package com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence; /* * +=================================================================+ * SlipStream Server (WAR) * ===== * Copyright (C) 2013 SixSq Sarl ( * ===== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * -=================================================================- */ import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.NamedQueries; import javax.persistence.NamedQuery; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.simpleframework.xml.Attribute; import org.simpleframework.xml.ElementMap; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.NotImplementedException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ValidationException; /** * Unit test: * * @see ServiceCatalogTest * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") @Entity @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "byCloud", query = "SELECT sc FROM ServiceCatalog sc WHERE = :cloud"), @NamedQuery(name = "all", query = "SELECT sc FROM ServiceCatalog sc") }) public class ServiceCatalog extends Parameterized<ServiceCatalog, ServiceCatalogParameter> { private final static String CATEGORY_OVERALL_CAPACITY = "Overall capacity"; private final static String CATEGORY_SINGLE_VM_CAPACITY = "Single VM capacity"; private final static String CATEGORY_PRICE = "Price"; private final static String CATEGORY_LOCATION = "Locations"; private final static String CATEGORY_SUPPLIERS_CATALOG = "Suppliers catalogue"; public final static String RESOURCE_URL_PREFIX = "service_catalog/"; @Attribute @Id private String resourceUri; @Attribute private String cloud; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private ServiceCatalog() { } public ServiceCatalog(String cloud) { setName(cloud); } @Override @ElementMap(name = "parameters", required = false, valueType = ServiceCatalogParameter.class) protected void setParameters(Map<String, ServiceCatalogParameter> parameters) { this.parameters = parameters; } @Override @ElementMap(name = "parameters", required = false, valueType = ServiceCatalogParameter.class) public Map<String, ServiceCatalogParameter> getParameters() { return parameters; } public String getCloud() { return cloud; } @Override public void validate() throws ValidationException { validateParameters(); } // Only used by tests @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<ServiceCatalog> list(String cloud) { EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.createEntityManager(); Query q = em.createNamedQuery("byCloud"); q.setParameter("cloud", cloud); List<ServiceCatalog> list = q.getResultList(); em.close(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<ServiceCatalog> listall() { EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.createEntityManager(); Query q = em.createNamedQuery("all"); List<ServiceCatalog> list = q.getResultList(); em.close(); return list; } @Override public void setContainer(ServiceCatalogParameter parameter) { parameter.setContainer(this); } @Override public String getResourceUri() { return constructResourceUri(getCloud()); } @Override public String getName() { return getCloud(); } @Override public void setName(String cloud) { = cloud; this.resourceUri = constructResourceUri(cloud); } public static String constructResourceUri(String name) { return RESOURCE_URL_PREFIX + name; } public static ServiceCatalog loadByCloud(String cloud) { return load(constructResourceUri(cloud)); } public static ServiceCatalog load(String resourceUrl) { EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.createEntityManager(); ServiceCatalog sc = em.find(ServiceCatalog.class, resourceUrl); em.close(); return sc; } public static ServiceCatalog load() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } @Override public ServiceCatalog store() { return (ServiceCatalog); } public void populateDefinedParameters() throws ValidationException { for (DefinedParameters dp : DefinedParameters.values()) { String name = cloud + "." + dp.getName(); ServiceCatalogParameter scp = getParameter(name); if (scp == null) { scp = new ServiceCatalogParameter(name, "", dp.getDescription()); } scp.setCategory(dp.getCategory()); scp.setDescription(dp.getDescription()); scp.setInstructions(dp.getInstruction()); scp.setType(dp.getType()); scp.setReadonly(true); scp.setMandatory(true); setParameter(scp); } } public void clearParameters() { for (ServiceCatalogParameter p : getParameters().values()) { p.setContainer(null); } } /** * Encoded names. '_' here corresponds to '.' in config file. */ public enum DefinedParameters { // Overall capacity OVERALL_CAPACITY_CPU( "The number of CPU cores (currently) available within (the relevant part of) the supplier’s IaaS environment", CATEGORY_OVERALL_CAPACITY, "Value: an integer, and possibly approximate, number, e.g. 1,000; Explanation: to give an indication of the scale of the environment available for use"), OVERALL_CAPACITY_RAM( "Nature: the amount of random-access memory in total; Value: expressed in relevant terms, e.g. 10 TB; Explanation: the amount of memory available across the installation as a whole. See below for what is available on any one system", CATEGORY_OVERALL_CAPACITY), OVERALL_CAPACITY_STORAGE( "Nature: the amount of persistent storage (e.g. SSD, disk, tape) available within that supplier’s environment; Value: expressed in relevant terms, e.g. 10 PB; Explanation: possibly multiple values, e.g. per technology type", CATEGORY_OVERALL_CAPACITY), // Single vm capacity SINGLE_VM_MIN_CPU( "Nature: the minimum number of CPU cores with which this supplier’s VMs can be configured; Value: an integer number, e.g. 1; Explanation: to give an indication of the minimum configurable environment", CATEGORY_SINGLE_VM_CAPACITY), SINGLE_VM_MAX_CPU( "Nature: the maximum number of CPU cores with which this supplier’s VMs can be configured; Value: an integer number, e.g. 8; Explanation: to give an indication of the maximum configurable environment", CATEGORY_SINGLE_VM_CAPACITY), SINGLE_VM_MIN_RAM( "Nature: the minimum amount of random-access memory (currently) available within VMs; Value: expressed in relevant terms, e.g. 128 GB; Explanation: the amount of memory available to any one VM within the supplier’s IaaS environment", CATEGORY_SINGLE_VM_CAPACITY), SINGLE_VM_MAX_RAM( "Nature: the maximum amount of random-access memory (currently) available within VMs; Value: expressed in relevant terms, e.g. 128 GB; Explanation: the amount of memory available to any one VM within the supplier’s IaaS environment", CATEGORY_SINGLE_VM_CAPACITY), SINGLE_VM_STORAGE_VOLATILE( "Nature: the amount of volatile storage available locally to that VM; Value: expressed in relevant terms, e.g. 500 GB; Explanation: the amount of “scratch” space, which could be used, e.g. to extend the random access memory of a VM. Local disk space is typically slower than ram but faster than persistent storage space", CATEGORY_SINGLE_VM_CAPACITY), SINGLE_VM_STORAGE_PERSISTENT( "Nature: the amount of persistent storage (e.g. SSD, disk, tape) available to that VM; Storage access method (e.g. local or network); Storage type: block device or network mount; Value: expressed in relevant terms, e.g. 10 TB per drive/block device; Resilience level or equivalent eg. RAID6, RAID5 etc. Explanation: possibly multiple values, e.g. per technology type. This presumes that storage is associated with a particular VM, i.e. it is locally attached or via a restricted network. Otherwise, it could be up to the total figure, as above", CATEGORY_SINGLE_VM_CAPACITY), // Price PRICE_CHARGING_UNIT( "Nature: the unit used for charging; Value: the pricing unit, e.g. GHz, portion of CPU chip, etc.; Explanation: this could vary per supplier, as there is no standard unit. Work from the ODCA or Deutsche Boerse could be used to derive such a standard, at least for comparative purposes, in the future", CATEGORY_PRICE), PRICE_CHARGING_PERIOD( "Nature: the period used for charging; Value: the pricing period, e.g. hour, month; Explanation: this could vary per resource, e.g. CPU per hour, storage per month", CATEGORY_PRICE), PRICE_CPU_PER_HOUR( "Nature: the price for use of a unit of processing per period, e.g. hour; Value: the price in euros, e.g. €0.05", CATEGORY_PRICE), PRICE_RAM_PER_HOUR( "Nature: the price for use of a unit (e.g. 1 GB) of memory per hour; Value: the price in euros, e.g. €0.05", CATEGORY_PRICE), PRICE_STORAGE_PER_HOUR( "Nature: the price for use of a unit (e.g. 1 GB) of storage per hour; Value: the price in euros, e.g. €0.0005; Explanation: note that is possible that storage is either associated with a particular VM or as a generally-available resource", CATEGORY_PRICE), PRICE_IO( "Nature: the price for transmitting a unit (e.g. 1 GB) in or out of the environment; Value: the price in euros, e.g. €0.30", CATEGORY_PRICE), // Location LOCATION( "Nature: geographical location of relevant data centre(s); Value: ISO-standard country code and name for cloud location and operational company location, e.g. NL The Netherlands; Explanation: currently, data protection legislation differs per country", CATEGORY_LOCATION), // Suppliers catalog SUPPLIERS_CATALOG( "Nature: URL of web site with further details; Value: e.g.", CATEGORY_SUPPLIERS_CATALOG); private final String description; private final String category; private final String instructions; private final ParameterType type; private final boolean readonly; public String getInstructions() { return instructions; } private DefinedParameters(String description, String category) { this.description = description; this.category = category; this.instructions = ""; this.type = ParameterType.String; this.readonly = true; } private DefinedParameters(String description, String category, String instructions) { this.description = description; this.category = category; this.instructions = instructions; this.type = ParameterType.String; this.readonly = true; } public String getInstruction() { return instructions; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public String getCategory() { return category; } public void validate(String value) { if (isReadonly()) { return; } if (getType() == ParameterType.Boolean && value == null) { return; } if (value == null || "".equals(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "value cannot be empty or null"); } } public ParameterType getType() { return type; } public boolean isReadonly() { return readonly; } /** * Convert the enum name into parameter name where word separators are * converted from _ to . and lower cased. */ public String getName() { return name().replace("_", ".").toLowerCase(); } } }