package com.sixsq.slipstream.connector; /* * +=================================================================+ * SlipStream Server (WAR) * ===== * Copyright (C) 2013 SixSq Sarl ( * ===== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * -=================================================================- */ import com.sixsq.slipstream.configuration.Configuration; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.SlipStreamException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.SlipStreamRuntimeException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ValidationException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.metering.Metering; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.*; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction; import javax.persistence.Query; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.sixsq.slipstream.metrics.Metrics; import com.sixsq.slipstream.metrics.MetricsTimer; public class Collector { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Collector.class.getName()); private static MetricsTimer collectTimer = Metrics.newTimer(Collector.class, "collect"); public static final int EXCEPTION_OCCURRED = -2; public static final int NO_CREDENTIALS = -1; public static int collect(User user, Connector connector, int timeout) { return collect(user, connector, timeout, "test-worker"); } public static int collect(User user, Connector connector, int timeout, String workerId) { int res = EXCEPTION_OCCURRED; if (connector.isCredentialsSet(user)) { String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String logBase = "Worker " + workerId + ", collect request " + uuid + " [" + user.getName() + "/" + connector.getConnectorInstanceName() + "]"; + " - TODO"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); collectTimer.start(); try { res = describeInstances(user, connector, timeout); + " - DONE in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.severe(logBase + " - DONE in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + ". EXCEPTION: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { collectTimer.stop(); } } else { res = NO_CREDENTIALS; } return res; } private static int describeInstances(User user, Connector connector, int timeout) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException { user.addSystemParametersIntoUser(Configuration.getInstance().getParameters()); Map<String, Properties> instances = new HashMap<String, Properties>(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { instances = connector.describeInstances(user, timeout); } catch (SlipStreamException e) { logger.warning("Failed contacting cloud [SlipStreamException]: " + getUserCloudLogRepr(user, connector) + " with '" + e.getMessage() + "'"); return 0; } catch (SlipStreamRuntimeException e) { logger.warning("Failed contacting cloud [SlipStreamRuntimeException]: " + getUserCloudLogRepr(user, connector) + " with '" + e.getMessage() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log( Level.SEVERE, "Error in describeInstances for " + getUserCloudLogRepr(user, connector) + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { logTiming(user, connector, startTime, "describe VMs done."); } long describeStopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int vmsPopulated = populateVmsForCloud(user, connector, instances); logTiming(user, connector, describeStopTime, "populate DB VMs done."); return vmsPopulated; } private static int populateVmsForCloud(User user, Connector connector, Map<String, Properties> instances) { String cloud = connector.getConnectorInstanceName(); List<Vm> cloudVms = new ArrayList<Vm>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Properties> entry: instances.entrySet()) { String instanceId = entry.getKey(); Properties properties = entry.getValue(); String state = properties.getProperty(ConnectorBase.VM_STATE); Vm vm = new Vm(instanceId, cloud, state, user.getName(), connector.isVmUsable(state), properties.getProperty(ConnectorBase.VM_CPU), properties.getProperty(ConnectorBase.VM_RAM), properties.getProperty(ConnectorBase.VM_DISK), properties.getProperty(ConnectorBase.VM_INSTANCE_TYPE)); cloudVms.add(vm); } update(cloudVms, user.getName(), cloud); return instances.size(); } private static boolean isVmRunOwnedByUser(Vm vm, VmRuntimeParameterMapping vmRtpMap, String user) { if (vmRtpMap != null) { RuntimeParameter rp = vmRtpMap.getVmstateRuntimeParameter(); if(rp!=null) { logger.fine("isVmRunOwnedByUser:: Using state runtime parameter"); return user.equals(rp.getContainer().getUser()); } else { logger.warning("isVmRunOwnedByUser:: vmRtpMap.getVmstateRuntimeParameter is null"); } } if (vm != null) { logger.fine("isVmRunOwnedByUser:: Fallback to vm, vm.getRunOwner()=" + vm.getRunOwner()); return user.equals(vm.getRunOwner()); } else { logger.warning("isVmRunOwnedByUser:: Unable to determine ownership of VM!"); } return false; } private static Boolean isMeteringEnabled() { try { return Configuration.getMeteringEnabled(); } catch (ValidationException | ConfigurationException e) { logger.warning("Exception when calling 'Configuration.getMeteringEnabled' in 'Collector.isMeteringEnabled': " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } public static void update(List<Vm> cloudVms, String user, String cloud) { EntityManager em = PersistenceUtil.createEntityManager(); List<Vm> dbVms = getDbVms(user, cloud, em); EntityTransaction transaction = em.getTransaction(); VmsClassifier classifier = new VmsClassifier(cloudVms, dbVms); try { updateUsageRecords(classifier, user, cloud, em); transaction.begin(); updateGraphite(classifier, user, cloud, em); updateDbVmsWithCloudVms(classifier, em); transaction.commit(); em.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } em.close(); throw ex; } } private static void updateGraphite(VmsClassifier classifier, String user, String cloud, EntityManager em) { if (!isMeteringEnabled()) { return; } int cpu = 0; float ram = 0; float disk = 0; Map<String, Integer> instanceTypes = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Vm>> idDbCloud : classifier.stayingVms()) { Vm cloudVm = idDbCloud.getValue().get(VmsClassifier.CLOUD_VM); VmRuntimeParameterMapping cloudVmRtpMap = getMapping(cloudVm); if (isVmRunOwnedByUser(cloudVm, cloudVmRtpMap, user) && cloudVm.getIsUsable()) { Integer vmCpu = cloudVm.getCpu(); if (vmCpu != null) { cpu += vmCpu; } Float vmRam = cloudVm.getRam(); if (vmRam != null) { ram += vmRam; } Float vmDisk = cloudVm.getDisk(); if (vmDisk != null) { disk += vmDisk; } String instanceType = cloudVm.getInstanceType(); if (instanceType != null && !instanceType.isEmpty()) { Integer nb = 1; if (instanceTypes.containsKey(instanceType)) { nb = instanceTypes.get(instanceType) + 1; } instanceTypes.put(instanceType, nb); } } } Metering.populateVmMetrics(user, cloud, cpu, ram, disk, instanceTypes); } private static void updateUsageRecords(VmsClassifier classifier, String user, String cloud, EntityManager em) { for (Vm goneVm : classifier.goneVms()) { VmRuntimeParameterMapping goneVmRtpMap = getMapping(goneVm); if (isVmRunOwnedByUser(goneVm, goneVmRtpMap, user)) { UsageRecorder.insertEnd(goneVm.getInstanceId(), user, cloud, UsageRecorder.createVmMetrics(goneVm)); } } for (Vm newVm : classifier.newVms()) { VmRuntimeParameterMapping newVmRtpMap = getMapping(newVm); if (newVm.getIsUsable() && isVmRunOwnedByUser(newVm, newVmRtpMap, user)) { UsageRecorder.insertStart(newVm.getInstanceId(), user, cloud, UsageRecorder.createVmMetrics(newVm)); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Vm>> idDbCloud : classifier.stayingVms()) { Vm cloudVm = idDbCloud.getValue().get(VmsClassifier.CLOUD_VM); VmRuntimeParameterMapping cloudVmRtpMap = getMapping(cloudVm); if (!isVmRunOwnedByUser(cloudVm, cloudVmRtpMap, user)) { continue; } String instanceId = cloudVm.getInstanceId(); if (cloudVm.getIsUsable()) { UsageRecorder.insertStart(instanceId, user, cloud, UsageRecorder.createVmMetrics(cloudVm)); } else { UsageRecorder.insertEnd(instanceId, user, cloud, UsageRecorder.createVmMetrics(cloudVm)); } } } private static void updateDbVmsWithCloudVms(VmsClassifier classifier, EntityManager em) { for(Vm goneVm : classifier.goneVms()) { VmRuntimeParameterMapping goneVmRtpMap = getMapping(goneVm); setVmStateRuntimeParameter(em, goneVmRtpMap, "Unknown"); logger.fine("updateDbVmsWithCloudVms: Deleting from VM: id=" + goneVm.getInstanceId() + ", state=" + goneVm.getState()); em.remove(goneVm); } for(Vm newVm : classifier.newVms()) { VmRuntimeParameterMapping newVmRtpMap = getMapping(newVm); logger.fine("updateDbVmsWithCloudVms::looping newVms, newVmRtpMap=" + newVmRtpMap); if(newVmRtpMap != null) { logger.fine("updateDbVmsWithCloudVms::looping newVms, newVmRtpMap.runownwer=" + newVmRtpMap.getRunOwner()); } updateVmFromRuntimeParametersMappings(newVm, newVmRtpMap); setVmStateRuntimeParameter(em, newVmRtpMap, newVm); logger.fine("updateDbVmsWithCloudVms: Persisting into VM: id=" + newVm.getInstanceId() + ", state=" + newVm.getState()); em.persist(newVm); } for(Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Vm>> idDbCloud : classifier.stayingVms()) { Vm cloudVm = idDbCloud.getValue().get(VmsClassifier.CLOUD_VM); Vm dbVm = idDbCloud.getValue().get(VmsClassifier.DB_VM); VmRuntimeParameterMapping cloudVmRtpMap = getMapping(cloudVm); updateVmFromRuntimeParametersMappings(cloudVm, cloudVmRtpMap); boolean merge = false; boolean vmStateHasChanged = !cloudVm.getState().equals(dbVm.getState()); if (vmStateHasChanged) { dbVm.setState(cloudVm.getState()); dbVm.setIsUsable(cloudVm.getIsUsable()); // DB update setVmStateRuntimeParameter(em, cloudVmRtpMap, cloudVm); merge = true; } else { // DB update setVmstateIfNotYetSet(em, cloudVmRtpMap, cloudVm); } // VM coordinates related if (cloudVmRtpMap != null) { if (dbVm.getRunUuid() == null) { setRunUuid(dbVm, cloudVmRtpMap); merge = true; } if (dbVm.getRunOwner() == null) { setRunOwner(dbVm, cloudVmRtpMap); merge = true; } if (dbVm.getIp() == null) { // DB select setIp(dbVm, cloudVmRtpMap); merge = true; } if (dbVm.getName() == null) { setName(dbVm, cloudVmRtpMap); merge = true; } if (dbVm.getNodeName() == null) { setNodeName(dbVm, cloudVmRtpMap); merge = true; } if (dbVm.getNodeInstanceId() == null) { setNodeInstanceId(dbVm, cloudVmRtpMap); merge = true; } } // VM metrics related if (cloudVm.getCpu() != null && !cloudVm.getCpu().equals(dbVm.getCpu())) { dbVm.setCpu(cloudVm.getCpu()); merge = true; } if (cloudVm.getRam() != null && !cloudVm.getRam().equals(dbVm.getRam())) { dbVm.setRam(cloudVm.getRam()); merge = true; } if (cloudVm.getDisk() != null && !cloudVm.getDisk().equals(dbVm.getDisk())) { dbVm.setDisk(cloudVm.getDisk()); merge = true; } if (cloudVm.getInstanceType() != null && !cloudVm.getInstanceType().equals(dbVm.getInstanceType())) { dbVm.setInstanceType(cloudVm.getInstanceType()); merge = true; } if (merge) {"updateDbVmsWithCloudVms: Updating db VM: id=" + dbVm.getInstanceId() + ", state=" + dbVm.getState()); em.merge(dbVm); } else {"updateDbVmsWithCloudVms: Doing nothing with VM: id=" + dbVm.getInstanceId() + ", state=" + dbVm.getState()); } } } private static void updateVmFromRuntimeParametersMappings(Vm v, VmRuntimeParameterMapping m) { setIp(v, m); setName(v, m); setRunUuid(v, m); setRunOwner(v, m); setNodeName(v, m); setNodeInstanceId(v, m); } private static List<Vm> getDbVms(String user, String cloud, EntityManager em) { Query q = em.createNamedQuery("byUserAndCloud"); q.setParameter("user", user); q.setParameter("cloud", cloud); return q.getResultList(); } private static VmRuntimeParameterMapping getMapping(Vm v) { return VmRuntimeParameterMapping.find(v.getCloud(), v.getInstanceId()); } private static void setVmStateRuntimeParameter(EntityManager em, VmRuntimeParameterMapping m, Vm v) { setVmStateRuntimeParameter(em, m, v.getState()); } private static void setVmStateRuntimeParameter(EntityManager em, VmRuntimeParameterMapping m, String vmstate) { if (m != null) { RuntimeParameter rp = m.getVmstateRuntimeParameter(); rp.setValue(vmstate); em.merge(rp); } } private static void setVmstateIfNotYetSet(EntityManager em, VmRuntimeParameterMapping m, Vm v) { if (m != null) { RuntimeParameter rp = m.getVmstateRuntimeParameter(); if (!rp.isSet()) { setVmStateRuntimeParameter(em, m, v); } } } private static void setRunUuid(Vm v, VmRuntimeParameterMapping m) { if (m != null) { v.setRunUuid(m.getRunUuid()); } } private static void setRunOwner(Vm v, VmRuntimeParameterMapping m) { if (m != null) { v.setRunOwner(m.getRunOwner()); } } private static void setIp(Vm v, VmRuntimeParameterMapping m) { if (m != null) { RuntimeParameter rp = m.getHostnameRuntimeParameter(); if (rp.isSet()) { v.setIp(rp.getValue()); } } } private static void setName(Vm v, VmRuntimeParameterMapping m) { if (m != null) { v.setName(m.getName()); } } private static void setNodeName(Vm v, VmRuntimeParameterMapping m) { if (m != null) { v.setNodeName(m.getNodeName()); } } private static void setNodeInstanceId(Vm v, VmRuntimeParameterMapping m) { if (m != null) { v.setNodeInstanceId(m.getNodeInstanceId()); } } private static void logTiming(User user, Connector connector, long startTime, String info) { long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; logger.finer(getUserCloudLogRepr(user, connector) + " (" + elapsed + " ms) : " + info); } private static String getUserCloudLogRepr(User user, Connector connector) { return "[" + user.getName() + "/" + connector.getConnectorInstanceName() + "]"; } public static boolean areEquals(Comparable a, Comparable b) { if(a==null) { return b==null; } return b!=null && a.compareTo(b)==0; } }