/** Runes of Wizardry Mod for Minecraft
* Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3
* this file was created by Xilef11 on 2016-01-06
package com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.core.rune;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.JsonIOException;
import com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.api.DustRegistry;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.api.IDust;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.core.References;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.tileentity.TileEntityDustPlaced;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.util.ArrayUtils;
import com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.util.json.JsonUtils;
/** This class contains utility methods for managing the ItemStack[][] patterns
* @author Xilef11
public class PatternUtils {
/** Rotates a given pattern so the top is the facing direction,
* i.e if the top row contains the northmost elements,
* makes it so that the top row contains the [facing]most elements.
* @param patternIn an ItemStack[][] where the top row ([0][x]) represents NORTH
* @param facing the facing to rotate the pattern to
* @return a new ItemStack[][] which is a rotation of {@code patternIn} so that the top row ([0][x]) represents {@code facing}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code facing} is not horizontal (NESW)
public static ItemStack[][] rotateToFacing(ItemStack[][] patternIn, EnumFacing facing){
ItemStack[][] result;
case NORTH: result = patternIn;
break;//no need to do anything
case WEST: result = ArrayUtils.rotateCW(patternIn);
case SOUTH: result = ArrayUtils.rotate180(patternIn);
case EAST: result = ArrayUtils.rotateCCW(patternIn);
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Facing: "+facing+" is not horizontal!");
return result;
/** Rotates a pattern so that what was at the top (north) is now in the provided direction.
* i.e if the facing is EAST, the east column will contain the "top" row of the pattern.
* This effectively reverses {@link #rotateToFacing(ItemStack[][], EnumFacing)}
* @param patternIn the pattern to rotate
* @param facing the direction in which to rotate the pattern
* @return a copy of {@code patternIn}, rotated in the {@code facing} direction
public static ItemStack[][] rotateAgainstFacing(ItemStack[][] patternIn, EnumFacing facing){
ItemStack[][] result;
case NORTH: result = patternIn;
break;//no need to do anything
case WEST: result = ArrayUtils.rotateCCW(patternIn);
case SOUTH: result = ArrayUtils.rotate180(patternIn);
case EAST: result = ArrayUtils.rotateCW(patternIn);
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Facing: "+facing+" is not horizontal!");
return result;
/** Checks if two ItemStack[][] patterns of IDust are equal (for rune purposes)
* @param first the first pattern to compare
* @param second the second pattern to compare
* @return true if the patterns match, false otherwise (including if any of the ItemStacks do not contain IDusts)
public static boolean patternsEqual(ItemStack[][] first, ItemStack[][] second){
if(first==second)return true;//for efficiency, but should not happen.
//check the size of the patterns to make sure they match
if(first.length!=second.length)return false;
if(first[0].length!=second[0].length)return false;
//check all dust sets in the pattern
for(int r=0;r<first.length;r++){
for(int c=0;c<first[0].length;c++){
ItemStack secStack = second[r][c];
ItemStack firstStack = first[r][c];
if(firstStack!=secStack && !(firstStack.isEmpty() && secStack.isEmpty())){//efficiency again
//if one is null, its not equal to the other (because empty==empty above)
if(firstStack.isEmpty() || secStack.isEmpty())return false;
IDust dust1 = DustRegistry.getDustFromItemStack(firstStack);
IDust dust2 = DustRegistry.getDustFromItemStack(secStack);
//if at least one of the dusts accepts the other as a match, its OK.
if(!(dust1.dustsMatch(firstStack, secStack)
||dust2.dustsMatch(secStack, firstStack))){
return false;
return true;
* Checks if a pattern is empty
* @param pattern the pattern to check
* @return true if all ItemStacks are null
public static boolean isEmpty(ItemStack[][] pattern){
for(ItemStack[] i:pattern){
for(ItemStack s:i){
if(!s.isEmpty())return false;
return true;
* Writes an ItemStack[][] pattern to a JSON file, which is <MC run dir>/runesofwizardry_exported_patterns/<name>.json.
* <br/> Note that if a file with that name already exists, it is saved as <name>_n.json, i.e example_2.json
* @param pattern The pattern to save
* @param name the name of the file to write
* @return the File object representing the written JSON file
* @throws JsonIOException
* @throws IOException
public static File exportPatternJson(ItemStack[][] pattern, String name) throws JsonIOException, IOException{
File exportFolder = new File(References.export_folder);
Gson gson = JsonUtils.getItemStackGson();
File file = new File(exportFolder,name);
//add file number if it exists
int n=2;
file = new File(exportFolder, name+"_"+n+".json");
Writer out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
//Convert ItemStack.EMPTY to null (makes things easier on import to make sure == works)
for(int i=0;i<pattern.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<pattern[i].length;j++){
return file;
* Returns the ItemStack[][] pattern described by the json file at a ResourceLocation<br/>
* Note that the JSON file must have been created by PatternUtils#exportPatternJson (i.e the rw_export command)
* @param location the ResourceLocation of the json file, i.e: modid:patterns/pattern.json would point to assets/modid/patterns/pattern.json inside your jar
* @return the ItemStack[][] pattern described by the file at <location>
* @throws IOException
* @throws JsonSyntaxException
* @throws JsonIOException
public static ItemStack[][] importFromJson(ResourceLocation location) throws IOException, JsonSyntaxException, JsonIOException{
String path = "assets/"+location.getResourceDomain()+"/"+location.getResourcePath();
//Supposedly the "normal" way to do it, but always return null
//InputStream in = Loader.instance().getModClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path);
//This works (with no initial / only). (seems to work even if not our jar)
InputStream in = PatternUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path);
if(in==null)throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find file: "+path);
Gson gson = JsonUtils.getItemStackGson();
Reader read = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
ItemStack[][] pattern = gson.fromJson(read, ItemStack[][].class);
//convert nulls to ItemStack.EMPTY
for(int i=0;i<pattern.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<pattern[i].length;j++){
return pattern;
* Returns the ItemStack[][] pattern described by the json file {@code filename} in the export dir (runesofwizardry_patterns)
* Note that the JSON file must have been created by PatternUtils#exportPatternJson (i.e the rw_export command)
* If the given String is of the form modid:path, this will wrap it in a ResourceLocation and call {@link #importFromJson(ResourceLocation)}
* @param filename the name of the file to import. .json will be appended to it if it isn't already
* @return the ItemStack[][] pattern described by the file supplied
* @throws IOException If the file can't be closed after reading
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the supplied filename can't be found
public static ItemStack[][] importFromJson(String filename)throws IOException,FileNotFoundException{
if(filename.contains(":"))return importFromJson(new ResourceLocation(filename));
File infile = new File(References.export_folder,filename);
infile = new File(References.export_folder,filename+".json");
infile = new File(References.export_folder,filename+".JSON");
throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find "+filename+", "+filename+".json, or "+filename+".JSON");
Reader read = new FileReader(infile);
Gson gson = JsonUtils.getItemStackGson();
ItemStack[][] stacks = gson.fromJson(read, ItemStack[][].class);
//convert nulls to ItemStack.EMPTY
for(int i=0;i<stacks.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<stacks[i].length;j++){
return stacks;
* Converts an ItemStack pattern to an array of TileEntityDustPlaced's contents that form the pattern.
* It should be assumed that the top-left contents is the north-west corner.
* @param pattern the pattern to convert
* @return the contents of the TileEntityDustPlaced required to form the pattern
public static ItemStack[][][][] toContentsArray(ItemStack[][] pattern){
int dustrows = pattern.length, dustcols = pattern[0].length;
int rows = dustrows/TileEntityDustPlaced.ROWS, cols = dustcols/TileEntityDustPlaced.COLS;
ItemStack[][][][] result = new ItemStack[rows][cols][TileEntityDustPlaced.ROWS][TileEntityDustPlaced.COLS];
for(int r=0;r<dustrows;r++){
for(int c=0;c<dustcols;c++){
return result;