package com.sixsq.slipstream.connector; /* * +=================================================================+ * SlipStream Server (WAR) * ===== * Copyright (C) 2014 SixSq Sarl ( * ===== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * -=================================================================- */ import com.sixsq.slipstream.configuration.Configuration; import com.sixsq.slipstream.credentials.Credentials; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ProcessException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.SlipStreamClientException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.SlipStreamException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.SlipStreamInternalException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.SlipStreamRuntimeException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ValidationException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.factory.ModuleParametersFactoryBase; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.ImageModule; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.Run; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.User; import com.sixsq.slipstream.util.ProcessUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Logger; public abstract class CliConnectorBase extends ConnectorBase { public static final String CLI_LOCATION = "/usr/bin"; protected Logger log; @Override abstract public Credentials getCredentials(User user); @Override abstract public String getCloudServiceName(); abstract protected String getCloudConnectorPythonModule(); abstract protected Map<String, String> getConnectorSpecificUserParams(User user) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException; /** * The items in the CLI parameters/options Map are interpreted and processed as follows. * - item <String, String> indicates a parameter. E.g., --endpoint <URL>. * When provided to the CLI, the values of the items will be wrapped into * single quotes. E.g., --endpoint ''. This allows empty * strings for values as well. * - item <String, null> indicates an option. E.g, --public-ip. */ abstract protected Map<String, String> getConnectorSpecificLaunchParams(Run run, User user) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException; protected Map<String, String> getConnectorSpecificEnvironment(Run run, User user) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException { return new HashMap<String, String>(); } protected void validateLaunch(Run run, User user) throws ValidationException { validateCredentials(user); } protected void validateDescribe(User user) throws ValidationException { validateCredentials(user); } protected void validateTerminate(Run run, User user) throws ValidationException { validateCredentials(user); } protected String getCloudConnectorBundleUrl(User user) throws ValidationException { return getCloudParameterValue(user, UserParametersFactoryBase.UPDATE_CLIENTURL_PARAMETER_NAME); } public CliConnectorBase(String instanceName) { super(instanceName); this.log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); } @Override public Run launch(Run run, User user) throws SlipStreamException { validateLaunch(run, user); String command = getCommandRunInstances() + createCliParameters(getLaunchParams(run, user)); String result; String[] commands = { "sh", "-c", command }; try { result = ProcessUtils.execGetOutput(commands, false, getCommandEnvironment(run, user)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw (new SlipStreamInternalException(e)); } catch (ProcessException e) { try { String[] instanceData = parseRunInstanceResult(e.getStdOut(), this.log); updateInstanceIdAndIpOnRun(run, instanceData[0], instanceData[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { } throw e; } finally { cleanupAfterLaunch(); } String[] instanceData = parseRunInstanceResult(result, this.log); String instanceId = instanceData[0]; String ipAddress = instanceData[1]; updateInstanceIdAndIpOnRun(run, instanceId, ipAddress); return run; } @Override public Map<String, Properties> describeInstances(User user, int timeout) throws SlipStreamException { validateCredentials(user); String command = getCommandDescribeInstances() + createTimeoutParameter(timeout) + createCliParameters(getUserParams(user)); String result; String[] commands = { "sh", "-c", command }; try { result = ProcessUtils.execGetOutput(commands, getCommonEnvironment(user), false); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw (new SlipStreamInternalException(e)); } finally { cleanupAfterDescribeInstances(); } return parseDescribeInstanceResult(result); } private String createTimeoutParameter(int timeout) { return " -t " + timeout + " "; } @Override public void terminate(Run run, User user) throws SlipStreamException { validateCredentials(user); List<String> instanceIds = getCloudNodeInstanceIds(run); if(instanceIds.isEmpty()){ throw new SlipStreamClientException("There is no instances to terminate"); } StringBuilder instances = new StringBuilder(); for (String id : instanceIds) { instances.append(id.trim()).append("\n"); } + ". Terminating all instances on run " + run.getUuid()); File tempFile; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("instance-ids", ".tmp"); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFile)); bw.write(instances.toString()); bw.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SlipStreamRuntimeException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } String command = getCommandTerminateInstances() + createCliParameters(getUserParams(user)) + " --instance-ids-file " + tempFile.getPath(); String[] commands = { "sh", "-c", command}; try { ProcessUtils.execGetOutput(commands, getCommonEnvironment(user)); } catch (SlipStreamClientException e) { + ". Failed to terminate instances on run " + run.getUuid()); } catch (IOException e) { + ". IO error while terminating instances on run " + run.getUuid()); } finally { if (!tempFile.delete()) { getLog().warning("Cannot delete temporary file: " + tempFile.getPath()); } cleanupAfterTerminate(); } } private void cleanupAfterLaunch() { deleteTempSshKeyFile(); connectorCleanupAfterCliCall(); } private void cleanupAfterDescribeInstances() { connectorCleanupAfterCliCall(); } private void cleanupAfterTerminate() { connectorCleanupAfterCliCall(); } protected void connectorCleanupAfterCliCall() { // } private String createCliParameters(Map<String, String> params) { String cliParams = ""; for (Map.Entry<String, String> param: params.entrySet()) { String value = param.getValue(); cliParams += "--" + param.getKey() + " "; if (value != null) { cliParams += wrapInSingleQuotes(value) + " "; } } return cliParams; } private Map<String, String> getLaunchParams(Run run, User user) throws ConfigurationException, SlipStreamClientException { Map<String, String> launchParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); launchParams.putAll(getUserParams(user)); launchParams.putAll(getGenericLaunchParams(run, user)); launchParams.putAll(getConnectorSpecificLaunchParams(run, user)); return launchParams; } protected Map<String, String> getGenericLaunchParams(Run run, User user) throws ConfigurationException, SlipStreamClientException { Map<String, String> launchParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); launchParams.put("image-id", getImageId(run, user)); launchParams.put("network-type", getNetwork(run)); putLaunchParamPlatform(launchParams, run); putLaunchParamLoginUserAndPassword(launchParams, run); putLaunchParamExtraDiskVolatile(launchParams, run); putLaunchParamRootDiskSize(launchParams, run); putLaunchParamNativeContextualization(launchParams, run); return launchParams; } private void putLaunchParamPlatform(Map<String, String> launchParams, Run run) throws ValidationException { if (!isInOrchestrationContext(run)) { launchParams.put("platform", ((ImageModule) run.getModule()).getPlatform()); } } private void putLaunchParamLoginUserAndPassword(Map<String, String> launchParams, Run run) throws ValidationException { try { launchParams.put("login-username", getLoginUsername(run)); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { } String loginPassword = null; try { loginPassword = getLoginPassword(run); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { } catch (ValidationException e) { } if (loginPassword != null && !loginPassword.isEmpty()) { launchParams.put("login-password", loginPassword); } } private void putLaunchParamRootDiskSize(Map<String, String> launchParams, Run run) throws ValidationException { if (!isInOrchestrationContext(run)) { String rootDiskGb = getRootDisk((ImageModule) run.getModule()); if (rootDiskGb != null && !rootDiskGb.isEmpty()) { launchParams.put("disk", rootDiskGb); } } } private void putLaunchParamExtraDiskVolatile(Map<String, String> launchParams, Run run) throws ValidationException { if (!isInOrchestrationContext(run)) { String extraDiskGb = getExtraDiskVolatile((ImageModule) run.getModule()); if (extraDiskGb != null && !extraDiskGb.isEmpty()) { launchParams.put("extra-disk-volatile", extraDiskGb); } } } protected void putLaunchParamNativeContextualization(Map<String, String> launchParams, Run run) throws ValidationException { String key = SystemConfigurationParametersFactoryBase.NATIVE_CONTEXTUALIZATION_KEY; String nativeContextualization = Configuration.getInstance().getProperty(constructKey(key)); if (nativeContextualization != null) { launchParams.put(key, nativeContextualization); } } protected void putLaunchParamSecurityGroups(Map<String, String> launchParams, Run run, User user) throws ValidationException { String securityGroups = getSecurityGroups(run, user); if (securityGroups != null && !securityGroups.isEmpty()) { launchParams.put("security-groups", securityGroups); } } private Map<String, String> getUserParams(User user) throws ValidationException { Map<String, String> userParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); userParams.putAll(getGenericUserParams(user)); userParams.putAll(getConnectorSpecificUserParams(user)); return userParams; } protected Map<String, String> getGenericUserParams(User user) { Map<String, String> userParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); userParams.put(UserParametersFactoryBase.KEY_PARAMETER_NAME, getKey(user)); return userParams; } private String getVerbosityLevel(User user) throws ValidationException { String key = ExecutionControlUserParametersFactory.VERBOSITY_LEVEL; String qualifiedKey = new ExecutionControlUserParametersFactory().constructKey(key); String defaultValue = ExecutionControlUserParametersFactory.VERBOSITY_LEVEL_DEFAULT; return user.getParameterValue(qualifiedKey, defaultValue); } protected Map<String, String> getCommandEnvironment(Run run, User user) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException { Map<String, String> environment = getCommonEnvironment(user); environment.putAll(getContextualizationEnvironment(run, user)); environment.putAll(getCliParamsEnvironment(run, user)); environment.putAll(getConnectorSpecificEnvironment(run, user)); return environment; } private Map<String, String> getContextualizationEnvironment(Run run, User user) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException { Configuration configuration = Configuration.getInstance(); String username = user.getName(); String verbosityLevel = getVerbosityLevel(user); String nodeInstanceName = getInstanceName(run); Map<String,String> environment = new HashMap<String,String>(); environment.put("SLIPSTREAM_DIID", run.getName()); environment.put("SLIPSTREAM_SERVICEURL", configuration.baseUrl); environment.put("SLIPSTREAM_NODE_INSTANCE_NAME", nodeInstanceName); environment.put("SLIPSTREAM_CLOUD", getCloudServiceName()); environment.put("SLIPSTREAM_BUNDLE_URL", configuration.getRequiredProperty("slipstream.update.clienturl")); environment.put("SLIPSTREAM_BOOTSTRAP_BIN", configuration.getRequiredProperty("slipstream.update.clientbootstrapurl")); environment.put("SLIPSTREAM_USERNAME", username); environment.put("SLIPSTREAM_COOKIE", generateCookie(username, run.getUuid())); environment.put("SLIPSTREAM_VERBOSITY_LEVEL", verbosityLevel); environment.put("CLOUDCONNECTOR_BUNDLE_URL", getCloudConnectorBundleUrl(user)); environment.put("CLOUDCONNECTOR_PYTHON_MODULENAME", getCloudConnectorPythonModule()); return environment; } protected Map<String, String> getCommonEnvironment(User user) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException { Map<String,String> environment = new HashMap<String,String>(); environment.put("SLIPSTREAM_CONNECTOR_INSTANCE", getConnectorInstanceName()); environment.put("__SLIPSTREAM_CLOUD_PASSWORD", getSecret(user)); return environment; } private Map<String, String> getCliParamsEnvironment(Run run, User user) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException { String isOrchestrator = (isInOrchestrationContext(run)) ? "True" : "False"; String publicSshKey; try { publicSshKey = getPublicSshKey(run, user); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage()); } Map<String,String> environment = new HashMap<String,String>(); environment.put("__SLIPSTREAM_SSH_PUB_KEY", publicSshKey); environment.put("IS_ORCHESTRATOR", isOrchestrator); return environment; } protected String getSecurityGroups(Run run, User user) throws ValidationException { return (isInOrchestrationContext(run)) ? getOrchestratorSecurityGroups(user) : getImageSecurityGroups(run); } protected String getOrchestratorSecurityGroups(User user) throws ValidationException { return getCloudParameterValue(user, ModuleParametersFactoryBase.SECURITY_GROUPS_PARAMETER_NAME, ""); } protected String getImageSecurityGroups(Run run) throws ValidationException { ImageModule machine = ImageModule.load(run.getModuleResourceUrl()); return getParameterValue(ModuleParametersFactoryBase.SECURITY_GROUPS_PARAMETER_NAME, machine); } private static void addToPropertiesIfExistAndNotEmpty(Properties properties, String[] parts, int column, String key) { if (parts.length > column) { String value = parts[column].trim(); if (!value.isEmpty()) properties.put(key, value); } } public static Map<String, Properties> parseDescribeInstanceResult(String result) throws SlipStreamException { Map<String, Properties> instances = new HashMap<String, Properties>(); List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); Collections.addAll(lines, result.split("\n")); lines.remove(0); // Remove the header line for (String line : lines) { Properties properties = new Properties(); String[] parts = line.trim().split(","); if (parts.length < 2) { throw (new SlipStreamException("Error returned by describe command. Got: " + result)); } String instanceId = parts[0].trim(); properties.put(VM_STATE, parts[1].trim()); addToPropertiesIfExistAndNotEmpty(properties, parts, 2, VM_IP); addToPropertiesIfExistAndNotEmpty(properties, parts, 3, VM_CPU); addToPropertiesIfExistAndNotEmpty(properties, parts, 4, VM_RAM); addToPropertiesIfExistAndNotEmpty(properties, parts, 5, VM_DISK); addToPropertiesIfExistAndNotEmpty(properties, parts, 6, VM_INSTANCE_TYPE); instances.put(instanceId, properties); } return instances; } public static String[] parseRunInstanceResult(String result) throws SlipStreamClientException { return parseRunInstanceResult(result, Logger.getGlobal()); } public static String[] parseRunInstanceResult(String result, Logger log) throws SlipStreamClientException { String id = null; String ip = null; String[] lines = result.split("\n"); for (String line: lines) { String[] parts = line.trim().split(","); if (parts.length >= 1 && ! parts[0].trim().isEmpty()) { id = parts[0]; } if (parts.length >= 2 && ! parts[1].trim().isEmpty()) { ip = parts[1]; } } if (id == null) { throw (new SlipStreamClientException("Error returned by launch command. Got: " + result)); } if (ip == null) { log.warning("No IP were returned by the launch command"); } String[] id_ip = {id, ip}; return id_ip; } protected String wrapInSingleQuotesOrNull(String value) { if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return wrapInSingleQuotes(value); } } protected String wrapInSingleQuotes(String value) { return "'" + value.replaceAll("'","'\\\\''") + "'"; } protected String getNetwork(Run run) throws ValidationException { if (isInOrchestrationContext(run)) { return "Public"; } else { ImageModule machine = ImageModule.load(run.getModuleResourceUrl()); return machine.getParameterValue(ImageModule.NETWORK_KEY, null); } } protected String getErrorMessageLastPart(User user) { return ", please edit your <a href='/user/" + user.getName() + "'> user account</a>"; } protected void validateCredentials(User user) throws ValidationException { String errorMessageLastPart = getErrorMessageLastPart(user); if (getKey(user) == null || getKey(user).isEmpty()) { throw (new ValidationException( "Cloud Username cannot be empty" + errorMessageLastPart)); } if (getSecret(user) == null || getSecret(user).isEmpty()) { throw (new ValidationException( "Cloud Password cannot be empty" + errorMessageLastPart)); } } public String getCliLocation() { return CLI_LOCATION; } protected String getCommandGenericPart(){ return getCliLocation() + "/" + getCloudServiceName(); } protected String getCommandRunInstances() { return getCommandGenericPart() + "-run-instances "; } protected String getCommandTerminateInstances() { return getCommandGenericPart() + "-terminate-instances "; } protected String getCommandDescribeInstances() { return getCommandGenericPart() + "-describe-instances "; } }