/** Runes of Wizardry Mod for Minecraft
* Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3
* this file was created by Xilef11 on 2015-11-14
package com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.core.rune;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.init.SoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumParticleTypes;
import net.minecraft.util.SoundCategory;
import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentTranslation;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraft.world.WorldServer;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.api.DustRegistry;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.api.IDust;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.api.IRune;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.api.RuneEntity;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.block.BlockDustPlaced;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.core.ConfigHandler;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.core.WizardryLogger;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.core.WizardryRegistry;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.tileentity.TileEntityDustActive;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.tileentity.TileEntityDustDead;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.tileentity.TileEntityDustPlaced;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.util.ArrayUtils;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.util.Utils;
/** internal Utility/logic methods for Runes
* @author Xilef11
public class RunesUtil {
//no instance of this
private RunesUtil(){}
* Checks if a Rune is properly defined. Will throw an exception if something is wrong
* @param rune the IRune to validate
* @throws InvalidRuneException when the given rune is not correctly defined
public static RuneStats validateRune(IRune rune){
ItemStack[][] pattern = rune.getPattern();
int rows = pattern.length;
List<ItemStack> dusts = new LinkedList<ItemStack>();
//rows must be a multiple of 4
if(rows % TileEntityDustPlaced.ROWS !=0) throw new InvalidRuneException(rune,"The number of rows ("+rows+") is not a multiple of "+TileEntityDustPlaced.ROWS);
StringBuilder badRowsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0;i<rows;i++){
ItemStack[] row = pattern[i];
if(row ==null)throw new InvalidRuneException(rune, "Found a null row: "+i);
//columns must be a multiple of 4
if((row.length % TileEntityDustPlaced.COLS) ==0){
//Make sure every stack is an IDust and contains 1 item
for(int j=0;j<row.length;j++){
ItemStack stack = row[j];
if(stack==null) throw new InvalidRuneException(rune, "Some ItemStacks in this Rune's pattern are null. please use ItemStack.EMPTY");
if(!stack.isEmpty()){//null stacks are OK
if(!(stack.getItem() instanceof IDust)) throw new InvalidRuneException(rune,"The Item at position "+i+", "+j+" is not an IDust");
if(stack.getCount()!=1) throw new InvalidRuneException(rune,"The number of dusts at position "+i+", "+j+" must be 1");
//add to dust cost calculation
//if multiple rows have a bad # of columns, only 1 exception will be thrown for all of them
badRowsBuilder.append(" ");
String badRows = badRowsBuilder.toString();
throw new InvalidRuneException(rune, "The number of columns is not a multiple of "+TileEntityDustPlaced.COLS+" for the rows # "+badRows);
dusts = Utils.sortAndMergeStacks(dusts);
return new RuneStats(dusts, pattern[0].length/TileEntityDustPlaced.COLS, pattern.length/TileEntityDustPlaced.ROWS, rune.getEntityPosition().getX(), rune.getEntityPosition().getY());
* Finds and activates (if appropriate) a rune starting at pos
* @param pos the position around which to search for a rune
* @param world the world in which to search for a rune
public static void activateRune(World world, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer player){
if(world.isRemote)return;//work on the server only
TileEntity initial = world.getTileEntity(pos);
if(initial instanceof TileEntityDustPlaced){
TileEntityDustPlaced ted = (TileEntityDustPlaced) initial;
if(ted.isInRune())return;//maybe add message or something
WizardryLogger.logError("activateRune was called on a BlockPos that isn't placed dust!");
PatternFinder finder = new PatternFinder(world, pos);
ItemStack pattern[][] = finder.toArray();
RuneFacing match = matchPattern(pattern);
player.sendMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("runesofwizardry.message.norune"));
for(BlockPos p:finder.getDustPositions()){
killDusts(world, p);
if(!match.rune.canBeActivatedByPlayer(player, world, pos)){
WizardryLogger.logInfo("Player "+player.getName()+" did not have permission to activate "+match.rune.getName()+" at "+world+" pos "+pos);
ItemStack[] sacrifice=null;
boolean negated=false;
Set<EntityItem> sacList=new HashSet<EntityItem>();
for(BlockPos p: finder.getDustPositions()){
sacList.addAll(world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, new AxisAlignedBB(p,p.add(1,1,1))));
List<ItemStack> stacks= new LinkedList<ItemStack>();
for(EntityItem e: sacList){
ItemStack s =e.getEntityItem();
//add all items that are not the sacrifice negator
stacks.add(s.copy());//copy the stack just in case a rune needs it
WizardryLogger.logInfo("Found sacrifice: "+Arrays.deepToString(stacks.toArray(new ItemStack[0])));
//check if sacrifice matches rune
//translation OK
player.sendMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("runesofwizardry.message.badsacrifice", new TextComponentTranslation(match.rune.getName())));
for(EntityItem e:sacList){
if(world instanceof WorldServer){
((WorldServer)world).spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes.SMOKE_NORMAL, false, e.posX, e.posY, e.posZ, 1, 0d, 0.5d, 0d, 0d);
for(BlockPos p:finder.getDustPositions()){
killDusts(world, p);
//kill the items
for(EntityItem e:sacList){
if(world instanceof WorldServer){
//SPELL_MOB or SPELL_WITCH or SMOKE_LARGE are also options
((WorldServer)world).spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes.SMOKE_NORMAL, false, e.posX, e.posY, e.posZ, 1, 0d, 0.5d, 0d, 0d);
//if(!sacList.isEmpty())world.playSoundAtEntity(player, "mob.chicken.plop", 0.5F, 0.8F + (world.rand.nextFloat() - world.rand.nextFloat()) * 0.8F);
if(!sacList.isEmpty())world.playSound(null,player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ, SoundEvents.ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG, SoundCategory.AMBIENT, 0.5F, 0.8F + (world.rand.nextFloat() - world.rand.nextFloat()) * 0.8F);
sacrifice = stacks==null? null : stacks.toArray(new ItemStack[stacks.size()]);
//find the "top-left" corner
BlockPos topLeft;
BlockPos entityPos;//BlockPos seems to only have ints, maybe we need to use something else?
//NORTH is Z-, EAST is X+, UP is Y+
Vec3i offset = match.rune.getEntityPosition();
case NORTH: topLeft = finder.getNW();
entityPos = topLeft.add(offset.getX(), 0, offset.getY());
case EAST: topLeft = finder.getNE();
entityPos = topLeft.add(-(offset.getY()), 0, offset.getX());
case SOUTH: topLeft = finder.getSE();
entityPos = topLeft.add(-(offset.getX()),0,-(offset.getY()));
case WEST:topLeft = finder.getSW();
entityPos = topLeft.add(offset.getY(),0,-(offset.getX()));
default: throw new IllegalStateException("A rune is facing in an invalid direction: "+match.rune.getName()+" at "+pos+" facing "+match.top);
WizardryLogger.logInfo("Top-left block is :"+topLeft+" and entity Pos is: "+entityPos);
//check that the entity position is valid
throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to create a Rune with invalid entity position");
TileEntity tile = world.getTileEntity(entityPos);
if(!(tile instanceof TileEntityDustPlaced)){
throw new IllegalStateException("The TileEntity at "+entityPos+" isn't placed dust!");
TileEntityDustPlaced toReplace = (TileEntityDustPlaced)tile;
ItemStack[][] contents = toReplace.getContents();
//place the rune
world.setBlockState(entityPos, WizardryRegistry.dust_placed.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockDustPlaced.PROPERTYSTATE, BlockDustPlaced.STATE_ACTIVE));
TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(entityPos);
if(!(te instanceof TileEntityDustActive))throw new IllegalStateException("TileEntity not formed!");
TileEntityDustActive entity = (TileEntityDustActive)te;
//create the entity
RuneEntity runeEnt = match.rune.createRune(match.rotatedPattern,match.top, finder.getDustPositions(), entity);
for(BlockPos p:finder.getDustPositions()){
TileEntityDustPlaced t = (TileEntityDustPlaced)world.getTileEntity(p);
WizardryLogger.logInfo("Formed Rune: "+match.rune.getName()+" facing "+match.top+" by "+player.getDisplayNameString());
* Returns the IRune that matches a given ItemStack[][] pattern, or null if there isn't one
* @return null if there is no match, the IRune match otherwise.
private static RuneFacing matchPattern(ItemStack[][] dusts){
for(IRune rune : DustRegistry.getAllRunes()){
ItemStack[][] pattern = rune.getPattern();
//NORTH check
if(PatternUtils.patternsEqual(pattern, dusts)&&rune.patternMatchesExtraCondition(dusts)) return new RuneFacing(rune, EnumFacing.NORTH,dusts);
dusts = ArrayUtils.rotateCCW(dusts);
if(PatternUtils.patternsEqual(pattern, dusts)&&rune.patternMatchesExtraCondition(dusts)) return new RuneFacing(rune, EnumFacing.EAST,dusts);
dusts = ArrayUtils.rotateCCW(dusts);
if(PatternUtils.patternsEqual(pattern, dusts)&&rune.patternMatchesExtraCondition(dusts)) return new RuneFacing(rune, EnumFacing.SOUTH,dusts);
dusts = ArrayUtils.rotateCCW(dusts);
if(PatternUtils.patternsEqual(pattern, dusts)&&rune.patternMatchesExtraCondition(dusts)) return new RuneFacing(rune, EnumFacing.WEST,dusts);
//rotate the dusts back to north - this is what was causing the wierdness...
dusts = ArrayUtils.rotateCCW(dusts);
return null;
* This method changes the TileEntityDustActive associated to a rune to a TileEntityDustPlaced with the same contents, effectively deactivating the rune.
* @param rune the rune to deactivate
public static void deactivateRune(RuneEntity rune){
ItemStack[][] contents = rune.entity.getContents();
BlockPos pos = rune.getPos();
World world = rune.entity.getWorld();
TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(pos);
if(te instanceof TileEntityDustPlaced){
//throw new IllegalStateException("TileEntity wasn't placed dust: "+te);
Throwable t = new IllegalStateException("TileEntity wasn't placed dust: "+te);
WizardryLogger.logException(Level.ERROR, t, "Error deactivating rune (1)");
//set all entities as not in a rune
for(BlockPos p:rune.dustPositions){
TileEntity te1 = world.getTileEntity(p);
if(te1 instanceof TileEntityDustPlaced){
IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos);
world.notifyBlockUpdate(pos, state, state, 3);
//throw new IllegalStateException("TileEntity wasn't placed dust: "+te1);
Throwable t = new IllegalStateException("TileEntity wasn't placed dust: "+te1);
WizardryLogger.logException(Level.ERROR, t, "Error deactivating rune (2)");
* Sets all the dust blocks connected to a Rune to dead dust
* @param rune the rune for wich to kill all dusts
public static void killAllDustsInRune(RuneEntity rune){
World world = rune.entity.getWorld();
for(BlockPos p: rune.dustPositions){
killDusts(world, p);
* Replaces all dusts in the TileEntityDustPlaced given by {@code worldIn} and {@code pos} to dead dust
* @param worldIn
* @param pos
public static void killDusts(World worldIn,BlockPos pos){
if(worldIn.isRemote)return;//no need to do work on both client and server if we're going to update
TileEntity en = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos);
if(en instanceof TileEntityDustPlaced){
TileEntityDustPlaced ted = (TileEntityDustPlaced)en;
ItemStack[][] contents = ted.getContents();
for(int i=0;i<contents.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<contents[i].length;j++){
if(!contents[i][j].isEmpty())contents[i][j]=new ItemStack(WizardryRegistry.dust_dead);
worldIn.setBlockState(pos, WizardryRegistry.dust_placed.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockDustPlaced.PROPERTYSTATE, BlockDustPlaced.STATE_DEAD));
en = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos);
if(!(en instanceof TileEntityDustDead))throw new IllegalStateException("TileEntity not formed!");
TileEntityDustDead ded = (TileEntityDustDead)en;
//TODO particles?
IBlockState state = worldIn.getBlockState(pos);
worldIn.notifyBlockUpdate(pos, state, state, 3);
WizardryLogger.logError("killDustForEntity was called with a BlockPos that does not have a TileEntityDustPlaced! :"+pos);
* Represents a pair of IRune and EnumFacing, where the EnumFacing represents the direction of the "top" of the IRune pattern
private static class RuneFacing{
public IRune rune;
public EnumFacing top;
public ItemStack[][] rotatedPattern;
public RuneFacing(IRune rune, EnumFacing top,ItemStack[][] rotatedPattern){
* This class serves to document various properties of the rune calculated during validation for efficiency
* @author Xilef11
public static class RuneStats{
public final List<ItemStack> dustCosts;
public final int xsize,ysize;
public final int centerx,centery;
private RuneStats(List<ItemStack> dustCosts, int xsize, int ysize,
int centerx, int centery) {
this.dustCosts = dustCosts;
this.xsize = xsize;
this.ysize = ysize;
this.centerx = centerx;
this.centery = centery;
/** This exception is thrown by {@link RunesUtil#validateRune(IRune)} when the rune is invalid
* @author Xilef11
public static class InvalidRuneException extends RuntimeException{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2125761965795670536L;
/** constructs an InvalidException with the message and name of the rune
* @param rune the rune that caused the exception
* @param message details on the error
public InvalidRuneException(IRune rune, String message){
super(rune.getName()+": "+message);