package com.twelvemonkeys.util.convert; import com.twelvemonkeys.lang.ObjectAbstractTestCase; import com.twelvemonkeys.lang.Validate; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Arrays; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * PropertyConverterAbstractTestCase * <p/> * * @author <a href="">Harald Kuhr</a> * @author last modified by $Author: haku $ * @version $Id: //depot/branches/personal/haraldk/twelvemonkeys/release-2/twelvemonkeys-core/src/test/java/com/twelvemonkeys/util/convert/ $ */ public abstract class PropertyConverterAbstractTestCase extends ObjectAbstractTestCase { protected Object makeObject() { return makePropertyConverter(); } protected abstract PropertyConverter makePropertyConverter(); protected abstract Conversion[] getTestConversions(); @Test public void testConvert() { PropertyConverter converter = makePropertyConverter(); Conversion[] tests = getTestConversions(); for (Conversion test : tests) { Object obj; try { obj = converter.toObject(test.original(), test.type(), test.format()); assertEquals(String.format("'%s' converted to incorrect type", test.original()), test.type(), obj.getClass()); if (test.type().isArray()) { assertArrayEquals0(String.format("'%s' not converted", test.original()), test.value(), obj); } else { assertEquals(String.format("'%s' not converted", test.original()), test.value(), obj); } String result = converter.toString(test.value(), test.format()); assertEquals(String.format("'%s' does not match", test.converted()), test.converted(), result); obj = converter.toObject(result, test.type(), test.format()); assertEquals(String.format("'%s' converted to incorrect type", test.original()), test.type(), obj.getClass()); if (test.type().isArray()) { assertArrayEquals0(String.format("'%s' did not survive round trip conversion", test.original()), test.value(), obj); } else { assertEquals(String.format("'%s' did not survive round trip conversion", test.original()), test.value(), obj); } } catch (ConversionException e) { failBecause(String.format("Converting '%s' to %s failed", test.original(), test.type()), e); } } } private static void assertArrayEquals0(final String message, final Object left, final Object right) { Class<?> componentType = left.getClass().getComponentType(); if (componentType.isPrimitive()) { if (int.class == componentType) { assertArrayEquals(message, (int[]) left, (int[]) right); } else if (short.class == componentType) { assertArrayEquals(message, (short[]) left, (short[]) right); } else if (long.class == componentType) { assertArrayEquals(message, (long[]) left, (long[]) right); } else if (float.class == componentType) { assertArrayEquals(message, (float[]) left, (float[]) right, 0f); } else if (double.class == componentType) { assertArrayEquals(message, (double[]) left, (double[]) right, 0d); } else if (boolean.class == componentType) { assertTrue(message, Arrays.equals((boolean[]) left, (boolean[]) right)); } else if (byte.class == componentType) { assertArrayEquals(message, (byte[]) left, (byte[]) right); } else if (char.class == componentType) { assertArrayEquals(message, (char[]) left, (char[]) right); } else { fail(String.format("Unknown primitive type: %s", componentType)); } } else { assertArrayEquals(message, (Object[]) left, (Object[]) right); } } private static void failBecause(String message, Throwable exception) { AssertionError error = new AssertionError(message); error.initCause(exception); throw error; } public static final class Conversion { private final String strVal; private final Object objVal; private final String format; private final String convertedStrVal; public Conversion(String pStrVal, Object pObjVal) { this(pStrVal, pObjVal, null); } public Conversion(String pStrVal, Object pObjVal, String pFormat) { this(pStrVal, pObjVal, pFormat, pStrVal); } public Conversion(String pStrVal, Object pObjVal, String pFormat, String pConvertedStrVal) { Validate.notNull(pStrVal, "strVal"); Validate.notNull(pObjVal, "objVal"); Validate.notNull(pConvertedStrVal, "convertedStrVal"); strVal = pStrVal; objVal = pObjVal; format = pFormat; convertedStrVal = pConvertedStrVal; } public String original() { return strVal; } public Object value() { return objVal; } public Class type() { return objVal.getClass(); } public String format() { return format; } public String converted() { return convertedStrVal; } } }