnTextColors size 1, middle * btnTextColors size 2, left right * btnTextColors size 3, left right middle */ public T btnTextColor(int... btnTextColors) { if (btnTextColors.length < 1 || btnTextColors.length > 3) { throw new IllegalStateException(" range of param textColors length is [1,3]!"); } if (btnTextColors.length == 1) { mMiddleBtnTextColor = btnTextColors[0]; } else if (btnTextColors.length == 2) { mLeftBtnTextColor = btnTextColors[0]; mRightBtnTextColor = btnTextColors[1]; } else if (btnTextColors.length == 3) { mLeftBtnTextColor = btnTextColors[0]; mRightBtnTextColor = btnTextColors[1]; mMiddleBtnTextColor = btnTextColors[2]; } return (T) this; } /** * set btn textsize(设置字体大小,单位sp) * btnTextSizes size 1, middle * btnTextSizes size 2, left right * btnTextSizes size 3, left right middle */ public T btnTextSize(float... btnTextSizes) { if (btnTextSizes.length < 1 || btnTextSizes.length > 3) { throw new IllegalStateException(" range of param btnTextSizes length is [1,3]!"); } if (btnTextSizes.length == 1) { mMiddleBtnTextSize = btnTextSizes[0]; } else if (btnTextSizes.length == 2) { mLeftBtnTextSize = btnTextSizes[0]; mRightBtnTextSize = btnTextSizes[1]; } else if (btnTextSizes.length == 3) { mLeftBtnTextSize = btnTextSizes[0]; mRightBtnTextSize = btnTextSizes[1]; mMiddleBtnTextSize = btnTextSizes[2]; } return (T) this; } /** set btn press color(设置按钮点击颜色) */ public T btnPressColor(int btnPressColor) { mBtnPressColor = btnPressColor; return (T) this; } /** set corner radius (设置圆角程度) */ public T cornerRadius(float cornerRadius_DP) { mCornerRadius = cornerRadius_DP; return (T) this; } /** set backgroud color(设置背景色) */ public T bgColor(int bgColor) { mBgColor = bgColor; return (T) this; } /** * set btn click listener(设置按钮监听事件) * onBtnClickLs size 1, middle * onBtnClickLs size 2, left right * onBtnClickLs size 3, left right middle */ public void setOnBtnClickL(OnBtnClickL... onBtnClickLs) { if (onBtnClickLs.length < 1 || onBtnClickLs.length > 3) { throw new IllegalStateException(" range of param onBtnClickLs length is [1,3]!"); } if (onBtnClickLs.length == 1) { mOnBtnMiddleClickL = onBtnClickLs[0]; } else if (onBtnClickLs.length == 2) { mOnBtnLeftClickL = onBtnClickLs[0]; mOnBtnRightClickL = onBtnClickLs[1]; } else if (onBtnClickLs.length == 3) { mOnBtnLeftClickL = onBtnClickLs[0]; mOnBtnRightClickL = onBtnClickLs[1]; mOnBtnMiddleClickL = onBtnClickLs[2]; } } }