/* * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.twelvemonkeys.util; import java.util.*; /** * Tests LRUMap. * * @version $Revision: #2 $ $Date: 2008/07/15 $ * * @author James Strachan * @author Morgan Delagrange * @author Stephen Colebourne */ public class LRUMapTestCase extends LinkedMapTestCase { public boolean isGetStructuralModify() { return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- public Map makeEmptyMap() { return new LRUMap(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- public void testRemoveLRU() { LRUMap<Integer, String> map2 = new LRUMap<Integer, String>(3); map2.put(1,"foo"); map2.put(2,"foo"); map2.put(3,"foo"); map2.put(4,"foo"); // removes 1 since max size exceeded map2.removeLRU(); // should be Integer(2) assertTrue("Second to last value should exist",map2.get(new Integer(3)).equals("foo")); assertTrue("First value inserted should not exist", map2.get(new Integer(1)) == null); } public void testMultiplePuts() { LRUMap<Integer, String> map2 = new LRUMap<Integer, String>(2); map2.put(1,"foo"); map2.put(2,"bar"); map2.put(3,"foo"); map2.put(4,"bar"); assertTrue("last value should exist",map2.get(new Integer(4)).equals("bar")); assertTrue("LRU should not exist", map2.get(new Integer(1)) == null); } /** * Confirm that putAll(Map) does not cause the LRUMap * to exceed its maxiumum size. */ public void testPutAll() { LRUMap<Integer, String> map2 = new LRUMap<Integer, String>(3); map2.put(1,"foo"); map2.put(2,"foo"); map2.put(3,"foo"); HashMap<Integer, String> hashMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); hashMap.put(4,"foo"); map2.putAll(hashMap); assertTrue("max size is 3, but actual size is " + map2.size(), map2.size() == 3); assertTrue("map should contain the Integer(4) object", map2.containsKey(new Integer(4))); } /** * Test that the size of the map is reduced immediately * when setMaximumSize(int) is called */ public void testSetMaximumSize() { LRUMap<String, String> map = new LRUMap<String, String>(6); map.put("1","1"); map.put("2","2"); map.put("3","3"); map.put("4","4"); map.put("5","5"); map.put("6","6"); map.setMaxSize(3); assertTrue("map should have size = 3, but actually = " + map.size(), map.size() == 3); } public void testGetPromotion() { LRUMap<String, String> map = new LRUMap<String, String>(3); map.put("1","1"); map.put("2","2"); map.put("3","3"); // LRU is now 1 (then 2 then 3) // promote 1 to top // eviction order is now 2,3,1 map.get("1"); // add another value, forcing a remove // 2 should be evicted (then 3,1,4) map.put("4","4"); Iterator<String> keyIterator = map.keySet().iterator(); Object[] keys = new Object[3]; for (int i = 0; keyIterator.hasNext() ; ++i) { keys[i] = keyIterator.next(); } assertTrue("first evicted should be 3, was " + keys[0], keys[0].equals("3")); assertTrue("second evicted should be 1, was " + keys[1], keys[1].equals("1")); assertTrue("third evicted should be 4, was " + keys[2], keys[2].equals("4")); } /** * You should be able to subclass LRUMap and perform a * custom action when items are removed automatically * by the LRU algorithm (the removeLRU() method). */ public void testLRUSubclass() { LRUCounter<String, String> counter = new LRUCounter<String, String>(3); // oldest <--> newest // 1 counter.put("1","foo"); // 1 2 counter.put("2","foo"); // 1 2 3 counter.put("3","foo"); // 2 3 1 counter.put("1","foo"); // 3 1 4 (2 goes out) counter.put("4","foo"); // 1 4 5 (3 goes out) counter.put("5","foo"); // 4 5 2 (1 goes out) counter.put("2","foo"); // 4 2 counter.remove("5"); assertTrue("size should be 2, but was " + counter.size(), counter.size() == 2); assertTrue("removedCount should be 3 but was " + counter.removedCount, counter.removedCount == 3); assertTrue("first removed was '2'",counter.list.get(0).equals("2")); assertTrue("second removed was '3'",counter.list.get(1).equals("3")); assertTrue("third removed was '1'",counter.list.get(2).equals("1")); //assertTrue("oldest key is '4'",counter.get(0).equals("4")); //assertTrue("newest key is '2'",counter.get(1).equals("2")); } private class LRUCounter<K, V> extends LRUMap<K, V> { int removedCount = 0; List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(3); LRUCounter(int i) { super(i); } public void processRemoved(Entry pEntry) { ++removedCount; list.add(pEntry.getKey()); } } }